01/25/03 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES FACILITATED RETREAT SATURDAY, JANUARY 25,2003 Openin~:r The meeting was opened at 9:00 a.m. Attendance: Mayor Adam Rivas, Councilmembers Don Miller, John Thompson, Bob Isom, Ron Harding and Pat Fetterly, City Administrator Shelly Badger and Facilitator Michael Pendleton. The Retreat focused on 2 areas: 1. To review and discuss the 28 working agreements established in September 2002. 2. To identify, discuss, and prioritize goals for potential implementation for 2004. Goals that were established are as follows: a. Acquisition of Water Rights b. Development of Yelm-Roy Prairie Rail Line, including establishment of an operator, connection to Tacoma Rail and acquisition of rail to Lakeview. c. Develop Community Outreach Program to inform citizenry of key issues and seek input to help build confidence and trust. d. Consider alternatives to Economic Development options currently under consideration related to the Yelm Industrial Area. e. Develop short term Traffic Control Plans for peak times. f. Seek funding for the Alternative Traffic Routes Y2 and Y3. g. Develop and implement a sustainable plan for sidewalk placement, repair and lighting. h. Update Sign Ordinance. The goals will next go through an analysis to determine timing, service delivery, impacts, costs and resource availability. This analysis will be reviewed by Council in June/July to help finalize the goals for 2004. ~ Adiourn T e meeUftg-yJas adjourned at 4:00 p.m. // ~ ~ ~",.......""",, ,....... "'. ._~ ..- . ~.., ..--... '''-., -~..-..._-", ~-fj----~ Ad~m Rivas, Mayor Attest: J:ltillt Yelm City Council Retreat Minutes January 25, 2003 Page 1 of 1