03-22-95 Minutes CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 1995, 7:30 PM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda/Motion Numbers 1. Mayor Wolf called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. All present joined in the flag salute. 2 . 95-56 3. 95-55 4. 95-57 5. 95-58 Council present: Velma Curry, Amos Lawton, Bob Gallagher and Martha Parsons. Absent: Don Miller. Visitors: Kristina Lord, Nisqually Valley News; John Huddleston, Creative Homes; Cindy Cecil, UCBO. Staff: Shelly Badger, Ken Garmann, Brian Asmus and Agnes Colombo. Agenda additions/deletions. MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRINTED. CARRIED. Minutes of March 8, 1995. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING MINUTES OF MARCH 8, 1995 AS PRINTED. CARRIED. Payroll MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE MARCH 1995 PAYROLL. CARRIED. 6. 7 . Approval of Vouchers. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS #17953-17960, TOTALLING $26,275.29. CARRIED. Vacant Public Comment - No comment received 8. a. New Business: UCBO Request - Washington State Department of Transportation Rural Mobility Program Grant. Cindy Cecil explained that she initially intended to use this grant to obtain funding for bus fare vouchers. While preparing the grant she realized its scope presented other possibilities and adjusted the request to fund purchasing two vans. One van would be equipped with a handicap lift. Purchase of the vans must be through a lead jurisdiction and she requested the City to act as lead agency. Mayor Wolf asked about drivers. Ms. Cecil responded that DOT has training programs and that this could benefit as a skills building project. Councilmember Parsons questioned funding. Ms. Cecil stated that the grant would pay 100% of the van costs, approximately $70,000, and the UCBO would cover insurance. Extra points are earned for matching funds. Shelly Badger questioned the need for two vans. Ms. Cecil explained that two are needed because you lose so many seats to accommodate a lift. CITY COUNCIL MARCH 22, 1995 PAGE 1 95-59 The City would receive the grant money and pay for the van purchase, probably through the state, although IT has indicated possible availability of some vans. A Lessor/Lessee arrangement between the City and UCBO was suggested as the best option to release the City of liability. Ms. Cecil is working with DOT to come up with a solution to meet the lead agency criteria and address the liability issue. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY BOB GALLAGHER THAT YELM ACT AS LEAD AGENCY IF A WAY CAN BE WORKED OUT THAT YELM IS NOT LEGALLY LIABLE. CARRIED. 9. Old Business: a. Ordinance No. 551 - Temporary Court Administrator, discussed at the last meeting. 95-60 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY BOB GALLAGHER ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 551 AMENDING BUDGET ORD. NO. 540 BY APPROVING A TEMPORARY COURT CLERK'S POSITION DURING THE COURT ADMINISTRATOR'S ABSENCE AT $9.00 PER HOUR. CARRIED. b. Ordinance No. 552 Saturday and Sunday Waste Water Testing, discussed at last meeting. 95-61 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 552 AMENDING BUDGET ORD. NO. 540 BY APPROVING PAYMENT OF $128.00 PER MONTH FOR WASTE WATER TESTING. CARRIED. c. Mayor Wolf explained that the ordinance requested at the last meeting .~~ to permanently i~f2.ase th!t}J.ours of the part time city hall office '\) assistant from ~ to ~ days per week was not needed. A ~ permanent increase in hours and benefits will begin April 1, 1995. d. Sewer Service Boundary Revision Request - John Huddleston, Creative Homes explained that he would like to use the 30 ERUs approved at the last meeting in a different development area. The change is being made to avoid the piece-meal development of a larger plat. City staff qualified the request by advising of the need for calculating the hydraulic considerations of the change. This information would be available prior to platting. Staff also advised Mr. Huddleston that he would remain responsible for a share of the cost of extending the sewer line to the proper across SR507. 10. Reports a. Planing - Councilmember Curry reported that she had been able to attended only 10 minutes of the Planning Commission meeting due to public hearing on development regulations. Shelly Badger added that additional work sessions had been scheduled and that comparisons to the old and new and the draft vision plan. Commission members were commended for the additional time they have committed to this issue. New planner, Cathie Carlson is working Monday, Tuesday and 1/2 day Wednesday. 