05 23 2023 Regular Meeting Minutesrs-rl 1924 WASHINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES VIRTUAL AND IN PERSON TUESDAY, May 23, 2023 Call to Order: Mayor Joe DePinto called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Roll Call: Joseph Richardson, Joshua Crossman, Holly Smith, Brian Hess, Ashley Brooks, Terry Kaminski, and Mayor Joe DePinto. Staff Present: City Administrator Todd Stancil, City Clerk Kathy Linnemeyer, Public Services Director Cody Colt, Projects and Programs Manager Brad Chatwood, and Planning and Building Manager Gary Cooper APPROVAL OF THE Motion by Holly Smith to approve the agenda as presented AGENDA Seconded by Brian Hess Motion carried 6-0 SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: None PUBLIC COMMENT: Kimberly Johnston, founder of Adventure Friends youth group introduced the group and informed Council of the group's activities. Jon Reno stated that a business operating at the City Park is illegally operating as a sole proprietor and stated that the City is not following the laws and codes. Jon Hoffman is troubled by the June 10th event. Ryan Olski shared concerns about the drag show. CONSENT AGENDA: a) May 2, 2023 Study Session Minutes and May 9, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes Motion by Brian Hess to approve the consent agenda as presented Seconded by Terry Kaminski Motion carried 6-0 NEW BUSINESS: Approval to Purchase a Wind Sculpture Motion by Brian Hess to approve the purchase of the Ponderosa wind sculpture from Freed Gallery to be placed at the trail head on Yelm Avenue in the amount of $4,350 plus tax and shipping. Seconded by Joseph Richardson Motion carried 5-1 Supplemental Agreement #5 to the Professional Services Agreement Skillings, Inc. Construction Management Services — Of Leash Dog Park Phase 2 Motion by Holly Smith to authorize Mayor DePinto to sign Supplemental Agreement #5 to the Professional Services Agreement with Skillings Inc. in the not to exceed amount of $73,748.00 for construction management services for the Phase 2 construction of the Off -Leash Dog Park. Seconded by Joshua Crossman Motion carried 5-1 Resolution No. 636 — Vacating the utility easement burdening the property located at 106 W Yelm Ave (Parcel#85800100100) Motion by Joshua Crossman to approve Resolution No. 636 to vacate an existing utility easement located at 106 W Yelm Ave (Parcel# 85800100100). Seconded by Terry Kaminski Motion carried 6-0 Ordinance No. 1095 — Updating Title 18 Unified Development Code & Title 5 Business Licenses and Regulations Motion by Joshua Crossman to approve Ordinance No. 1095 updating Title 18 City of Yelm Development Code and Title 5 Yelm Business Licenses and Regulations. Seconded by Joseph Richardson Motion by Brian Hess to approve Ordinance No. 1096 with the exception of 18.71. Seconded by Ashely Brooks. Motion passed 4-2 Original Motion carried as amended 6-0 Ordinance No. 1096 — Rezone Parcels 21724120200 & 2172120100 from Commercial (C-1) to Moderate Density Residential (R-6) Motion by Terry Kaminski to approve Ordinance No. 1096 to rezone the parcels located at 9410 Mountain View Road and Killion Road from Commercial (C-1) to Moderate Density Residential (R-6) Seconded by Holly Smith Motion carried 6-0 with a roll call vote Page 2 of 4 May 23, 2023 City of Yelm Regular Council Meeting. These minutes record the official actions of the Yelm City Council. Complete recordings are availahle on the City of Yelm's You Tube Channel. Ordinance No. 1097 — Annex and Rezone Parcels: #21725230200 and #64303500505 Motion by Brain Hess to approve Ordinance No. 1097 to annex and rezone parcels #51540302700, #21725230200 and #64303500505 as depicted in Exhibit A. Seconded by Joshua Crossman Motion carried 6-0 OLD BUSINESS: None STANDING COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Public Services Committee — Discussed Annexations, Housing Action Plan, City Park Stage, Basketball Court at Yelm City Park, Dog Park status, Prairie Line Trail and One-way Couplets MAYOR/CITY ADMINISTRATOR/STAFF REPORTS: City Administrator — • Spring Clean Up was successful with 14 large containers filled • On- going maintenance at the Slash Pad to prepare for the summer season • Holding interviews for the Administrative Assistant at Public Services and seasonal employees • 2022 Annual Financial Report has been submitted to the State Auditor's Office • State Seal Plaque will be hung in the Court room • Entry level Police Officer will start at the academy on Thursday and the Police Department is interviewing for a lateral or entry level officer • Emergency Management Executive Session is June 5th, rsvp to email • Parks/Communication Departments are preparing for Prairie Days Mayor DePinto — • Homelessness Committee appointments will come to Council on June 13, 2023 • Will attend the Economic Development Committee meeting tomorrow COUNCILMEMBER REPORTS: Councilmember Richardson — Attended in the Senior Center breakfast Councilmember Crossman — Participated in the Spring Clean Up Councilmember Hess — Attended Intercity Transit Authority and Regional Housing Commission meetings. Encouraged small business owners to speak up if they are in need of a location for their business. Invited Yelm to consider the meaning of Memorial Day and encouraged citizens to attend Memorial Day events. Page 3 of 4 May 23, 2023 City of Yelm Regular Council Meeting. These minutes record the official actions of the Yelm City Council. Complete recordings are available on the City of Yelm's You Tube Channel. Councilmember Brooks — Attended Community Conversations, Learners without Limits, Boys and Girls Club Foundation Breakfast, Rotary Club 13th Annual Celebration, Thurston County Chamber meeting and the STEDI meeting. She also announced that the Community Resource Fair is the last Thursday of each month at the Community Center. Councilmember Kaminski — Farmers Market is opening on Saturday ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Joshua Crossman to adjourn the meeting at 7:14 PM. Seconded by Holly Smith Motion carried 6-0 170"i nto, Mayor L J iy�9 Kathy Linnem er, City Clerk Page 4 of 4 May 23, 2023 City of Yelm Regular Council Meeting. These minutes record the official actions of the Yelm City Council. Complete recordings are available on the City of Yelm's You Tube Channel.