10-23-13 Study SessionYELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23,2013,5:00 P.M. Present: Bob Isom, Tracey Wood, Ken Garmann, Russ Hendrickson, Mike McGowan 5:25 p.m.Staff: Shelly Badger, Teresa Mattson, Todd Stancil, Ryan Johnstone, Sonia Ramirez. The meeting was called to order at 5:10 p.m. Memorandum of Understanding, City of Yelm and Yelm School District. Todd Stancil, Police Chief, reviewed the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Yelm and the Yelm Community School District for a school resource officer to provide on-going school security. He met with the School Superintendent in preparing the agreement outlining the service and hours available to the school district and the cost associated with that service. The City's attorney has reviewed the agreement for the school year term, September 2013 through May 2014, with the potential for renewal on a yearly basis. Yelm has had an agreement with the school district for many years. The amount from the school to the City has remained constant. A Memorandum of Understanding is required for application of grant funding. Chief Stancil expressed desire to continue this association with a SRO present on the school campuses for security as well as preventative measures to avoid future crime occurring at the schools and in the community. Value in education and familiarity with officer and students. Council inquired about the state mandate for school districts to provide security and the funds available related to the proposed cost. Council recommended changes to the preliminary agreement before bringing back to Council. 2014 Preliminary Budget, Mayor Harding presented the 2014 preliminary budget. The General Fund revenue projections were estimated conservatively from taxes, license and permits, charges for services, fines and penalties and other revenue. The theme for 2014 is to remain status quo. The City has experienced some improvement to revenue, but will continue to proceed cautiously to maintain ongoing expenditures and maintain benchmark reserves. Teresa Mattson, City Treasurer added that property values are up slightly. Mayor Harding proposes that the property tax revenue rate be reduced again this year. Review of expenditures, including supported expenditures; street operating fund, existing debt, operation and maintenance, existing contract obligations; Chamber, Yelm Community Services, Yelm Multipurpose Senior Center, Economic Development Council, Thurston Regional Planning Council, cost of living increases and proposed capital expenditures. Water and Sewer Fund revenue and expenditures reviewed with consideration of the rates, housing starts, system development charges, existing debt, maintaining reserve and new capital items. The final budget items included discussion on existing and proposed projects in 2014. Handouts provided. Mayors Report. Council Initiatives. Councilmember McGowan inquired about the NSP rentals that remain vacant. The State and Federal regulations as well as the rental amounts appear to be prohibitive to the success of low-income residents to qualify to rent homes of that size. One home has a tenant while two remain vacant. Adjourn: 7:45 p.m. R n Hardi Mayor Attest nine Schnepf, City Clerk