11 25 2014 Agenda Packet AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2014, 6:00 P.M. Website Viewing: Clicking on agenda items will open associated d reports, resolutions, ordinances, etc. Note: some agenda items mattachments. 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda Approval ACTION Special Presentations- none scheduled 4. Public Comment 5. the meeting recorder. Comment topics should not appear elsewhere on the agenda. Time (three minutes per speaker) and the number of speak are limited and may be adjusted to meet agenda requirements. 6. Consent Agenda ACTION a. Minutes; Regular Meeting November 12, 2014 b. Payables Checks # Public Hearing- 2015 City of Yelm Budget 7. New Business 8. Ordinance No. 992 2015 City of Yelm Budget ACTION a. min Presenter: Shelly Badger Attachments: Staff Report, Ordinance No. 992 b. Ordinance No. 991, Amending Yelm Municipal Code (YMC), Chapter ACTION 3.42.040 City Owned Utility Tax Presenter: Teresa Mattson Attachments: Staff Report, Ordinance No. 991 Old Business none scheduled 9. Council and Mayor 10. Councilmember Foster represents Yelm on the following committees. Thurston County Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC) Councilmember Baker represents Yelm on the following committees. Intercity Transit Board Yelm Adult Community Center Councilmember Isom represents Yelm on the following committees. Thurston Regional Planning Yelm Economic Development Council Committee (TRPC) Yelm Finance Committee Councilmember Littlefield represents Yelm on the following committees. Councilmember Wood represents Yelm on the following committees. Yelm Transportation Committee (TRPC) Transportation Policy Board TComm 911 Admin Board Councilmember Garmann represents Yelm on the following committees. Yelm Transportation Committee Thurston County Law and Justice Councilmember Hendrickson represents Yelm on the following committees. Medic One Yelm Emergency Operations Board Mayor Harding represents Yelm on the following committees. Thurston County Economic Yelm Finance Committee Development Council Yelm Emergency Operations Board Yelm Transportation Committee Yelm Economic Development Committee (TRPC) Transportation Policy Board 11. Executive Session- none scheduled 12. Correspondence (Correspondence is available upon request) Invitation to the Annual Human Rights Celebration, December 9, 2- 9:30 pm in Olympia Chamber of Commerce Storefront Decorations Contest, November 25, 2:30- 5 pm Olympia-Lacey-Tumwater Visitor & Convention Bureau, November 17, 2014 Terri Thomas-Thurston County Solid Waste, Online survey, November 18, 2014 Thurston County Solid Waste Reduction News, November 18, 2014 13. Adjourn Upcoming Meetings Regular City Council Meeting, Tuesday, December 9, 2014, 6:00 pm, Public Safety Building Regular City Council Meeting, Tuesday, January 13, 2015, 6:00 pm, Public Safety Building CITY OF YELM MEETING INFORMATION Public comments are welcome. However, in order to proceed with s time per speaker is limited to 3 minutes and the number of speak public comment portion of the meeting should not be associated with measures or topics appearing elsewhere on the agenda and should not address topics for which are anticipated. It ibilities. If you are a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodation government processes or activities, please contact Janine Schnep working days prior to the scheduled event. The City of Yelm is an equal opportunity provider and employer. The Preliminary Agenda and Approved Council Minutes are availabl www.ci.yelm.wa.us Agenda Item 6. a. Minutes Page 1 of 2 YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2014 MINUTES 1. Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call Present: Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Jennifer Littlefield, Tracey Wood and Ken Garmann. 14-095 MOTION BY JOE BAKER TO EXCUSE COUNCILMEMBERS JW FOSTER AND RUSS HENDRICKSON FROM THE MEETING. CARRIED. Agenda Approval 14-096 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations none scheduled 5. Public Comment none 6. Consent Agenda Minutes Regular Meeting October 28, 2014 & Study Session October 29, 20 Payables Checks #63533 - #63638 Totaling $1,630,192.68. 