03-23-06 SS YELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION WEDNESDAY, MARCH, 23, 2006 MINUTES 1. Call to Order. Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 5:10 p.m. 2. Roll Call. Present: Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Mike McGowan and Pat Fetterly. Excused: Don Miller 3. Agenda Approval MOTION BY PA T FETTERL Y APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 4. Presentations a. Campaign Disclosure Bill - Staff reported that Bill 6323 had been approved and forwarded to the governor on March 8. The bill maintains all prior exemptions based upon the number of registered voters, and options to require campaign disclosure or to revoke the requirement. The amendment to the bill adds a new section requiring reporting by any candidate, for any office, who receives or expects to receive $5,000 in campaign contributions. b. TRPC Scope of Work - Grant Beck reported that the contract for long-range planning and technical services for 2006 had been signed and gave an overview of the services including UGA analysis, and transportation and Capital Facility plan updates. It was noted that the agreement provides the city with access to a variety of information, data, reports and related materials, skills and services for the cost of one employee. c. Public Notice Requirements - Grant Beck provided information following a council question raised by a court decision in a land use case allowing use of web site posting to meet noticing requirements. Staff noted that Yelm has codified land use noticing requirements and publishes notices in the Nisqually Valley News. Also, depending upon the individual action being taken, notices are mailed to owners within a required radius of the affected property. Additionally, the City maintains electronic mailing lists for Councilor Planning Commission hearings and provides agenda information to the library and the NVN as well as web site board posting. 5. Mayor Council Initiatives - Discussion concerned: 1) The downtown water tower, a structural engineer has been contacted for evaluation; 2) 105th Street extension closure; 3) Yelm Fire District meetings; 4) Suspending CDBG grants while an application process is developed. 6. New Business - None scheduled 7. Old Business - Staff reviewed Councilmanic seat changes required when the City reached 5,000, which won't happen until 2007. Council reviewed the time-line provided and requested that staff prepare an ordinance for the April 12 meeting. 8. Adjourn: 8:20 pm / LJ ~ ILU \/J t It, t '--C fc ennick, City Clerk Yelm City Council Minutes clerk/city counciI/2006/3-23-06 55 Minutes Approved: Page 1 of 1