06 06 2023 Study Session Minutesf` Yep EST. 1924 WASHINGTON CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION MEETING MINUTES VIRTUAL AND IN PERSON TUESDAY, June 6, 2023 Call to Order: Mayor Pro -Tem Holly Smith called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll Call: Joseph Richardson, Joshua Crossman, Holly Smith, Brian Hess, Terry Kaminski, Ashley Brooks and Joe DePinto. Staff Present: City Administrator Todd Stancil, City Clerk Kathy Linnemeyer, Finance Director Stephanie Dice, Planning & Building Manager Gary Cooper and Public Services Director Cody Colt DISCUSSION ITEMS Thurston Economic Development Council Presentation — Michael Cade, Mark Steepy, , Aslan Meade, George Sharp and Heidi McCutcheon gave a presentation on the Thurston Economic Development Council and explained how they support the community. They also asked what priorities the Yelm leadership have and explained the role of the City on the EDC Board. Housing Action Plan — Planning & Building Manager Gary Cooper announced that the Housing Action Plan has been funded by a grant from Department of Commerce and that it must be finalized by the end of June. He gave an update on why we are doing a Housing Action Plan and of HB 1220. Dan Penrose with SCJ Alliance reviewed the draft of the Housing Action Plan and answered questions from the City Council. The Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing on the Housing Action Plan on June 20, 2023. Council Applicant Application Review — City Administrator Todd Stancil announced that the City Council will vote to fill the vacant position on June 13, 2023 using ranked choice voting. Council had a discussion and agreed to rank their top five candidates on June 13th. Fireworks Discussion — City Administrator Todd Stancil announced that Yelm Municipal Code is in need of updates and asked if Council wanted to go with the State regulations or Thurston County regulations and discussed adding language to allow for temporary prohibiting fireworks due to extreme fire danger. MAYOR REPORT — Appreciated the Economic Development Council presentation and stated that he will bring Council ideas to the EDC Board. He also announced that City Hall will be closed on July 4th and that the July Study Session will be cancelled due to the holiday. COUNCIL INITIATIVES Brian Hess — Would like to organize a free food program similar to Food is Free Tacoma, there have been lively discussions over the last two months and asked people to be civil and respectful of each other. Ashely Brooks — Looking forward to the Homelessness Committee meetings, would like to see medical services and transportation for citizens to get to services. She asked about the status of a Council retreat. Mayor DePinto will look at dates on a Saturday in July from 10 AM to 6 PM and will send an email to Council by the end of the week. She also stated that she is not getting emails regarding Emergency Management Events. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:12 p.m. J�e, nto, Mayor Kathy Linnem er, City Clerk/ 1 Page 2 of 2 June 6, 2023 City of Yelm Council Study Session. These minutes record the official actions of the Yelm City Council. Complete recordings can be viewed on YouTube, or a copy may be purchased by contacting the City Clerk's office at 360.458.8816.