14-097 MOTION BY BOB ISOM APPROVING THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 7. Public Hearing Ad Valorem Tax Rate Budget Year 2015 Mayor Harding opened the Public Hearing at 6:03. Teresa Mattson explained the reason for setting the tax rate. Pr have their property assessed on a periodic basis by a public tax assessed value of the property is then used to compute an annual levied on the owner by his or her municipality. A public hearing discuss any increases in property tax revenues. In order to set rates an ordinance must be passed with both the dollar and perce and must be certified by the county by November 30. Cities with less than 10,000 can increase their levy amount by one percent w Normally, taxes on new construction are exempt for the lid/limit be added to the tax levy requested. This is only if the statutor rate times the assessed value of the city exceeds the highest la The City has not exceeded this for several years due to the econ The assessed valuation of the City increased approximately $36, previous year, therefore increasing one factor in the formula fo rate (statutory rate limit x assessed value per $1,000). The new $1.6843100 per $1,000 of assessed valuation for a total of $1,11. This levy rate includes a councilmanic reduction of 1% to City o owners. Councilmember Baker appreciates the reduction in tax imp citizens of Yelm. Mayor Harding closed the Public Hearing at 6:08. 8. New Business a.Ordinance No. 990, Setting Ad Valorem Property Tax for 2015 14-098 MOTION BY BOB ISOM TO APPROVE ORDINANCE NO. 990 SETTING THE AMOUNT FIXED AS AD VALOREM FOR THE REGULAR LEVY OF PROPERTY Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item 6. a. Minutes Page 2 of 2 TAX NECESSARY TO RAISE REVENUES FOR ESSENTIAL EXPENDITURES FOR THE CITY OF YELM FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2015. CARRIED. 9. Old Business none scheduled 10. Mayor and Council Initiatives Councilmember Baker attended the Intercity Transit Board meeting and they discussed raising fees to keep the transit at its current level Councilmember Isom attended the Thurston Regional Planning Council meeting (TRPC). Yelm will be getting the assessment for the 2015 dues an Isom stated they would go up because it is based on population. Isom also attended the legislative subcommittee meeting for TRPC the City of Yelm and discussed Affordable Housing, Homelessness, Marijuana/Liquor regulation and revenue, wells, rural mobility f conversions and standards for sewage treatment. Councilmember Is the the American Legion. Councilmember Littlefield has not yet received her committee assignments but looks forward to attending upcoming meetings. Councilmember Wood attended the TComm 911 Admin Board meeting where they approved their 2015 Budget and 2015 Legal Services contract Councilmember Garmann stated he has seen traffic driving on the freshly paved Mosman Ave. Realignment Project. Mayor Harding attended the Isom and Foster. First Special Forces Col. Otto Liller also attended. Col. Liller is the Community Connector with JBLM. Mayor Harding received a complime call from one of the local residents located along the Mosman Av Project stating that the construction crew and city staff were v Isom and Hendrickson along with Mayor Harding attended the Exit Audit with the Washington State Office and city staff. The City received one finding for lack of additional financial reporting. Additional procedures will be put in place. Mayor Harding had a conference call with the Mayor of Shelton regarding forming a coalition of cities to work on the continuingly raising costs of operating sewer system No Study Sessions in November & December. 11. Executive Session none scheduled 12. Correspondence included Yelm Area Chamber of Commerce, November 2014 United Way of Thurston County Enewsletter, November 4, 2014 Thurston County Coalition Against Trafficking, October 31, 2014 13. Adjourn 6:20 pm. ___________________________ Attest: _________________________ Ron Harding, Mayor Lori Mossman, Deputy City Clerk Page 2 of 2 CITY OF YELM PUBLIC HEARING 2015BUDGET The Yelm City Council will hold a Public Hearingto consider the2015Budget on Tuesday, November25,2014in Council Chambers at Yelm PublicSafety Building, 206 McKenzie Ave, 6:00 p.m. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities in need of accommodations to conduct business or to participate in government processes or activities, please contact Janine Schnepf (360) 458- 8402at least 5 working days prior to the scheduled event. Janine Schnepf, City Clerk Published: Nisqually ValleyNews, November 14and November 21,2014 PLEASE DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Distribution: City Council Packets: Mayor:Ron Harding Councilmembers:JW Foster Joe Baker Robert Isom Jennifer Littlefield Tracey Wood Ken Garmann Russ Hendrickson City AdministratorShelly Badger Newspaper of RecordNisqually Valley News Posted Yelm City Hall Yelm Timberland Library Js/legalPUBLICNOTICEBUDGET15.doc Agenda Item 8. a. Ordinance No. 992-2015 City of Yelm Budget City of Yelm STAFF REPORT To:Mayor Ron Harding Yelm City Council From:Shelly Badger, City Administrator th Date:November 19,2014 (for November 25 City Council Meeting) Subj:2015 City of Yelm Budget – Ordinance No.992 Recommendation To open the Public Hearing on the 2015 City of Yelm Budget and after the staff report th and public comment, continue the Hearing to the December 9City Council Meeting. At this meeting additional public comment will be heard and the budget