04-26-95 Minutes CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1995, 7:30 P.M. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda/Motion Numbers 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Kathryn Wolf. All joined in the flag salute. Council present: Don Miller, Velma Curry, Amos Lawton Guests: Wanda Bittner, Animal Rescue & Adoption Staff: Shelly Badger, Ken Gannann, Cathie Carlson and Glenn Dunnam 2. Agenda additions/deletions 95-73 MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING THE AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. 3. Approval of Minutes: April 12, 1995 95-74 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY, APPROVING THE APRIL 12, 1995 COUNCIL MINUTES AS WRITTEN. MOTION CARRIED. 4. Approval of Payroll: April 1995 95-75 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING APRIL, 1995 PAYROLL. MOTION CARRIED. 5. Approval of Vouchers #18085 - #18093 - Totalling $5,291.82 95-76 MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS 18085 THROUGH 18093 IN THE AMOUNT OF $5,291.82. MOTION CARRIED. 6. Public Comment/Questions - No public comments/questions received. 8. New Business: a. "Animal Rescue & Adootion" - Wanda Bittner. 8737 Whitewood Lp. Rd. S.E., (Nisqually Pines), Yelm, W A. ARAA is a non-profit organization that rescues animals and maintains an animal shelter. Ms. Bittner is requesting that the city assist CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 26, 1995 1 in making arrangements to make it possible to place animals in her shelter when they are picked up rather than taking them to the pound. Mr. Higley pointed out that ARAA also uses a scanner to identify dogs who have the micro chip identification imbedded under the skin. Mayor Wolf advised that the City of Yelm does have a contract with a local veterinary that animals that are picked up go there and are kept for five days and at the end of that time, if they are not claimed, they are put to sleep. The mayor wanted to clarify that Ms. Bittner is interested in obtaining these animals after the five-day waiting period but before they are put to sleep without having to pay the $55.00 fee per dog. Shelly Badger advised that the City is charged the fee to cover the cost of housing the dogs plus the euthanasia fee. Don Miller asked if there would be a problem if the animals were taken directly to Ms. Bittner. Shelly Badger advised that it would be something that would have to be looked into, along with the requirements as to liability, etc. Mayor Wolf also added that there is an ordinance regarding the use of the micro chip and that the City is responsible for housing the animals. Chief Glen Dunnam recommended that no decision be made now, until it can be fully researched and also advised that something else to consider is if the animal is vicious or has bitten someone, a dual contract would have to be maintained to take care of it. Shelly Badger will work with Don Miller to check on options and Shelly will pull copies of the current ordinances. b. Proclamation - "Teacher Appreciation Week". proclaiming appreciation for our local teachers. 95-77 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECOND BY AMOS LAWTON THAT THE PROCLAMATION BE APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. 9. Old Business: b. Water Hook-up Fees Ordinance #553 Ken Garmann stated that approximately one month ago the council was asked about assessing a connection fee that would be similar to the sewer ERU fee so that the City can begin to establish a reserve fund for repairs and maintenance of the existing water system and also to find new sources of water. Don Miller asked how many ERU we have? Ken responded that there are 1800 ERUs available and we are currently servicing 900. The City Planning Department recommends that the council approve the request for the ERU assessment on the water systems. . Shelly Badger requested that additional language be used in the ordinance to cover the creation of the reserve fund so that it would not be necessary to come back at a later CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 26, 1995 2 date to approve an ordinance setting up the fund. It is suggested that .the following wording be added to the introductory statement: . . . AND AMENDING ORDINANCE 540, THE 1995 BUDGET, TO ADD A NEW FUND ENTITLED THE "WATER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT RESERVE FUND." It is also suggested that Section 2a D be modified as follows: "Ordinance #504 is hereby amended to create a 'Water Capital Improvement Reserve Fund' where collected ERU water fees will be placed to be utilized for emergency repairs and capital improvement projects." 95-78 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECOND BY AMOS LAWTON ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 553 AS AMENDED. