995 Attach Division 6 Design Standards UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE DESIGN STANDARDS 4 ¡«¤ ®¥ #®­³¤­³² CHAPTER 18.50  DESIGN STANDARDS .................................................................................................................. 1 18.50.010I ................................................................................................................................................. 1 NTENT CHAPTER 18.51  ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE STANDARDS. ........................................................................ 2 18.51.010I ................................................................................................................................................. 2 NTENT 18.51.020N.................................................................................................................................................. 2 OISE 18.51.030E ............................................................................................................................................ 2 MISSIONS 18.51.040A,............................................................................................ 3 QUIFERGROUND AND SOIL CONTAMINATION 18.51.050S .............................................................................................................................................. 3 TORAGE CHAPTER 18.52  TRANSPORTATION AND ACCESS................................................................................................. 5 18.52.010I ................................................................................................................................................. 5 NTENT 18.52.020C-- .......................................................................................................................................... 5 ULDESAC 18.52.030D ........................................................................................................................................... 5 EAD ENDS 18.52.040H ......................................................................................................................................... 5 ALF STREET 18.52.050B ...................................................................................................................................... 5 LOCK LENGTH 18.52.060A................................................................................................................................................. 5 LLEYS 18.52.070P.................................................................................................................................... 5 RIVATE STREETS 18.52.080A ............................................................................................................. 6 RTERIAL AND COLLECTOR ACCESS 18.52.090R .................................................. 7 ELATION TO STREET SYSTEM AND ADJOINING PROPERTY DURING SUBDIVISION 18.52.100D.......................................................................................................................................... 7 RIVEWAYS CHAPTER 18.54 - OFF STREET PARKING .................................................................................................................. 9 18.54.010I ................................................................................................................................................. 9 NTENT 18.54.020G ........................................................................................................................ 9 ENERAL REQUIREMENTS 18.54.030M .................................................................................................................... 10 INIMUM REQUIREMENTS 18.54.040M ............................................................................................................................ 12 IXED OCCUPANCIES 18.54.050O-........................................................................................................................... 13 FFSTREET LOADING 18.54.060I ........................................................................ 13 NCENTIVES FOR REDUCING THE NUMBER OF PARKING STALLS 18.54.070D .................................................................................................................... 15 EVELOPMENT STANDARDS CHAPTER 18.55  LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS................................................................................................ 17 18.55.010I ............................................................................................................................................... 17 NTENT 18.55.020T ......................................................................................................................... 17 YPES OF LANDSCAPING 18.55.030L,,....................................................... 20 ANDSCAPE FEATURES DESIGN AND ALTERNATIVE LANDSCAPING OPTION 18.55.040S ..................................................................................... 21 PECIES CHOICE AND PLANT MATERIAL STANDARDS 18.55.050I.............................................................................................................................. 21 RRIGATION SYSTEM 18.55.060M ....................................................................................................... 22 AINTENANCE OF PLANT MATERIALS 18.55.070P .................................................................................................................... 22 ERFORMANCE ASSURANCE CHAPTER 18.56 - RECREATION/OPEN SPACE REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................. 24 18.56.010I ............................................................................................................................................... 24 NTENT 18.56.020R/O.............................................................................................. 24 ECREATIONPEN SPACE QUALIFICATIONS CHAPTER 18.57 - PROTECTION OF TREES AND VEGETATION ................................................................................ 27 18.57.010I ............................................................................................................................................... 27 NTENT 18.57.020P,,/ ............................................................... 27 LANTING REMOVAL TOPPING ANDOR PRUNING OF PUBLIC TREES 18.57.030T .................................................................................................................. 28 REE SPECIES TO BE PLANTED 18.57.040P ................................................................................................................................ 28 UBLIC TREE CARE 18.57.050T ..................................................................................................... 28 REE PROTECTION AND PRESERVATION 18.57.060T ..................................................................................................................................... 29 REE TOPPING 18.57.070P............................................................................................................. 30 RUNING CORNER CLEARANCE 18.57.080D ........................................................................... 30 EAD OR DISEASED TREE REMOVAL ON PRIVATE PROPERTY 18.57.090P,.............................................. 30 RESERVATION OF TREES ON PRIVATE PROPERTY AND WITH NEW DEVELOPMENT 18.57.100S........................................................................................................................................ 30 TANDARDS 18.57.110E ....................................................................................................................................... 31 XEMPTIONS CHAPTER 18.58  MODEL HOMES ........................................................................................................................ 33 18.58.010MH ................................................................................................................................... 33 ODEL OMES CHAPTER 18.59 - SITE PLANNING ......................................................................................................................... 34 18.59.010I ............................................................................................................................................... 34 NTENT 18.57.020R .................................... 34 ELATE DEVELOPMENT TO STREET FRONTS OTHER THAN PEDESTRIAN ORIENTED STREETS 18.59.030M ................................................................................... 34 ULTIPLE BUILDING AND LARGE LOT DEVELOPMENT 18.59.040S........................................................................................................................... 34 ITING SERVICE AREAS 18.59.050I..................................................................................................................................... 36 LLUMINATION 18.59.060S.................................................................................................................................. 36 TREET CORNERS 18.59.070T ............................................................................................................................................. 37 RANSIT 18.59.080M......................................................................................................................................... 37 AILBOXES CHAPTER 18.60 - PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION ....................................................................................................... 