03-28-01 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 2001, 7:30 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS OPENING 1. Mayor Pro Tem, John Thompson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Council Present: Bob Isom, Glen Cunningham and JW Foster. Excused: Don Miller. 2. Agenda Approval 01-34 MOTION BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM, SECONDED BY J.W. FOSTER APPROVING THE AGENDA. CARRIED 3. Public Comment: Kalen Moynaugh informed the Council that interest was shown in building a cell tower close to 93rd Street. He opposed this happening and offered a heads up to the City that he believes attempts will be made to locate on Yelm Ave. Jan Marie Bradbury also addressed cell towers in Yelm. She stated she moved to Yelm for the small city community, trees and peace and does not want cell towers or sludge located here. She hopes to keep Yelm the way it is. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS 4. Minutes: March 14, 2001 5. Vouchers 14740-14806, Totaling $156,747.52 6. March Preliminary Payroll 01-35 MOTION BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM, SECONDED BY J.W. FOSTER APPROVING CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS AS LISTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS 7. Notice of intent to commence annexation of a 4.9-acre single family residential lot on west side of Vancil Road. Shelly Badger presented a report prepared by Cathie Carlson from Community Development that included a map of area in relation to City limits, water service area and Y2 corridor. Staff recommends denial to commence annexation. Annexation would change zoning from 1 unit per 5 acre to 4 units per acre. Expectation by property owner would likely be development. However, this property is not currently in water service area and the City is unable to provide water services. Comprehensive water plan is currently being revised. Additionally, Y2 corridor runs along northern boundary of this property. Once annexed the opportunity for development is there with expectation that they can subdivide. Could be built up with houses and roads and until we own transportation right of way we have no influence on use of land. This site does not have access Yelm City Council Minutes, March 14, 2001 city council\2001\03-14-01 Page 1 of 4 from Vancil Rd. but would come off extension of 109th that does not exist. Recommend is to deny annexation proceedings to avoid these issues. Councilmember Bob Isom questions how valid issue on 109th is because Vancil Road continues on anyway. 01-36 MOTION BY J.W. FOSTER, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM TO DENY NOTICE OF INTENT TO ANNEX PARCEL 22730420100 ON WEST SIDE OF VANCIL. 2 CARRIED, OPPOSED: BOB ISOM 8. Ordinance 730, Limited Tax General Obligation Refunding Bond 2001. Agnes Bennick clarified refinancing of 5 Corners Loan that expired in December. Renegotiations concluded as a Bond. Term is from June 2001 to March 2011 for $248,241.00 remaining on the loan plus attorney costs. The interest rate is 5.68 percent for 1st 5 years, after 5 years interest subject to change. Payments will change from $15,000 year to $8485.79 quarter with annual payment budget increase of $18,943.16 over what City is currently paying. 01-37 MOTION BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM, SECONDED BY BOB ISOM ADOPTING ORDINACE 730 TO REFINANCE FIVE CORNERS STREET IMPROVEMENT LOAN AS BOND. CARRIED. 9. Resolution 409 authorizing designation of a representative to obtain Federal and/or State Emergency or Disaster assistance funds. Tim Peterson reported that Engineers and FEMA inspectors have completed inspections and the application process has been reviewed. Because a timely response is needed on all requests and specific paperwork requirements for funding applications, staff requested designating 2 representatives to act on behalf of Yelm. 01-38 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY J.W. FOSTER APPROVING RESOLUTION 409 FOR DESIGNATION OF REPRESENTATIVE FOR FEDERAL AND/OR STATE DISASTER FUNDS IF ELIGIBLE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS - None REPORTS 10. Councilmember Foster a) City Hall 1) Administrative Services - reviewed written report and added congratulations to Agnes Bennick on her election as WMCA Treasurer and nomination for Washington Municipal Clerks Association Clerk the Year at the annual conference. Council and audience joined in the congratulations. 2) Community Development - written report provided. Yelm City Council Minutes, March 14, 2001 city council\2001 \03-14-01 Page 2 of 4 11. Councilmember Thompson a) Police - Brian Asmus reviewed new format for reports that includes number of incidents per event. Councilmember Foster asked about a recent verbal threat case at the high school. Brian Asmus reported that Officer Stancil attended meeting with High School Administration and parents to address preventative measures. b) Public Works - Mayor Pro T em John Thompson reviewed the Public Works written report and commended staff for their innovative ideas to keep costs down in setting up operations at new Public Works facility. 12. Councilmember Isom a) Park Report - None b) Park Use Requests - presented 2 park use requests. 01-39 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM APPROVING 2 PARK USE REQUESTS FOR YELM CITY PARK APRIL 1, BIRTHDAY PARTY AND APRIL 14, EASTER EGG HUNT. CARRIED. 13. Councilmember Miller - Excused a) Court - written report provided b) Financial - Agnes Bennick reviewed prepared annual debt report in table form showing principal and interest by year in three categories: General Obligation, Revenue Bonds, and Other Debt. 14. Councilmember Cunningham a) Planning - meeting was cancelled. b) Railroad - reported attending railroad meeting to start investigating the feasibility of connecting Yelm Railroad with Tacoma passenger and freight line. Reported second entry sign foundation has been poured and is now waiting for stone work. Volunteers may be called on to help with the placement of stone work. 15. Mayor's report - Mayor Rivas was not present 16. Councilmember Report - Councilmember Cunningham asked about progress of Vancil Road straightening. Shelly Badger reported proiect is subject to right of way negotiations tied in with Yelm Ave from 4t Ave to 5 Corners. Meetings have begun with property owners and will continue. Yelm City Council Minutes, March 14, 2001 city council\2001\03-14-01 Page 3 of 4 Councilmember Foster attended Solid Waste Advisory meeting. Reported that Thurston County Wastemobile will be in Yelm in May with information available at City Hall. Councilmember Foster spoke (unofficially) with Steve Romines from Med One about latest action by EMS council regarding Medic 1 issue in Yelm. Medic Unit will remain in Yelm while EMS Council considers long-term solutions. Recommendation from EMS Council to County Commissioners to extend contract with Yelm Fire District on a month to month basis at 100 percent funding. Fire response by medics would be billed back to YFD #2 and City of Yelm funding will be suspended. Encouraged Mayor and Council to discuss this issue with him and maintain presence at meetings to benefit Yelm. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was reviewed. ADJOURN: 8:30 pm '.4 /l j '1U//. {(ffit/ i:~ John G. Thompson, Ma or Pro Tem Attest r nine A. Schnepf, Deput Yelm City Council Minutes, March 14, 2001 city council\2001\03-14-01 Page 4 of 4