08-28-02 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28,2002 OPENING 1. Mayor Rivas called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Council present: Don Miller, John Thompson, Bob Isom, Ron Harding and Pat Fetterly. 2. Agenda approval: 02-87 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 3. Public Comment - None 3. a Shelly Badger introduced Maryam Olson, Court Administrator, to the Council as the newest addition to the city staff. CONSENT CALENDAR 4. Minutes approval: August 14,2002 Regular Council Meeting 5. Payments approval: Checks 18243 - 18296 , Totaling $59,384.82 a. Manual checks: 18243 -18262, Totaling $990.61 b. Claims checks: 18263 -18296, totaling $58,394.21 6. Payroll approval: Preliminary Payroll August 2002 7. Park Use Requests: None 02-88 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY RON HARDING APPROVING CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS 8. Intercity Transit Presentation- Mike Harbour, Intercity Transit General Manager, provided a report on the proposed Intercity Transit Proposition 1, Sales and Use Tax including the history of the service to Yelm and the proposed benefits to service on passage of the proposition on September 17,2002. His report showed the historical comparisons of service hours, rider ship, populations, types of bus service and funding sources from 1992 to current year. Voter response to Initiative 695 resulted in the loss of motor vehicle excise funding and a service reduction in rural areas. The proposed sales and use tax would increase the sales tax by three tenths of one percent and provide funding for operations and maintenance and capital needs. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city council/minutes/08-28-02 Page 1 of 5 The proposed service plan increases service routes and includes restoration of all day and Saturday service to Yelm beginning in February 2003. Citizens would have the opportunity to voice their needs at Public Hearings if the proposition passed. If unsuccessful, further reductions could impact Yelm's service by the end of 2003. Members of the community who attended the meeting spoke about the issue. Doug Myers indicated he has continued to utilize the bus service through the years of cuts and supports the tax to restore rider ship. Would like to see more bus service coming back into Yelm to help reduce traffic congestion. Karen Myers appreciates the current bus service for her family but because of the limited times of service, she is unable to take advantage of the service herself Would like to see additional service to reduce traffic congestion. Mike Powell, Kitsap County/Thurston County Bus Drivers Union Representative, expressed willingness to work with council and citizens to insure service deserving of this community including additional shuttle within the community. Carl Longnecker expressed concerns as representative of seniors that the current service is virtually non-existent because of the distance to get to bus stops prohibits potential riders from using the service. He supports proposition and gave suggestions on improved service. Austin Baker indicated he has seen more rider ship coming back in to Yelm recently and supports the proposition for the whole community. City Council members and Mayor Rivas thanked citizens for attending this meeting with their input and encouraged them to attend the Public Hearings to again express their needs. 8 a. RESOLUTION 430 INTERCITY TRANSIT BALLOT PROPOSAL, SALES AND USE TAX. 02-89 MOTION BY RON HARDING, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON ADOPTING RESOLUTION 430 SUPPORTING SALES AND USE TAX INCREASE ON BALLOT PROPOSAL FOR INTERCITY TRANSIT. CARRIED. 9. Shoreline Permit for Wastewater Treatment and Reclamation Facility. Shelly Badger provided a staff report on permits associated with the wastewater effluent discharge to the Nisqually River. Two permits were required for construction of the original outfall; a state permit set parameters for water quality of wastewater with testing and monitoring (NPDES permit) A Shoreline permit from Thurston County was required for construction of the outfall pipe into the Nisqually River and the Centralia power canal. Concerns expressed by individuals and groups determined a need for an agreement to work on removing discharge and upgrading the level of treatment in 1993. These conditions were allowed with the stipulation to continue to work toward Yelm City Council Minutes Page 2 of 5 ab/city council/minutes/08-28-02 removing outfalls with the intent to reuse treated water. Restrictions on permits also included a five year limit to remove discharge outfall to the canal and a three year limit to the river. Expiration of these permits occurred during construction of the wastewater treatment plant and an extension was allowed. That has now expired. After meeting with the original parties a new agreement, recognizing work accomplished and the City's