10-25-95 Meeting CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1995, 7:30 PM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda/Motion Numbers 2 . 95-166 3 . 95-167 4 . 95-168 5 . 95-169 1. Mayor Wolf called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. All present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Velma Curry, Martha Parsons, Amos Lawton, Don Miller, and Bob Gallagher. Visitors: Kristina Lord, Nisqually Valley News; Jamie Hal veri, Intercity Transit; and J.S. Williams, Yelm prairie Development. Mark Carpenter, Paul Steadman, Dean Hooper, Harold Chambers I Kei th Mercer, and Debra Delzell. Staff: Shelly Badger, Cathie Carlson, Glenn Dunnam, Ken Garmann, and Agnes Colombo. Agenda additions/deletions. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE AGENDA AS MODIFIED BY THE ADDITION OF 11.b. CARRIED. Minutes: October 11, 1995. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING THE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 11, 1995 AS PRINTED. CARRIED. Approval of Payroll: October 1995 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE OCTOBER 1995 PAYROLL. CARRIED. Approval of Vouchers. MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING PAYMENT VOUCHERS 18827-18830, TOTALLING $31,352.17. CARRIED. 6 . Office Keith Mercer addressed Council and thanked them for their support during the 6 1/2 years he was with the Yelm Police Department. He expressed his feelings that his experience with Yelm, and the opportunity to take advantage of training and develop skills was invaluable. He praised Chief Dunnam and the other Yelm Officers and indicated that the challenges and pace he is facing in Lacey is quite different from his experience in Yelm. Council thanked Officer Mercer and wished him well. 7. Speaker did not attend. CITY COUNCIL. OCTOBER 25, 1995 PAGE 1 8. Public Hearing - (SUB-8149) Preliminary Plat Proposal for 60 residential lots located on the northwest side of SR507 and south of Mill Road. Mayor Wolf opened the public hearing at 7: 36 pm. No obj ections to participants or conflict of interest was voiced. Cathie Carlson, Yelm Planner, reviewed the staff report dated October 11, 1995 and prepared for the October 16, 1995 public hearing before the Yelm Planning Commission. Items 1-21 were reviewed individually and Council was requested to modify #2 in consideration of Michael Welter's, (Thurston Co. Parks and Recreation Department) memorandum of 10/25/95 concerning city required frontage improvements and the Yelm-Tenino Trail. The modification to #2 would change the sidewalk, bike path and landscaping requirements so they could be incorporated into trail system rather than at roadside. Mayor Wolf opened the floor for questions/comments. Mark Carpenter - added that the dollar value of these improvements to the trail system could be used towards obtaining matching grant funding. Harold Chambers expressed concern about the sewer capacity for future schools if tonight's public hearing projects are approved. Mayor Wolf read a letter from Gisela Walker, dated 10/23/95, also expressing concern about sewer capacity for future schools. Shelly Badger explained that when FmHA funding was received for the Mill Road sewer line, capaci ty was reserved for 1200 students in addition to the Nisqually Estates Division I and II sites. The lines are si.zed to accommodate both and Treatment Plant capacity is available for the school. Jamie Haveri, Intercity Transit, expressed support for the project and appreciation for cooperation in meeting IT's request. 95-170 Being no addi tional comment I Mayor Wolf closed the public hearing at 8:03 pm. MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION FOR NISQUALLY HEIGHTS DIVISION I, WITH THE ADDED STIPULATION IN MICHAEL WELTER'S LETTER AND THAT #2 BE MODIFIED TO REFLECT THAT FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS WOULD NOT INCLUDE SIDEWALKS, BIKE PATHS AND LANDSCAPING. CARRIED. CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 25, 1995 PAGE 2 9. Public HearinG - (SUB/MPD-8150) Preliminary Plat and Master Plan Development proposal for 60 residential lots located on the northwest side of SR507 and south of Mill Road. Mayor Wolf opened the hearing at 8:05 pm. No objections to participants or conflict of interest was voiced. Mayor Wolf requested that the record show that the letter from Gisela Walker applied equally to this hearing. Cathie Carlson, Yelm Planner, reviewed the staff report dated October 11, 1995 and prepared for the October 16, 1995 public hearing before the Yelm Planning Commission. Items 1-20 were reviewed individually where they differed from those in the preceding public hearing and Council was requested to modify #2 in consideration of Thurston Co. Parks and Recreation Department's 10/25/95 memo. Cathy Carlson continued by explaining that a wetland was addressed in item #5 and that the proposal meets the intent of the Conceptual Plan and is in compliance with Yelm's Master Plan Ordinance. Mayor Wolf opened the floor for questions/comments. Paul Steadman - told Council that after 3 years of work he was exci ted that the proposal was finally at this place and explained his relationship with FmHA and with NW Housing. Jamie Haveri - Intercity Transit spoke in support of the project. Councilmember Miller questioned plans for the identified wetland area. Cathie Carlson responded that the wetland would be kept natural and that defined slopes would make public access difficult. Being no additional comment, Mayor Wolf closed the public hearing at 8:15 pm. 95-180 MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING THE NISQUALLY ESTATES DIVISION II MASTER PLAN DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL AND THE PRELIMINARY PLAT AS RECOMMENDED BY THE YELM PLANNING COMMISSION WITH THE ADDED STIPULATION IN MICHAEL WELTER'S LETTER AND MODIFYING #2 TO REFLECT THAT FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS WOULD NOT INCLUDE SIDEWALKS, BIKE PATHS AND LANDSCAPING. CARRIED. 