38 18.60.010I ............................................................................................................................................... 38 NTENT 18.60.020G ............................................................................................................................ 38 ENERAL GUIDELINES 18.60.030O- .......................................................................................................... 38 NSITE PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION 18.60.040P ..................................................................... 38 EDESTRIAN PATHS TO ADJACENT USES AND TRANSIT FACILITIES 18.60.050P .................................................................................................. 39 EDESTRIAN AREAS AT BUILDING ENTRIES 18.60.060P .................................................................................................. 39 EDESTRIAN ACTIVITY AREAS AND PLAZAS CHAPTER 18.61 - BUILDING DESIGN ..................................................................................................................... 40 18.61.010I ............................................................................................................................................... 40 NTENT 18.61.020H ..................................................................................................................................... 40 UMAN SCALE 18.61.030A .......................................................................................................................... 40 RCHITECTURAL SCALE 18.61.040B ................................................................................................................................ 41 UILDING DETAILS 18.61.050M ......................................................................................................................... 41 ATERIALS AND COLOR 18.61.060M.......................................................................................... 42 ECHANICAL EQUIPMENT AND SERVICE AREAS CHAPTER 18.62  SIGNS ....................................................................................................................................... 43 18.62.010I ............................................................................................................................................... 43 NTENT 18.62.020E ....................................................................................................................................... 43 XEMPTIONS 18.62.030P ................................................................................................................................ 44 ROHIBITED SIGNS 18.62.040T............................................................................................................................... 45 EMPORARY SIGNS 18.62.050I..................................................................................................................................... 48 LLUMINATION 18.62.060M .................................................................................................................................... 48 AINTENANCE 18.62.070L.......................................................................... 48 ANDSCAPING FOR FREESTANDING AND MONUMENT SIGNS 18.62.080D ......................................................................................................................... 48 ISTRICT REGULATIONS 18.62.090S................................................................................................... 49 IGNAGE ON AWNINGS AND MARQUEES 18.62.100O-............................................................................................................................... 49 FFSITE BANNERS 18.62.110C................................................................................................................................ 50 OMMUNITY SIGN 18.62.120F ................................................................................................................................ 50 ARMERS MARKET 18.62.130L .............................................................................................................. 51 EGAL NONCONFORMING SIGNS 18.62.140I ......................................................................................................................... 52 NSPECTION AUTHORITY 18.62.150R.............................................................................................................. 52 EMOVAL OF UNLAWFUL SIGNS 18.62.160S .............................................................................................. 53 IGN AREA SQUARE FOOTAGE MAXIMUMS 18.62.170G/. ............................................................................................. 56 RAND OPENINGSPECIAL EVENT SIGN AREA CHAPTER 18.63 - HISTORIC PRESERVATION ......................................................................................................... 57 18.63.010I ............................................................................................................................................... 57 NTENT 18.63.020Y ........................................................................................................ 57 ELM REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES 18.63.030S ................................................................................................ 57 TANDARDS FOR LISTING ON THE REGISTER CHAPTER 18.64 - ZONING OVERLAYS ................................................................................................................... 58 18.64.010I ............................................................................................................................................... 58 NTENT 18.64.020P ...................................................................................................... 58 LANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT 18.64.040M ..................................................................................................................... 58 IXED USE DEVELOPMENT 18.64.050T .................................................................................................................. 59 OWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 18.64.060M ....................................................................................................................... 60 ANUFACTURED HOMES CHAPTER 18.65  HOME OCCUPATIONS............................................................................................................... 63 18.65.010I ............................................................................................................................................... 63 NTENT 18.65.020G ...................................................................................................................... 63 ENERAL REQUIREMENTS 18.65.030D ........................................................................................ 63 EVELOPMENT AND PERFORMANCE STANDARDS CHAPTER 18.66  ADULT ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESSES ...................................................................................... 65 18.66.010I ............................................................................................................................................... 65 NTENT 18.66.020G .................................................................... 65 ENERAL STANDARDS FOR ADULT ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESSES 18.66.030E ....................................................................................................................................... 66 XEMPTIONS 18.66.040A ....................................................................... 66 DULT ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESSES EFFECT ON OTHER LAWS CHAPTER 18.67  DAY-CARE FACILITIES ............................................................................................................... 67 18.67.010F ...................................................................................................... 67 AMILY HOME CHILD CARE PROVIDERS 18.67.020C- ...................................................................................................................... 67 HILD DAYCARE CENTERS CHAPTER 18.68  MARIJUANA RETAILERS ............................................................................................................ 68 18.68.010I ............................................................................................................................................... 68 NTENT 18.68.020D.............................................................................................................................. 68 ESIGN STANDARDS CHAPTER 18.69  SECURE COMMUNITY TRANSITION FACILITIES ......................................................................... 69 18.69.010I ............................................................................................................................................... 69 NTENT 18.69.020G ...................................................................................................................... 69 ENERAL REQUIREMENTS CHAPTER 18.70  WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES .................................................................................. 70 18.70.010I ............................................................................................................................................... 70 NTENT 18.70.020E ....................................................................................................................................... 