01-24-01 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24,2001,7:30 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS City Council Meetings are Audio Recorded. Call 360.458.3244 for information about obtaining a copy. 1. Call to Order and Flag Salute. Mayor Wolf called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Present: Don Miller, John Thompson, Bob Isom, Glen Cunningham and Adam Rivas. a. Oath of Office was given by Mayor Kathy Wolf to incoming Mayor, Adam Rivas, effective date February 1,2001 2. Consent Agenda Items a. Agenda b. Minutes: January 10,2001 c. Vouchers: # 14349-14413, Totaling $146,663.40 (See additional voucher approval FORM 1b, CHECK #14353 under 5b) d. Payroll: Preliminary January 2001 01-09 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS. CARRIED. 3. Public Comment/Questions. None. 4. New Business a. David Baker and Scott Schimelsenig from Thurston County Solid Waste Advisory Council reported that the Comprehensive Solid Waste Management draft plan is available for review and left copies of the update for distribution. The Plan details specifics to be approved including solid waste inventory, description, handling, and available facilities. The Plan estimates the 20-year long-range plan meeting D.O.E.standards and land use plans. Financial plans for capital and operational projects related to solid waste disposal are also addressed. Requirements for reducing, recycling and disposal are established in RCW 79 510. Councilmember John Thompson represented Yelm on the committee Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SW AC). The Plan will be updated following review by elected officials, the public and SW AC. Public review will be accomplished through town meetings and copies will be available at libraries and city halls. Staff will review information received with changes incorporated in an updated document to be distributed to the public for a final review. Final recommendation will be compiled for presentation to Council and to Board of County Commissioners for adoption. City Council Minutes js/city council/200 1 minutes/O 1-24-0 1 Page 1 of 4 b. Canal Road Park Consultant recommendation was presented by staff. After reviewing three bids, staff recommended David Evans and Associates. Mayor Wolf commended staff for work on the project. 01-10 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM ACCEPTING STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION TO AWARD THE BID TO DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES AS CONSULTANTS ON CANAL ROAD PARK. CARRIED. 5. Old Business: a. Cynthia Carlstad from Tetra-Tech/KCM provided an update from the Yelm Creek Advisory Committee including where and why flooding problems exist and some possible solutions. The Committee utilized field surveys from National Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), and arial maps showing the two specific areas of most concern. Careful implementation of storm water management is needed in addition to education to keep the water shed healthy. Discussion included a recommendation for areas that could benefit from immediate attention to start the creek back to a natural healthy state, and steps to reduce future impacts. Options for alternative solutions including: realignment or improvements to the existing creekbed, removing berms, installing culverts through embankments, removing manmade obstacles and landscaping choices to eliminate invasive vegetation. Estimated costs to protect existing structures in flood plain were discussed and it was suggested that the Army Corps of Engineers might provide assistance on the proj ect. b. Shelly Badger reported on the Railroad Start Up costs and recommended financing from Urban Development funds. The Cumulative Reserve and Urban Development Funds were merged, and the ordinance requires council approval prior to using this money. Use is restricted to capital improvements, construction, alteration or repair of public building or urban renewal projects. Approval would allow the use Urban Development money to pay for professional services for the project. These costs are not eligible for grant fund reimbursement. Voucher FORM 1B, Check #14353, totaling $7962.67 01-11 MOTION BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM, SECONDED BY DON MILLER AUTHORIZING START UP RAILROAD EXPENSES FROM URBAN DEVELOPMENT FUNDS. CARRIED 6. Reports: a. City Hall Liaison Reports 1. City Hall - a written report was provided. City Council Minutes js/city council/200 1 minutes/O 1-24-0 1 Page 2 of 4 2. Court - a written report was provided. 3. Public Works - a written report was provided. Councilmember Miller reported that the public works building construction is behind schedule. 4. Parks - John Thompson reported that Canal Road Park progress is moving forward. 5. Police - a written report was provided. Brian Asmus added information on additional drug arrests. 6. Planning-Councilmember Glen Cunningham reported that the meeting was cancelled. Cathie Carlson updated council re citizen concerns expressed at the August 23 council meeting related to the Mill Circle sub division. After reviewing the concerns, it was found that the issues needed to be addressed through the homeowner's covenants not city regulations. 7. Financial- viewed video from A WC regarding impact of 1-722 and ways to deal with possible influences on Public Safety, Transportation, Environment and Quality of Life issues. The video will be helpful for decisions Council will have to make in the future to help the City. 8. Mayor Wolf reported on attending the following: touring the new PW building, monthly police department meeting, administrative meetings, and committee meeting for review of applicants for Planning Technician position. Mayor Wolf asked Adam to distribute a list of new 2001 Council Liaison committee assignments. Each councilmember's assignments include at least one for Thurston County and one or two city/local liaison appointments. Adam has 6 meeting assignments, Councilmembers 3. Police department was added to John Thompson assignments. 01-12 MOTION BY ROBERT ISOM, SECONDED BY DON MILLER TO APPROVE SELECTION OF JOHN THOMPSON AS MAYOR PRO- TEM UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. CARRIED. Abstain: John Thompson 9. Council - Adam Rivas asked Council to show support to Intercity Transit and Thurston County to preserve Yelm bus service as part of Olympia/lacey/Tumwater group. Council consensus to support preservation of the Intercity peninsula in Yelm. City Council Minutes js/city council/200 1 minutes/O 1-24-0 1 Page 3 of 4 Glen Cunningham, Adam Rivas and Joe Williams, traveled to Yakima to assess value of free train engines. The costs to restore the engines was greater than their value. Gained knowledge and resources for future. Don Miller reported on CAPCOM meeting. Staff to notify committees of Liaison changes. Correspondence was presented for review. 11. Attest: City Council Minutes js/city council/200 1 minutes/O 1-24-01 Page 4 of4