04-24-02 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNEDSAY, APRIL 24,2002,7:30 P.M. OPENING - 7:30 p.m. 1. Mayor Rivas called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Council present: Don Miller, John Thompson, Bob Isom, Ron Harding and Pat Fetterly. Approval of Agenda MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED Mayor Rivas asked for public comment. There was none. 2. 02-39 3. CONSENT CALENDAR 4. Minutes: April 10, 2002 regular meeting. 5. Approval of Payments: #17365 - #17470, Totaling $120,407.40 a. Manual Checks: #17365-#17400, Totaling $1,623.88 b. Claims Checks: #17401-#17470, Totaling $118,783.52 6. Payroll Approval: Preliminary April, 2002 a. Park Use Request, 06-08-2002, Cub Scout Graduation, 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m., 80 attending. 02-40 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY APPROVING CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS 7. 103rd Street/Creek Street Improvements - Stephanie Conners presented the staff report providing background on the previous STP grant and TIB grant applications for 103rd Street improvement from West Road to Creek Street. The City was successful in obtaining the STP grant of $135,365 but was unable to obtain the TIB grant because of the condition of the roadway. The structural condition was maintained by chipsealing in the past year, and therefore scored low in points on the application. Removing this street from the chip seal list and seeing increased traffic with the addition of the Senior Center on this roadway will increase the possibility of a successful TI B grant in the future. Staff is asking for direction on proceeding with the engineering and design phase using the Shea Group to complete the preliminary design work and the funds from the STP grant. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/cc/2002 minutes/04-24-02 Page 1 of 5 02-41 Councilmember Isom requested to see expenditure estimates when asked to provide direction. Councilmember Fetterly asked how Shea Group was selected. This brought up discussion on possible conflict of interest after current City Planner, Cathie Carlson, leaves City employment for the Shea Group. Shelly will check the legal questions in regard to City government. Stephanie Conners and Shelly Badger stated the selection of an Engineer is from the Engineering Roster and differs from the Small Works Roster Bid process. Selection is based on qualifications, specialization of focus of work and ease in working with staff, not a bid process. Fees can be negotiated and staff is guided by some general rules of thumb. Shea Group has been assisting Yelm staff for 12 years on the transportation planning traffic analysis and the prioritizing of the six- year street plan. MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY RON HARDING AUTHORIZING MAYOR RIVAS TO SIGN LOCAL AGENCY AGREEMENT WITH WSDOT AND DIRECTING STAFF TO PREPARE COST ESTIMATES. CARRIED. 8. ORDINANCE NO.759 Budget Amendment, Provisional Officer - Chief Stancil reported that although the hiring is complete to replace the officers that have left the City employment, it doesn't help the need for officers now. The three newly hired officers will all be entering the academy leaving a reduced staff impacting the day to day operation of the department as well as the DARE/SRO position at the schools. Chief Stancil recommended the addition of a Provisional Officer from July to November to fill the need to cover shifts for sick leave, vacation requests and to allow Officer Field to fulfill the obligation at the Yelm Schools. A qualified person is currently active as a volunteer reserve and able to fit into the suggested schedule. Councilmember Isom asked how much the Yelm School District receives from the State of Washington for maintaining a DARE program in its schools. Chief Stancil indicated he is meeting with the Superintendent on Thursday and would ask him that question. Councilmember Harding voiced concerns if one provisional officer is enough and that the future budgets should focus more funding to this issue. Chief Stancil indicated schedules have been adjusted to overlap shifts to accomadate busy hours and Thurston County has been actively supportive in the community. 02-42 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY ADOPTING ORDINANCE 759 AMENDING THE 2002 BUDGET TO ADD A PROVISIONAL OFFICER POSITION. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS 02-43 9. ORDINANCE NO.760 Budget Amendment, Community Development Director- Shelly Badger reported authorization was given at last council meeting to draft this ordinance for new step schedule for Community Development Director. MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY RON HARDING ADOPTING ORDINANCE 760 AMENDING THE 2002 BUDGET COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SALARY RANGE AND STEPS. CARRIED. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/cc/2002 minutes/04-24-02 Page 2 of5 10. Draft Animal Control Ordinance and Fee/Charges Resolution - Stephanie presented background on the new animal shelter and the need to review and revise the existing Animal Control Ordinance and fee schedule. A written draft of the ordinance was provided for discussion. Councilmembers and staff discussed some definitions with-in the text including: 6.08.050 Regulation and violations relating to pet animals 6.08.050.B - Nuisance pet animal. Clarification of the definition of nuisance as opposed to the normal course of a dog's behavior. 