70 XEMPTIONS 18.70.030L........................................................................................................................................... 71 OCATION 18.70.040T ............................................................................................................. 71 HIRD PARTY TECHNICAL REVIEW 18.70.050C- ..................................................................................................................................... 72 OLOCATION 18.70.060DWCF. ........................................................................................ 72 ESIGN STANDARDS FOR FREESTANDING S 18.70.070DWCF .............................................................................................. 75 ESIGN STANDARDS FOR ATTACHED S 18.70.080DWCF- ................................................. 76 ESIGN STANDARDS FOR GROUNDMOUNTED EQUIPMENT STRUCTURES 18.70.090M .................................................................................................................. 76 AINTENANCE OF FACILITIES 18.70.100A................................................................................................................................... 76 BANDONMENT 18.70.110R............................................................................................................... 76 ADIO FREQUENCY STANDARDS C18.50–DS HAPTER ESIGN TANDARDS 18.50.010Intent It is the intent of this chapter toincorporate the design standards of the City of Yelmdevelopment regulations,design guidelines,Comprehensive Plan and Vision Plan, and to apply specific conditions where they are most appropriate. Design Standards  Page 1 C18.51–EPS. HAPTER NVIRONMENTAL ERFORMANCE TANDARDS 18.51.010Intent It is the intent of this chapter to protect public health and general welfare, establish minimum standards for the control of environmental pollution and to minimize the adverse effects of contaminants which may result from the use of land by any activity or person. 18.51.020Noise A.The maximum allowable noise levels as measured at the property line of noise-impacted uses or activities shall be those set forth in Chapter 173- 60 WAC, titled “Maximum Environmental Noise Levels,” which chapter is incorporated by reference. B.The Environmental Designation for Noise Abatement (EDNA) for the several land use classifications of this title shall be as follows: All living areas (single-family, multifamily, etc.)A All commercial areasB All public/institutional areasA All industrial, warehouse areasC C.Noise levels of any sound source, when measured in the manner and locations prescribed in Chapter 173-60 WAC shall not exceed the values shown in Chapter 173-60 WAC. 18.51.030Emissions A.Air. The ambient air quality standards specified in the regulations of the Olympic Region Clean Air Agency (ORCAA) shall apply to all air contaminants listed therein. Toxic substances not listed in the ORCAA regulations, but released into the air, shall be limited in accordance with the most current publication entitled “Threshold Limit Values” of the American Conference of Governmental Hygienists. B.Waste disposal. Liquid or solid wastes unacceptable to public sewer authorities shall be disposed of on a regular basis in keeping with the best operating characteristics of the industry, and in compliance with the regulations and requirements of local, regional, state or federal agencies having jurisdiction in waste disposal and environmental health and safety. Design Standards  Page 2 C.Heat and glare. Any operation producing intense heat or glare shall be performed within an enclosure so as to completely obscure such operation from view from any point along the property line. D.Radioactive materials and radiation devices. The use, storage, transportation and disposal of all radioactive materials and radiation machines shall be subject to the regulatory jurisdiction and control of the Radiation Control Agency of the Washington State Department of Health as amended. E.Vibration and concussion. No use shall cause earth vibrations or concussions detectable without the aid of instruments beyond its lot lines, with the exception of the temporary vibration produced as a result of construction activity. Such temporary construction activity shall be restricted to the hours of 7:00 am to 6:00 pm,unless work is considered an emergency. 18.51.040Aquifer, ground and soil contamination Materials used or produced in any manufacturing process shall be handled in such a manner as to prevent ground or soil pollution which destroys or endangers the support of natural vegetation or which may contaminate underground aquifers or other natural drainage systems. 18.51.050Storage In the conduct of any business, the storage of merchandise, raw materials, equipment, fixtures, scraps or solid wastes shall comply with the following requirements: A.Every reasonable effort shall be made by persons operating a business to store all such materials within an enclosed building, with the following exceptions: 1.Where such inside storage is not practical or desirable for reasons related to health, fire or safety codes; 2.Where the outside storage of merchandise, manufactured products or raw materials is normal and standard practice, such as in the sale of automotive equipment, mobile homes, lumberand building supplies, gardening materials, nursery stock and the like, or on the site of construction projects; 3.When materials or products are temporarily stored outside incidental to shipping, delivery, loading or unloading thereof. B.Outside storage shall be maintained in an orderly manner consistent with good housekeeping practices and shall be: 1.Effectively fenced and screened from all residential areas and public rights-of-way (an eight-foot solid fence is presumed to effectively Design Standards  Page 3 screen outside storage, not all outside storage requires an eight-foot solid fence); 2.Consistent with fire, safety, health and sanitary codes and industry practices. C.Storage in residential areas shall comply with the same requirements as those specified for business establishments and shall, in addition to the requirements ofSection 18.51.050 (A) and (B) YMC,comply with the following: 1.Motor vehicles, appliances and any other mechanical equipment which is no longer operable shall not be stored outside for a period exceeding 30days; 2.Operable motor vehicles, boats, trailers, and recreational vehicles may be stored on the premises; provided that they do not obstruct the use of public right-of-way or interfere with traffic visibility, especially the visibility of and at intersections of streets. Vehicles so stored shall not be used as living quarters. D.Storage in or on the public right-of-way is prohibited. Design Standards  Page 4 C18.52–TA HAPTER RANSPORTATIONAND CCESS 18.52.010Intent It is the intent of this chapter to provide for the uniform development of an integrated, fully accessible transportation system that will facilitate present and future travel demand. 18.52.020Cul-de-sac Streets designed to have one end permanently closed shall be no longer than 600feet nor shall such street serve greater than 25housing units. At the closed end, there shall be a widened "bulb" having a minimum paved traveled radius as shown in the YelmEngineering Specifications and Standard Details“Minimum Street Design Standards Table”. A street designed to provide future connection to adjoining property shall not constitute a dead-end street. 18.52.030Dead ends Where a street is temporarily dead-ended, turn around provisions must be provided where the road serves more than one lot. The turnaround may be ahammerhead with a minimum distance on both sides at the centerline intersection of 60feet to facilitate emergency vehicle turn-around. 18.52.040Half street The construction of a half street is not permitted. 18.52.050Block length No street shall extend for a distance greater than 660feet without including a provision for at least one intersection, or other traffic calming measures approved by the Site Plan Review Committee. 18.52.060Alleys Where practical, commercial subdivisions shall include alleysfor freight access. Residential subdivision blocks including alleys shall be permitted commensurate with reduction in right-of-way widths of parallel residential streets. 18.52.070Private streets Private streets within Citylimits shall not be allowed except when approved by the Site Plan Review Committeeand when all conditions of this section are met. A.Private streets will not be allowed when: 1.The street is connected to two public streets. 2.The intersection of the street with another is signalized. (150lineal feetof the private street starting from the right-of-way will then be Design Standards  Page 5 required to be a public roadway). 3.The street could be used as a thoroughfare or “short cut”. 