10-12-10 MinutesYELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2010 MINUTES 1. Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call. Present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Tracey Wood and John Thompson. Excused: Russ Hendrickson Mike McGowan arrived at 7:04 pm following Agenda item 7. 3. Agenda Approval 10-75 MOTION BY JOE BAKER APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations- none scheduled 5. Public Comment. There was no public comment to the Mayor's call for comment. 6. Consent Agenda Minutes -Regular Meeting September 28, 2010, Study Session September 22, 2010 Payables -Checks 54407-54424, Totaling $555,890.68 10-76 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Public Hearing: none scheduled 8. New Business a. Downtown Well Rehabilitation Project, Golder & Associates Engineering Services. Stephanie Ray presented this as a housekeeping detail as part of the downtown rehabilitation project that began in July 2010 to increase pumping capacity downtown. Rehabilitation work was completed on Well #2 at the same time as pumping capacity tests on Well #1 showed decreased performance as compared to previous testing in 2005. Propose doing a video scope on Well #1 to determine need for casing scrub and cleaning of screen prior to moving forward with infrastructure. Mayor added explanation of how sediment builds up on screen. Stephanie responded to the Council's questions clarifying that the funding is coming from the Water Bond. The fund amount request includes the cleaning if the video scope validates the need and the task is a repeat of the process already completed on Well # 2. 10-77 MOTION BY BOB ISOM AUTHORIZING MAYOR HARDING TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH GOLDER AND ASSOCIATES IN THE AMOUNT OF $30,511 FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES ASSOCIATED WITH THE DOWNTOWN WELL REHABILITATION PROJECT. CARRIED. 9. Old Business -None scheduled Page 1 of 2 10. Mayor and Council Initiatives Councilmember Miller attended the monthly Chamber luncheon. Councilmember McGowan reported from the Thurston County HOME Consortium meeting where they discussed their 10-year plan schedule, method to address request for funding including an emergency expenditure for the Family Support Center and highlights of their partnerships in 2010. Mayor Harding attended Chamber Forum small business presentation by Calvin Goings, Small Business Administration, and the Fifth Wednesday meeting attended by Thurston County leaders to discuss topics of regional interest and concern. 11. EXECUTIVE SESSION -none scheduled 12. Correspondence included Thurston County Chamber Voice periodical for October 2010 and elected officials training opportunity. 13. Adjourn: 7:16 p.m Ron Harding, Mayor Attest 7~~..ti'~i~c i~ '" " ~ ~- Janine ~~hnepf, City Clerk Page 2 of 2