07/09/03 Minutes 1. , ~ .1. 03 -56 4. 5. 6. a. b. 1 ) 2) c. d. 03-57 7. 8. a. YELM CITY COU1\CIL MEETING MINUTES REGULAR l\1EE'fING WEDNESDAY. .It IL Y 9. 2003 Call to Order. Mayor Rivas called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Roll Call. Present: Don Miller. John Thompson. Bob Isom, Ron Harding and Pat Fetterly Agenda Approval l\l()TION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY RON HARDING APPROVING THE AGENDA WITH THE ADDITION OF EMERGENCY SMALL WORKS PR()JECT AS ITEM 8 D. CARRIED. Special Presentations None Public Con1n1ent - There was no response to the call for comments. Consent Agenda Council Minutes: Regular Meet ing. June 25. 2003 Payables: Checks 20380 - 20)00. totaling $146.914.18 1\1anual Checks 20380 - 20431. totaling $9.782.54 Claims Checks 20432 - 20500. totaling $137.131.64 Payroll: Final June 2003. Checks 7096 - 7167, totaling $173.764.77 Park Use Requests 'were appro\ ed for the Boehmer/Bollweg Wedding and Siegley Birthday Party. M()TION BY PAT FETTERLY, SECONDED BY JOHN TH()MPSON APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Public Hearing(s) - None Nev. Business Public Works - Waste Water Trl'atment/Water Reclamation Plant Staffing Request. Tin1 Peterson and Jon Yanasak explained that during the 2003 Budget process. Council suggested that an additional staff person be considered mid-year if funding permitted. The staff report provided infonnation on additional responsibilities and work load as the system increased ti'om the original 400 S.T.E.P. tanks to over 1300. and the addition of the Water Reclamation Facility. It is no longer possible to meet the demands with the existing statling levels. Funding for the new position would con1e from the reserve line. Yelm City Council Minutes ;t h c i t \ co lItlC i I ~()()1(17 .()().()3 Page 1 of4 03-58 b.lc. 03 -59 d. Discussion areas included a suggestion that Northwest Development Council be contacted to see if there is an on the job trainee available. !\1()TION BY .JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY APPROVING A REQUEST FOR A NEW \VWTP/REUSE OPERATOR ASSISTANT POSITION WITH A SALARY RANGE FROM $2.400 - $2,865 PER MONTH WITH FtiNDING C()MING FROM THE RESERVE LINE. CARRIED. Ordinance 781 - LID #1. ERU \ssessn1ent Transfer. Boness/Nelson to I Iollamer/MW'SH. Grant Beck l'xplained that both ordinances accomplish the same process. transferring Iquivalent Residential Units (ERUs) from an existing owner to Hollmner lnvesttnent LLC and MWSH Yelm LLC, owners of Roselnont Assisted I .iving facility which is under construction. h. Dick Boness and Steve Nebon have 8 ERUs dedicated to property outside of the city limits. Approval of Ordinance 781 would permit the transfer of the 8 ERlJs to Hollamer/MWSH. c. Ordinance 782 - Bev and l\like Malan have 14 ERUs dedicated to property on Yeln1 A venue. Approval of Ordinance 782 would permit transfer ofthc 14 ERUs to HoILuner/MWSH. It \\as noted that the individuab could purchase additional ERUs at some point in the future if they wanted to. Grant Beck was thanked for providing an cxcellent statT rep{ )rt and background material. M()TION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY RON HARDING AD()PTING ORDINANCE NO. 781 AND 782 APPROVING THE TRANSFER OF 8 ERU ASSESSMENTS FROM DICK BONNESS AND STEVE NELSON AND 14 ERU ASSESSMENTS FROM BEV MALAN TO HOLLAMER INVESTMENT LLC AND MWSH YELM LLC. Emcrgency Small Works Projel't - Tiln Peterson and Jon Yanasak dcmonstrated on drawings a by-pass piping project that is identified in thc scope of work for the Centennial Clean Water Fund grant. The by- pass allows the plant to remain operational if it is unable to produce reclaimed water. The existing c~mtiguration doesn't permit supplementing reclaimed water with potable water and could result in an interruption in the tlow of water to customers. Additionally. the lack of \\ater availahility could result in cOlnpromising the wetlands balance at Cochrane Park. Yelm City Counci I i'vlinutes ,dvcit.' cOlll1cil/:?OIl\ ()7-lIlJ-03 Page 201'4 Recent algae blooms have been severe enough to create serious filter clogging that could stop the plant frOln producing Class A reclaimed water. This problelTI can be addressed by reducing the size of the equalization basin. however. that can only be completed if the by-pass piping project is completed first. 03-60 The cost of the by-pass piping i'l estimated to be $20.000. Because of the urgent nature of the problems e\hibited to date, staff requested that an emcrgcncy be declared allowint'- the City to proceed outside of the traditional Small Works Bidding process, which could add two months to the by-pass solution. M()TION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY AllTHORIZING MA YOR RIVAS TO DECALARE AN EMERGENCY SMALL WORKS PROJECT AT THE WATER RECLAMATION FACILIT\ NOT TO EXCEED $20,000 \VITH()UT PRIOR COUNCIL APPROVAL. CARRIED. 9, 10. (>Id Business - None J\1ayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board/Con1mission Business. Councilmember Thompson - FDC is reviewing budgets and goals for next year, fundraising and replacing Dennis Mattson. Councilmember Harding - attended a TPB meeting where the vision and reality disconnect was discllssed. They are forming a new task force of TPB and TRPC men1bers. IlL- volunteered to serve on the committee. Councilmember Fetterly - Reviewed the tinancial reports with staff. ( '(JlIncil consensus supporled r{\'chedulin;.; the July rVork Session to .\fonday. A ugusl -I. the A ugusl :;X,1i Tf/ork Session would still he held. lVork Sessions are held al 6:()() 17. m. allhe Puhlic rVorks Facility. 11. Executive Session -- At 8:04 p.m. Mayor Rivas announced that Council would be going into Executive Session for approximately 30 lninutes to discuss potential litigation. Ma) or Rivas reopened the meeting at 8:34 p.m. 12. ('orrespondence reviewed included: a WSDOT letter indicating that a $1 million appropriation for en1ergent freight rail assistance projects has heen cut a State Liquor Control Board letter authorizing the sale of strong (80/0) beer: and an upcoming A WC budgeting work session. Yelm City Council Minutes (\In:it~ cOllncil'2()()3 ()7-0t)-()3 Page 3 of 4 13. Adjourn: 8:38 p.m. ~'" ' /.:~',..:"""... ~~",~ l' ---~ .."""..P'" , m___ ~~l._.----~ Adaln RIvas. ]\;hl\or -~ Attest: I I (lA., ifbJUcctl.. AgnesA3cnnick. City Clerk Yelm City Council Minutes clhcil: COLll1cillU( I, fJ7-O')-U3 Page 4 of4