11-23-10 MinutesYELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2010 MINUTES 1. Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call. Present: Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Mike McGowan John Thompson and Russ Hendrickson. Tracey Wood arrived at 7:04 and Don Miller arrived at 7:13. 3. Agenda Approval 10-87 MOTION BY JOE BAKER APPROVING THE AGENDA. CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations- none scheduled 5. Public Comment - no public comment. 6. Consent Agenda Minutes -Regular Meeting November 9, 2010. Payables -Checks 54742-54796, Totaling $234,927.58. 10-88 MOTION BY BOB ISOM APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 7. Public Hearing: Final Budget for 2011 Setting Ad Valorem Property Tax for 2011 -Revenue Sources 8. New Business a. City of Yelm Budget 2011 Mayor Harding opened the public hearing at 7:02. Shelly Badger gave an overview of the proposed budget. Mayor Harding and staff presented a balanced 2011 Budget for public comment. In light of the current state and national economic forecast, the $5.5 million dollar general fund budget reflects a conservative approach to revenue projections, as well as a thorough analysis of planned expenditures. The City strives to maintain a high level of service while safe guarding its resources. Services are funded by revenues in the General Fund. The revenue estimates are conservative at forecasted 2010 levels, with no increase predicted. The 2011 Budget Expenditures took a step back to 2009 levels and no new capital projects scheduled. The total City Budget including all funds is $28,399,956. 10-89 MOTION BY MIKE MCGOWAN TO CONTINUE THE 2011 BUDGET HEARING TO DECEMBER 14, 2010 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. CARRIED. Ordinance No. 928, Setting the Ad Valorem Property Tax Rate for 2011 Mayor Harding opened the public hearing at 7:15. Janine Schnepf stated that Ordinance No. 928 would set the amount fixed as Ad Valorem for the regular levy of property tax necessary to raise revenues for essential expenditures for the City of Yelm for the fiscal year 2011. Adopting Ordinance 928 includes the additional revenue from the new 2010 construction in the amount of $30,880.15 and refunds for $1,987.86. The assessed valuation Page 1 of 3 of the City decreased by approximately $507,000 over the previous year, therefore reducing one factor in the formula for determining the rate. The formation of the Regional Fire Authority revised the statutory limit. The new preliminary levy rate will be $1.82 per $1,000 of assessed valuation, down from 2.01 in 2010. Mayor Harding closed the public hearing at 7:19. 10-90 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON TO APPROVE ORDINANCE NO. 928 SETTING THE AMOUNT FIXED AS AD VALOREM FOR THE REGULAR LEVY OF PROPERTY TAX NECESSARY TO RAISE REVENUES FOR ESSENTIAL EXPENDITURES FOR THE CITY OF YELM FOR THE FISCAL YEAR OF 2011. 9. Old Business a. Downtown Well Rehabilitation Project Amendment No. 2, Parametrix Design Engineering Services. Stephanie Ray stated that during the preliminary design phase of the Downtown Well Rehabilitation Project, staff worked with Parametrix to develop a conceptual design and operational scheme to increase source capacity at the downtown well site. In July 2010, Council approved Amendment No. 1 for $9,553.00, which identified additional survey and design work along Mosman Street to ensure that water is in continuous circulation. Amendment No. 2 identifies the recommended approach to operating our system based on real time demand as well as the addition of new wells and reservoirs in the near future and would increase the engineering services contract with Parametrix, Inc. in the amount of $35,268.61 for a total of $146,426.61. 10-91 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON TO AUTHORIZE MAYOR HARDING TO SIGN AMENDMENT NO. 2 WITH PARAMETRIX, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $35,268.61 FOR DESIGN ENGINEERING SERVICES ASSOCIATED WITH THE DOWNTOWN WELL REHABILITATION PROJECT. CARRIED. b. Longmire Park, Release of Retainage to Jody Miller Construction Stephanie Ray explained that 5% of payments made to Jody Miller Construction for work done on the Longmire Park Enhancement Project have been set aside throughout the payments during the project. This practice is to ensure that any issues that might arise are corrected. The project was considered substantially complete on July 2, 2010. The final punch-list items were complete and the project finalized on October 11, 2010. 10-92 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO AUTHORIZE THE RELEASE OF RETAINAGE TO JODY MILLER CONSTRUCTION INC. FOR $16,265.65 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE FACILITIES ASSOCIATED WITH THE LONGMIRE PARK ENHANCEMENT PROJECT. CARRIED. 10. Mayor and Council Initiatives Councilmember Baker attended the Intercity Transit Board meeting and the Yelm Adult Community Center meeting. Councilmember McGowan attended numerous budget meetings and worked with staff throughout the budget process to bring a balanced budget before Council. He thanked staff for all their hard work on the budget. Page 2 of 3 Councilmember Wood attended the Association of Washington Cities (AWC) Roles and Responsibilities of Newly Elected Officials training. Councilmember Hendrickson attended the AWC training as well and found it be very beneficial and interesting. Mayor Harding attended the AWC training and thought the sessions were great and look forward to additional training in the future. 11. EXECUTIVE SESSION -None scheduled 12. Correspondence 13. Adjourn: 7:37 p.m. H Attest r ' ~ ~'/~o ~«~ Lori Mo 5man, De uty Cit~ CI rk ~f~l~~r; ~~~rP~l! ~~t~~~~ Page 3 of 3