02-08-95 Minutes CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1995, 7:30 PM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda/Motion Numbers 2 . 95-22 3 . 95-23 4. 95-24 1. Mayor Pro Tempore Martha Parsons called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. All present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Velma Curry, Amos Lawton, and Bob Gallagher. Visitors: Mary Lou Clemens, Gaye Newby, and members of Boy Scout Troop 217. Christine Lord, Nisqually Valley News, Michelle Arnold, Gordon White, Thurston County. Staff: Shelly Badger, Ken Garmann and Agnes Colombo. Agenda additions/deletions. MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BOB GALLAGHER APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRINTED. CARRIED. Minutes of January 25, 1995. MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING MINUTES OF JANUARY 25, 1995 AS PRINTED. CARRIED. Approval of vouchers. MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS *17724-17841, TOTALLING $176,460.74. CARRIED. 5. Michelle Arnold, Thurston County Solid Waste Management, gave a brief overview of the Solid Waste Management Plan Mission Statement, and Goals and Objectives. The Plan's intent is to significantly reduce waste and emphasize recycling and recovery while encouraging users of recycled materials to site their operations in the county. The Plan, which runs from 1993-2013, has established the following goals: 60% waste reduction; maintaining collection and monitoring programs; maintaining oversight throughout the county to minimize a duplication of efforts; and being financially self-supporting. Program components include: working to implement urban and rural minimum recycling service; adopting and incorporating moderate risk waste programs as an amendment to the Moderate Risk Waste Plan; and establishing a program to develop a model for evaluating the cost effectiveness and diversion potential of existing and future waste reduction and recycling programs. The Waste Reduction and Recycling Programs would need to generate approximately $85,000 per year in new revenue. Under the plan, special waste issues would be evaluated by the Thurston Co. Health Department with input from the Dept. of Water and Waste Management. Findings resulting from this process would be presented to the Solid Waste Advisory Committee ( SWAC). Existing collection service would continue at current levels while a collection district study is undertaken with a recommendation expected by 12/95. CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 25, 1995 PAGE 1 Municipalities currently doing so could continue to exercise their authority to establish either municipal or contract collection in the future. Expanded hours for the three transfer facilities would be studied as well. The siting and construction process for a new transfer facility would begin when necessary. Other actions include: studying the feasibility of developing a mixed waste processing/transfer facility: investigating a system for joint waste export or land filling in cooperation with neighboring counties; studying the advantages/disadvantages of solid waste disposal districts; and continued exploration of emerging technologies. Thurston Co. would continue program administration and responsibility for implementing recommendations in the plan and for the solid waste system within the county. Amendments/revisions to the plan would be brought to the SWAC for review, comments and recommended action would be forwarded to the Board of Commissioners for their evaluation and action. Upon adoption of the Plan, participating cites would pass ordinances and enter into an interlocal agreement with the county. Staff was asked to prepare a resolution adopting the plan for the February 22, 1995 meeting. 6. Public Hearing - (ZON8130) on a proposed rezone from R-A to R-1 and 26 lot residential preliminary plat on approximately 6.7 acres located South of Railway Road, East of First St., and West of Middle Road. Mayor Pro-Tempore Parsons opened the public hearing at 7:57 pm. Shelly Badger gave an overview of the prepared staff report. At the 2/6/95 meeting, the Yelm Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposals. The Commission's recommendation is for Council approval of both proposals with the seven conditions contained in the staff report. One additional condition was presented for consideration. Staff requested that due to lack of access to the open space area from 7 of the lots, a pedestrian easement at the end of Woodfield Court be required. A letter from Eileen Ramsay, dated 1/30/95, concerning a fencing issue was entered into the record. Being no additional comment the public hearing was closed at 8:07 pm. 95-25 MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING (ZON8130) A REZONE AND PRELIMINARY PLAT REQUEST WITH THE ADDITION OF CONDITION NO. 8 REQUIRING PEDESTRIAN ACCESS AT THE END OF WOODFIELD COURT. CARRIED. 