06-14-95 Minutes CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1995, 7:30 PM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda/Motion Numbers 1. Mayor Wolf called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. All present joined in the flag salute. 2. 95-97 3. 95-98 4. 95-99 95-100 95-101 CITY COUNCIL JUNE 14, 1995 Council present: Velma Curry, Amos Lawton, Bob Gallagher, Martha Parsons and Don Miller. Visitors: Kristina Lord, Nisqually Valley News, Wanda Bittner and Tom Skillings, Skillings Connolly. Staff: Shelly Badger, Glenn Dunnam, Ken Garmann and Agnes Colombo. Agenda additions/deletions. MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY BOB GALLAGHER APPROVING THE AGENDA WITH THE ADDITION OF A PARK USE REQUEST AS 10,G,2. CARRIED. Minutes of May 24, 1995. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING MINUTES OF MAY 24, 1995 WITH A NAME CORRECTION TO MOTION 95- 95. CARRIED. Approval of Vouchers. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY BOB GALLAGHER APPROVING PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS 18227-18348, TOTALLING $185,793.36. CARRIED. 5. Public Comments/Questions - none 6 . New Business: a. Resolution 329 - Agreement with Yelm Telephone Company. Ken Garmann requested Council approval to enter into an agreement with Yelm Telephone Company. The renewable agreement would reserve 15 of 24 parking spaces for Yelm Telephone Company use on Monday-Friday from 8 am to 5 pm, for a twenty year period. The parking lot project, a cooperative effort between the City and Yelm Telephone Company, is located on City property at Second and Washington and funded (up to $50,000) by Yelm Telephone Company. MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING RESOLUTION 329 THE PARKING LOT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND YELM TELEPHONE COMPANY. CARRIED. b. Councilmembers discussed the lack of quorum expected for the scheduled 7/26/95 meeting. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY CANCELLING THE JULY 26, 1995 COUNCIL MEETING. CARRIED. c. Loan Subordination Request - Agnes Colombo explained that the request was to subordinate the City's position on a housing rehab loan. The home is being refinanced to reduce the interest rate from 14 to 10 percent. A past subordination request approval resulted in the City being in second place and the City's position would be unchanged if the request is approved. PAGE 1 95-102 95-103 95-104 CITY COUNCIL JUNE 14, 1995 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING THE JOHNS SUBORDINATION REQUEST. CARRIED. 7 . Old Business: a. Adoption of Civil Service Rules and Regulations approval was requested to reschedule this item until after the next Civil service Commission meeting. Council concurred and the item will be rescheduled to August 9. b. Ordinance 554 - (ANX8128) located at Yelm Avenue W. and Burnett Road. MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 554 (ANX8128). CARRIED. COUNCILMEMBER MILLER ABSTAINED. c. Animal Custody Agreement - Shelly Badger explained that Wanda Bittner's proposal would provide care of impounded dogs for a $25 fee. The fee would cover care, micro chipping and shots. Ms. Bittner has a Thurston County hobby kennel license and could accommodate up to 10 animals. Proposed changes, including dispensing with the City's required five day holding period, will necessitate revisions to the existing Ordinance. The City's attorney has requested time check into aspects of immediate release of impounded animals. Wanda Bittner explained that she required adopting parties to sign a release agreeing to relinquishing animals to the former owner if he/she is located. Councilmember Lawton questioned if the facility being located outside of the City would be a problem. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER TABLING THIS ISSUE TO THE JULY 12, 1995 MEETING. CARRIED. d. Executive Session - At 7:52 pm, Mayor Wolf announced that Council would go into executive session for approximately 15 minutes to discuss possible litigation. Mayor Wolf reopened the regular meeting at 8:00 pm. 8. Reports: a. Planning Department - Project update prepared by staff member Cathie Carlson was provided. Mayor Wolf read a letter from Yelm Planning Commission member Roberta Longmire stating that Cathie Carlson is the best planner the City has had and on her cooperative attitude. Councilmember Lawton expressed his appreciation of work accomplished by the Planning Commission on the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance and requested that a thank you letter be prepared. Council concurred. b. Public Works Ken Garmann invited Tom Skillings, Skillings Connolly, to update Council on the WW Reuse project. Tom Skillings explained that the draft of the Facilities Plan has been submitted to Department of Ecology for comments. The project is on schedule with completion expected towards the PAGE 2 end of June. Gene Borges is pursuing funding for the design and