09-11-02 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2002 OPENING: Remembrance and Reflection for September 11: Candle lighting, Proclamation, Moment of Silence followed by the Flag Salute. Mayor Rivas introduced Marcy Deutsch who presented a picture of a bald eagle to the Mayor and City Council for City Hall. Consensus by Council to direct staff to affix an appropriate plate marking the significance of this gift on this day. 1. Mayor Rivas called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. Council present: Don Miller, John Thompson, Bob Isom, Ron Harding.and Pat Fetterly. 2. Agenda approval: 02-92 MOTON BY BOB 150M, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 3. Public Comment -Mayor Rivas called for any public comment not listed on the agenda. Clint Small would like to see the 25 mph speed limit sign on Third Street replaced. Mayor Rivas directed Public Works to replace sign to the street. Bill Steele thanked the Council members and Mayor Rivas for their support on behalf of the fire department and EMS unit. CONSENT CALENDAR 4. 5. a. b. 6. 7. a. b. Minutes approval: August 28, 2002 Regular Council Meeting and August 14 Special Meeting. Payments approval: Checks 18297-18426, Totaling $204,421.34 Manual checks: 18297-18336, Totaling $9,802.37 Claims checks: 18337-18426, Totaling $194,618.97 Payroll approval: Final August 2002, Totaling $148,299.07 Park Use Requests: YCP, 09/20/02, Boy Scout Troop, 3 p.m.-10 p.m., 80+ YCP, 09/28/02, Birthday Party, 2 p.m.-6 p.m., 30+ Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city council/minutes/08-14-02 Page 1 of 3 02-93 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS 8. Affirmation Of The 1995 Intergovernmental Agreement For Communication Services Related to Proposition NO.1. Shelly Badger provided a staff report indicating that affirmation of the terms and conditions of the CAPCOM contract for services was required prior to the September 17 election on Proposition No. 1 02-94 MOTION BY BOB 150M, SECONDED BY RON HARDING AUTHORIZING MAYOR RIVAS TO SIGN CAPCOM INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT. CARRIED. 9. Executive Session- Collective Bargaining Strategy. Mayor Rivas announced that the meeting would close to the public to allow the Councilmembers to convene to Executive Session for 60 to 90 minutes. The reports would be the only items left when the meeting resumed. The meeting was closed to the public at 7:44 p.m. for purpose of discussion on Collective Bargaining Strategy. Meeting was reopened at 9:34 p.m. OLD BUSINESS REPORTS 10. Mayor's Report - Hosted 9-11 Memorial Ceremony and thanked Girl Scout Service Unit #24 from McKenna, Rainier and Yelm for the flag presentation as well as those firefighters and police officers who participated. 11. Council Report a. Council member Miller - Attended CAPCOM meeting where budget was adopted with minor changes. There was some discussion on the use of pagers by the Yelm Police Officers. b. Councilmember Thompson participated in Economic Development Council Golf Tournament. c. Councilmember Isom - Attended Thurston County Regional Planning Council meeting. Provided Legislative Issues packet from Thurston County Regional Planning. Announced a Land Use Forum in Lacey Community Center was recommended for policymakers, planning commission members and council members. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city council/minutes/08-14-02 Page 2 of 3 Reported that work has started on Longmire Park by Army Corp of Engineers. Mayor Rivas added that he met with the project manager and encouraged other council members to visit the site. d. Council member Harding - Attended Intercity Transit meeting discussion continued on the advertising on the sides of buses. Attended the Chamber luncheon. SWAC did not have meeting. Added on a personal note that his daughter will be representing Yelm at a national pageant in Orlando Flcrida as Miss Yelm Washington as 1st runner up to Miss Washington. Asked if official title could be granted from the City of Yelm for this pageant. Directed to work with the Chamber of Commerce. e. Councilmember Fetterly - Financial report provided. Attended Chamber meeting and Senior Center 9-11 Memorial. Reported that the Nisqually River Council Festival is on the same day as council retreat so she will be unable to attend. Asked for direction on finding a representative to attend. Directed to contact designated alternate. Correspondence was provided. ADJ~URIN: 9:55 P.M" ^'~\ .t../ _,,~/'T'l" ;' ~:," ; Attest: U?u"/l ~ nine A. Schnepf, Deputy ity Clerk Yelm City Council Minutes ab/city council/minutes/08-14-02 Page 3 of 3