will be scheduledfor adoption. Background The 2015 budget forecast was presentedto the Council by Mayor Harding onOctober 29, 2014. Current Situation Mayor Hardingand staff present a balanced 2015 Budget for public comment. In light of the current state and national economic forecast, the $6.625million dollar general fund budget reflects a conservative approach to revenue projections($4.633 million), as well as a thorough analysis of planned expenditures. Projects and plans included in the 2015 Budget: Community Centerconstruction; Cullens to Solberg sidewalk project; Comprehensive Plan update; Continued effort to obtain funding for phase 2 of the SR 510 Yelm Loop; SW Yelm Well 1A – construction of treatment system and reservoir; water rights mitigation projects associated with Deschutes River Farm; AC water line replacement projects; Cochrane Park wetland rehabilitation and rapid infiltration basin construction; Completion of the Sewer Capital Facilities Plan; Stormwater Comprehensive Plan Agenda Item 8. a. Ordinance No. 992-2015 City of Yelm Budget CITY OF YELM ORDINANCE NO. 992 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF YELM ADOPTING THE YELM MUNICIPAL BUDGET AND SALARY AND BENEFIT SCHEDULE FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 2015. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF YELM, THURSTON COUNTY, STATE OF WASHINGTON,AS FOLLOWS: Section 1.The monies in the funds of the City Treasury as identified in Appendix 1 A, Appendix II and Appendix III annexed hereto and by this reference incorporated as though fully set forth, or so much thereof as shall be found necessary, are hereby budgeted and appropriated for the calendar year 2015 to be used for the purposes for which said funds have been established and maintained. Section 2. The 2015salary and hourly salary rates for officers and employees of the City of Yelm shall be, and the same are hereby fixed and established as set forth in the “2015Salary Schedule”, annexed hereto as Appendix II, and by this reference incorporated as thought fully set forth. Sick leave, bereavement leave, vacation, holidays, medical, dental and life insurance benefits shall in calendar year 2015be accumulated and provided to officer and employees of the City of Yelm in the manner set forth in the “2015Benefit Schedule”, annexed hereto as Appendix III, and by this reference incorporated as though fully set forth. Section 3. Copies of this Ordinance shall be sent to the State Auditor, Thurston County Auditor, and Municipal Research Services. Section 4Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days following publication. Section 5Ratify and Confirmation Clause. Any action taken pursuant to this ordinance but prior the effective date is hereby ratified and confirmed. _____________________________ Ron Harding, Mayor Authenticated: ______________________________ Janine Schnepf, City Clerk PASSED AND APPROVED: PUBLISHED: Nisqually Valley News, Agenda Item 8. a. Ordinance No. 992-2015 City of Yelm Budget Road Mtce. GeneralStreetDebtSpecialUtilities Reserves FundFund Name/DescriptionServicesConstructionCostsProjects & End CashOperations, Mtce. 001Current/General Fund$6,625,7724,528,661507,1901,589,921.00 101City Street Fund$518,809518,809- 102Arterial Street Fund$109,49430,00079,494.00 104Cumulative Reserve/Urban Development$427,6490398,16629,483.00 105Park Reserve$12,897012,000897.00 106Emergency/Disaster$6,5066,506- 107Tourism Promotion$180,0364,250175,786.00 109YPD School Resource Officer Program$69,26269,262- 110Library Building Fund$26,39016,00010,390.00 120Transportation Facilities Charges$290,092044,680245,412.00 197Community Development Block Grant$1,44401,444.00 200LTGO Bond Redemption Fund$536,5830535,603980.00 202Killion Rd LID #2 Repayments$1,504,2833,5001,001,912498,871.00 203Sewer Revenue Bond/Loans$266,3240266,28242.00 204Sewer Revenue Bond/Loan Reserves$419,4390419,439.00 302Municipal Building Fund$2,737,28302,737,283- 316Road/Street Construction$629,5190404,500225,019.00 400Stormwater Utility$222,0420118,7507,076.0096,216 401Municipal Water$4,913,0030950,6392,340,666.001,621,698 403Garbage/Recycling$1,8074,575(2,768.00) 404Water Capital Improvement$2,484,14201,173,6961,185,446.00125,000 405Water Revenue Debt Redemption$1,022,6990927,86194,838.00 406Water Revenue Debt Reserve$922,4700922,470.00 407(Swr) LID #1 Revenue Bond Redemption$53,14650052,646- 412Sewer/Reuse Operations/Maintenance$3,255,3800363,3821,196,041.001,695,957 413Sewer/Reuse Capital Reserve$2,665,95501,449,3001,053,986.00162,669 415SRL0300031 '94 Swr Bond Refi Pymt/Rsv$216,110097,101119,009.00 416(Swr) LID #1 Revenue Bond Reserve$5,34405,344.00 430Shortline Railroad$988988- 431Water Construction Fund$6,995,80406,950,00045,804.00 $37,120,672$5,183,051$404,500$4,747,296$12,839,195$10,245,090$3,701,540 Agenda Item 8. a. Ordinance No. 992-2015 City of