06/25/03 Minutes 1. ') '"' .) . 03-52 4. 5. 6. a. b. 1 ) 2) c. d. 03-53 7. 8. a. YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, JllNE 25, 2003 Call to Order. Mayor Rivas called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Roll Call. Present: Don Miller. John Thompson. Bob Isom, Ron Harding and Pat Fetterly Agenda Approval M()TION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Special Presentations ~ None Public COlnn1ent - Rita Hutchenson shared information about a grant to he used for a nevv Rainier station. Prelilninary work is underway on a septic design and a well and the permitting process has been started. ()nce the grant is awarded the project lnust be completed within 12 months. Consent Agenda Council Minutes: June 11. 200~ Regular Meeting and 5/22/03 Study Session. Payables: Checks 20293 - 20379, totaling $718,035.07 l\1anual Checks 20293 - 20334. totaling $12.052.11 Clainls Checks 20335 - 20379. totaling $705.982.95 Payroll: Preliminary June 2003 Park Use Requests - None !\1{)TION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING CONSENT A(;ENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Public Hearing(s) - None Ne\\/ Business ('ity of Y elm/Y elm Senior Center (YSC) Sub-Recipient Agreement Related to Construction of a new Senior Multipurpose Center. Shelly Badger provided a brief overview of the agreement drafted by Bob Haught Owens Davies, and approved by the state granting agency. The agreeInent identifies each party' s responsibilities and requires that the premises he used for the intended purpose for a minimun1 often years. Yelm City Council Minutes db/cit) cOUllcil::?003 ()(J-~5-()3 Page 1 of 3 The Senior Center has $30.000 in their building fund dedicated to the project and grant funds provide an additional $750,000. ()3-54 There was discussion concerning possible complications by referencing past contracts in the agreement. While all agreements contain a No Further City Contribution Required clause. it was felt that the agreement could be revised to remove prior project references. Suggested amcndn1ent wording was "The ( 'it)' has previously worked vvith sub- !'eci/Jienl.\' and there have heen 110 previous citinKsfhr material (/cl h'it ies:' M()TION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY AUTHORIZING MA YOR RIVAS TO SIGN AN AMENDED SUB- RECIPIENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF YELM AND THE YELM SENIOR CENTER. CARRIED. b. Caharet Liccnse Application. ]VIM & J Plus dba Jennee's Bar and Grill. Thc application is for a new 0\\ ner/operator and requires City Council approval. Renewals can be approved at staff level once the initial license has been issued. Gary Carlson. Con1munity Development Department, inspected and approved this use for the premises. 03-55 Discussion clarified the three activities that when combined create the need for a cabaret license in addition to a traditional business license. Additional discussion conccrneJ approaches cities use for this license, and background checks. M{)TION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY RON HARDING APPROVING A CABARET LICENSE FOR JENNEE'S BAR & GRILL/MM&.J PLllS. CARRIED. 9. ()ld Business ~~ None 10. Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board/Commission Business. Councilrnernber Miller - attended the float decorating gathering. Councilrnernber Isorn - attended the float decorating gathering and the A \VC Confercnce in Spokane where sessions to be extremely beneficial. I Ie suggested that the Council discuss promoting Big Sky Airlines outside of Thurston County at a future study session. and suggested Steilacoom. Lakewood and Tacoma as likely users. Counciln1en1ber Thompson rcported that discus~ion about expanding the advertising area occurred at a recent Chamber 01 EDC Ineeting. Shelly Badger suggested checking the marketing plan for details. Yelm City COllnci I 1'v1inutes ah.city COUllcil<:WOJ 06-25-0] Page 2 of3 Councilmember Harding attended the A WC Conference and thought A \VC did a great job. He reported that community outreach remains a strong theme aInong cities. All agencies were represented at an IT special meeting dealing with the Comn1ute Trip Reduction program where discussion concerned the current progran1 status and future direction. IT desires involvement in the process, although ovenvhelming feelings are that Shea Group is doing a good job. Con1bined program administration under the two agencies may be in the future. The Six-Year Plan was approved and new Citizen Work Group Inen1bers were appointed. He thanked Prairie Days float building volunteers. Council member Harding was con1mended by all for the great job he did in gathering and providing materials and ideas for the volunteers. Councilmember Fetterly has Relay for Life pledge information. Mayor Rivas responded to a cOLmcil inquiry explaining that the PO occasionally closes the otlice before 5 p.m. due to otlice staff schedule conflicts. However. there are numbers where otlicers can be reached. Chief Stancil can provide a non-emergency number and Shelly Badger will check the nUlnber for the officer's cell phone and provide updated call sheets to council. Mayor Rivas comn1ended Councilmember Harding for gathering ideas and supplies for decorating the Iloat. Councilmen1ber lsom added that some thanks must also go to Mrs. Harding, the true creative talent behind the planning. 1\:1ayor Rivas invited contributions to help defray some of Councilmember Harding's expenses for decorations. Consideration ofa budget appropriation for this expense for 2004 was suggested. 11. Executive Session - None 12. ('orrespondence was provided. 13. Yelm City Council1\:1inutes ah/cil) council !~()().i()h-~5-()3 Page 3 of 3