06-12-02 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 2002 OPENING 1. Mayor Rivas called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Council present: Don Miller, John Thompson, Bob Isom, Ron Harding and Pat Fetterly. 2. Agenda approval: 02-62 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 3. Public comment - There was no response to the call for public comment. CONSENT CALENDAR 4. Minutes approval: May 22, 2002 5. Payments approval: Checks 17640-17797, totaling $711, 529.33 a. Manual checks: 17640-17700, totaling $1,766.45 b. Claims checks: 17701-17797, totaling $709,762.88 6. Payroll approval: Final May 2002, totaling $150,897.86 7. Park use requests: YHS Booster Club, Tour de Trees, Anderson Wedding, South Sound Seed Stewards. 02-63 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY REQUESTING THAT PARK USE REQUESTS 7 C AND D BE MOVED TO NEW BUSINESS FOR ADDITIONAL DISCUSSION AND APPROVING REMAINING CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS AS PRESENTED. NEW BUSINESS 7. c/d Bob Isom indicated that the Yelm Park Advisory Committee (YPAC), expressed concern about the number of individuals attending Cochrane Park events and the resulting traffic congestion on Mill Rd. that could interfere with emergency response vehicles. Available parking consists of 20 stalls in the parking lot and a few parking slots on the street in front of the park. The YPAC requested that prior to approval of Cochrane Park requests, conditions be applied requiring that individuals supply the city with an alternative parking plan to ensure that parking doesn't exceed capacity. One option presented was for the individuals to contact the school/fire department for permission to use those lots for overflow parking. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/cc/2002/minutes/06-12-02 Page 1 of 5 It was also suggested that: . staff requires submission of parking plans with Cochrane Park use requests, and that the plans limit street parking to existing striped parking slots. . copies of parking plan be provided to Yelm PD . the city attorney and insurance company review the current park use request form requirements for potential liability issues . a special use/banquet permit be furnished prior to any event serving alcohol . a release of liability form, one was provided as a possible sample, be used 02-64 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY APPROVING COCHRANE PARK USE REQUESTS WITH A PROVISION REQUIRING PARKING PLAN SUBMISSION TO CITY STAFF, AT LEAST TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO THE EVENTS. PARKING PLANS MAY INCLUDE NO ADDITIONAL MILL ROAD/PARK INTERIOR PARKING, OTHER THAN THE EXISTING STRIPED SLOTS. CARRIED. 8. Court Administrator Salary Range - Shelly Badger provided an overview of the staff report explaining that the retirement of the current court administrator led to an unplanned review of comparable salaries in cities with like size populations. The current $2,494-$2,857 range was found to be low and an increased range of $2,840-$3,293, based upon a 30% c1erk/70% administrator mix, was recommended. Discussion concerned the method used, attempts to use the same cities (when possible) in each comparison, the COLA adjustment made for the current year, and comparable reviews/adjustments being planned for 2003, 02-65 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY RON HARDING DIRECTING STAFF TO PREPARE A BUDGET AMENDMENT ORDINANCE FOR THE COURT ADMINISTRATOR BASED UPON A SEVEN STEP SALARY RANGE 2842- $3293, WITH A 3% ADJUSTMENT BETWEEN STEPS. CARRIED. 9. South Puget Sound Foreign Trade Zone - Shelly Badger explained that she serves as Yelm's representative to the policy committee. The current agreement, signed by 7 jurisdictions, needs to be updated to replace outdated material including references to a consulting firm that is no longer used. Costs are shared by all participants using a formula based on acreage and operations, with Yelm's contribution in the $1500 - $2,000 range. 02-66 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY PAT FETTERLY AUTHORIZING MAYOR RIVAS TO SIGN THE UPDATED SOUTH PUGET SOUND FOREIGN TRADE ZONE AGREEMENT WITH THE PORT OF OLYMPIA. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS 10. 1 03RD/Creek Street Improvements - Stephanie Conners provided an overview of the staff report explaining that the city was awarded a $135,365 TRPC grant for Phase I engineering design work, for 1 03rd Avenue improvements between Creek Street and West Road, including the Yelm Creek bridge. Shea Group Yelm City Council Minutes ab/cc/2002/minutes/06-12-02 Page 2 of 5 was selected as the most qualified firm to complete the scope of work and a consultant agreement for the project was provide for council review. Discussion concerned the number of engineering consultants on the rooster, currently about 15. A request for qualifications has been advertised and is still open at this time. Stephanie Conners explained that engineering and construction projects are approached differently. Construction projects must be competitively bid, with a requirement to accept the lowest responsive bid. engineering services are based upon a firm/consultants qualifications. Selecting engineering services would be very costly, and time consuming if a bid process was used. Unlike construction jobs, there is an opportunity to negotiate price after selection for engineering services. Mayor Rivas added as follow-up that research found no restrictions prohibiting contracting with a consulting firm that has employed a former city employee. a. Engineering/Architectural Services selection process information was provided to Councilmembers. Councilmember Isom thanked Stephanie Conners for taking the time to provide information to him directly and packet information to council with the rationale behind selection of engineering/architectural services consultants. Mayor Rivas concurred. 