461 Annex Zone Killion Cullens RdsCITY OF YELM ORDINANCE N0. 461 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING AND ZONING CERTAIN TERRITGRY BETWE~~I KILLION AND CULLENS ROADS. WHEREAS. the record owners of at least sixty percent of the value of the property described below have petitioned for annexation to the City of Ye1m. WHEREAS. the Yeim Planning Commission has held a duly-noticed public hearing and recommended zoning upon annexation as set forth hereir„ WHEREAS. the City Council or '(elm has he id a duly-noticed public hearing regarding such annexation, WHEREAS, the ,jurisdiction of the Thurston Boundary Review Board has not been invoked. and WHEREAS. the City Council fines that such annexation is in the best interest of the City and conforms with annexation policies of the City as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan and Yeim Municipal Ccde Chapter 2.66. NOW , THEREr=ORE . THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY CF Y'E"_"! DOES ORCAI!`~J AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The following described territory is hereby annexec and made a part of the City of Yelm: T'r~e NE- of the NE- of Section 24 and the E= of the SE; of Section ?3, less the northerly EG feet of sa=d area. all within Township 1T North. Range ? East W.M.. together with all adjacent public rights-of-way including that public right-of-way known as Cuilens Road to its northerly terminus adjacent to the Centralia Power Canal. Section 2. Said property shall be subject to the existing indebtedness of the City of Yelm and to pay said indebtedness shall be assessed and taxed at the same rate and on the same basis as other property within 'the City of Yelm. Section 3. Upon annexation said property shat, be =ened and the zoning map cf Yelm amended as follows: the SE; of the NEa of the NE of Section 2~: sr~all be zoned Singie-Family Residential (R-1) and the remainder of the area to be annexed shall be zoned Residential-Agriculture Five-Acre (RA-5). Section 4. The Yelm Comprehensive Plan map shal' be amended to designate the entire area being annexed as Singie-ramify Residential. I i.. .p .i. e Section 5. The City Clerk shall record a copy of this Ordinance in the Office of the County Auditor and file a certified copy with the Board of County Commissioners. Section 6. This Ordinance shall become effective on the 23rd day of Feb. 1993. being a date not less than five days following publication PASSED AND APPROVED : February 10 1993 ,~ Robert A. Sar~ciers. Mayor ATTEST: ~ - ~ ~r J' ~ ~~/~~ Agn P. Colombo , ~ City C l e r k PUBLISHED : N i squa l l y Va 1 1 ey New.s . FPhr„arV 1 R 1993 +L`+7'1F'Iti+ biH `~' : .~ ~tF{Hr~aEL, I~EF'UT'i'