Yelm Budget FUND2015 REVENUEBEGINNINGREVENUETRANSFERTRANSFER2015 NUMBERFUND DESCRIPTIONNET CASH/INVEST.APPROPRIATIONTYPEAMOUNTTOTALS 001General Fund$1,991,867$4,633,905$6,625,772 101City Street Fund$40,952$107,6091$370,248$518,809 102Arterial Street Fund$56,488$53,006$109,494 104Cumulative Reserve/Urban Development$427,399$250$427,649 105Park Reserve$12,687$210$12,897 106Emergency/Disaster$6,501$5$6,506 107Tourism Promotion$164,936$15,100$180,036 109YPD School Resource Officer Program$2,140$30,0001$37,122$69,262 110Library Building Fund$26,385$5$26,390 120Transportation Facilities Charges$229,892$60,200$290,092 197Community Development Block Grant$1,444$-$1,444 200LTGO Bond Redemption Fund$30,500$4,5202$501,563$536,583 202Killion Rd LID #2 Repayments$490,294$1,013,989$1,504,283 203Sewer Revenue Bond/Loans$38$52$266,281$266,324 204Sewer Bond/Loan Reserves$419,439$-$419,439 302Municipal Building Fund$1,117,244$1,148,6333$471,406$2,737,283 316Road/Street Construction$315,523$313,996$629,519 400Stormwater Utility$32,017$190,025$222,042 401Municipal Water$1,966,728$2,821,2753$125,000$4,913,003 403Garbage/Recycling$(193)$2,000$1,807 404Water Capital Improvement$2,033,642$250,5003$200,000$2,484,142 405Water Revenue Debt Redemption$95,038$1002$927,561$1,022,699 406Water Revenue Debt Reserve$922,120$350$922,470 407(Swr) LID #1 Bond Redemption$53,121$25$53,146 412Sewer/Reuse Operations/Maintenance$1,322,333$1,770,3783$162,669$3,255,380 413Sewer/Reuse Capital Reserve$2,267,879$300,750$97,326$2,665,955 415SRL0300031 '94 Swr Bond Refi Pymt/Rsv$118,909$1002$97,101$216,110 416(Swr) LID #1 Revenue Bond Guaranty/Rsv$5,339$5$5,344 430Shortline Railroad$948$40$988 431Water Construction Fund$6,292,888$702,916$6,995,804 Rounding Error 2013 REVENUE APPROPRIATION20,444,49813,419,8973,256,277$37,120,672 Transfer types: 1 = Operating Transfers, 2 = Debt Service Transfers, 3 = Equity, Reserve, or Capital Transfers Agenda Item 8. a. Ordinance No. 992-2015 City of Yelm Budget FUND2015 REVENUEBEGINNINGREVENUETRANSFERTRANSFER2015 NUMBERFUND DESCRIPTIONNET CASH/INVEST.APPROPRIATIONTYPEAMOUNTTOTALS Transfers are received into funds to pay for fund and/or special project operations, for debt service payments or meet a lender's reserve requirements, or as equity transfers to open/close funds or build capital for projects/reserves. 2015 General Fund (001) Revenues% of GF Budget2015 ($) Revenue Source Tax Revenue 63.43%4,202,967 Carryover/Reserves 30.06%1,991,867 Licenses & Permits 2.29%152,000 Fees for Services 0.83%54,800 Fines/Court Receipts 1.43%95,000 Intergovernmental & Misc & T/I1.95%129,137 100.00%6,625,771 Agenda Item 8. a. Ordinance No. 992-2015 City of Yelm Budget FUND2015 EXPENDITUREEXPENSETRANSFER2015 TRANSFER CAPITAL PURPOSESENDING NUMBERFUND DESCRIPTIONAPPROPRIATION& RESERVESCASHTYPEAMOUNTTOTAL 001Current/General Fund$4,149,996$1,589,9211,2$885,855$6,625,772 101City Street Fund$518,809$-$518,809 102Arterial Street Fund$30,000$79,494$109,494 104Cumulative Reserve/Urban Development$8,840$29,4833$389,326$427,649 105Park Reserve$-$8973$12,000$12,897 106Emergency/Disaster$6,506$-$6,506 107Tourism Promotion$4,250$175,786$180,036 108Contingency Fund$-3$- 109YPD School Resource Officer Program$69,262$-$69,262 110Library Building Fund$16,000$10,390$26,390 120Transportation Facilities Charges$-$245,4122$44,680$290,092 197Community Development Block Grant$-$1,444$1,444 200LTGO Bond Redemption Fund$535,603$980$536,583 202Killion Road LID #2 Repayments$1,005,412$498,871$1,504,283 203Sewer Revenue Bond/Loans$266,282$42$266,324 204Sewer Revenue Bond/Loan Reserves$-$365,225$54,214$419,439 302Municipal Building Fund$-$2,737,283$-$2,737,283 316Road/Street Construction$-$404,500$225,019$629,519 400Stormwater Utility$214,966$7,076$222,042 401Municipal Water Fund$1,421,698$2,340,6662,3$ 1,150,639$4,913,003 403Garbage/Recycling$4,575$(2,768)$1,807 404Water Capital Improvement$1,161,916$1,185,4463$136,780$2,484,142 405Water Revenue Debt Redemption$927,861$94,838$1,022,699 406Water Revenue Debt Reserve$-$921,410$1,060$922,470 407(Swr) LID #1 Revenue Bond Redemption$500$-2$52,646$53,146 412Sewer/Reuse Operations/Maintenance$1,695,957$1,196,0412,3$363,382$3,255,380 413Sewer/Reuse Capital Improvements$1,391,000$1,053,9863$220,969$2,665,955 415Swr Bond Refi Pymt/Rsv.