03/12/03 Minutes 1. 2. 3. 03-19 4. 5. 6. a. b. 1) 2) c. d. e. 03-20 7. 8. YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING MARCH 12, 2003 Call to Order. Mayor Rivas called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Roll Call. Present: John Thompson, Bob Isom, Ron Harding, Pat Fetterly. Excused: Don Miller Agenda Approval. MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Special Presentations - Certificates of Appreciation; Yelm Public Works Staff and Volunteers. Mayor Rivas presented certificates of appreciation to the volunteers who helped on the City Park Maintenance Project repairing roofs and enclosing park buildings. Glenn Blando and Glen Cunningham accepted their certificates. Those not present: Larry Hanson, Casey Peterson, Brenda Zigler and Karl Zigler. City employees; Tim Peterson, Chris Smith and Tobie Stevens were also thanked for their continued dedication outside of their regular duties on this project. Public Comment. Kimberly Kreitel, representing Yelm Chamber of Commerce Teen Ambassadors presented information on the American Cancer Society's "Relay for Life" that will take place this summer. She is asking if anyone representing the City of Yelm would like to walk on her team or sponsor those already committed to the walk. She left a detailed donor form for those interested. Consent Agenda Council Minutes - February 26, 2003 Regular Meeting, February 27, 2003 Council Study Session. Payables: Checks 19587-19732, totaling $180,792.60 Manual Checks: 19587-19631, totaling $9,252.87 Claims Checks: 19632-19732, totaling $171,539.73 Payroll: Final Payroll February 2003, Checks 6679-6774 totaling $162,926.73 Park Use Requests: YCP, July 5,2003, Smith Family Reunion, 8-6 p.m., #100. Financial Report, February 2003 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Public Hearings - None Scheduled New Business Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city council/2003/02-26-03 Page 1 of 4 a. Ordinance No. 774 Amending Yelm Municipal Code Section 2.04.010 By Adding A Subsection Related To The Time, Date And Location of the City Council Study Sessions. Mayor Rivas asked if there were any questions or discussion. Council member Isom asked about the ending time listed on the ordinance. The time was an approximation for planning purposes. 03-21 MOTION BY RON HARDING, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 774. AMENDING YELM MUNICIPAL CODE SUBSECTION 2.04.010 BY ADDING A SUBSECTION RELATED TO THE TIME, DATE AND LOCATION OF THE CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSIONS. CARRIED. b. RESOLUTION NO. 434 Department of Ecology State Revolving Fund Loan to Refinance Sewer Revenue Bond. Shelly Badger reported that the Dept. of Ecology State Revolving Fund Loan application was successful. The loan would be used to refinance the balance remaining on the 1994 Revenue Bond for the original sewer collection system construction. The refinance would reduce the interest and years to pay on the remaining principal of $1,656,000.00 from 4.50/0 over 40 years to 1.50/0 percent for 20 years. Payoff of loan would be in 2023 for a savings of 1.1 million to the Sewer utility. 03-022 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 434 DEPT OF ECOLOGY STATE REVOLVING FUND LOAN AUTHORIZING MAYOR RIVAS TO SIGN LOAN AGREEMENT TO REFINANCE SEWER REVENUE BOND REDUCING THE TERMS FROM 4.50/0 FOR 40 YEARS TO 1.50/0 FOR 20 YEARS. Mayor Rivas thanked Shelly Badger for the presentation and the resulting savings to the City. c. Final Plat, Hawks Landing SUB-03-8333- YL, A 60 Lot Residential Subdivision, Hwy 507 South of Mill Road. Tami Merriman introduced Dan Bruno of Heritage Homes. She reported that the preliminary plat was approved in 2000 and the applicant has now completed the infrastructure work required before final plat approval. The exception is to the required road front improvements to Hwy 507 in front of his property. State approval for the improvement was obtained, however paving is not allowed between October and April. The developer has provided a bond of 1500/0 of the cost of improvement to insure work be done at a suitable paving time as allowed by Dept of Transportation. In addition, applicant has provided a letter of credit for reseeding if current hydro seed project is not successful. d. Tami brought forward Resolution No. 435 Hawks Landing, Local Improvement District No. 1 Segregation and Relocation of Equivalent Residential Units for Thurston County Tax Parcels 21725111000,21725120000 and 21725120100. Segregation of these three lots of 20 ERUs would be segregated into 60 equal individual lots in the Local Improvement District based on RCW 35.44.410. A map of the segregation was provided. Open space was designated in southern area to avoid homes being built in the future Y2/Y3 right of way. Mr. Bruno has dedicated the east side of the Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city