04-27-06 SS YELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION THURSDAY, APRIL, ~ 2006 MINUTES }:'1 t~,) i,~ 1. Call to Order. Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 5 p.m. 2. Roll Call. Present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Mike McGowan. Absent: Pat Fetterly 3. Agenda Approval MOTION BY DON MILLER APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 4. Presentations a. SeniorlDisabled Utility Rate Reduction. Staff provided information about participation rates and various income eligibility thresholds used in neighboring communities. A 3% (double the Tumwater participation) participation level was used to demonstrate possible revenue impacts. Discussion topics: using a figure averaging the three methods, information dissemination, using a self-adjusting rate language in the resolution. Staff was requested to prepare a resolution for council consideration. b. Thurston Highlands Master Plan Application and Environmental Impact Study Process - Grant Beck provided the history of the Thurston Highlands Master Plan and Tahoma Terra developers' recent owners' interest in the development. A map was displayed identifying the boulevard and loop system, school sites, and recreation and commercial areas. He then provided an overview of various city, developer and public process steps involved in the application process including an EIS scoping to determine what the environmental review process will include. Mr. Beck identified the firms/consultants/staff members involved and noted that project costs include three additional City staff members. c. Public Safety Building Project Update - Stephanie Ray reported that the City received a good response to the advertised Request for Qualifications and that ARAI Jackson Ellison Murakami had been selected to provide planning and development, engineering and technical services for the project. Several similar use projects the firm worked on were displayed and there was discussion concerning estimates for hard and soft costs of the project. Four million is being used as a project number until costs are better defined. 5. Mayor/Council Initiatives discussed during a meal break included Yelm Adult Center CDBG eligible audit fees; replacing the quarterly Hawthorn Herald with a high quality annual newsletter, door to door distribution of water conservation information/materials; and ways to increase citizen input. 4. Presentations d. Killion Road LID (Local Improvement District) Update. Grant Beck provided information from the March 23, open house, informational materials sent to those who did not attend the open house, and progress in scheduling individual meetings with property owners. Discussion concerned single/combined methodologies for establishing property improvement benefit amounts, financial gain when selling improved property, LID size, existing improvement deferrals, the extent of improvements, and the possibility of allowing payment deferrals. At 8:30 p.m, the meeting was adiourned to 6:00 p.m.. Wednesday. Mav 10. 2006. Yelm City Council Minutes clerk/city counciI/2006/04-28-06 5S Minutes Approved: Page 1 of 2 * Continued Meeting: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 Mayor Harding opened the Study Session at 6:08 p.m. Present: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom and Mike McGowan. Absent: Pat Fetterly. Yelm's newest employee, Bo Lessley, Building Inspector, was introduced and welcomed. 4. Presentations d. Killion Road LID (Local Improvement District) Update. Grant Beck reviewed the public participation process and indicated that the department received good feedback from citizen's attending the open house, and that Jim Gibson had been able to meet with individuals to address questions/concerns. Based upon that combined input, staff reviewed straight trip calculation methodology presented at the last meeting, and provided council with new figures for review based upon revised methodology. The staff recommendation was a formula combining daily trip generation tied to lot size and frontage improvement value. Additionally, staff recommended excluding from the LID 35 properties that would have marginal benefits and providing an income based hardship process that would allow deferral of assessment payment until property sale/transfer. Discussion topics: dollar amount difference in school requirements when comparing permit process requirements and LID requirements; cash benefit for right-of-way purchases; upcoming Open House on May 17 from 2-6 at Yelm City Hall; formal hearing at May 24 City Council meeting. Mayor Harding and Councilmembers commended Community Development for an excellent job. 6. New Business - None scheduled 7. Old Business - None scheduled 8. Adjourn: 7:03 pm Yelm City Council Minutes clerk/city council/2006/04-28-06 55 Minutes Approved: 4~p /;: f Page 2 of 2