10-29-02 BWS Budget Work Session Yelm City Council Chambers October 29, 2002 Present: Councilmembers: Mayor Rivas, Don Miller, John Thompson, Bob Isom and Ron Harding. Staff: Shelly Badger, Agnes Bennick, Stephanie Conners, Tim Peterson, Jon Yanasak and Janine Schnepf Absent: Pat Fetterly Work session to review 2003 Budget for the following funds. 1. General Fund Department Stormwater Municipal Water Water Capital Improvement Sewer & Reuse Operations Water Reuse Water Construction Fund 400 401 404 412 420 431 Presenter Stephanie Conners Tim Peterson Stephanie Conners Shelly Badger and Jon Yanasak Jon Yanasak Stephanie Conners Changes/notes/follow up requested: Stormwater. Self supporting utility. Focus on storm water education requiring staff training and public outreach. Municipal Water Self supporting utility. Increased rates and conservation expected to repay debt on expenditures. Sewer and Reuse. Major expenses reviewed, including pumping of aging step tanks. Fund will be revisited in June with possibility of adding needed employee if revenue exceeds expenditure. Water Reuse exists to payback 5 yr. zero percent loan. Water Construction purpose constructing and completing prioritized water capital improvements. Ron Harding requested figures on the conservation effort. 2. Mayor Rivas closed the meeting at 5:05 p.m. for executive session to discuss Labor Negotiations for approximately 40 minutes. Mayor Rivas reopened the meeting at 5:21 p.m. 3. Salary Review. CONSENSUS TO REVIEW SALARY BUDGET AS A GROUP TOTAL RA THER THAN INDIV/DUALL Y AT THE FINAL WORK SESSION ON NOVEMBER 12. 4. Meeting dates discussion/Protocol Manual. The next budget work session will be November 12. Shelly will prepare final staff report to be available to the public November 26, 2002. The budget is presented as fair, within means and balanced as a hold the line budget. A special meeting was added to review Protocol Manual on November 19, 2002. NEXT MEETING: Budget Work Session, Tuesday, November 12, 2002, 4 p.m. f. .... Protocol Manual, Tuesday, November 19,2002,4 p.m. Adjo 5:~5 p.m. ,