construction phase. The public awareness program is going well and additional presentations are planned. Councilmember Miller asked if any legislative action had affected the project. Mr. Skillings responded that bill 5606, a water reuse bill passed. The bill acknowledges everything Yelm is proposing to do with our project. Department of Ecology funding has been cut back. Concerning funding Mr. Skillings indicated that applications for Centennial and state revolving fund have been submitted. Results will be known the end of July. Federal funding via RDA and Farm Home Administration will be applied for following completion of the facilities plan. The NEPA Public Hearing has been advertised and scheduled for the August 9, 1995 Council meeting. The SEPA process will begin when Gene returns from vacation. Ken Garmann requested that Council review the Surface and Storm Water utility staff report for possible future consideration, and reported: on the recent trip to Chicago to view manufacturing and operation of sewer equipment; the tree and wild flower planting scheduled for Cochrane Park; and notification that Stevens St. did not receive TIB funding. c. Police Chief Dunnam reported: that department accreditation is planned for next year; that three additional police vehicles have been purchased; that new officer Stacy Denham will have an August slot at the academy; and that CAPCOM is looking closely at Yelm's growth rate and the City should be prepared for a $1,500 share increase from '95 to , 96. d. Financial - Councilmember Gallagher reported that the financial position is about where it is expected to be. e. Mayor Wolf reported on meetings attended: EDC Awards, 4 local businesses in top 10, three of those in top five; Mayors' Forum; Capital Medical Center; and Arntech expansion hearing where the Board approved the expansion with mitigation required, a win-win situation. Correspondence included: letter from Lacey thanking Yelm for a hawthorne tree; letter from Gary Alexander, Regulatory Simplification Task Force, concerning proposed policies for Improving Business Regulations in Thurston County; Municipal Research and Services Center article on water conservation; Press release re property value notices; and Building Industry Association Legal Affairs Program booklet; and information on filing for office and quorum requirements. f. Council - Councilmember Gallagher reported on attending the Transportation Policy Board meeting where topics discussed included IT's High Capacity Transit Feasibility Study. CITY COUNCIL JUNE 14, 1995 PAGE 3 g. Park 1) Park Use Requests included: 6/16/95, Paz Birthday Party; 6/18/95, Tomblin Birthday Party; 6/24/95 Little League picnic and Game; 6/24/95, Emanuel Lutheran Church Service and picnic; 8/4/95, Black & White Ball; 8/5/95, Amtech Family picnic; 8/6/95, Messer Wedding Reception; and 8/20/95 vintage Scooter and Bicycle Display. 95-105 It was requested that park rules, including information concerning use of alcoholic beverages, be sent to applicants. Staff responded that this information is part of the standard approval letter. MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE EIGHT PARK USE REQUESTS. CARRIED. 95-106 Councilmember Curry reported that $2,000 is needed for play bark to use under the new playground equipment at City Park. The Parks Advisory Committee is willing to participate in fund raising activities to assist with the additional cost. Shelly Badger explained that $18,000 had been budget for City Park, $10,200 for playground equipment and $7,800 (estimated cost) for ADA compliance needs. The PAC would like to use $2,000 of the ADA funds to purchase the play bark. Councilmember Lawton expressed his objection to additional park spending until the skate board park has been completed. MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING EXPENDITURE OF $2,000 FOR PLAY BARK AND APPROVAL OF YELM PARKS ADVISORY COMMITTEE SOLICITING FUNDS. CARRIED. COUNCILMEMBER LAWTON ABSTAINED. 95-107 Shelly Badger announced that the Thurston County Commissioners had voted to sell the county park property adjacent to the City's land on Canal Road to Yelm for $1.00. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER TO ACCEPT THE COUNTY'S VERY GENEROUS OFFER TO SELL THE CANAL ROAD PARK PROPERTY TO THE CITY FOR $1.00. CARRIED. 95-108 Shelly Badger explained that additional funding would be needed for a landscape architect to evaluate the layout for the park. Budget adjustments were discussed. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER ALLOWING UP TO $5,000 TO NEGOTIATE WITH THURSTON COUNTY FOR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE SERVICES. CARRIED. Court report - Activity for May '95 included 139 tickets, 70 criminal citations and 69 infractions. 9. Correspondence was reviewed. 10. Meeting adjourned at 9:07 pm. Attest: ~cJt% kr J~~ Ka hryn ~ Wolf, Ma~ r '\ ,/J // ') \ .lV C-iJIYl1' ~I Colombo, City Clerk CITY COUNCIL JUNE 14, 1995 PAGE 4