07-10-12 MinutesYELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 10, 2012 MINUTES 1. Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call. Present: J.W. Foster, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Tracey Wood and Ken Garmann. Mike McGowan arrived at 6:02. Excused: Russ Hendrickson. 3. Agenda Approval 12-44 MOTION BY JOE BAKER APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations - none scheduled 5. Public Comment -no public comment 6. Consent Agenda Minutes - Regular meeting June 26, 2012, Study Session June 27, 2012 Cancelled. Payables - Checks #58374 - # 58469, Totaling $470,885.54. 12-45 MOTION BY BOB ISOM APPROVING THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 7. Public Hearing - 2012 Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program Mayor Harding opened the Public Hearing at 6:03. Grant Beck explained the Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) is the capital facilities document that guides transportation funding for a six-year cycle. The STIP is based on the Yelm Comprehensive Transportation Plan and is the 'implementation' document for the overall plan. In order to be eligible for State or Federal Funding, or the use of local Traffic Facilities Charges (TFC's), the project must be on the STIP and updated annually as projects are completed and new priorities arise. In 2004, the City created a Yelm Transportation Committee to review the STIP, transportation funding applications and other transportation related issues. The Committee adopted criteria for the establishment of priorities for transportation projects, updated construction estimates, and prioritized transportation projects against those criteria. Bill Hashim, EI Camino SE Yelm, spoke against project number Y5A (Burnett/93rd Intersection - Realignment and Signal) stating it is a county road and a dead end street and doesn't feel it should be on the Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). Diane D'Acuti, 93rd Ave SE Yelm, requested that the Y5A project be removed from the STIP and presented a letter with 37 signatures of residents on 93rd Avenue asking that 93rd Avenue be left as is. Sara Foster, 89th Ave SE Yelm, asked that the Y5A be removed from the STIP. Steve Klein read a letter from JZ Knight asking to remove the Y5A from the STIP. Rosalie Saecker, 93rd Ave SE Yelm, requested the Y5A be removed from the STIP. Melody Rad, EI Camino Way Yelm, uses the 93rd/Burnett intersection to commute to Tacoma and does not feel there is a traffic issue. Mayor Harding closed the Public Hearing at 6:58 pm. Page 1 of 2 8. New Business - a. Resolution No. 532 establishing the 2012 to 2018 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program for the City of Yelm. 12-46 MOTION BY BOB ISOM TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NUMBER 532 ESTABLISING THE 2012 TO 2018 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF YELM AS PRESENTED, AND FOR THE MAYOR AND STAFF TO BRING FORWARD AN AMENDMENT OF THE CURRENT STIP BY REPLACING THE Y5A PROJECT WITH ANOTHER PROJECT. JW FOSTER asked to have the Y5A project removed now. Mayor Harding asked for a show of hands approving the motion on the table. Approve Councilmembers Isom, Wood and McGowan. Oppose Councilmembers Foster, Baker and Garmann. MAYOR HARDING CAST THE TIE BREAKING VOTE TO APPROVE THE MOTION ADOPTING RESOLUTION NUMBER 532 ESTABLISING THE 2012 TO 2018 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF YELM AS PRESENTED, AND FOR THE MAYOR AND STAFF TO BRING FORWARD AN AMENDMENT OF THE CURRENT STIP BY REPLACING THE Y5A PROJECT WITH ANOTHER PROJECT. CARRIED. 9. Old Business - none scheduled 10. Mayor and Council Initiatives Councilmember Isom requested Sustainable Thurston be placed on the next Study Session agenda for discussion. Councilmember McGowan attended the Thurston County HOME Consortium meeting where they discussed the allocation of state funding. $144,000 will be coming to the Yelm area. Yelm Community Services will get $108,000 and Emmanuel Lutheran Church will get $36,000. Mayor Harding attended the Thurston County Economic Development Council meeting where they formed a committee to market the South County Cities to bring more services to their areas. Mayor Harding was appointed to the Business Resource Committee. Councilmember Baker asked about the horses in the yard of the house located across from the Senior Center. Property is located in the county. Thurston County Animal Services were notified by the Community Development Department but has gotten no response. 11. EXECUTIVE SESSION - none scheduled 12. Correspondence included - Email from Steve Klein dated June 26, 2012, Executive Session Procedures TRPC Pre -Agenda, Friday, July 13, 2012 Morningside E -Newsletter June 2012 Foster Pepper letter dated July 10, 2012, Executive Session Procedures 13. Adjourn 7• 0 Attest:L- Mon Hardi ayor Lori Mossman, Deputy City Clerk Page 2of2