4.It would not be in the best interest of the public due to a threat to the public’s safety, health, and welfare. B.Private streets may be allowed under the following conditions: 1.Permanently established by tract or easement providing legal access to serve unlimited dwelling units situated on one parcel and sufficient to accommodate required improvements, to include provisions for future use by adjacent property owners when applicable, and 2.For nine or fewer units, shall require a minimum 30foot paved surface, and have a sidewalk four feet in width. Private street serving multi-family or mobile homes all on one parcel shall provide a four foot sidewalk on one side with such a design as to prevent parking on the sidewalk, and 3.Accessible at all times for emergency and public service vehicle use, and 4.Will not result in land locking of present or future parcels,nor obstruct public street circulation, and 5.Covenants have beenapproved, recorded, and verified with the City which provide for maintenance of the private streets and associated parking areas by the owner or homeowners association or other legal entity. C.Acceptance of private streets as public streets will be considered only if the street(s) meet all applicable public street standards, including right- of-way widths, walks, drainage, lighting, and pavement composition. D.Each lot owner having right of access to a private street shall have a contractual responsibility for maintenance of such private street. Any private street shall also contain a public drainage and utilities easement. Any land divisionincluding private streets shall clearly identify such streets and include the following statement in prominent typeface, “Warning: the Cityof Yelm has no responsibility to build, improve, maintain or otherwise service the private streets within or providing access to the property described in this subdivision.” 18.52.080Arterial and collector access Every subdivisionor combination of subdivisions of 25or more housing units, and any commercial or industrial development calculated to generate more than 250vehicle trips per day, shall provide more than one vehicular access from an arterial or collector street. Design Standards  Page 6 Lots within a residential subdivision shall be designed so that lots adjacent to arterial and collector streets are not allowed direct access. The Public Works Director may approve direct access as an exception to the above requirement upon written finding that: A.Sight distances comply with the YelmEngineering Specifications and Standard Details for the posted speed plus 10 miles per hour; B.The safety of the traveling public is not likely to be jeopardized; C.The applicant is able to show to the satisfaction of the director that a significant hardship would exist if access is not approved; D. No other practical and feasible access is available. 18.52.090Relation to street system and adjoining property during subdivision The layout of streets shall provide for continuation of streets existing in adjoining subdivisions. When adjoining property is not subdivided, streets in the proposed subdivision shall provide access to such unplatted property in accordance with the Yelmtransportation plan. Each lot within a proposed subdivision shall be served by a street built to applicable City street standards as set forth in the YelmEngineering Specifications and Standard Details and the Yelm Transportation Plan, regardless of whether such street is to be public or private. All bridges, streets, roads, alleys and other facilities for vehicle and pedestrian circulation shall be constructed in accordance with the minimum standards set forth in such documents. In addition, such development shall not result in traffic loading within the urban growth area which exceeds those levels of service established by the city as calculated byutilizing the Highway Capacity Manual. 18.52.100Driveways The location, width and manner of approach of vehicular ingress or egress from a building or parking area to a public street shall be located based on the interest of public safety and general welfare. Each lot shall contain sufficient square footage to meet minimum zoning and health requirements. Such area shall not include any panhandle access. Any panhandle access shall have a minimum width of 20 feet. These lot size standards shall not apply to any lot which is limited to special purposes such as common open space, utility facilities, or protection of environmental resources, so long as such limited use is established by a statement on the face of the subdivision map. Driveway widths and spacing shall be designed following the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) “Guideline for Driveway Design & Location”, Design Standards  Page 7 latest edition. Driveways giving direct access onto arterials may be denied if alternate access is available. A.Parking lot entrances, driveways and other vehicle access routes onto private property from a public right-of-way shall be restricted based upon width of frontage: Onefor 0-50foot frontage, twofor 50-150foot frontage, threefor 150-500foot frontage, and fourfor over 500foot frontage. B.Residential driveway widths shall not exceed 24feet. C.Commercialdriveway widths may vary from 24for low volume activity (providing that 20foot radii are used), to a maximum of 36feet for undivided design, higher volume activity. A 36foot driveway shall be marked with two exit lanes of 10-11foot width, with the balance used for asingle, wide entry lane. Industrial driveway widths shall not exceed 50 feet. D.No commercial driveway shall be approved where backing onto the sidewalk or street is required, except in specified locations within the central business district. E.Joint-use driveways serving two adjacent parcels may be built on their common boundary upon formal written agreement by both property owners and approval of the Site Plan Review Committee. The agreement shall be a recorded easement for both parcels of landspecifying joint usage. Design Standards  Page 8 C18.54-OSP HAPTER FFTREET ARKING 18.54.010Intent It is the intent of this chapter to: A.Assure that space is provided for the parking, loading and unloading of motor vehicles on the site of premises or uses which attract said motor vehicles; B.Provide minimum standards of space and parking arrangements, and for the movement of motor vehicles into and out of such spaces; C.Avoid or reduce traffic congestion on public streets by: 1.Keeping the need for on-street parking to a minimum, and 2.Controlling access to sites; D.Enhance safety for pedestrians and motor vehicle operators; and E.Encourage the creation of an aesthetically pleasing and functionally adequate system of off-street parking and loading facilities. 18.54.020General requirements A.Off-street parking spaces and driveways shall not be used at any time for purposes other than their intended use, i.e., the temporary storage of motor vehicles used by persons visiting or having business to conduct on the premises for which the parking is provided. B.Minimum parking space required and intended for use by occupants or users of specific premises shall not be leased or rented to others, nor shall such space be made unavailable through other means to the users for whom the parking spaces are intended. This, however, does not preclude shared parking arrangements. C.Whenever a building or a piece of land is put to a use different from the immediately preceding use, or when a building is remodeled, reconstructed or expanded, adequate off-street parking shall be provided consistent with the new use, reconstruction or expansion of the premises. D.Consideration from the Site Plan Review Committeeshould be given as to the requirementsand standards for off-street parking as they pertain to the central business district. E.Off-street parking facilities shall be located as hereinafter specified; where a distance is specified, such distance shall be the walking distance measured from the nearest point of the parking facilities to the nearest point of the building that such facility is required to serve. Design Standards  Page 9 F.For a single-family dwelling or multifamily dwellings, the parking facilities shall be located on the same lot or building site as the building they are required to serve. G.For churches located in any zones, parking facilities shall be located on the site; consideration may be given to parking facilities located not farther than 150feet from the building. H.For hospitals, sanitariums, homes for the aged, asylums, orphanages, rooming houses, lodging houses, nursing and convalescent homes, community clubs and club rooms, parking facilities shall be located not farther than 150feet from the facility. I.For uses other than those specified, parking facilities shall be located not farther than 300feet from the facility. J.Handicapped parking shall meet the guidelines of the International Building Code as adopted inChapter 18.23 YMC. K.Exceptions or modifications to the provisions of this chapter shall be processed asa variance application. 