02-08-06 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8,2006 MINUTES 1. Call to Order. Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. Roll Call. Present: Don Miller, Mike McGowan and Pat Fetterly. Excused: Joe Baker and Bob Isom, 3. Agenda Approval 06-07 MOTION BY PA T FETTERL Y APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations Yelm Library Advisory Board Chairperson Tammy Jenkins introduced members Ronni Nutter, Pam Walker and Steve Klein, and thanked Kristin Blalack, Community Librarian, for preparing the 2005 Annual Report. Ms. Jenkins related that in the process of reviewing goals and the mission statement, members expressed a desire to reconnect with the City and felt that an annual report could serve that purpose. 5. 6. a. 1) 2) b. c. 06-08 7. Ms. Jenkins indicated a significant amount of time is being spent looking for ways to have positive intervention with the increasing numbers of teens spending time at the library after school and in the evening. Statistics provided in the report estimated 2005 registered patrons at 18,800, up more than 50% from 2001's 11,914. Mayor Harding and Council expressed their appreciation for the service the board provides to the community and for the update. Public Comment - There was no response to the call for comments. Consent Agenda Items Council Minutes January 25, 2006 Regular Meeting January 26,2006 Study Session Payables: Checks 27055 - 27179 totaling $221,652.79 Manual Checks 27055 - 27104 totaling $6,120.00 Claims Checks 27105 - 27179 totaling $215,532.79 Payroll January 2006 Final/Checks 10257-10326 totaling $232,577.69 MOTION BY DON MILLER APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Public Hearing(s) - None scheduled 8. New Business a. Ordinance 844 Amending the 2006 Budget by Increasing the Salary Range for the Community Development Department Engineer Tech Position. Grant Beck reported that the position was advertised at the pre-approved rate, seeking candidates with a two year degree. The response did not present a pool with a Yelm City Council Minutes clerk/city cQuncil/2006/02-08-06 Minutes Approved: Page 1 of 2 06-09 passion for public service. Following the interview process and an evaluation of the amount of staff time necessary for oversight and training a two-year degree candidates, staff recommended upgrading the position to a 4 year degree. An increase in compensation to reflect the changed requirements is necessary. The position has been re-advertised with favorable response. MOTION BY PAT FETTERL Y ADOPTING ORDINANCE 844 INCREASING THE ENGINEER TECH SALARY RANGE AND AMENDING THE CITY OF YELM 2006 BUDGET AS ADOPTED IN ORDINANCE 840, AND APPENDIX II, THE EMPLOYEE POSITION CLASSIFICATION SALARY SCHEDULE. CARRIED. 9. Old Business - None scheduled 10. Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board/Commission Business a. Councilmember Miller had a liaison meeting with Yelm Public Works and reported that the Longmire Community Park Volunteer Day had to be cancelled because of rain and saturated ground. b. Mayor Harding reported attended the Thurston County Economic Development retreat. The program provided an overview of activity in Thurston County, which is going well. 11. Executive Session - None scheduled 12. Correspondence reviewed included AWC sponsored training on Economic Development Essentials. 13. Adjourn: 7:45 p.m. Attest: Ja Yelm City Council Minutes clerk/city cQuncil/2006/02-08-06 Minutes Approved: Page 2 of 2