07-09-13 MinutesYELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 9, 2013 MINUTES 1. Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call Present: JW Foster, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Tracey Wood and Ken Garmann. Excused: Russ Hendrickson. Mike McGowan arrived at 6:04. 3. Agenda Approval 13-54 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations - no presentations 5. Public Comment - Steve Romines, Medic One Administrator and Director of Thurston County Emergency Services recognized Councilmember JW Foster for his dedicated career to the community. Councilmember Foster has been a Firefighter for 40 years and a Paramedic for 25 years in Thurston County. In 1993 and 1995, Councilmember Foster was recognized as Paramedic of the Year for Thurston County and recognized as EMS instructor of the Year in 1999. He has instructed for Emergency Medical Services for over 25 years and a CPR instructor for over 27 years. Mr. Romines presented an engraved clock as a gift of appreciation from the Medic One System and Emergency Medical System of Thurston County. The Medic One System and Tumwater Fire Department recognized Councilmember Foster at his retirement party but his clock had not yet arrived. Mayor Harding added that Councilmember Foster has taught CPR to City staff and trained them on use of the Defibulator. 6. Consent Agenda Minutes - Regular Meeting June 25, 2013 & Study Session June 26, 2013. Payables - Checks #60612- #60713 Totaling $473,797.32 YCP, VFW - John Thomson - Wounded Warrior Car Show, August 31, 2013 lam - 3pm, Open to the Public YCP, Prairie Street Rod Association Car Show, August 3 & 4, Open to the Public 13-55 MOTION BY JOE BAKER APPROVING THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 7. Public Hearing - 2013 Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program (STIP Mayor Harding opened the public hearing at 6:08 and Grant Beck gave a brief report on the proposed STIP stating the only changes made was the small section from Solberg to Longmire to extend Mosman to match up with upcoming Phase II project to be eligible for state and federal funding. Mayor Harding closed the public hearing at 6:10. 8. New Business - a. Resolution No. 541, 2013 to 2019 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Grant Beck explained that the Six Year Transportation Improvement Program is the capital facilities document that guides transportation funding for a six-year cycle. It is based on the Yelm Comprehensive Transportation Plan and is the Page 1 of 4 `implementation' document for the overall plan. Projects that are not on the STIP are not eligible for State or Federal funding, or the use of local Traffic Facilities Charges (TFC's). The plan is required to be updated annually. The only change to the STIP is the small section from Solberg to Longmire (Y8A) to extend Mosman to connect with the upcoming Phase II project. 13-56 MOTION BY MIKE MCGOWAN ADOPTING RESOLUTION NO. 541 ESTABLISHING THE 2013 TO 2019 SIX-YEAR TRANPSORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF YELM. CARRIED. b. Scope of Work KPG Construction Services Stephanie Ray stated that per the City's 2010 Water System Plan, certain capital improvement projects were identified as necessary to enhance fire flow and provide a more robust distribution system to certain areas in the downtown core. The projects replace approximately 2,600 linear feet of 4" asbestos water main with 10" polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe in the following locations: Van Trump between 2nd Street NE and 3rd Street; SW Railroad (alley) to Rice Street SW; Rice Street to Yelm Middle School; City Hall Railroad Street SW to Mosman. There was a 60 year life span on AC pipe and there is currently approximately 7 miles of AC pipe installed in Yelm from 1924-1970 and has met or exceeded its life span and needs to be replaced. These improvements have been funded through a water revenue bond secured by the City in 2010 in preparation for the projects. Bids for the waterline replacement project were opened on June 28 and Pape and Son Construction was the low responsive bid in the amount of $580,138.42. 13-57 MOTION BY BOB ISOM AUTHORIZING MAYOR HARDING TO SIGN THE SCOPE OF WORK WITH KPG ENGINEERING, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $68,989.82 (SIXTY EIGHT THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED EIGHT NINE DOLLARS EIGHTY TWO CENTS) FOR ENGINEERING SERVCIES REQUIRED FOR THE DISTRIBUTION LINE REPLACEMENT WORK AS IDENTIFIED IN THE CITY'S 2010 WATER SYSTEM PLAN. CARRIED. c. Pape and Son Award Waterline Replacement Stephanie Ray explained to further the development of SW Yelm Well 1a, the City's Water System Plan identified certain capital improvement projects necessary to bring the well on-line and supply water to the existing customer base as well as provide for the City's proposed growth over the next six-year planning period. The capital projects include: property acquisition (well site location); completing a well head protection plan; additional reservoir storage; distribution line replacement projects; water treatment facilities; potential booster pump station; and transmission main installation connecting the new source of supply to the existing water system. These improvements have been funded through a water revenue bond secured by the City in 2010 in preparation for the projects. The waterline replacement projects were identified as projects that could be done prior to the completion