$97,101$97,101$21,908$216,110 416(Swr) LID #1 Revenue Bond Guaranty/Rsv$-$-$5,344$5,344 430Shortline Railroad$988$-$988 431Water Construction Fund$-$6,950,000$45,804$6,995,804 Rounding Error$- 2013 PROJECTED EXPENDITURES$13,527,522$11,475,519$8,861,354$ 3,256,277$37,120,672 Agenda Item 8. a. Ordinance No. 992-2015 City of Yelm Budget FUND2015 EXPENDITUREEXPENSETRANSFER2015 TRANSFER CAPITAL PURPOSESENDING NUMBERFUND DESCRIPTIONAPPROPRIATION& RESERVESCASHTYPEAMOUNTTOTAL Transfer types: 1 = Operating Transfers, 2 = Debt Service Transfers, 3 = Equity, Reserve, or Capital Transfers Fund 001, Current/General Fund - provides general government services including the following: Administration$1,126,653 Public Safety$1,852,493 Community Development$573,035 Programs & Services$464,538 Debt Service and Reserves$1,618,626 Other$990,427 $6,625,772 Administration : Legislative, Executive, Administrative & Financial Services, Legal, Central Svcs, L&I Retro Public Safety: Court, Police, Fire, Prisoner Support Costs: Community Development: Building, Engineering, Planning, Code Compliance, Planning Commission: Programs & Services: Parks, Streets, Library, Historic Preservation, Animal Control, Community Support: Debt Service and Reserves: Cash Flow, Capital Repairs, Machinery & Equipment Other: Pollution Control Dedicated Funds - provide services, fund programs, fund capital expenditures and/or repay debt Debt Service Payments and/or Reserves: General/Current Fund Supported 200, 202, 203, 204; Utility Fund Supported 405, 406, 407; Utility Assessment Debt (LID) 415, 416 Transportation/Road/Street Maintenance and Capital Expenditure Project Funds: 101, 102, 120, 310, 316, 430 Utility/Enterprise Operating Funds: 400, 401, 412; Utility Fund Capital Improvement Reserve/Project Funds: 404, 413, 431 Special/Dedicated Projects/Reserve Funds (may include capital exp.): 104,105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 197, 302, 403, 430 Funds 119 and 402 are Trust Accounts (Money held for a period of time but not belonging to the City.) Agenda Item 8. a. Ordinance No. 992-2015 City of Yelm Budget 2014 BUDGET TRANSFERS RECEIVING TRANSFER T/I ACCT T/O TRANSFERRING AMOUNT RECEIVING FUND DESCRIPTIONfund TRANSFERRING FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBERfund TOTAL ACCT NUMBER $23,0772General Fund597.19.62.01LTGO Bond Redemption Fund-PWKS397.19.62.01001200$23,077 $37,1221General Fund597.21.00.00YPD School Resource Officer397.21.01.00001109$37,122 $317,1032General Fund597.21.62.01LTGO Bond Redemption Fund-PSB397.21.62.01001200$317,103 $370,2481General Fund597.44.00.00City Streets397.44.00.00001101$370,248 $138,3052General Fund597.10.62.00LTGO Library Pmt397.10.62.00001200$138,305 $-3General Fund597.76.63.01Cumulative Reserve397.76.63.01001104$- $885,855GENERAL FUND TOTAL$885,855 $389,3263Cumulative Reserve/Econ Dev597.xx.xx.xxMunicipal Building Fund397.xx.xx.xx104302$389,326 $12,0003Park Reserve597.xx.xx.xxMunicipal Building Fund397.xx.xx.xx105302$12,000 $11,7803Water Capital Reserve597.xx.xx.xxMunicipal Building Fund397.xx.xx.xx404302$11,780 $58,3003Sewer Capital Reserve597.xx.xx.xxMunicipal Building Fund397.xx.xx.xx413302$58,300 $471,406RESERVE ACCTS471,406 $44,6802Transportation Facility Charge597.xx.xx.xxSewer/Reuse Capital Improvement381.20.00.00120413$44,680 $52,6462Swr LID1 Revenue Bond Redemp.597.35.86.02Sewer/Reuse Capital Improvement381.20.00.00407413$52,646 $97,326KILLION ROAD IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL$97,326 $200,0003Municipal Water Fund597.34.63.01Water Capital Improvement397.34.63.01401404$200,000 $174,4132Municipal Water Fund597.80.72.00Water Revenue Bond Debt Redemption397.80.72.00401405$174,413 $9,8532Municipal Water Fund597.80.72.01Water Revenue Bond Debt Redemption397.80.72.01401405$9,853 $51,8572Municipal Water Fund597.80.72.02Water Revenue Bond Debt Redemption397.80.72.02401405$51,857 $691,4382Municipal Water Fund597.80.72.05Water Revenue Bond Debt Redemption397.80.72.05401405$691,438 $23,0782Municipal Water Fund597.80.72.04LTGO Bond Redemption Fund397.19.62.04401200$23,078 $1,150,639WATER FUND TOTAL1,150,639 $125,0003Water Capital Improvement Fund597.34.63.02Water Utility397.34.63.02404401$125,000 $125,000WATER CAPITAL IMP TOTAL125,000 $97,1012Sewer Operations597.35.70.01SRL Sewer Bond Refi Payment/Reserve397.35.70.00412415$97,101 $266,2812Sewer Operations597.80.72.00Sewer Bond/Loan Payments397.00.00.00412203$266,281 $363,382SEWER FUND TOTAL363,382 $162,6693Sewer Capital Improvement Fund597.35.00.00Sewer Utility397.35.00.00413412$162,669 $162,669SEWER CAPITAL IMP TOTAL$162,669 $3,256,277 $3,256,277 TOTAL 2015 TRANSFERS $3,256,277 $407,370 1Operating TransfersOperating Transfers are made to funds lacking sufficient funding to support activity. $1,889,832 2Debt Service TransfersDebt Service Transfers pay bond or loan payments on existing debt. $959,075 3 Equity/Reserve/Cap Transfer Equity/Reserve/Capital Transfers open/close funds, meet reserve requirements or accumulate capital. $3,256,277 Agenda Item 8. a. Ordinance No. 992-2015 City of Yelm Budget Appendix II Salary Schedule 2015 City of Yelm Annual Salary ClassificationFlat RateMinimumMaximum Accounting Clerk/Office Assist.