10. Public Comment/Questions CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 25, 1995 PAGE 3 11. 95-181 95-182 12. Joe Williams I Yelm Prairie Development, extended an invitation to Mayor Wolf and Council for discussion concerning the possible use of property for City facilities. Dean Hooper, spoke on behalf of Ruth Jacobsen, Yelm Friends of the Library. Mr. Hooper expressed appreciation to the City for the library space being provided, but added that additional space is needed. Discussion had ruled out bonds as a way to obtain a larger library and a computer search resulted in a plan to package $250,000 in donated material and labor to be matched with other resources. This type of arrangement was not possible in the past due to the Davis Bacon Act. Favorable news included that the library has accumulated $60,000 to use towards a building; Timberland will provide $10 per sq. foot, in addition to books, staff, and support; a private pledge of $1,000 has been received; three ways to purchase land as well as a possible land donation are being examined; and a architect has agreed to allow use of plans at a reduced rate ($30,000) if too many changes aren't needed. Additional positive news is that Gene Borges has consented to be the project director and that the Nisqually Tribe has expressed interest in the project. Mayor Wolf congratulated Mr. Hooper on moving forward with the project and explained that the City wasn't able to provide additional assistance as the payments on the current library space would continue for quite some time. The cost of the addition, utilities and building maintenance and supplies come from the City's general revenues. Ci ty residents also pay a tax directly to the Library District through their property taxes. New Business: ,,--4..3~ . a. Resolution.~ MOTION BY MARTHA PA~'p)iS, SECONDED BY BOB GALLAGHER APPROVING RESOLUTION ~ A CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO ACT AS LEAD AGENCY FOR A CDBG ENHANCEMENT FUND GRANT. CARRIED. b. Request for approval to order a new police car thru state bidding process. The deadline to place the order is November 15. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING THE ORDER OF A NEW POLICE CAR FOR 1996 DELIVERY AND PAYMENT. CARRIED. Old Business: CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 25/ 1995 PAGE 4 a. Water/Sewer Account Deposit Amounts, Billing, and Policy. Tabled to the 11/8/95 meeting. b. Ordinance No. 560 95-183 MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO 560, MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE. CARRIED. c. Ordinance No 561 95-184 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO 561, AMENDING THE YELM ZONING CODE (ORD 555) AND ADOPTING THE OFF-STREET PARKING/LOADING CHAPTER AND THE DOE STORMWATER MANUAL. CARRIED. 13. Reports a. The September Library Report showed a 4% circulation increase over the same period in '94, and 97 new patrons registered. Also addressed was staff training, preschool story time, and job sharing. b. Planning - Councilmember Lawton was unable to attend due the meeting due to public hearings on the proposals before Council this evening. c. Council Liaison Reports 1) City Hall/Court - A Birthday Pot Luck was held at noon on Monday. 2) Public Works - Ken GarmanD reported on work being done on street lights, ADA sidewalk repairs, work at the Senior Center, and ADA work in City Park which has been moved back to '96. 3) Police - Chief Dunnam said that Yelm lost a seasoned officer when Officer Mercer left and that it would be difficult to replace him. d. Financial - A quarterly report, prepared by the treasurer was provided. e. Mayor Mayor Wolf thanked all the Heart Walk participants and contributors and especially Councilmember Parsons for acting as team leader. The participation this year included the ci ty I chamber I school, and Town of Rainier. f. Council - Councilmember Parsons said that she was not positive of Yelm's standing in the HeartWalk yet and reported on attending Tumwater' s Sesquicentennial Closing Ceremony and on being Grand Marshall in the Yelm Homecoming Parade. g. No parks report 14. Mayor Wolf announced at 8:46 pm that Council would be going into executive session for approximately 15 minutes to discuss real estate. CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 25, 1995 PAGE 5 The executive session ended and the regular meeting was resumed at 9:05 pm. 95-185 MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY TO ALLOW THE UCBO TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS AND AN ERNEST MONEY AGREEMENT FOR THE PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AS RECOMMENDED BY THE UCBO BOARD ON OCTOBER 20, 1995 WITH THE CITY'S 1995 CDBG GRANT FOR SENIOR AND DEVELOPMENTALLY DISABLED HOUSING. CARRIED. 15. Correspondence reviewed included information from the City's insurance carrier, AWC RMSA, indicating that due to Referendum 48's potential cost, AWC staff recommends that Referendum 48 coverage be excluded from policies. 12. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 pm. ~/ , . //,," .. --; ,!!~ ,1 -_: ,,]hr /' J} 11 ,;4~ Kat'hryn . Wolf, Mayor Attest: 7'{j' / /, ",,' , / Cij/Jl ~I y.J 0n, JaJ Agne P. Colombo, City Clerk CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 25/ 1995 PAGE 6