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE ADOPTED. b. Interim Development Standards Resolution #327 Ken Garmann. presented a request to the Council to adopt the Interim Standards so that the City can begin using the standards. Shelly Badger added that the resolution that would be repealed is the one that the council approved in 1992 that stated we would use the City of Lacey Development Guidelines and now we have a draft set of development guidelines and would like to use them officially as the interim set until the official adoption of the standards. 95-79 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY DON MILLER THAT RESOLUTION NO. 327 BE ADOPTED. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION ADOPTED. c. S.T.E.P. Sewer System Acceptance Resolution #328 Ken Garmann gave report that all sewer contracts have been completed, the engineer has recommended that we accept them as completed, the agencies involved (Farmers Home, RDA, EP A, Corp. of Engineers, etc.) have recommended that they be accepted. The Public Works Department recommends that the Council approve this resolution, accepting the sewer project as being completed. 95-80 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON THAT RESOLUTION NO. 328 BE ADOPTED. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION ADOPTED. 10. Reports: a. Planning - Shelly Badger reminded the council that on May 18th the Chamber will be hosting the final town meeting on the Vision Plan. It will be the final presentation to the public before it goes before the City and the Planning Commission. The County has started their process to rezone the land across the canal and a couple CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 26, 1995 3 95-81 of other areas that were taken out of the Urban Growth Boundary. Cathie Carlson also wanted to announce that the City of Lacey will be presenting short course in planning in May. If anyone is interested in attending, please let Cathie know. b. Library Reoort - See written report submitted by Librarian Kristin Blalack. c. Council Liaison Reports: 1) City Hall - Mavor Wolf reported that the she attended a "Secretary Lunch" today for staff at City Hall, Police and the Court. 2) Court - No report 3) Public Works - Ken Garmann reported that bids have been received on the joint venture parking lot on Washington. Work is tentatively beginning on May 8th. The city has completed all their work on the project, now waiting for Puget Power. Ken reported that the city was able to complete a quick drainage correction at the Scout cabin and stated that the city public works staff should be commended for doing a great job. Ken also reported on the road crossings being done in preparation for the overlays that will be taking place. Utility conduits will be installed at 1 st and Yelm. The contractor will be installing the conduit and the city will be furnishing the pipe. Future sewer and water conduits will be installed for future use. The city has also been negotiating with Burlington Northern Railroad for a utility easement to run from Y elm Avenue at the crossing all the way down to Rhoton Road. 4) Police - Chief Glen Dunnam reported that Thurston County Communication has requested permission to erect an 8' x 10' building at the northeast comer of the water tower to house communications material for a relay for the fire departments and police departments in the southeast county. There will be no cost to the City. They've agreed to take the school's communications equipment which is currently in the pump house and put it in with their communications equipment. At the current time, there are dead spots in the area and it is an officer safety issue that has been brought up at CAPCOM meetings. Public Works has said it would not cause any problems. It would be erected inside the fence. Shelly Badger said the plans would have to meet the land use regulations. MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY DON MILLER TO GIVE PERMISSION TO BUILD A COMMUNICATIONS STORAGE BUILDING IF IT MEETS WITH ALL CITY REQUIREMENTS. MOTION CARRIED. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 26, 1995 4 5) Financial Report Update - 1974 GO Bond - Shelly Badger reported back to the council regarding $3,000.00 that is sitting in the general obligation bond account. The answer she has received is that the money can be invested as long as the money is available at year's end. 6) Mayor - Mayor Wolf reported on the Wellness program. Anyone who wishes to participate can contact Dana at city hall. Mayor Wolf also announced that she was asked to go to the UCBO on June 17 at 2: 15 p.m. to congratulate the 20 youth who are graduating from the Pre-employment Skills Program of the Advocates for Youth Program. She is not available to attend that day. Chief Dunnam agreed to attend. 7) Council - No report. 8) Parks Report with reauests: 95-82 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING REQUEST BY NISQUALLY BASIN LITTLE LEAGUE AS REQUESTED. 11. Correspondence was reviewed. 12. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. -&~q In )ii ~/' ?l- v';;'" ) .~ Ct-' i. Kathryn '. Wolf, Mayor CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 26, 1995 5