$39,096$46,680 Assistant to City Administrator$51,816$61,872 Associate Planner $63,756$76,128 Baliff$16.69 Building Inspector$53,100$63,408 Building Official $60,660$72,420 Certified Court Interpreter$40 -$55 per session City Administrator $131,220 $131,220 $79,992 City Clerk/HR Manager $79,992 Civil Service Secretary $18.15 $96,420 Community Development Director $96,420 Part time 1560 annual hrs Computer Support Specialist$39,640$47,346 $7,200 Councilmembers$7,200 $61,224 Court Administrator $59,436$70,980 Court Clerk$41,772$49,908 Deputy City Clerk $47,880$57,180 Judge $31,896$31,896 Judge Pro-Tem$45 hr$0 $30,000 Mayor $30,000 Permit Coordinator / Office Assistant$40,308$48,132 $96,420 Police Chief $96,420 Police Dept. Admininstrative Asst. $45,552$54,408 Police Detective (Officers rate + 5%)$60,432$72,168 Police Officer$57,552$68,736 Police Records Clerk $41,772$49,908 Police Sergeant$77,676 Program/Project Manager $65,388$78,072 Public Works Animal Control Officer$100 monthly Public Works Director $95,880$95,880 PW Field Supervisor $60,540$72,288 PW Maintenance Worker $41,760$49,908 PW Maint. Worker/Equip Operator $47,232$56,364 PW Maint. Worker/Mechanic $50,832$60,708 Treasurer$55,032$65,700 Utility Clerk $45,648$54,504 Water Plant Operator $52,656$62,880 WWTP Reuse System Manager $64,464$76,968 WWTP Reuse System Operator $52,656$62,880 WWTP Reuse System Operator Asst. $43,584$52,056 Agenda Item 8. a. Ordinance No. 992-2015 City of Yelm Budget APPENDIX III CITY OF YELM 2015 BENEFIT SCHEDULE All regular full-time and regular part-time employees are eligible to participate in the benefits liste below. Regular part-time employees (min 20 hours per week) receive benefits pro-rated according to hours worked. PAID SICK LEAVE Sick leave accumulates at the rate of eight (8) hours per month -time employees or one (1) equivalent workday per month for part time employees. Upon termi other than dismissal for misfeasance or malfeasance, each employee will be paid for twenty-five percent (25%) of the total number of accumulated sick leave days at the employee. However, the payment of accumulated sick leave shall nl to one month of gross salary or equivalent wage. PAID VACATION Each employee covered by this agreement shall be entitled to vac Mayor/City Administrator, new employees must satisfactorily compd to be entitled to use accrued vacation leave. Vacation leave accrues monthly. Each regular full-time employee is entitled to vacation leave as follows: Year of Employment Vacation Days Earned Per Year First and Second Year 96 hours per year Third and Fourth Year 104 hours per year Fifth  Ninth Year 120 hours per year Tenth  Fourteenth Year 160 hours per year Fifteenth  Nineteenth Year 180 hours per year Twenty or More Years 200 hours per year Regular part-time employees (min 20 hours per week) receive benefits pro-rated according to hours worked. MEDICAL, DENTAL, VISION, EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE AND LIFE INSURANCE Regular full-time and regular part-time (min 20 hours per week) employees and their dependents are eligible to participate in the Citys medical insurance program on a pro-rata basis. The current City contribution to this benefit is 100 % for employees and 80 % foreligible family members. Current insurance company policy requires 100% participation in programs by all Regular full-time and/or part-time employees. This policy also permits a maximum of 25% of all Regular full-time and /or part time employees to forego participation in the medical plan. Regular full-time employees choosing not to participate receive a monthly pay $150.00 in lieu of medical insurance. Regular part-time employees receive one-half of the stipend amounts. Dental and vision benefits for employees and eligible family members remain active when choosing this option. Agenda Item 8. a. Ordinance No. 992-2015 City of Yelm Budget RETIREMENT All employees participate in the Social Security program with the City paying Police officers are eligible for participation in the LEOFF II r Other employees participate in the state PERS I, PERS II or PERS III program. Th program and is subject to adjustments at various times throughou Employees may elect to participate in a state sponsored deferred compensation program. The City does not contribute to this program. OTHER BENEFITS The City provides state workers compensation and unemployment iThe program determines coverage costs. PAID HOLIDAYS The following paid holidays are recognized by the City. Full-time employees receive eight hours of pay for each of the holidays: Regular part-time employees and police personnel receive a pro-rata share based upon the usual number of hours worked per regular daily shhours for each holiday. st New Years Day January 1 rd Martin Luther Kings Birthday 3 Monday in January rd Monday in February Presidents Day 3 Memorial Day Last Monday in May th Independence Day July 4 st Labor Day 1 Monday in September Veterans Day November 11 th Thanksgiving Day 4 Thursday in November Day after Thanksgiving Friday after Thanksgiving Christmas Day December 25 One Floating Holiday Date selected by employee UNPAID HOLIDAYS Employees are entitled to two unpaid holidays per calendar year for a reason of faith or consc an organized activity conducted under the auspices of a religiou organization. Agenda Item 8. a. Ordinance No. 992-2015 City of Yelm Budget CITY OF YELM PUBLIC HEARING 2015 BUDGET The Yelm City Council will hold a Public Hearingto consider the2015Budget on Tuesday, November25,2014in Council Chambers at Yelm PublicSafety Building, 206 McKenzie Ave, 6:00 p.m. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities in need of accommodations to conduct business or to participate in government processes or activities, please contact Janine Schnepf (360) 458- 8402at least 5 working days prior to the scheduled event. Janine Schnepf, City Clerk Published: Nisqually ValleyNews, November 14and November 21,2014 PLEASE DO NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE Distribution: City Council Packets: Mayor:Ron Harding Councilmembers: JW Foster Joe Baker Robert Isom Jennifer Littlefield Tracey Wood Ken Garmann Russ Hendrickson City Administrator Shelly Badger Newspaper of RecordNisqually Valley News Posted Yelm City Hall Yelm Timberland Library City of Yelm STAFF REPORT To:Mayor Ron Harding Yelm City Council From:Teresa Mattson, Treasurer Date:November 14, 2014 for November 25, 2014meeting Subj:Amend the YMC, Chapter 3.42.040Utility Tax Recommendation Adopt Ordinance No. 991amending the YMC, Chapter 3.42 Utility Tax whichincreases the rate imposed on Water, Sewer and StormwaterUtility from 4% to 6% upon the sale, delivery, distribution or furnishing or water, sanitary sewerage collection and disposal services and storm drainage facilities. Background In 2009 by Ordinance No. 909,Council adopted an increase of 2% (up to the statutory maximum of 6%) to the rate imposed for those persons, firms or corporations engaged in the business activities set forth; telephone, cable television, electricity, natural gas, manufactured gas and solid waste.The city owned water, sanitary sewer and storm water utility tax rate remained at the 4% rate. Current Situation The city currently charges its own utilities a rate of 4%, but all others are charged the statutory maximum of 6%. The city maintains the power toimpose a rate increase on its own utilities without the restriction of a statutory maximum. The revenue from the City owned water, sanitary sewer and stormwater utility tax increase would move a six percent tax on gross revenues from the individual proprietary utility fundsto the General Fund to fund essential services. 991 11/25/14Page 1of 1 City of Yelm Ordinance No. 991 AN ORDINANCE amending the Yelm Municipal Code, Chapter 3.42, Utility Tax, Imposed Amount, Subsection 3.42.040,by increasing the Utility Tax rate from 4% to 6% on the business of the sale, delivery,distribution orfurnishingof(F) Water, (G) Sanitary Sewercollection, disposal service and (H) Storm Water collection. WHEREAS, the utility tax ratewas amended (Aug 2009) with the adoption ofOrdinance 909 for telephone, cable, electric, solid waste, natural and manufactured gas to a rate of six percent;and, WHEREAS, city owned utilities remained at a rate of four percent;and, WHEREAS, the citynowwishes to exercise its power to increase city owned utilities to a rate of six percent, NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Yelm doesordain amendments as follows: Section 1.F.Water. Upon the sale, delivery, distribution or furnishing of water for domestic, business or industrial consumption, a tax equal to foursix (6%)percent of the total gross income from such sales; provided, that there shall not be a tax levied upon installation charges for individual consumer water service lines and meters. G.Sanitary Sewer. Upon the furnishing of sanitary sewerage collection and disposal services for discharge by domestic, business or industrial customers, a tax equal to four six (6%)percent of the total gross income from such business; provided, that there shall not be any tax levied upon installation charges for individual customer sewer laterals and connections. H.Storm Water. Upon the furnishing of storm drainage facilities for collection of storm water discharge by domestic, business or industrial customers, a tax equal to foursix (6%)percent of the total gross income from such business in the city. Section 2.Severability. