02-14-04 RETREAT MINUTES YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES ELECTED OFFICIALS RETREAT SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2004 Call to Order 1. . Mayor Rivas called the meeting to order at 8:10 a.m. Roll Call 2. . Council: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Ron Harding and Pat Fetterly. Staff: Shelly Badger, Grant Beck, Maryam Olson, Tim Peterson and Agnes Bennick. 3. 2004 GOALS FOR REVIEW Sign Code – Council was briefed on progress made to date in compiling a new draft that includes input from the Yelm Chamber. Copies have been sent to business license holders for input. A Planning Commission hearing is scheduled for April or May. The draft is scheduled to come before Council for final review and adoption by mid-year. 507/510 Loop Funding – Activity kickoff was the 12/10/03 Elected Officials Meeting. Planning is underway for a February meeting with Congressman Smith. The Loop has been included as part of TRPC’s Regional Transportation Plan and pieces are being set in place for coordinated lobbying efforts for the 2005 Legislative Session. Plans also include bringing Pierce County into the process as what they do impacts Yelm. Short-term Traffic Control – Improvements to ease existing problems include focusing on street connectivity thru the Six Year Street Plan, a Cullens/Killion link and Stevens Street connector. School impacts continue to be examined for possible improvements. Sidewalks – A study has been completed identifying and rating all sidewalks with the worst identified for repairs. Tools were purchased with an AWC Grant. The current budget of $7,500 limits how much can be accomplished each year and a possible source of additional funding will be explored. A list of areas that have been repaired was provided. Economic Development – The Chamber’s Economic Development Committee has been revitalized and a sub-committee will begin developing an action plan that may require a consultant to review infrastructure and recommend improvements to the industrial area. A retail product demand analysis also needs to be performed identifying potentially successful businesses along with an evaluation to ensure availability of site locations in our zoning code for likely business types. Yelm-Roy Prairie Line Railroad – While many options have been explored and Yelm City Council Minutes Page 1 of 2 ab/city council/2004/02-14-04 Retreat are currently in some stage of investigation, it was agreed that efforts would be better utilized by waiting until BNSF completes a transfer of the Roy to Lakewood line to Sound Transit. In the meantime staff can discuss possible federal funding opportunities with Congressman Smith. Water Rights – Legislation has been introduced that promotes the use of Reclaimed Water stating “Reclaimed Water should be declared an alternative water source (when) considering new applications for water rights.” While this appears to be favorable, it hasn’t been defined yet. Various other areas are also being looked at by staff. Community Outreach Program – Completed/almost completed projects include signs, the Memorial/Recognition Program, Web-page/“hot topics” report, city services brochures and the 2003 Prairie Days Float. Remaining project: broadcast e-mail press releases. Joe Baker agreed to work with Ron Harding as float coordinators for the 2004 Prairie Day’s Float. 4. REVIEW OF THE MAYOR/CITY COUNCIL PROTOCOL MANUAL Council concurred that the text of the Manual was in no need of formal changes. It was agreed that under the “no surprise rule”, items such as Public Disclosure requests and major issues, will be communicated (by Mayor Rivas and/or Shelly Badger) to Councilmembers via e-mail, prior to publication in the newspaper. Mayor Rivas extended his apology for an oversight that included Council with the committee members who were sent an attendance reminder letter. Mayor and Councilmembers agreed to consider for adoption a Resolution re- affirming the Protocol Manual in each year that an election has changed a Council and/or Mayoral position, beginning with 2004. 5. MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL INITIATIVES Council requested a more comprehensive annual training on the Appearance of Fairness Act by Grant Beck. Discussion around the development mix of Yelm and the fact that it should remain as balanced as possible in regards to commercial and residential uses. 6. RETREAT ADJOURNED AT 2:15 P.M. _________________________________ Adam Rivas, Mayor Attest: ______________________________ Janine Schnepf, Deputy City Clerk Yelm City Council Minutes Page 2 of 2 ab/city council/2004/02-14-04 Retreat