7 . Gordon White, Thurston Co. Water Quality, spoke about the county Aquifer Protection Area (APA) proposal. The county is seeking, via a resolution, the support of each city and town in Thurston County. The county would like to have the issued added to the September '95 ballot for voter consideration. Mr. White explained that voter approval of the APA proposal would allow the collection, possibly through property tax rolls, of approximately $12 per single-family home in Thurston County. Of CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 25, 1995 PAGE 2 funds collected 24% would be used for detection programs to identify pollutant and quality problems and perform water quality and quantity sampling of 40 wells, and for review of well monitoring information from municipal and small water systems. 6% would be used for administration of the county-wide program. 33% of the funding would be used for corrective programs to investigate contamination events or emergencies, assist in developing regional/site specific sewerage plans to protect ground water from the effects of existing development, and to identify and correct substandard on site sewerage systems within critical wellhead or other priority areas. The remaining 37% would go towards prevention by assisting with sewage maintenance, offering hydrologic technical assistance, providing general education on ground water protection and responding to agricultural pollution contamination issues. Approval through a resolution sometime in March was requested. This would allow the issue to be placed on the ballot. 8. Public Comment/Questions. Gaye Newby asked if the aquifer protection program proposed doesn't duplicate programs/functions already performed by the city and by EPA? Response indicated that the EPA is not currently testing in Thurston County and that drinking water testing would not be duplicated. 9. New Business - vacant 10. Old Business a. Water rate change information sheets were included with Council handout material and will be mailed to water customers. A public hearing on the proposed rate increase has been scheduled for the 2/22/95 meeting. b. Sewer Deposits Shelly Badger explained that the sewer ordinance required collection of sewer deposits from all new customers and from any customer falling into arrears on their utility bill. As the wording is very specific in the ordinance, staff has no recourse other than to collect the deposit at the time the late payment is made. Complaints have been received about charging the deposit and about not knowing prior to becoming delinquent that the deposit would be required. Although information was published in the NVN, not everyone receives the paper. City staff included a copy of the ordinance requirement in a city-wide mailing at the end of January. Due to the number of complaints, staff requested Council's approval of drafting an ordinance amendment changing the sewer deposit requirement from the first time customers are late to the second time. 95-26 MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY DIRECTING STAFF TO PREPARE AN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING. CARRIED. CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 25, 1995 PAGE 3 11. a. Planning - Councilmember Lawton reported that due to public hearings scheduled, he was unable to attend. b. Parks - Velma Curry reported that the meeting is scheduled for next week. c. Police - In the absence of Chief Dunnam and Councilmember Miller, Councilmember Lawton reported that a dance had been held at the middle school to raise funds for the skateboard park. He was pleased to see so many parents attend with their children. d. Public Works - Ken Garmann reported that sod had been installed at the skate board park; two projects, Shur Clean and Kingsview II are under construction; work with TRPC on funding options for street/sidewalk enhancements continues; preliminary plans for the parking lot/sidewalk improvements by the water tower and senior center are being reviewed; a preconstruction meeting with Gramor for another building at Nisqually Plaza was held; hand held meter reading devices are being looked at; and a request to provide street sweeping service on city streets during construction was received. e. Mayor - Mayor Pro-Tempore Parsons reported on attending a meeting at Labor and Industries concerning the inter local agreement process. f. Council - Councilmember Curry reported that she had attended the Thurston Regional Planning Council meeting with Mayor Wolf. g. Financial - Councilmember Gallagher reported that due to a computer problem a report was not available. h. Shelly Badger reported on the waste water reuse project presentation made to the senate. Also reported was that a quarterly newsletter is being considered as a way to pass along information to local citizens. All departments would contribute and the first edition would be sent in March. 12. Correspondence reviewed included AWC's Legislative Bulletin and a Town Meeting planned by the Board of County Commissioners on 3/29/95 at 7:00 pm. 13. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm. ~m~~~ 0:. I. ~ Ka ryn . Wol , May r Clerk CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 25, 1995 PAGE 4