council/2003/02-26-03 Page 2 of 4 storm water pond in the right of way as consideration for future 104th Street connection. There was some discussion on the small commercial piece (C1 Zone) on this piece. This parcel was kept separate from the residential subdivision. Councilmember Thompson express concern about previous restriction set down for commercial development allowed along the Y2/Y3 route. This small parcel was approved specifically because it was on 507. However, because it is only 39,000 square ft. and uses would be limited anyway. Mr. Dan Bruno addressed the council on how enjoyable it was to work with Yelm's staff on the project. He compared his experience with other jurisdictions indicating this staff has been the most professional and the most responsive that he had ever worked with and happy with how it turned out. Councilmember Isom asked Mr. Bruno to compare fees and standards to other jurisdictions. Fees are comparable with others but appreciated the quick response time by staff and inspectors because he felt it saved time and money for the developer. Standards are in line with other jurisdictions. He offered further suggestions to consider: 1) Sidewalks are in public right of way, however storm water ponds are held privately. He feels it would be better serviced as public facility with facility charges. 2) Sidewalks are now installed prior to final plat. Preference would be to install after construction to avoid breakage and needed repairs. 3) Planting strips should be part of building permit process. Councilmember Thompson recommended these suggestions be considered for review at a future study session. 03-023 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY, SECONDED BY RON HARDING APPROVE FINAL PLAT, HAWKS LANDING SUB-03-8333-YL A 60 LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION, HWY 507 SOUTH OF MILL ROAD. CARRIED. 03-024 MOTION BY RON HARDING, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 435, HAWKS LANDING, LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT No.1 SEGREGATION AND RELOCATION OF EQUIVALENT RESIDENTIAL UNITS FOR THURSTON COUNTY TAX PARCELS 21725111000,2172512000 AND 21725120100. CARRIED. e. Rail Advisory Committee, Private Road Grade Crossing and Overpass Agreement between City of Yelm and Miles Sand and Gravel. Shelly Badger reported that this agreement was reviewed by Miles Sand and Gravel legal council as well as City Attorney after their recommendations. Changes were highlighted as recommended by legal council. Two specific items were discussed including section 2.6, reserving paramount right of tracks and section 4.4 a., location and construction of crossing shall comply with any and all permitting requirements. 03-025 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY RON HARDING APPROVING PRIVATE ROAD GRADE CROSSING AND OVERPASS AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF YELM AND MILES SAND AND GRAVEL. CARRIED. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city council/2003/02-26-03 Page 3 of 4 9. Old Business. Intergovernmental Services Contract for the Nisqually River Education Project Between Yelm Community Schools and the City of Yelm. Shelly Badger presented the formal service contract already approved and put into the budget by council. 03-026 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON AUTHORIZING MAYOR RIVAS TO SIGN INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERVICE CONTRACT FOR THE NISQUALLY RIVER EDUCATION PROJECT BETWEEN YELM COMMUNITY SCHOOLS AND THE CITY OF YELM. CARRIED. 10. Board/Commission Business Councilmember Thompson attended AWC Seminar on Local Bond Elections and attended Chamber meeting. Councilmember Isom attended Thurston Regional Planning Commission meeting where they discussed 20 year plan projections. Councilmember Harding attended AWC Seminar with Councilmember Thompson and Dollars for Scholars. He added that he would like to see the late Councilmember Velma Curry honored in some way for her service to the community. There was some discussion on the importance for establishing criteria in choosing the right memorial for the person. Shelly Badger recommended that this issue be addressed at the April 24 study session as part of the scope of goals model. Councilmember Fetterly reported that she will be unable to attend upcoming Nisqually River Council Retreat on March 22, 2003. 11 . Executive Session -None 12. Mayor and Council Reports/lnitiatives. Mayor Rivas attended the Dollars for Scholars Auction. He participated in the presentation at the Worthington Center addressing the Olympia Thurston Chamber on the jail issue for Thurston County. Correspondence was provided. I~djourn: 8:25 p.m. I'._;~(-- 'm Rivas, MayO~ . ' i Attest -' / .~',/jtJ ) /~~ ~,~ ) L C Agnes . ennick, City Clerk Minutes Prepared by Janine A. Schnepf a. 13. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city council/2003/02-26-03 Page 4 of 4