intent to continue to increase upland uses for reclaimed water, was reached. The agreement permits upland use for class A reclaimed water for irrigation/ground water recharge, and emergency discharge of reclaimed water and secondary treated effluent to the Centralia power canal and the Nisqually River. Additionally, options remain including storage on site without discharge, secondary option to discharge into the canal and then the Nisqually River if needed in an emergency until service could be restored. To date, secondary treated effluent has not been released but has been stored until able to use. The agreement included meeting again in 10 years to discuss feasibility of outfall remaining. This agreement would be submitted to Thurston County as an appendix to current agreement. Participants are confident it is best agreement for all parties. 02-90 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY RON HARDING AUTHORIZING MAYOR RIVAS TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT WITH NISQUALL Y DELTA ASSOCIATION, NATIONAL FISH AND OYSTER CO., BLACK HAILLS AUDUBON SOCIETY, ED KENNY AND THE CITY OF YELM RELATED TO RECLAIMED WATER/SEWER OUTFALL SHORELINE PERMIT. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS 10. Water Conservation Committee and Well Head Protection Committee. A staff report was provided. Stephanie Connors said she was present to recruit excited volunteers from the Council as part of public outreach for the water conservation plan. John Thompson volunteered for the Conservation Committee. Stephanie Connors indicated other members could contact her after their consideration. 10 a. SEPTEMBER 11 PROCLAMATION FOR A DAY OF REFLECTION AND REMEMBRANCE was provided. 02-91 MOTION BY PAT FETTERLY, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON TO APPROVING A DAY OF REMEMBRANCE AND REFLECTION ON SEPTEMBER 11, 2002 PROCLAMATION. CARRIED, Opposed; Don Miller. Mayor Rivas read the Proclamation. More information about events in Yelm and elsewhere will be provided at a later date. Bob Isom was excused from the meeting at 8:25 p.m. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city council/minutes/08-28-02 Page 3 of 5 REPORTS 11. Council Reports a. Councilmember Miller Public Works Liaison- Councilman Miller asked Tim Peterson to update them on East Yelm Ave progress. Tim Peterson indicated he had received many calls regarding the removal of trees during the course of the project and indicated that trees will be going back in along Yelm Ave. Other meetings/Assignments - attended round table meeting with Congressman Adam Smith commending staff on their presentation of concerns. b. Council member Thompson City Hall Liaison- written report provided. Agnes Bennick added that the first of the new billing will be mailed to customers this month after successfully being transmitted to PSE and on to Texas for printing and mailing. Police Department Liaison- written report provided. Chief Stancil added information on a second sting operation with the State Liquor Board was completed in Yelm citing 4 additional offenses. Councilmembers Fetterly and Harding commended Yelm Police Department for their increased visibility and quick response to calls. In addition to the reports, Councilmember Thompson requested consideration of some funds at budget time from the Hotel/Motel tax going to the Chamber of Commerce for their contributions of time, energy and funds to promote the City. c. Councilmember Isom Court Liaison- written report provided. Maryam Olson added payments to the court can now be made using credit cards through Official Payments. Court deferrals on traffic violations will now include driver's school. d. Councilmember Harding Community Development Liaison Planning Commission- attended short meeting where new members were introduced. Grant Beck reported development guidelines will come before Council at a future date. Intercity Transit- attended meeting as member of Citizen Representative Committee advising Authority Board from citizen's perspective. Nominations where announced for the vote for chairperson at next meeting. Solid Waste Management- attended meeting as discussed difficulty of maintaining a quorum at meetings and discussion to avoid rate increase. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city council/minutes/08-28-02 Page 4 of 5 Other Meetings/Assignments - visited Longmire Park site with Jim Gibson. Army Engineer Battalion due September 9 to begin the 4 to 6 week project. Mayor Rivas invited the council members to visit the site and thank the battalion for their efforts. e. Councilmember Fetterly Nisqually River Counci/- did not attend meeting at Longmire. Other Meetings/Assignments- attended meeting with Congressman Adam Smith. '."''''~~ Attest: .' . , 1/ " J t !-Lee \L Agn ~ P. Bennick, City Clerk Minutes taken by Janine A. Schnepf Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city council/minutes/08-28-02 Page 5 of 5