of the full design and construction of the larger SW Yelm Well projects. Design of the project took place this spring and identified additional work needed to correct stormwater drainage issues along Railroad; (Mosman, Railroad and Rice Streets). The engineer's updated 2013 construction estimate was $676,000.00. Bids were opened on June 28, 2013 and Pape and Sons, Inc was the lowest bid. Using the low bid amount, plus all engineering services, the current project total was $752,798.24, $152,798.24 over the planning level estimate of $600,000 from the Water System Plan. Bid accuracy has been checked and Pape and Sons, Inc is the low responsive bid at $580,138.42. Page 2 of 4 13-58 MOTION BY BOB ISOM AUTHORIZING MAYOR HARDING TO SIGN A CONTRACT WITH PAPE AND SONS CONSTRUCTION, INC IN THE AMOUNT OF #580,138.42 (FIVE HUNDRED EIGHTY THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED THIRTY EIGHT DOLLARS FORTY TWO CENTS) FOR CONSTRUCTION SERVICES RELATED TO THE CITY'S 2013 WATERLINE REPLACEMENT PROJECT. CARRIED. d. Contract Award for Mosman Design Phase II to Gray & Osborne, Inc. Stephanie Ray reported that in May of 2011, the City completed a corridor study for the southern 'mini -loop'; identified as Longmire/Mosman Avenue to Clark Road. The corridor study provided a breakdown of project segments that allow the City to complete certain portions of the corridor as funding became available. The Mosman Avenue realignment project (Mosman Design, Phase 1) is currently under design and will be to construction phase in 2014. The intersection realignment was determined to be the highest priority project and needed to be completed prior to adding future segments. In March of 2013, the City applied for and was awarded a Surface Transportation Grant through the Thurston Regional Planning Council to continue Phase II of the Mosman corridor in the amount of $155,700 with a local match of $24,300. The money needed to be obligated through Washington State Department of Transportation/Highways and Local Programs no later than August 1, 2013. On May 30, city staff conducted engineering interviews with three transportation firms and determined that Gray and Osborne would be the preferred consultant to lead the next phase. Staff has been diligently working on meeting the August 1st deadline and recommends that the necessary agreements be executed to accept the Surface Transportation Grant in the amount of $155,700 and complete all necessary paperwork required to obligate through the federal funding process. 13-59 MOTION BY BOB ISOM AUTHORIZING MAYOR HARDING TO SIGN THE LOCAL AGENCY AGREEMENT CONSULTANT AGREEMENT WITH GRAY & OSBORNE, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $180,000.00 (ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY THOUSAND DOLLARS NO CENTS) FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES RELATED TO THE MOSMAN AVENUE DESIGN — PHASE II RAILROAD TO LONGMIRE, AS WELL AS EXECUTE OTHER DOCUMENTS AS REQUIRED TO SECURE FEDERAL FUNDING. CARRIED. e. City of Yelm Planning Commission Appointment Mayor Harding stated that the City of Yelm Planning Commission had one vacated term at the end of December of 2012. The vacancy was advertised pursuant to the City Council's Protocol Manual and has received an application for consideration from Molly Carmody. 13-60 MOTION BY JW FOSTER TO CONFIRM THE APPOINTMENT OF MOLLY CARMODY TO FILL THE VACATED TERM POSITION ON THE CITY OF YELM PLANNING COMMISSION. CARRIED. 9. Old Business — none scheduled 10. Mayor and Council Initiatives Councilmember Foster attended the Thurston County Solid Waste Advisory Committee meeting and will be attending their Annual Planning Retreat this week. Since 2009, the work of the SWAC and the Thurston County Commissioners has reduced the landfill per capita in Thurston County by 23%. Also, based on advisement over the last 5 years, the plans have focused on recycling, reduction, Page 3 of 4 prevention education, cooperative efforts with local institutions (schools and businesses) to achieve those goals. Progress has been made in all of those areas and significant savings to Thurston County residents in the reduced handling and transportation costs of the wastes that go to the landfill. SWAC will continue to work on creating a cleaner, healthier environment for residents. Councilmember Baker attended the Intercity Transit Board meeting. Councilmember McGowan attended the Thurston County HOME Consortium where they discussed request funding proposals that were submitted and how the subcommittee would equitably allocated and distributed the funds. Seattle to Portland (STP) bike ride will be this coming weekend and the trail seems to be in better shape than in the past. Councilmember Wood was a judge for the mud contest at Yelm Prairie Days. Councilmember Garmann attended the bid openings for the Water Improvement Projects. Mayor Harding stated Yelm Prairie Days went well and staff did an excellent job and worked hard to provide kitchen facilities in such short notice since the kitchen building had been damaged. 11. EXECUTIVE SESSION - none scheduled 12. Correspondence included - TRPC Pre -Agenda Friday, July 12, 2013, 8:30 - llam Olympia-Lacey-Tumwater Visitor & Convention Bureau ENewsletter dated July 1, 2013 Williams Northwest Pipeline information letter dated June 2013. Thurston County Chamber of Commerce Voice Magazine July/August 2013 Municipal Research News Summer 2013 13. Adjourn 6:45 pm. Attest: g, Mayor.,P 7e Lori Mossman, Deputy City Clerk Page 4 of 4