18.54.030Minimum requirements The requirements for off-street parking and loading facilities and their design shall be regarded as the minimum; however, the owner, developer or operator of the premises for which the parking facilities are intended shall be responsible for providing adequate amounts and arrangement of space for the particular premises even though such space or its arrangement is in excess of the minimum set forth in this chapter. For special uses,the parking requirement shall be as provided in that chapter or as determined by the Site Plan Review Committee. A.Residential uses.Single family, duplexes and multi-family dwellings require two parking spaces per dwelling unit. Housing intended for exclusive use of, and occupied by senior citizens shall provide one space for every three dwelling units plus two-tenths space per dwelling unit in buildings containing five or more dwelling units. Housing in which the dwelling units are characterized by one room enclosing all activities (sometimes referred to as “bachelor” or “efficiency” units) shall provide one and one-half parking spaces for each dwelling unit, plus two-tenths space per dwelling unit in buildings containing five or more dwelling units. B.Commercial uses.In the several commercial districts, off-street parking requirements shall be as shown herein; provided, that all of the property is controlled by a single person or corporation, or written agreements for shared parking, acceptable to the City, are filed with the community Design Standards  Page 10 development department. Shared parking agreements are acceptable only if the physical relationship between the premises makes such sharing possible and results in superior design in terms of layout, access, reduced curb cuts and thelike. In the following list, the parking requirements for specific uses listed shall be determined through a formula of one stall per number of gross floor area (GFA),or as specified. Type of UseMinimum Parking Requirements Banks, saving and loan One per 300sq. ft. of GFA. associations, business and professional offices Retail establishments, including One per 250sq. ft. of GFA. grocery stores Establishments for the sale and One per 200sq. ft. of GFA. consumption of food and beverages, including fraternal and social clubs Boarding, lodging or rooming One and one-half for each sleeping room. houses Institutions, sanitariums and long-One for each two beds, plus one per employee term facilitiesbased on the greatest number of care employees on asingle shift. Churches, mortuaries or funeral One for six seats in the principal place of assembly homesor worship, including balconies and choir loft. HospitalsOne for each bed, plus one per employee based on the greatest number of employees on a single shift. Libraries and museumsOne for each eight occupants, based on maximum occupants per the International Building Code. Medical or dental clinicsOne and one-half per patient treatment room/area, plus one space per employee based on the greatest number of employees on a single shift. Motels, hotelsOne for each unit, plus one per employee based on the greatest number of employees on a single shift. Motor vehicle or machinery sales, One for each 400sq. ft. of GFA. wholesale stores, furniture stores Design Standards  Page 11 Schools: High schoolsOne for each four students that enrolled and are of legal driving age, plus one per classroom and office. Public assembly areas, such as auditoriums, stadiums etc., whichare primary uses, shall be considered a separate use in determining parking. Elementary and junior high schoolsOne for each tenstudents of design capacity. Places of assembly without fixed One for each ten occupants, based on the maximum seats, e.g., stadiums, auditoriums, occupantload per the International Building Code. and churches Assembly areas, less-concentrated One for each ten occupants, based on the maximum use, e.g., conference rooms and occupant load per the International Building Code. gymnasiums TheatersOne for each six seats. C.General industrial uses. 1.One space per employee based on the greatest number of employees on a single shift, plus 2.One square foot parking per square foot of display or retail area, plus 3.One space for each vehicle owned, leased or operated bythe company. D.Specific industrial uses.Warehouses require one space per 1,000sq. ft. GFA, plus one space per 400sq. ft. of GFA used for office or display. Off-street parking requirements for uses similar or related to, or any use not specifically listed above, shall be determined by the Site Plan Review Committeeon the basis of the requirement for similar uses, and on the basis of evidence of actual demand created for similar or related uses in Yelm, and such other traffic engineering or planning data as may be available and appropriate for the establishment of minimum and maximum parking requirements. 18.54.040Mixed occupancies In the case of two or more uses in the same building, the total requirements for off-street parking facilities shall be the sum of the requirements for the several uses computed separately. Off-street parking facilities for one use shall not be considered as providing required parking facilities for any other use, except as hereafter specified in incentives for reducing the number of parking stalls,Section 18.54.060 YMC. Design Standards  Page 12 18.54.050Off-street loading Off-street loading shall be required for all commercial establishments which are engaged in the retailing or wholesaling of merchandise requiring regular delivery such as food retailers, lumber yards, hardware stores, department stores and the like. Total Gross Floor Area of Building(s)Space Required Less than 5,000sq. ft.One 5,000sq. ft. to 25,000sq. ft.Two 25,000sq. ft. to 50,000sq. ft.Three Each additional 50,000sq. ft. or fraction thereof in excess of 25,000sq. ft.One additional All off-street loading and unloading spaces shall be of adequate size and with adequate access thereto to accommodate a vehicle 45feet in length, 12feet in width and 14feet in height. Each loading space shall be surfaced with an asphalt, concrete or similar pavement so as to provide a surface that is durable and dust-free and shall be so graded and drained as to properly dispose of all surface water, and shall, moreover, comply with Yelm Engineering Specifications and Standard Details. Any floor area provided by additions to or structural alterations to a building shall be provided with loading space or spaces as set forth herein whether or not loading spaces have been provided for the original floor space. 18.54.060Incentives for reducing the number of parking stalls The Citymay allow the overall parking ratio (stalls/floor area, people or employees) to be reduced for buildings of 5,000square feet or more, provided such reductions are consistent with the intent of this chapter. Reduction in parking areas may include any combination of incentives; provided, that the overall reduction does not exceed 25percent of the minimum area required bySection 18.54.030 YMC. Reductions in parking requirements may occur pursuant to, but are not limited to, the following guidelines: A.A reduction of the required parking is possible with coordinated design and shared access to consolidated parking areas linked by pedestrian walkways. B.Multiple parcels, under separate ownership, shall be treated as a single development site if all owners agree. Where adjoining parking facilities of two or more ownerships are developed and designed as one parking Design Standards  Page 13 facility, a reduction of up to 15percent of the total combined required parking spaces may be permitted. C.In a mixed use development a reduction of the required parking is possible if, through a quantified parking demand analysis, it can be demonstrated that parking requirements for the highest and best uses occur at off-setting peak times. D.Primary night-time uses such as theaters and bowling alleys may receive up to a 50percent reduction in providing the required number of parking stalls if: 1.A lease for the equivalent parking stall reduction is obtained from a primary day-time user such as a bank, office or retail store; 2.Leased parking is within 300feet of the associated use, as long as a pedestrian walkway exists or is provided between parking area and use. E.Two or more usesmay share a parking area or garage if: 1.The continuation of joint or shared facilities shall be assured by a sufficient legal document such as a covenant or reciprocal easement agreement or recorded covenant on the approved site plan or by participationin a local improvement district. 2.Off-site leasing of parking areas may be utilized to meet the required ratio of parking for the proposed use; provided, that the leased parking is within 300feet of the proposed use, as long as a pedestrian walkway exists or is provided between parking area and use. F.Alternative programs that may be considered by the Site Plan Review Committeeunder this section include, but are not limited to the following: 1.Private vanpool operation; 2.Transit/vanpool fare subsidy; 3.Imposition and maintenance of a charge for parking; 4.Provision of subscription bus services; 5.Flexible work hour schedule; 6.Capital improvements for transit services; 7.Preferential parking for carpools/vanpools; 8.Participation in the ride-matching program; 9.Reduction of parking fees for carpools and vanpools; 10.Establishment of a transportation coordinator position to implement Design Standards  Page 14 carpool, vanpool and transit programs; 11.Bicycle parking facilities. 