03-14-01 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14,2001,6:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mayor Rivas called the Work Session to order at 6:00 p.m. Council Present: John Thompson, Bob Isom, JW Foster and Glen Cunningham Executive Sessions was added to the agenda as a new item. 1. Executive Sessions. Mayor Rivas indicated that focus would be on the 2/28/01 executive session when Council considered the two applications for the vacant council position. In a conversation he had with one of the applicants following the session, the individual discussed statements that had been made in the executive session. Mayor Rivas stated to the group that he was upset by this breech of confidentiality and he contacted MRSC and researched RCW's concerning executive sessions. His findings indicated that discussing executive session material outside of the session is against the law. Copies of the referenced RCWs were provided. Mayor Rivas affirmed that coming into a new position, his intent is to make sure that ours is a professional council. His intention in scheduling this work session is to provide guidance and direct members to available resources. Mayor Rivas added that in the future he would be more forceful in finding out who spoke outside of executive session. He stressed that what is said in executive session must stay there. And that what complicates the matter is that the information passed outside the session was wrong. He didn't, in fact say things reportedly said by him in the executive session. Mayor Rivas expressed that rumors and misinformation were being discussed within the community that he had said disparaging things about Ms. Curry and that he had influenced Councilmembers to vote in the manner that they did. The three Councilmen that participated in the Executive Session (John Thompson, Glen Cunningham and Bob Isom) unanimously confirmed that in fact none of the allegations or statements were true and that they voted for the candidate of their choice with no influence from Mayor Rivas. Mayor Rivas stated that he does not think the mayor should have citizens coming up to him after the fact, saying he as Mayor should have supported one candidate or another. Councilmember Isom stated that it was his belief and feeling that the Mayor should have been involved in the discussion during the Executive Session so that the Council could get his views. Mayor Rivas stated that he did not feel comfortable with making any influential comments, as selection of the appointee is a Council decision. Mayor Rivas stated that he feels very strongly about his role as mayor and the role of Councilmembers and that we will always be above board, on the record, and straight. One of the things being discussed is that the media nationwide wants no executive sessions. When Keven Graves (Editor, NVN) and Mayor Yelm City Council Work Session Minutes city council\2001\03-14-01 ws Page 1 of 3 Rivas had their meeting, it was expressed to Keven that it was Mayor Rivas' intention to keep executive sessions to a bare minimum, where we are talking about an applicant for a department head position, or a real estate transaction. There are very few things that we can go to executive session on and because the mayor controls the agenda, he feels strongly that we need to keep as much of this in the public as possible, because we have nothing to hide. He stated that we are all good people coming here to do a job. That is what we hired on and took our oath of office to do. Shelly Badger reported that requests have been received for copies of the applications. And that staff checked with MRSC and found that council applications are public records. Copies were provided. Agnes Bennick added that she has revised the application so that future applicants will be aware of this issue and not provide unlisted home or work phone numbers or email addresses that they can't or don't want made available for general use. 1. A. Organizational Chart Review & Discussion. Mayor Rivas reviewed the organizational chart, chain of command, council's legislative role, and the mayor's administrative role and where they fit in. Councilmember Isom requested that the prosecutor be added under the municipal court. There was some discussion concerning this, as the prosecutor's position is a contract for services rather than an employee position. Liaison roles were discussed, with Mayor Rivas explaining that hopefully liaisons will contact the department head at least monthly to find out how things are going. Liaisons should find out if the department has needs or if something needs changing. Liaisons should respect fellow Councilmembers assignments and go to the appropriate department liaison for information about that department. It was also suggested that if approached by an employee with a problem to refer that employee to their department head. Mayor Rivas reviewed the Citizen Action Request form, how the forms are used, and the process for delegating requests for action/follow up. With citizen contacts, check with staff to find out when a request was filed, where it is in the system and if it's been resolved. 2. Councilmembers Handbook Review of the handbook included form of government, legislative and policy-making powers of council, administrative authority, including veto power vested in the mayor; mayor's authority; avoiding mayor-council conflicts. A question was raised concerning contacting the city attorney. Mayor Rivas responded that it would depend upon the situation. And suggested contacting Shelly or Agnes first or starting with Municipal Research. He spoke highly of MRSC and the services their attorney and consultants provide. There was some discussion about information available on the comprehensive web site they maintain. Yelm City Council Work Session Minutes city council\2001\03-14-01 ws Page 2 of 3 Other items discussed included the elected officials' role in policy making, personnel matters, the budget, process, council meetings, land use and planning expenditures and contracts and relationships with other entities. 3. AWC Conference Reminder. Contact Shelly so reservations can be made. The city pays the conference registration fee, appropriate meals, excluding alcoholic beverages, and room charges. Councilmembers pay any additional amounts for their spouse. 4. Proxy VoteNote by Phone. There was discussion concerning the possibility of developing a policy to allow Councilmembers to participate in executive sessions and cast a vote using a speakerphone. Discussion concerned participation disadvantages when the member is absent. Council was not in favor of developing a policy at this time. If there is an interest at some time in the future, the issue can be revisited. 5. Coffee & Light Refreshment Policy - Consensus supported a staff request to gather information and put together a draft policy. 6. Other Initiative Measure 722. There was some discussion concerning AWC's request to the city for financial participation with 1-722 legal expenses incurred by other jurisdictions. In considering the request council weighed: election results 35% of Yelm's voters cast ballots against the measure, 65%) voted for passage; the constitutionality of the initiative; elected officials' oath and obligation to uphold feder I d state constitutions; and the complexity of the measure. No decision was a_lop Ii" yJ Ii [-lvI-ilL ic s P. Bennick, City Clerk Yelm City Council Work Session Minutes city council\2001\03-14-01 ws Page 3 of 3