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance is declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance. Section 3.Effective Date: This ordinance shall become effective January 1, 2015. th ADOPTED this 25day of November, 2014. _____________________________ Ron Harding, Mayor Authenticated:___________________________ Janine Schnepf, City Clerk 0 ¦¤ 1 ®¥ 1 Brought to you by partnership of the City of Yelm, Christmas in the Park Committee, Yelm Area Chamber of Commerce, and Yelm High School FFA. Upcoming Events Adult Swim: GLOW November 21 6:30-9:30pm Join us as we explore and play through luminescent, glow-in-the-dark and light-up art and science activities. Experiment with chemiluminescence, analyze bioluminescence and get your body painted with phosphorescence. We'll have pizza and glowing cocktails for purchase, and costumes are encouraged. BEARzaar November 22 9:00am-4:00pm You will BEARly believe all the crafts & antiques available at the 14th Annual Olympia High School BEARzaar this year. Hunt for that special gift at over 160 vendors. The Raffle Hall has an item donated from each vendor, so you can preview a sampling of what the vendors have to offer. It also gives you many chances to win. Admission and parking are FREE, although we will be accepting canned food donations for the Thurston County Food Bank. Stay Connected Click Here to Read the Full Press Release Click Here to Enter to Win a Thurston County Funcation & Be Entered to Win a $1,000 VISA Gift Card! Olympia-Lacey-Tumwater Visitor & Convention Bureau | 360.704.7544 | georgesharp@visitolympia.com | http://www.visitolympia.com PO Box 7338 Olympia, WA 98507 CONTACT: TERRI THOMAS, EDUCATION AND OUTREACH SPECIALIST, THURSTON COUNTY SOLID WASTE THOMASTE@CO.THURSTON.WA.US OR 360-867-2279 Apologies for cross-posting: COMMUNITY INPUT NEEDED ON PLASTIC BAG ORDINANCES Online surveys for businesses and customers Thurston County Solid Waste is seeking input on the bag ordinanc Tumwater, Olympia and Lacey, and the unincorporated areas of Thu County. Waste Division. The new law prohibits most retailers from providing single-use plastic carryout bags. It also requires them to charge a minimum of five cents for large paper bags, which the stores keep. The fee higher cost of paper bags and acts as an incentive for customers to bring reusable bags. Cu using EBT and other assistance programs are exempt from the char Complying with the new ordinances required some adjustments for Thurston County Solid Waste staff is eager to get feedback on their experiences bans have been in place for more than four months. The informati The two online surveysone for retailers and one for customersare available at www.ThurstonSolidWaste.org/plastics. Retailers can also download signs from the website to post in their stores to encourage customers to take the survey. Those signs and m newsletters to be notified when the status report on the plastic bag ordinances is released. Just click on the envelope icon on the right side of the web page to sign up. For more information about the plastic bag ban ordinances or the Terri Thomas at ThomasTe@co.thurston.wa.us or (360) 867-2279. Waste Reduction News RECYCLING AND WASTE PREVENTION NEWS FOR THURSTON COUNTY Links COMMUNITY INPUT NEEDED ON PLASTIC BAG ORDINANCES Thurston Solid Waste Online surveys for businesses and customers homepage Thurston County Solid Waste is seeking input on the bag ordinances that took effect July 1 in the cities of Tumwater, Olympia and Lacey, and the unincorporated areas of Thurston County. "It's been a bit over four months since the start date, and it's important that we check in with customers and retailers to get a good picture of how it's working so far," said Terri Thomas, Education and Outreach Specialist for the county's Solid Waste Division. The new law prohibits most retailers from providing single-use plastic carryout bags. It also requires them to charge a minimum of five cents for large paper bags, which the stores keep. The fee helps offset the higher cost of paper bags and acts as an incentive for customers Solid Waste Hotline to bring reusable bags. Customers using EBT and other (360) 867-2491 assistance programs are exempt from the charge. Thurston County Complying with the new ordinances required some Solid Waste adjustments for both retailers and their customers. Thurston County Solid Waste staff is eager to get 9605 Tilley Rd S feedback on their experiences now that the plastic bag Olympia, WA 98512 bans have been in place for more than four months. The information from the surveys will be included in a status report on the ordinances that's due in early 2015. The two online surveys-one for retailers and one for customers-are available at www.ThurstonSolidWaste.org/plastics. Retailers can also download signs from the website to post in their stores to encourage customers to take the survey. Those signs and more information are available by clicking on the "Resources for retailers" link. You can also sign up for the Solid Waste Division's newsletters to be notified when the status report on the plastic bag ordinances is released. Just click on the envelope icon on the right side of the web page to sign up. For more information about the plastic bag ban ordinances or the customer and retailer surveys, contact Terri Thomas at ThomasTe@co.thurston.wa.us or (360) 867-2279.