18.54.070Development standards Parkingarea design shall include: A.Internal circulation of the lot shall be so designed as to minimize in-and- out driving time, idling time,time spent looking for a parking space without reentering adjoining public streets. B.Off-street parking areas shall be designed to provide for the safe and convenient circulation of pedestrians and vehicle traffic within the parking area and between the parking area and adjacent streets. C.Provide access roads through large lots with more than one street frontage. D.Provide shared parking facilities between adjacent compatible land uses. E.Convenient, marked pedestrian access shall be provided from parking areas to pedestrian linkage systems and from parking areas to principal uses. F.Except as approved by the Site Plan Review Committeein specified locations within the central businessdistrict, in all commercial and industrial developments,and in all residential buildings containing five or more dwelling units, parking areas shall be so arranged as to make it unnecessary for a vehicle to back out into any street or public right-of- way. G.Adequate provision shall be made for individual ingress and egress by vehicles to all parking stalls at all times by means of unobstructed maneuvering aisles. Maneuvering aisles, parking stall dimensions and requirements shall be as shown in the YelmEngineering Specifications and Standard Details. H.In all parking facilities containing 25or more parking spaces, a maximum of 25percent of the required parking spaces may be reducedin size for the use of small cars, provided these spaces shall be clearly identified with a sign permanently affixed immediately in front of each space containing the notation “Compacts Only.” Spaces designed for small cars may be reduced in size as listed in the YelmEngineering Specifications and Standard Detailsfor minimum parking dimensions. Where feasible, all small car spaces shall be located in one or more contiguous areas and/or adjacent to ingress/egress points within parking facilities. Locationof compact car parking spaces shall not create traffic congestion or impede traffic flows. Design Standards  Page 15 I.When off-street parking is provided in the rear of a building and a driveway or lane alongside the building provides access to the rear parking area, such driveway or lane shall be a minimum width of 20feet witha sidewalk meeting ADA requirementsadjoining the building and curbed or raised six inches above the driveway surface. J.An owner/developer may install the required parking spaces in phases if a phased schedule has been approved by the Site Plan Review Committee. This schedule must specifically indicate when the minimum parking requirements ofSection 18.54.030 YMCwill be provided. The Site Plan Review Committeemay permit the use of temporary parking areas with appropriate screening as part of a phasing schedule. In addition, the Site Plan Review Committeemay require a performance assurance device to insure conformance with the requirements and intent ofChapter 18.53 YMC. K.Parking angles may be varied on different aisles within a single parking area to permit more efficient space utilization. L.Dead-end aisles shall be considered as two-way aisles. M.Turn around areas will be required when necessary. N.All parking areas and driveways must be surrounded by a six inchhigh vertical concrete curb if the lot is visible from the street. O.All landscaped and pedestrian areas shall be protected from encroachment by parked cars. Design Standards  Page 16 C18.55–LR HAPTERANDSCAPING EQUIREMENTS 18.55.010Intent It is the intentof this chapter is to establish minimum requirements and standards for landscaping and screeningforall residential and nonresidential projects, with the exception of individual single-family residences,to promote safety, to provide screening between incompatible land uses, to safeguard privacy,and to protect the aesthetic assets of the City. 18.55.020Types of landscaping A.Dense sight barrier. 1.Purpose. Dense sight barrierlandscaping is intended to provide a physical buffer to significantly separate conflicting uses and land use districts. 2.When required.Whenever a nonresidential activity is proposed adjacent to a residential zoneor when required by the Site Plan Review Committeefor special uses, capital facilities, or to buffer conflicting uses. 3.Description. a.All plant materials and living groundcover must be selected and maintained so that the entire landscape area will be covered within three years. b.Any combination of trees, shrubs, fences, walls, earthen berms and related plant materials or design features may be selected; provided, that the resultant effect is sight-obscuring from adjoining properties. c.A minimum of 15feet of width shall be required when dense site barrier landscaping design is utilized. B.Perimeter landscape. 1.Purpose. Perimeterlandscaping is intended to provide separation of usesfrom streets, and visual separation of compatible uses so as to soften the appearance of streets, parking areas and building elevation. 2.When required. Perimeter landscape is required for all residential and non residential developments, with the exception of a single family residence. 3.Description. a.All plant materials and living groundcover must be selected and maintained so that the entire landscape area will be covered within threeyears. Design Standards  Page 17 b.Any combination of evergreen and deciduous trees (with no more than 50percent being deciduous), shrubs, earthen berms and related plant materials or design features may be selected; provided, that the resultant effect is to provide partial screening and buffering between uses and of softening the appearance of streets, parking and structures. c.When perimeterlandscaping is used to provide partial screening between uses, a minimum planting area of eight feet in widthshall be provided. C.Streetscapes. 1.Purpose. Streetscapelandscaping is intended to provide visual relief where clear sight is desired. This landscaping is utilized along pedestrian corridors and walks for separation of pedestrians from streets and parking areas while providing an attractive setting and overstory canopy. 2.When required. Streetscape landscaping is required as part of street frontage improvements. 3.Description. a.This type of landscaping consists of street trees for a large overstory canopy along streets and pedestrian corridors and approved vegetation for groundcover. b.Street trees shall be chosen from astreet tree list as adopted by the Yelmtree advisory board. Decorative protection may be placed around the trees. c.Ground cover shall beaminimum four inch potsspaced 18to 20 inches on center or onegallon pots at 20inches on center. Low growth shrubs shall be one gallon pots at threefeet on center. Shrubs shall be 18to 24inches in height at fivefeet on center or threegallon pot at fivefeet on center. d.Earthen berms with grass or other vegetative groundcover and other design features may be worked into landscaping provided the resultant effect of providing a pedestrian-friendly environment and visual relief where clear site is required can be achieved. e.The minimum width for streetscapelandscaping shall be six feet to provide adequate rooting area for large street trees and to provide adequate streetscape. A four-foot width may be used through parking area pedestrian walks where accent trees are used and less width is required. f.Planting theme shall be a ratio of threestreet trees to oneaccent Design Standards  Page 18 tree. g.Trees shall be spaced 35feet on center starting 15feet from the property line. Tree spacing may be adjusted to allow unobstructed sight distance on either side of a drivewayand at street intersections. Tree spacing may also be adjusted when in conflict with luminaire poles. D.Parking lot landscaping. 1.Purpose. Parking lot landscaping is intended to provide visual relief and shade in parking areas. 2.When required. Parking lot landscaping is a required element of any parking area, with the exception of single family residences. 3.Description. a.Parking areas shall have aminimum of at least 24square feet of landscape development for each parking stall proposed. b.Each area of landscaping must contain at least 100square feet of area and must be at least six feet in any direction. c.Live groundcover shall be provided throughout each landscaping area. Groundcover may be a combination of shrubs and trees that provide the desired effect of providing visual relief and green space within the parking area. Groundcover shall be selected and maintained so that the entire landscaped area will be covered within three years. d.At least three percent of the parking area, excluding any other required landscaping, shall be utilized for landscaping; e.Each planting area must contain at least one tree. Planting areas shall be provided with the maximum numberof trees possible. f.No parking stall shall be located more than 50feet from a tree. g.A landscaped area must be placed at the interior end of each parking row in a multiple-lane parking area. h.A minimum of 60percent of the trees must be deciduous and 40 percent evergreen. Up to 100percent of the trees may be deciduous. i.All parking areas located adjacent to any private streetorpublic or right-of -way shall provide a minimum five-foot planted buffer strip between the parking area and the private street or public right-of- way. j.Permanent curbs and/or structural barriers shall be provided to protect the plantings from vehicle overhang. Design Standards  Page 19 E.Stormwater facility landscaping. 1.Purpose. The intent of stormwater facility landscaping is to provide visual relief in stormwater retention/detention areas. 2.When required. Stormwater facility landscaping is a required component of any stormwater facility. 3.Description. a.The floor and slopes of any stormwater retention/detention area shall be planted in vegetation that is suitable and will thrive in hydric soils. b.The landscaping of the stormwater facility shall be incorporated with all on-site landscaping. c.When biofiltration swales and ponds are used in anydevelopment other than residential subdivisions, they shall be incorporated into overall site design through one of the following means listed in order of preference: i.Locate biofiltration swales, pond, or other approved biofiltration systems at the side or rear of the lot and incorporate as part of a landscape screen. ii.Locate biofiltration swale, wet pond, or other approved biofiltration system within the paved parking or service area. iii.Locate swale along the front edge of the property. Incorporate landscaping and screening to visually enhance the swale. iv.If the biofiltration swale is located and/or designed as a positive landscaping feature with an approved design and plant materials, it may be counted as part of the required site landscaping. 