02-67 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY RON HARDING AUTHORIZING MAYOR RIVAS TO SIGN A LOCAL AGENCY CONSULTANT AGREEMENT WITH THE SHEA GROUP FOR THE ENGINEERING DESIGN OF 103RD STREET/CREEK STREET IMPROVEMENTS. CARRIED. 11. Just compensation Offer, Baldridge Group, Rite Aid - Shelly Badger provide an overview of the staff report explaining that Council had approved an appraisal to determine property value of land needed to cover a shortfall in the original Vancil Rd. intersection improvements right-of-way. The appraisals, two are required by DOT, estimating $41,300 as the value for the 3,174 square foot area. Discussion concerned possible responsibility for the error. When pressed, Shelly Badger indicated that she could only speculate but, she believes that the city prepared a conceptual plan which minimized the amount of property needed. A staff change and transition of responsibility occurred at this same time, and no one realized that the conceptual design was given to the surveyor to write the legal description. Right-of-way acquisition was based upon this legal description. The state would not approve that design. Staff requested Council action authorizing a Offer of Just Compensation based upon the appraisal to proceed and if accepted finalizing the deed with payment from the Yelm Ave. E, Stage II Project, Fund 308. 02-68 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY, SECONDED BY RON HARDING AUTHORIZING A $41,300 JUST COMPENSATION OFFER FOR 3,174 SQUARE FEET OF RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR SUBMISSION TO THE BALDRIDGE GROUP. CARRIED. 02-69 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY, SECONDED BY RON HARDING Yelm City Council Minutes ab/cc/2002/minutes/06-12-02 Page 3 of 5 AUTHORIZING FINALIZATION OF THE DEED AND PROCESSING OF THE PAYMENT WHEN THE OFFER IS ACCEPTED. CARRIED. REPORTS 12. Library Report - A written report was provided. Kristin Blalack reported on the symbolic "bucket brigade" move and progress at the new location. The grand opening will be held on July 27 and tickets are available for elevator rides. 13. Mayor's Report - Mayor Rivas attended the Economic Development Council Awards Luncheon where Yelm Cinemas received an award. He also attended a road meeting concerning sidewalk improvements in front of the Yelm Senior Center. 14. Councilmember's Reports a. Councilmember Miller CAPCOM - No report Other Meetings/Assignments - He attended the Yelm History Web Site preview, and commended Mr. Berg for doing an excellent job on the project. b. Councilmember Thompson Fire District - The commissioners signed the contract at last night's meeting and discussed spending for some discretionary items. Other Meetings/Assignments - He attended the EDC Awards program. c. Councilmember 150m TRPC - Discussion concerned a buildable land study showing where the county/cities are currently and projections through 2020. Information was also distributed concerning the state Ten Year Transportation Strategy Program which includes projections and information about Referendum 51. Parks Advisory Board - See discussion under New Business. Other Meetings/Assignments - He attended the EDC Awards program. d. Councilmember Harding Planning Commission - No meeting was held Intercity Transit - The Authority decided on September for presenting a proposed 30/0 sales tax increase measure to the voters. Solid Waste Advisory Committee - He was unable to attend the last meeting. Other Meetings/Assignments - He attended the EDC Awards program. e. Councilmember Fetterly Financial Report - The May 2002 End of Month report was included with the packets. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/cc/2002/minutes/06-12-02 Page 4 of 5 Transportation Policy Board - Discussion concerned the state Ten Year Transportation Strategy Program. Senior Center - No report Nisqually River Council- The meeting was attended by six Presidential Commission on Ocean Policy members, and representatives from five tribes. Other Meetings/Assignments - She attended the Dollars for Scholars, over $91,000 in scholarships was awarded. She also attended the Chamber luncheon. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence reviewed included: . a letter from Danny and Melanie Snapp concerning use of their Yelm Avenue property and a copy of the responding letter sent by the Community Development Department . Barb received a full scholarship to attend the Northwest Municipal Treasurer's Institute at Seattle Pacific University in July. . an Email concerning Substitute Senate Bill 5097 requiring that all public entities display the POW/MIA flag at their principal building on six specified days. Council consensus favored flying the POW/MIA flag year round on all flag poles. . AWe Conference request to have a representative attend the City B&O Tax Roundtable discussion. Attest: c- Yelm City Council Minutes ab/cc/2002/minutes/06-12-02 Page 5 of 5