06-25-14 Study SessionYELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 2014, 5:00 P.M. Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Present: Councilmembers: Joe Baker, Russ Hendrickson, Ken Garmann arrived at 5:25 p.m. Mike McGowan arrived at 5:50 p.m. Staff: Shelly Badger, Stephanie Ray, Todd Stancil, Grant Beck, Ryan Johnstone. Agenda Approval. Item 4b. was moved to be presented first. The Emergency Management Presentation and Community Center update tabled from 5/28/14 Study Session followed. 4 b. Emergency Management Presentation, Police Chief Todd Stancil presented a preview of Yelm's Emergency Management Plan that will be presented to the public at the Chamber meeting, July 8, 2014. The presentation began with; What the plan is, historical events highlighting regional risks, what citizens can do to prepare for emergencies and what activates the Emergency Operations Center for the City to maintain necessary services. The biggest challenges are transportation and communications. Shelter locations provided by the Red Cross. 5:40 4a. Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and Transportation Facility pm Charge. Grant Beck provided updated Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program Project List, map of project locations and cost breakdown. Discussion followed about new items not previously listed on STIP and projects previously discussed but not listed on the updated list. Transportation Facility Charge was last updated in 2008. Public Hearing will beheld at the next City Council meeting, July 8, 2014 for the STIP and the increases to the facility charge. 6:00 4c. Community Center Update Stephanie Ray and Ryan Johnstone, as part of the project team pm presented a project board of the materials proposed for the interior and exterior for the 5,000 sq ft community center construction. Considerations for materials included acoustics, aesthetics, accessibility, durability and flexibility of partitioning spaces for multi -use. Estimates have come in higher than anticipated. Budgeting options and scheduling were discussed. CONCENSUS TO MOVE FULL DESIGN FORWARD WITH BID PROCESS IN AUGUST. Mayor's Report — Mayor reported on staff report regarding water/sewer/stormwater base fees prepared by Admin/Finance staff to clarify question presented at June Council meeting. Staff was directed to research this issue and bring it back to Study Session. Additional review was obtained from Public Works and Executive departments determining that the options considered were not recommended based on the research findings. Base fees are intended to cover fixed expenses regardless of consumption; once hooked up it is considered an active ERU guaranteeing at will availability, and the infrastructure needs to be maintained in good repair. The continuity ensures that active utility customers are not subsidizing the fixed costs related to a service connection that is inactive, but still has an ERU and ability to demand service. Staff was directed to inform citizen of findings. City of Yelm and Department of Ecology Water Right judgment has been appealed. Council Initiatives. Councilmember McGowan inquired about the federally protected Mazama Pocket Gopher and the City of Yelm permitting process. Permits will be handled on a case -by -case basis for permit requests. Councilmember McGowan asked about the progress of carpet replacement at the library. Mayor Harding welcomed Councilmembers to join him in participating in the Prairie Days Parade. Also mentioned was Yelm's newly formed Relay for Life team walking in the parade with the American Cancer Society group. Adjourn: 7:45 p.m. Attest4WX,-,/ dx�_ ung, Mayor A o ✓t line Schnepf, City Clerk ,i?E Ie. =;-., Q,