02-26-13 MinutesYELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2013 MINUTES 1. Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call Present: J.W. Foster, Bob Isom, Mike McGowan, Tracey Wood, Ken Garmann and Russ Hendrickson. Excused: Joe Baker. 3. Agenda Approval 13-11 MOTION BY RUSS HENDRICKSON APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations - none scheduled 5. Public Comment - no comment 6. Consent Agenda Minutes - Regular Meeting February 12, 2013 Payables - Checks #59821 - #59896 Totaling $200,398.09. 13-12 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD APPROVING THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 7. Public Hearing - none scheduled 8. New Business - a. Homeland Security Region 3 Mutual Aid Agreement Todd Stancil explained that the prior agreement expired in December of 2012 and was signed by member agencies including the counties, cities, tribes and political subdivisions located in Washington State Homeland Security Region 3, specifically Grays Harbor, Lewis, Mason, Pacific and Thurston Counties. The agreement was established to facilitate and encourage assistance among its members; and in the event of an emergency, allows members to receive assistance in the form of supplemental personnel, equipment, materials or other support. At recent Homeland Security Region 3 Committee meetings, it was decided to include state colleges in the agreement. This agreement would be in place through December of 2017. 13-13 MOTION BY BOB ISOM AUTHORING MAYOR HARDING TO SIGN THE REGION 3 MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT. CARRIED. b. Ordinance No. 964 Yelm Police Department Imprest Fund Todd Stancil reported the Yelm Police Department has never utilized a petty cash fund or an Imprest Fund to operate controlled narcotic purchases. When cash was needed to execute an undercover or controlled narcotic purchase, an officer or Police Chief would utilize his/her personal cash. In order to prosecute dealers and users alike, we are required by the courts to have a significant amount of probable cause to make the arrest. Conducting controlled narcotic purchases is considered a significant piece of evidence that aids in eventual prosecution. The Imprest Fund would allow immediate access when opportunities present themselves. The City Treasurer has reviewed the request for the Police Department Imprest Fund and has created a policy to outline safeguarding and replenishment procedures. The custodian of this fund would be the Chief of Police. Page 1 of 3 I 13-14 MOTION BY BOB ISOM ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 964, ESTABLISHING A POLICE DEPARTMENT IMPREST FUND TO BE USED DURING DRUG INVESTIGATIONS IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $1,000 AND DESIGNATING A CUSTODIAN. CARRIED. c. Parametrix Scope of Work — Cochrane Park Rapid Infiltration Basin (RIB) and Wetland Evaluation Stephanie Ray explained that Cochrane Park plays a vital role in the City of Yelm's reclaimed water program. The Washington State Department of Ecology has recognized reclaimed water as an approved mitigation source. As part of the City's water rights mitigation plan and strategy to offset the future impacts to Yelm Creek of development of the Southwest Yelm Well 1A, the City has agreed to infiltrate an additional 56 acre feet per year of reclaimed water into the existing rapid infiltration basins (RIB's). Currently, the City infiltrates 50,000 gallons per day, or 56 -acre feet per year of reclaimed water into Cochrane Park. Reclaimed water enters the park at the waterfall weir and then proceeds through a series of wetland cells, including the fishpond, where it eventually discharges into one of the three rapid infiltration basins (RIB's). During an initial site visit Cochrane Park, it was determined that further analysis of the baseline condition of the fishpond and wetland cells was required. The proposed scope of work from Parametrix outlines the preliminary technical expertise required to establish a baseline condition of the park and provide the City with next step options for the RIB recharge project and potential wetland rehabilitation project. The deliverables of this scope of work will provide two technical memorandums, one for each specific task order. The cost for the scope is proposed to be paid out of the Sewer Reserve Fund 413 and tracked separately. The RIB work will cost $26,495.26 and the Wetland Rehabilitation analysis: $7,191.96. Fund 413 currently has sufficient funding for a scope of work. 13-15 MOTION BY BOB ISOM AUTHORING MAYOR HARDING TO SIGN A CONTRACT WITH PARAMETRIX IN THE AMOUNT OF (THIRTY THREE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED EIGHTY SEVEN DOLLARS TWENTY TWO CENTS) $33,687.22 FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES RELATED TO THE EVALUATION OF THE COCHRANE PARK WETLANDS AND RAPID INFILTRATION BASINS. CARRIED. d. Yelm City Museum/Yelm Prairie Historical Society Service Agreement Revision Shelly Badger reported that the Yelm Prairie Historical Society (YPHS) is a group of dedicated citizens who have invested time and money in preserving and maintaining the history of the great Yelm area. In January 2009, the Yelm City Council approved the current Volunteer Services Agreement between the YPHS and the City of Yelm. This agreement was drafted for the Yelm Prairie Historical Society to provide museum operation services to the City. They are requesting a change in hours of operation to have the museum closed during the winter months, from Thanksgiving week through mid-March of each year going forward due to low attendance. Staff was directed to contact YPHS for contact phone numbers for information when museum is closed. 13-16 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE CURRENT ORGANIZATIONAL VOLUNTEER AGREEMENT WITH THE YELM PRAIRIE HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVISING THE HOURS OF OPERATION FOR THE YELM CITY MUSEUM (LOCATED AT 207 THIRD STREET). CARRIED. Page 2 of 3 9. Old Business - none scheduled 10. Mayor and Council Initiatives Councilmember Foster attended the Thurston County Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC) and reported that Terri Thomas will be attending tomorrow night's Study Session to discuss plastic disposable bags. There are two new projects coming forward. The first one is designed to help residents and food industry businesses, to reduce the amount of food waste. The other one is to create a portable deposit area for building materials located in Lacey at the Thurston County Landfill that will then be brought to the Habitat for Humanity location in Yelm for separation. Councilman Foster also attended the Nisqually River Council meeting where they discussed development of the Community Forest, which will impact our community. Also attended the Well 1A water tasting at City Hall last week. Councilman Foster thanked the staff at Public Works specifically Kevin Ray for working with the Dollars for Scholars committee to get the banner installed and repaired. He encouraged everyone to attend the event, which starts at 4 pm at the Yelm High School. He also congratulated the Mayor on his new position as Thurston County's Deputy Auditor. Councilmember Isom attended the Sustainable Thurston meeting where they discussed land use planning. Councilman Isom received a phone call from Kathy McCormick with the Thurston Regional Planning Council (TRPC) asking for participation from Cities by providing something that would encourage participation in a survey they are conducting. Councilman Isom volunteered a tour of the Wastewater Treatment Facility and Cochrane Park. The County will be donating a tour of the Morgue. Councilmember Wood attended the Transportation Policy Board meeting and they elected officers. Councilmember Hendrickson attended the Parks Board meeting and a 3D conceptual drawing was decided upon. Mayor Harding attended the Mayor's Forum where they discuss the plastic bag ban. Mayor Harding met with Thurston County Commissioner Sandra Romero and discussed the proposed City Park/Community Center Project and they toured current City facilities. Mayor Harding attended the Economic Development Committee meeting, the Business Resource Center Retreat and the Thurston County Entitlement Group meeting. 11. EXECUTIVE SESSION - none scheduled 12. Correspondence included - AWC Legislative Bulletin dated February 18, 2013 Thurston Regional Planning Council Pre -Agenda for Friday, March 1, 2013 AWC Center for Quality Communities- nominations due by March 15, 2013 Comcast - Basic Channels Migrating to Digital Format, dated February 20, 2013 13. Adjourn 6.38pm. Y Attest: G=C. Ron H r 'ng, Mayor Lori Mossman, Deputy City Clerk Page 3of3