6.08.050 C - Pet animals in public places. Lease laws and voice command control. 6.08.050 D - Keeping of Dangerous Dogs. Staff indicated they are not currently patrolling for violators but looking for a balance between restriction and allowance leeway. 6-08-030 Definitions #6 Nuisance... .. habitually disturbs the peace and quiet of any individual or neighborhood by barking, whining, howling or making any other noise. Consensus by Council to Add A T THE DISCRETION OF THE OFFICER to the above section. Animal Violations fee schedule and Licensing Resolution 426 - A draft was provided along with a survey of local fees for comparison. Discussion included the possibility of reducing the fee to license registered unaltered dogs from $20 to $12 and increasing the dangerous dog fee to discourage the keeping of these dogs. Shelly Badger indicated that a surety bond is required for dogs determined to be dangerous along with kennel requirements and authority to euthanize if necessary. Consensus to keep license fees for unaltered dogs as in draft. Consensus to increase annual fee on dangerous dogs to $500. There was some discussion on horses allowed on the streets. REPORTS 11. Mayor's Report Mayor Rivas attended last of six Fire District meetings and related the process lasted longer than expected but produced a better product than expected as well. He will bring back report to Council in May. Appointment of Mayor Pro Tem - Mayor Rivas reported the procedure for appointment was discussed and ordinance approved at a prior meeting. Tonight a full council was present and able to vote. Shelly clarified that the term would run for 2 years until new council meets in January of 2004. 02-44 MOTION BY RON HARDING, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY TO NOMINATE JOHN THOMPSON AS MAYOR PRO TEM FOR THE TERM OF 2 YEARS COINSIDING WITH THE NEW SESSION OF A NEW COUNCIL. CARRIED. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/cc/2002 minutes/04-24-02 Page 3 of5 12. Councilmembers' Reports a. Councilmember Miller Public Works Liaison - written report provided. The first traffic complaint was called in to the Mayor today. Shelly Badger reported that most of the paving would be done at night. b. Councilmember Thompson City Hall - written report was reviewed. Police Department - written report was reviewed. Chief Stancil added that the Fife Jail contract is on hold because Jail is not accredited. Fife is in the process of obtaining accreditation. Mayor Rivas thanked Chief Stancil for sitting on board of review for YHS Principal. Stancil indicated there are excellent applicants. Other Meetings/Assignments. Councilmember Thompson attended a Foreign Trade Zone Update meeting. c. Councilmember 150m Court Liaison - written report prl?vided. TRPC - Pre Agenda 05-03-2002 provided. Thurston County Home Visitation Task Force (TCHVTF) - unable to attend because of meeting schedule. d. Councilmember Harding Planning Commission meeting - was unable to attend. Intercity Transit - Did not attend because of schedule conflict. Did attend meeting for Mayor regarding boundary reduction vote. April 30 meeting scheduled on reducing members on board because of boundary reduction however Yelm seats to remain. Will attend IT retreat on Friday 4/26/02 Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC) meeting was cancelled until May. Other Meetings/Assignments - Participated in the interview process for Hearing Examiner with Shelly Badger and Cathie Carlson and commenting that applicants were great. Mayor Rivas thanked him for sitting on board and indicated he will call on another councilmember to sit on board for position of Community Development Director. Ron Harding relayed offer from Diane Oberquill to meet with Council with first hand information on Medic II Unit and plans for future. Appreciate her efforts to work with the council to keep them informed. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/cc/2002 minutes/04-24-02 Page 4 of 5 Also expressed concerns voiced to him from the community about the need for lights on High School trail. Tim Peterson working with P.S.E to install lights there. e. Councilmember Fetterly Nisqually River Council - out of town unable to attend. Financial - met with Agnes to review March End of Month and 1 st Quarter 2002. Written report provided. Repeated feeling that the Fire District Contract meetings went well. Reported on concerns of the School Bus Transportation staff about pedestrian traffic on SR51 0 after school dismissal. Chief Stancil reported discussing this issue with Jerry Jenkins but will verify pedestrian rules. Correspondence was reviewed. Shelly Badger instructed Councilmembers to coordinate registration and reservations for AWC Annual Conference with Dana Spivey by the May 8 council meeting. Stephanie invited those Councilmembers who haven't yet toured the Waste Water Treatment Plant to do so on Wednesday, May 1 at 10 a.m. If interested, call Stephanie. Agnes reported upcoming meeting on Public Safety with Ralph Munro at the Briggs YMC . Information was provided. i I Attest: s P. Bennick, DOJ3bJty City Clerk Minutes: Janine A. Schnepf, Deputy City Clerk Yelm City Council Minutes ab/cc/2002 minutes/04-24-02 Page 5 of 5