1) Tim's Pharmacy Site Plan - Shelly Badger explained that the phased plan includes a building addition, parking lot expansion and eventual removal of the old fire station. The proponent has also CITY COUNCIL MARCH 22, 1995 PAGE 2 requesting that the alley be changed to one way, north, between 2nd and 1st St. If approved, this change would not impact parking behind existing business. Mayor Wolf pointed out that this is a logical continuation of the one way traffic pattern beginning at Third St. She also suggested consideration of making the alley on the North side, one way. with traffic going Easterly. 95-62 MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY AMOS APPROVING A REQUEST TO CHANGE THE TRAFFIC FLOW IN THE ALLEY BETWEEN YELM AVENUE AND WASHINGTON TO ONE WAY FROM SECOND TO FIRST STREET. CARRIED. 2) Reduction in number of Planning Commission Members. 95-63 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S REDUCTION REQUEST FROM 11 TO 9 MEMBERS UPON THE EXPIRATION OF THE 10TH POSITION. CARRIED. Staff was directed to prepare an ordinance. b) Library. Kristin Blalack stated that circulation continues to lncrease. Shelly Badger added that legislative bill allowing library to establish a larger service area is still alive. The bill would permit a larger number of people to vote on and pay for library bonds. c) Park - Councilmember Curry reported that the Park Advisory Committee is still negotiating for purchase of property. 95-64 Park Use Requests - 1) Nisqually Basin Little Council requested that parade. MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, REQUESTS FOR PRAIRIE CARRIED. Lion's Club, prairie Days, July 22-30 and League, April-June, Mon-Fri, 6-8: 30 pm. staff determine who will be working the SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING PARK USE DAYS AND NISQUALLY BASIN LITTLE LEAGUE. d) Council Liaison reports 1) City Hall & Court - new planner has started and court offices will be closed on 3/30 for computer training. 2) Public Works - Ken Garmann reported on progress on the Yelm Telephone Co/City parking lot and improvement project at 2nd and Washington; the large pothole at Nisqually Plaza which is being addressed by Gramor; expected installation of hydraulics spread sheets; and Kings View II final punch list is expected at the end of the week. Water Service Connection Fees - Mr. Garmann proposed that text contained in the Water Ordinance remain unchanged and that an additional fee, based on the number of ERUs utilized, be charged. A portion of this fee would be set aside for capital improvements and/ or expansion/repairs/grant match funds. Action will be requested at the next meeting. 95-65 Hawthorne Tree - a request has been received to remove a tree on Yelm Avenue. Interest had been expressed in replacing trees. Needs to be brought to the attention of the Chamber. MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING REMOVAL AND CITY COUNCIL MARCH 22, 1995 PAGE 3 REP:tACEMENT OF HAWTHORNE TREE. CARRIED. 3) Police Councilmember Parsons reported on Chief Dunnam's selection by the Kiwanis as one of 10 Thurston Co. Citizens of the Year. The FAST COP grant has been completed and returned. Law & Criminal Justice Committee's proposal for a regional 300 bed jail facility, estimated cost $10 million. Thurston County will serve as lead agency. Officer Brian Asmus invited Councilmembers to attend a Community Youth Violence Meting on april 11, 7 pm, Yelm High School Theater. 4) Financial Report - Councilmember Gallagher reported that he had met with Daisy Lawton and Agnes Colombo and that everything is fine through the end of February. e. Mayor - Mayor Wolf reported that she had attended the Tumwater Library Opening; a meeting with Representative Tate re waste water reuse; Kiwanis Luncheon; Economic Development Council; weekly staff lunch meeting; meeting with girl scouts, and Free Trade Zone meeting. Invitations received/items of interest: Capital City Rod & Gun Club for 4/1, 10 am; Olympia Arts Walk 4/21; land use seminar in Dupont on 4/5; TCTV Aquifer Protection Area tape is available Health/Safety Network Council, Westwater, 4/10, 10-3: 30. Cindy Cecil has been selected as a representative; and Aquifer Protection Area public hearing on 4/3, 6:30 pm, Thurston Co. Courthouse, Ken Garmann will attend. Mayor Wolf read a proclamation signed by all Thurston Co. Mayors and Commissioner Judy Wilson proclaiming April 25 as National Youth Service Day. Event will be held at Capital Mall. f. Council - Councilmember Gallagher reported on the Thurston Regional Transportation Policy Board Meeting. priorities set for distribution of approximately $271,000 in project funding. This amount will probably fund 2 of the 15 projects submitted. Yelm is #9. 12. Correspondence. 13. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm. tt~)/1],y~ Ka hryn M. Wolf, M yor Clerk CITY COUNCIL MARCH 22, 1995 PAGE 4