05/28/03 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 28,2003 1. Call to Order. Mayor Rivas called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. 3. 03-46 4. 5. 6. a. b. 1) 2) c. d. Duncan Rose, a Webelo Scout, lead the flag salute. Roll Call - Present: Don Miller, John Thompson, Bob Isom and Ron Harding. Absent: Pat Fetterly. Agenda Approval MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON APPROVING THE AGENDA WITH THE ADDITION OF A PARK USE REQUEST AS ITEM 6. d. CARRIED. Special Presentations - None Public Comment - Duncan Rose asked what citizens can do to help government. Mayor Rivas responded that attending and participating in public meetings was a good start. Yelm High School student Damian (last name unknown) invited Council to attend the school production of Much Ado About Nothing, and provided information about dates and times of the presentation. Consent Agenda Council Minutes - May 14, 2003 Regular Meeting Payables: Checks 20115 - 20174, totaling $327, 218.74 Manual Checks: 20115-20118, totaling $219.14 Claims Checks: 20119 - 20174, totaling $326,999.60 Payroll: May 2003 Preliminary Payroll Park Use Request: YCP, 6/21/03, 7/6/03, 8/2/03, Gary Duda/Community Churches Family Outreach, 9-5, +/- 200 03-47 MOTION BY RON HARDING, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON, APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 7. Public Hearing - None Scheduled 8. New Business: a. Request for Engineering Services Contract with Skillings Connelly for Six Year Water Comprehensive Plan Capital Improvements. Shelly Badger provided an overview of the written staff report noting that the Water Comp Plan was accepted by the state Department of Health in September of 2002 and that funding, through water rate increases, a loan, and a revenue bond, has been secured to meet costs of major projects identified in the plan. With those Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city council/2003/05-28-03 Page 1 of 3 pieces in place it is time to select a consultant and negotiate a contract to begin the engineering design phase of the improvements. This phase will examine the plan and provide costs for completing specified projects. Stephanie Conners and Tim Peterson will represent the city. Staff recommended Skillings/Connolly, Inc. based upon their extensive background and knowledge of Yelm's reclaimed and potable water systems. 03-48 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY RON HARDING AUTHORIZING STAFF TO BEGIN CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS WITH SKilLINGS/CONNOllY, INC. TO PERFORM ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE WATER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS IDENTIFIED IN THE CITY'S 2002 WATER COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND THE 2003 WATER REVENUE BOND. CARRIED. b. Hawthorn Tree Removal - Tami Merriman provided a staff report. Yelm Community Schools (YCS) is requesting approval to remove one hawthorn tree on Yelm Ave. to install a new bus turn-around at Yelm Middle School. The bus turn-around will improve morning traffic by reducing buses on Yelm Ave., traveling between the middle school and high school, from 22 to approximately 10. The proposal also includes a pruning option for some additional trees. However, if pruning attempts fail to meet mandatory sight safety requirements, as many as six additional trees might need to be removed. A mitigation plan prepared by Kevin McFarland, Sound Urban Forestry, recommends replanting each removed tree with 2 (minimum 2 inch caliper) trees; the appraisal tree value is $900. The Yelm Tree Advisory Board (YTAB) recommended approval of YCS's request, provided that the mitigation plan is met and replacement trees are planted in an area approved the YT AB. Staff recommended that trees not be removed until the Site Plan Review has been completed and approved. 03-48 Discussion concerned: tree history, desire of YCS to obtain approval prior to start of engineering process, tree variety, safety concerns for students/pedestrians, maintenance issues with trees replanted on school property instead of right-of-way, tree survivability. MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY BOB ISOM APPROVING THE YElM TREE ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDATION AllOWING REMOVAL OF HAWTHORN TREES ON YElM AVE. PROVIDED THAT: NO TREES ARE REMOVED UNTil THE SITE PLAN REVIEW IS COMPLETED; TWO 2 INCH CALIPER TREES BE REPLANTED FOR EACH REMOVED TREE; AND THAT YElM COMMUNITY SCHOOLS MAINTAIN REPLANTED TREES AND REPLACE IF NECESSARY. CARRIED. Abstain: Don Miller. 9. Old Business a. Inter-Governmental Agreement Draft for the Thurston Justice Center. Shelly Badger reported on progress to date in creating the Intergovernmental Agreement. The final draft will be ready for adoption by governing bodies in July. The agreement guarantees partners access and use of the jail and courtrooms and identifies formulas for determining costs to each partner. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city cQuncil/2003/05-28-03 Page 2 of 3 Other items addressed in the agreement include the formation of a Policy Council, dispute resolution process, guidelines for creating performance standards, capital/operating budgets and future planning and phasing of the Center. Council discussion resulted in a suggestion to expand the Policy Council to include citizens and concern about availability of the final cost calculation. Mayor Rivas and Council commended Shelly Badger for the progress made in crafting the agreement. 10. Board/Commission Business - None 11. Executive Session - None Scheduled 12. Mayor and Council Reports/Initiatives Councilmember Miller attended a Yelm Fire District meeting, discussion concerned annexation. He also attended a recognition celebration ceremony for local youth at the Yelm Senior Center. Councilmember Isom pointed out a conflict on the revised June City Council Study Session date. As most council will be attending the AWC Conference, the study session will be cancelled for June. Councilmember Harding - Council was provided with an IT Development Plan and invited to comments on the plan. Unofficial numbers on the Saturday circulator are looking good. Mayor Rivas read a Hire A Veteran Month Proclamation and announced that Dorothy Wilhelm will be visiting Yelm for a My Home Town feature. Possible topics to include in the presentation were suggested. Correspondence provided included the TRPC Pre-agenda and information about the Annexation Reform Bill (SSB5409). 13 Adjourn: 8:48 p.m. Following the meeting, the original My Home Town tape was viewed. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city cQuncil/2003/05-28-03 Page 3 of 3