18.55.030Landscape features,design, and alternative landscaping option An alternative landscaping proposal that provides a better solution in terms of public benefit may be approved with one or more of the following elements: A.Decorative paving or sculptures shall not exceed 25percent of the required area. B.Integrate interior surface parking area landscaping with required biofiltration swales, or surface water retention ponds. C.Incorporate or protect natural features including wetlands, significant trees andvegetation, and slopes. Design Standards  Page 20 D.Preserve distant views. E.Provide significant pedestrian oriented space in excess of minimum requirements. F.Create an extension or connection to a local park or a regional bicycle/pedestrian trail system. G.Retain natural vegetation or stands of trees existing prior to development. 18.55.040Species choiceand plant material standards The applicant shall utilize plant materials that are drought resistant, complement the natural character of the pacific northwest, are not listed as invasive species, and conform to the following: A.All landscaping shall include at least 75percent ofground cover and shrubs, and 50percent of trees that are native or non-invasive naturalized species. B.At least 60percentof all landscaping shall be drought tolerant (unless site conditions assure adequate moisture.) C.Existing vegetation may be used to augment required landscaping. D.Trees shall be a minimum of two inch caliper measured six inches above the base at the time of planting and shrubs must be capable of growing to a minimum of five feet in height, within three years. E.When the width of any landscape strip is 20feet or greater, the required trees shall be staggered in two or more rows. F.Ground cover shall be minimum four inch pot spaced 18to 20inches on center or onegallon pots at 20inches on center, planted and spaced to result in total coverage of the required area within fiveyears. G.Low growth shrubs shall be onegallon pots at threefeet on center. H.Shrubs shall be 18to 24inches in height at fivefeet on center or three gallon pot at fivefeet on center. I.Fences shall be placed on the inward side of any required perimeter landscaping. J.Berms shall not exceed a slope of two horizontal feet to one vertical foot (2:1). 18.55.050Irrigation system Except for areas of undisturbed existing vegetation or low areas with existing high soil moisture conditions, landscape areas shall have irrigation systems or be within 75feetof a hose spigot. Design Standards  Page 21 A.Choose irrigation devices and design the irrigation system to positively prevent runoff or overspray onto impermeable hardscape under all conditions regardless of wind or possible equipment misalignment. B.Assign separate station/zones (hydrozones) to areas with dissimilar water or scheduling requirements. For example; separate zones should be designed for trees, shrubs, flowers, shady areas, sunny areas, drip irrigation and sprinklers. C.Locate sprinkler heads based on a thorough evaluation of physical, environmental, and hydraulic site conditions, including wind. The design must not permit sprinklers to overspray onto impermeable hardscape under any condition. D.Specify drip irrigation for all zones planted in one-gallon or larger size. E.Specify weather-based irrigation controllers (WBIC). F.Specify check valves wherever necessary to prevent low-head drainage. 18.55.060Maintenance of plant materials A.The property owner shall replace any unhealthy or dead plant materials in conformance with theapproved landscape development proposal and shall maintain all landscape material. B.All trees, plant materials and landscaped areas shall receive sufficient water to be kept in a healthy and growing manner. C.All landscaping shall be maintained with respect to pruning, trimming, mowing, watering, insect control, fertilizing, or other requirements to create a healthy growing condition, attractive appearance and to maintain the purpose of the landscape type. D.Dead, diseased, stolen, vandalized or damaged plants shall be replaced within the next planting season, with the plants indicated on the approved landscape plan. E.All landscaped areas shall be maintained reasonably free of weeds and trash. F.All required landscaping which is located within public right-of-way shall be maintained by the abutting property owner. 18.55.070Performance assurance A.The required landscaping must be installed prior to project completion or certificate of occupancy,unless the Site Plan Review Committee determines thatan assigned savingsis appropriate.In no case may the property owner/developer delay performance for more than one year. B.The Citymay accept as an alternative,a contractual agreement or bond between the owner/developer and a licensed landscape architect, Design Standards  Page 22 Washington-certified nurseryman,orWashington-certified landscaper, along with a rider or endorsement specifically identifying the Cityas a party to the agreement for purposes of enforcement. Nothing in this alternative shall be interpreted to in any way modify the conditions of subsection A of this section. C.If an assigned savings is executed, the value of this device must equal to 150percent of the estimated cost of the landscaping to be performed, and shall be utilized by the Cityto perform any necessary work, and to reimburse the Cityfor documented administrative costs associated with action on the device. If costs incurred by the Cityexceed the amount provided by the assurance device, the property owner shall reimburse the Cityin full, or the Citymay file a lien against the subject property for the amount of any deficit. D.Upon completion of the required landscaping by the property owner, at or prior to expiration of theassigned savings, the Cityshall promptly release the assigned savings. E.The owner/developer of any project requiring site plan review approval, subdivision approval, or short subdivision approval shall provide a performance assurance device in order to provide for maintenance of the required landscaping until the tenant or homeowners’ association becomes responsible for landscaping maintenance. Thisperformance assurance device shall be 150percent of the anticipated cost to maintain the landscaping for three years. Design Standards  Page 23 C18.56-R/OSR HAPTER ECREATIONPEN PACE EQUIREMENTS 18.56.010Intent It is the intent of this chapter to establish minimum requirements and standards for providing recreation and/orpreserving openspacefor the economic welfare, social well being, and quality of life for the Cityand its citizens. A.All residential developments shall include, as a condition of approval, either the dedication of a portion of the site to be developed as recreational areasfor public purposes, or other mitigation as determined to be consistent with the intent of this section, or both, pursuant to this chapter. The areamust bean area of land which is supplemental and in addition to any setbacks, yard, streets, vehicular access or parking areas and similar areas ordinarily associated with residential development. Recreation area or open space may include, but is not limited to, greenbelts, parks, athletic fields, recreation areas,trailsand walkways intended for access to the area,and/or environmentally sensitive areas. B.For purposes of all single-family residential developments, any dedication of recreation/open space pursuant to this chapter shall be in an amount equal to or greater than five percent of the gross areaof the proposed development. For purposes of all multifamily residential developments and combined single-family and multifamily residential developments, any dedication of recreation/open space pursuant to this chapter shall be in an amount equal to or greater than 10percent of the gross area of the proposed development. C.The Citymay waive the dedication requirements of this chapter, provided the applicant makes an adequate showing that the purposes of this chapter will be served by the creation of private recreation or open space that otherwise meets the criteria above.Under such circumstances, the Citymay, in its sole discretion, authorize the establishment of a private recreation area or open space under appropriate terms and conditions. D.TheCitymay also, in its sole discretion, allow both the dedication of space, and mitigation provided the Citydetermines that the purposes of this chapter are served by allowing a combination of both. 18.56.020Recreation/Open space qualifications To qualify as recreation/open space for purposes of the chapter, all dedicated areasmust have the following attributes and characteristics: A.Use. Recreation/Open space shall be dedicated for one or more of the following uses: Design Standards  Page 24 1.Environmental interpretation,protection, or other education; 2.Active recreation parks 3.Off-road footpaths or bicycles trails; 4.Any other use found by the Cityto further the purposes of this chapter. B.Suitability. All areas dedicated as recreation/open space must be suitable for one or more of the uses described in subsection A of this section and be of such topographic, hydrologic, geologic and other physical characteristics so as to be, in the view of the City, suitable. Areas including aboveground utilities and stormwater retention facilities are declared to be unsuitable. C.Siting. All recreation/open space lands must be located and sized to be suitable for their intended purpose. The Citymay deny approval of the dedication where