05-12-09 MinutesYELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, MAY 12, 2009 MINUTES Call to Order -Mayor Harding called the Meeting to Order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call -Present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Pat Fetterly, John Thompson and Russ Hendrickson. Mike McGowan arrived at 7:05 p.m. 3. Agenda Approval 9-038 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations- none 5. Public Comment- Bill Hashim from Thurston County asked Council to consider revisiting the 1995 Yelm Vision Plan with a committee of interested citizens and business owners. He expressed his opinion that the City of Yelm is adhering to the minimum provisions of the law but not the spiritual intent of the public process. Jean Handley, Yelm resident recommended that all processes for land use, traffic, water and sewer issues cease and desist with the news that Thurston Highlands is in default. Gail Cane, Rainier, spoke in defense of clean drinking water. If potable water availability is extended to new development, what does it mean to existing wells? What are the impacts to Ft Lewis? She referenced the JZ Knight lawsuit involving Department of Ecology and the Capital Facilities section of the Yelm Comp Plan. Ed Wilksie, Olympia, alleges that the City of Yelm has a problem with following their ordinances in regards to the financial section from Title 17.62.045 of the Yelm Municipal Code: Planning Review Process for a Master Plan Community. Mayor Harding commented for the record, that the dollar amounts that Mr. Wilksie referenced are not dedicated to the Master Plan Community but are the on going efforts to gain water rights for the City of Yelm. 6. Consent Agenda a. Regular Meeting Minutes of April 29, 2009, Study Session Retreat April 29, 2009. b. Payables Checks 50985-51056, Totaling $386,179.80 c. Payroll Checks 50919-50956, totaling $155,410.04 d. CMP, Jilek Bridal Shower, Saturday, June 27, 2009, #25 YCP, Prairie Super Mod Soccer, Tuesdays and Thursday, June 30-July 30, 2009 5:50 pm - 8:30 pm, #150 YCP, STP Pit Stop, July 11, 2009, Gam-5pm, # Large (July 10 set up) YCP, Yelm Chamber of Commerce, Hot August Days & Nights Bite of Yelm, Saturday, August 29, 2009, # Open to the Public 9-039 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. h/council/05-12-09 Page 1 of 4 7. Public Hearings- none scheduled 8. New Business 8 a. Release Retainage to A8~A Excavating. Completion of Reclaimed Water Line. Tim Peterson reported that the reclaimed irrigation water line was completed and the required items submitted. Request release of the retainage. 9-040 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY AUTHORIZING STAFF TO RELEASE RETAINAGE TO A&A EXCAVATING IN THE AMOUNT OF $13,962.89 FOR LONGMIRE PARK RECLAIMED WATER LINE EXTENSION PROJECT. CARRIED. 8 b. ORDINANCE NO. 903, FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL. Grant Beck provided background of the Local Improvement District assessment methodology and process for notifying property owners within the district. He reported on the testimony and letters that were received from those property owners at the final Public Hearing. Jim Nelson, Bond Attorney was introduced and summarized the schedule options for property owners including pre-payment, financing the assessment over time or deferring payment to the sale of the parcel of property. He also recapped the next steps to market the bonds. Council directed staff to respond to those property owners who expressed opposition to the assessment at the Public Hearing with further explanation addressing their concerns. Grant Beck responded to Council's concerns including availability of hardship clause and the status of the properties in the Thurston Highlands LID, as well as the increased value to the property owners as a result of the improvements being completed. Those properties in Thurston Highlands that benefit from the LID will carry the debt for the assessment. Grant Beck did not have the potential property value increases by property but did indicate that the total increase to the value of all the property combined was 20 million. 9-041 MOTION BY BOB ISOM ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 903 FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE KILLION ROAD LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT AND LEVYING AND ASSESSING THE COSTS AGAINST PARCELS OF LAND SHOWN ON THE FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL. Vote Count: 5 YEAH, 2 ABSTAIN; Councilmember abstained as a relative of a property owner opposed to the assessment roll. Councilmember Hendrickson abstained as a property owner. CARRIED. 8 c. RESOLUTION NO. 496, Killion Road LID Transportation Facility Charge Credit. Grant Beck proposed a Transporation Facility Charge credit to those property owners who had paid for the improvements at the time of development. 9-042 MOTION BY BOB ISOM APPROVING RESOLUTION 496 ESTABLISHING A TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES CHARGE CREDIT FOR THOSE PROPERTIES WITHIN THE KILLION ROAD LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT. 1 abstain; Councilmember Baker abstained as a relative of a property owner opposed to the assessment roll. CARRIED h/council/05-12-09 Page 2 of 4 8 d. Crystal Court Nuisance, Property Abatement. Gary Carlson reviewed the staff report stating that after extensive effort he was unable to locate property owner to satisfy the action request to clean up the foreclosed abandoned property. Recommends move forward with abatement and attach the clean up fees to the property. Grant Beck reassured the Council that the City has worked with other property owners directly to clean up similar conditions, but are unable to get a response from owners of this unoccupied house. 9-043 MOTION BY BOB ISOM AUTHORIZING STAFF TO CAUSE A NUISANCE AT 1206 CRYSTAL COURT BE ABATED AND ATTACH A LIEN AGAINST THE PROPERTY FOR THE COST OF CLEANUP. CARRIED. 8 e. Yelm Ave Loop Construction SR 510, Quit Claim Deed Conveying City Owned Property at Cherry Meadows to the State of Washington. Grant Beck reviewed the staff report with a map of the small triangle portion of land dedicated to the City of Yelm at the time of the Cherry Meadows subdivision approval for future use in construction of the SR 510 Yelm Loop at Cullens Road. The State of Washington has requested that the City now convey the piece to them in preparation for the funded Phase I construction. 9-044 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY AUTHORIZING MAYOR HARDING TO SIGN A DONATION QUIT CLAIM DEED TO CONVEY PROPERTY LOCATED NEAR THE SUBDIVISION OF CHERRY MEADOWS TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SR 510 YELM LOOP. CARRIED. 9. Old Business- none scheduled 10. Mayor and City Council Reports Councilmember McGowan attended a meet and greet with Sandra Romero concerning low income housing. Met with both the HOME sub committee and full committee. Attended the first orientation of the Neighborhood Stabilization Plan with 10 families excited to benefit from the $641,000 plan administered through the Thurston County Housing Authority. Councilmember Fetterly, along with Tim Peterson attended the Yelm Emergency Operations Committee and discussed handouts on the swine flu. Councilmember Hendrickson reported that the Solid Waste Advisory Committee is realigning their committee meeting schedule because of layoffs in Thurston County. Councilmember Thompson proposed adding the review of the Yelm Vision Plan topic to a study session. Mayor Harding attended the meeting with the Housing Authority with Councilmember McGowan. He added that Councilmember Thompson was awarded the Volunteer of the Year and Cindy Teixeira was awarded the Presidents Award from the Chamber of Commerce. h/council/05-12-09 Page 3 of 4 11. Executive Sessions -none scheduled. 12. Correspondence Yelm Community United Methodist Church Centennial Celebration Invitation to Council members, May 24, 2009. 13. Adjourned: 8:00 pm ~. C.: ' y ~,~A Ronald Harding, Mayor f' ~J', Attest: ~~~~~ Ja i e Schnepf, City Cle h/council/05-12-09 Page 4 of 4