01-25-06 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25,2006 1. Call to Order. Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. Roll Call. Present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Mike McGowan and Pat Fetterly 3. Agenda Approval 06-04 MOTION BY PA T FETTERL Y APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 4. 5. 6. a. b. 1) 2) c. 06-05 7. 8. a. 06-06 9. 10. Special Presentations - None scheduled Public Comment - John Andrus, Yelm, Troop 220 Scoutmaster, indicated that his troop of 12-13 year old boys were present to observe the government process and see elected officials at work. Troop members were introduced individually and presented with a Yelm pin by Mayor Harding. Consent Agenda Items Council Minutes - January 11, 2006 Regular Meeting Payables: Checks 26974-27054 totaling $226,416.80 Manual Checks 26974-27002 totaling $2,406.66 Claims Checks 27003-27054 totaling $224,010.14 2006 Payroll, January Preliminary (NOTE: CORRECTED VERSION PROVIDED) MOTION BY DON MILLER APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Public Hearing(s) - None scheduled New Business Resolution No. 462 Amending Personnel Policies to reflect 2006 City of Yelm Budget changes. Staff reported that this is a housekeeping item aligning Yelm Personnel Policies with benefit changes approved in the 2006 Budget. Changes include a $50 monthly increase, for full-time employees opting for cash instead of medical insurance, from $100, to $150 per month for full-time employees. Other changes: vacation time restructuring from days to hours, adding an over 20 year classification, and increasing vacation earnings in years 10-19. MOTION BY PAT FETTERL Y APPROVING RESOLUTION 462 BRINGING YELM PERSONNEL POLICIES INTO AGREEMENT WITH THOSE ADOPTED IN ORDINANCE NO. 840, THE 2006 CITY OF YELM BUDGET. CARRIED. Old Business - None scheduled Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board/Commission Yelm City Council Minutes Clerk/city council/2006/0 1-25-06 Minutes Approved: Page 1 of2 Business Councilmember Isom reported that at the previous Thurston Regional Planning Council meeting the 2006 Regional Transportation Plan was amended updating the cost estimate and moving funding responsibility from local to state for the SR51 0/507, Y3 Connector. This should allow the project to move forward. He also indicated that discussion at the 2/3/06 meeting will include Buildable Lands Program Update, a GMA mandate. Councilmember Fetterly attended an Emergency Board Meeting. Mayor Harding reminded Council of Thursday evening's Study Session. 11. Executive Session - None scheduled 12. Correspondence reviewed included the TRPC Pre-Agenda for February 3, 2006. 13. Adjourn: 7:40 p.m. R v4 /(/Vd i Bennick, City Clerk Yelm City Council Minutes Clerk/city council/2006/0 1-25-06 Minutes Approved: Page 2 of2