01-13-09 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2009 The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call: Present; Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Mike McGowan, Pat Fetterly John Thompson and Russ Hendrickson. 3. Agenda Approval 9-001 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 4. a Special Presentations National Mentoring Month Mayor Harding proclaimed January 2009 as National Mentoring Month by reading the Proclamation encouraging citizens to commend the efforts of mentoring programs and by raising community awareness of the importance of mentoring. 4 b. Intercity Transit Six Year Strategic Plan presented by Mike Harbour. Mr. Harbour provided a visual presentation in addition to the written materials provided prior to the meeting. Mr. Harbour first commented on the fine shape that the Yelm roads were for the bus drivers during the many snow and ice days. He continued with the 6 year plan that outlined the many considerations needed to handle the growth in ridership. Ridership has doubled since 2002 and van pool use has grown from 140 in 2007 to 200 today with estimates of an additional 30 by June 2009. Fuel costs are a major expense as noted in his comment that a one dollar increase at the pump translates to an additional 1 million dollars. The 6 year plan addresses the needs in the current climate including; an aging community's need for good transportation, added routes for late night and weekends, expanded express service to park and rides, new and improvements to maxed out facilities, additional park and rides, capital investments in hybrid, low emission buses starting at $575,000 per unit and new technologies including on board cameras and computer dispatch. The challenge is to finance the costs while watching the sales tax revenue decline in the current economy and reserves being depleted by 2013. In order to meet the demands for public transportation service, increased revenue is required by a local option sales tax that Intercity Transit will take to the voters in the current service area in the future. Councilmembers had several questions for Mr. Harbour. He responded to Councilmember Isom that the reduction of gas prices has not reduced the ridership. October was the biggest month and it has not decreased since then. Councilmember McGowan express concern for increased Dial a Lift service in Yelm and the effect on service in Yelm if the sales tax increase was voted down. Councilmember Thompson asked about possible federal funding for the Park and Ride lots. Councilmember Baker commented that the Martin Way Park and Ride is beyond capacity. Mr. Harbour responded that the ratio of funding is about 80% federal funding if it can be obtained. H/council minutes 01-13-09.doc 1~3 r 5. Public Comment. None 6. Consent Agenda a. Minutes- Regular Council Meeting, December 23, 2008 b. Payables; Checks 50014-50054, Totaling $143, 214, 23 and Checks 50055- 50117, Totaling $202, 582.62 c. Payroll; January 5, 2009 Checks 14890-14908, Totaling $145,164.09 9-002 MOTION BY BOB ISOM APPROVING THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 7. Public Hearings - none scheduled 8. New Business. a. Appointment to the Planning Commission Grant Beck reviewed the staff report at the Mayors request asking for confirmation of the 2 candidates recommended by the Mayor to fill the vacant seats on the Planning Commission. Received several applications from the advertisement of vacancy for the 2 openings from expired terms. The Mayor has recommended John H. Thomson and Ann Wahrmund. Ann Wahrmund was present. 9-003 MOTION BY JOHN G. THOMPSON APPROVING THE APPOINTMENT OF INCUMBENT JOHN H. THOMSON AND NEW APPLICANT ANN WAHRMUND TO FILL THE 2 VACANT POSITIONS ON THE YELM PLANNING COMMISSION. CARRIED. b. Appointment to the Yelm Historic Preservation Commission. Grant Beck continued with the staff report to confirm the appointment of the 3 candidates recommended by the Mayor to fill the 3 positions on the Commission. It was noted that the 3~d candidate, Robert Wolf, was left off the agenda in error but was included on the staff report. Two of the positions were incumbents and one a new member. 9-004 MOTION BY JOHN G. THOMPSON APPROVING THE APPOINTMENT OF INCUMBENTS ED BLAKE AND YAEL KLEIN AND NEW APPLICANT ROBERT WOLF TO FILL THE 3 VACANT POSITIONS ON THE YELM HISTORICAL PRESERVATION COMMISSION. 9. Old Business- none 10. Council and Mayor Councilmember Baker attended Intercity Transit meeting adding that Mr. Harbour gave a complete presentation. Councilmember Isom attended Thurston Regional Planning Commission meeting reporting that Phase I of SR510 to Cullens is shovel ready and may have a possible start date in May 2009. TRPC along with WDOT submitted stimulus package application, but because of the limited time, the State could not commit to Phase II because of property acquisition limits. They will continue to work with the State Legislature to see the promises fulfilled from the gas tax voted on by the taxpayers. He added that TRPC provided an impressive one page outline to the legislature and on their website with the projects and action they are requesting. H/council minutes O1-13-09.doc 2~3 Councilmember McGowan reported from the HOME Consortium that they are close to forming a citizen advisory committee and acquiring staffing that will benefit the south county. He added that he has also heard many positive comments about the state of Yelm's roads during the snow, thanks to the actions of the Public Works department. Councilmember Fetterly attended Yelm Transportation Board meeting. Councilmember Thompson and Councilmember Hendrickson attended the Regional Fire Authority Presentation. Mayor Harding acknowledged Public Works for their many hours taking care of the snow removal and sanding during the uncommon snow we had this winter. He attended the Chamber forum where he was presented with a framed document from Special Forces Corporal Binford, Fort Lewis, for a community commitment to support our troops and their families. Mayor Harding added a reminder that the next Chambers After Hours will be at the Red Wind Casino and encouraged the Councilmembers to attend to show their appreciation. 11. Executive Session. -none scheduled 12 Correspondence included another thank you from Keith and Maria Nagel to Public Works crew for clear roads, Thurston County recycling brochure, 2009 Expense form and AWC State of the Cities Executive Summary. 13. Adjourn: 7:45 pm H/council minutes OI-13-09.doc 3~ ,/ Attest: nine Schn pf, City CI