proposed areasare so located or sized as to be unreasonably inefficient for the public or private owner to maintain or utilize, or which the Citydeems to be isolated by barriers or unreasonably remote by distance from the intended users, or to be of no benefit tothe residents of the proposed development or to the public. D.Access. In order to serve the recreational needs of the public, at least 75 percent of dedicated recreation areaassociated with each development must be accessible to either the general public or to all residents of the associated development. E.Ownership. The applicant shall warrant that he or she is dedicating full fee title to the areafree and clear of any and all encumbrances. All documents associated with such dedication shall be subject to review and approval by the City. The Citymay require that any such documents be recorded as appropriate in the form of the document. F.Notice. Notice of the dedication shall be provided by means appropriate to the intended use. Such notice shall include at minimum one posted sign and one form of public record of the dedication use which can reasonably be expected to be revealed by a title abstract of the property. Such record may include a statement on the face of a recorded subdivisionor recorded deed covenants and restrictions. G.Off-site recreation/open space. Where no site within the proposed development meets the above qualifications, the Citymay require that the applicant offer lands outside the development; provided, that the areais qualified in all other respects, that the applicant certifies and warrants that he or she has the necessary authority to convey the off- site property in fee title to the City, free and clear of any and all encumbrances, and that such off-site areais within the boundaries of the Design Standards  Page 25 same sub-area identified in the land use element of the Comprehensive Planas the development itself. Design Standards  Page 26 C18.57-PTV HAPTER ROTECTIONOF REES AND EGETATION 18.57.010Intent It is the intent of this chapter to: A.Promote public health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of Yelm without preventing the reasonable development and maintenance of land; B.Preserve and enhance the City’s physical and aesthetic character by preventing indiscriminate removal or destruction of trees and groundcover, and by encouraging development that incorporates existing trees and groundcover into site development practices; C.Retain trees for their positive environmental effects including, but not limited to the protection of wildlife habitat; D.Provide for the regulation of the planting, maintenance and removal of trees in the public right-of-way and on City-owned property; E.Promote the conservation of energy; F.Educate the public regarding urban forestry; G.Implement the objectives of the State’s Environmental Policy Act and Growth Management Act; and H.Implement and further the City’s Comprehensive Planand other related ordinances. 18.57.020Planting, removal, topping and/or pruning of public trees A.Approval from the community development departmentshall be obtained prior to any planting, removal, topping and/or major pruning of public trees. Major pruningincludes the trimming or cutting back of limbs two inches in diameter or greater, root pruning, or trimmingor cutting out of branches and limbs constituting greater than 10percent of the tree’s foliage-bearing area, and conducted in a manner that retains the natural form of the tree. B.The location of any street trees to be planted or removed shall be identified and mapped to keep the street tree inventory current. C.Utility companies shall notify the Cityprior to pruning any tree located on City-owned property for the purpose of maintaining safe line clearance and shall carry out all such work in accordance with accepted arboricultural standards. D.Any approvalgranted under this chapter shall expire six months from the date of issuance, unless approval isassociated with another development permit. If it is associated with another development permit, the restrictions and deadlines of that approval will apply. Upon a written Design Standards  Page 27 request, the approvalnot associated with another development permit may be extended by the Site Plan Review Committeefor one six-month period. Approved plans shall not be amended without being resubmitted to the City. Minor changes consistent with the original approval intent will not require a newapproval. The approvalmay be suspended or revoked by the Citybecause of incorrect information supplied or any violation of the provisions of this chapter. 18.57.030Tree species to be planted The Cityof Yelmtreeadvisory board shall maintain a list of desirable trees for planting alongCitystreets and right-of-ways. 18.57.040Public tree care A.The planting or removal of hawthorn or other trees of Cityhistorical significance located in the Cityright-of-way or other public place shall require approval of the City Council, based on recommendation by the tree board. All other trees in the Cityright-of-way may be planted, pruned or removed at the discretion of the Site Plan Review Committee. B.The Cityshall have the right to plant, prune, maintain and remove trees, plants and shrubs within the lines of all streets, alleys, avenues, lanes, squares and public grounds, as may be necessary to ensure public safety or to preserve or enhance the symmetry and beauty of such public grounds. C.The Citymay remove, or cause or order to be removed, any tree or part thereof which is in an unsafe condition or which by reason of its nature is injurious to sewers, electric pole lines, gas lines, water lines, or other public improvements, or is affected with any injurious fungus, insect or other pest. D.This section does not prohibit the planting of street trees by adjacent property owners; providing, that the selection and location of such trees is in accordance withChapter 18.54 YMC. E.Pruning methods shall comply with current American National Standard for Tree Care Operations –Tree, Shrub and Other Woody Plant Maintenance –Standard Practices. 18.57.050Tree protection and preservation A.All street and public trees near any excavation, demolition, or construction of any building, structure, street, or utility work must be sufficiently guarded and protected by those responsible for such work as to minimize potential injury to said trees and to maximize their chance for survival. When street and public trees are near the project, any construction permits issued by the Citymust be approved by the Site Design Standards  Page 28 Plan Review Committee, who may require protective measures as specified in the Arboricultural Manual. B.No person may destroy, injure, or deface any street tree or tree on public property by any means, including, but not limited to, the following: 1.Impede the free passage of water, air, or fertilizer to the roots of any tree, shrub, or other plant by depositing vehicles, concrete, asphalt, plastic sheeting, or other material detrimental to trees or shrubs on the tree lawn or on the ground near any tree; 2.Pour any toxic material on anytree or on the ground near any tree; 3.Cause or encourage any fire or burning near or around any tree; 4.Severely reduce the tree crown except when pruning of trees under utility wires or obstructing the right-of-way as allowed by a permit issued by thecommunity development department; 5.Carve or attach any sign, poster, notice, or other object on any tree, or fasten any rope, wire, cable, nails, screws, staples, or other device to any tree, except as used to support a young or broken tree; however, nothing in this section shall be construed in such a manner that it forbids lighting of a decorative or seasonal nature; provided, that such lighting is not attached in such a way as to cause permanent damage to the tree. C.No person may prevent, delay, or interfere with the director, or his/her designee, or any Cityemployee in the execution or enforcement of the provision of this section. D.Any person responsible for a violation of this section must pay the cost of repairing or replacing any tree or shrubdamaged by the violation. The value of trees and shrubs is to be determined in accordance with the latest revision of the guide for plant appraisals as published by the international society of arboriculture. 18.57.060Tree topping It is unlawful for any person, firm or Citydepartment to top any street tree, park tree, or other tree on public property. “Topping” is defined as the severe cutting back of limbs to stubs larger than three inches in diameter within the tree’s crown to such a degree so as to remove the normal canopy and disfigure the tree. Trees severely damaged by storms or other causes, or certain trees under utility wires or other obstructions where other pruning practices are impractical may be exempted from this chapter at the determination of the Site Plan Review Committee. Design Standards  Page 29 18.57.070Pruning –corner clearance Every owner of any tree overhanging any street or right-of-way within the Cityshall prune the branches so that such branches shall not obstruct the light from any street lamp or obstruct the view of any street intersection and so that there shall be a clear space of eight feet above the surface of the street or sidewalk. The owners shall remove all dead, diseased or dangerous trees, or broken or decayed limbs which constitute a menace to the safety of the public. The Cityshall have the right to prune any tree or shrub on private property when it interferes with the proper spread of light along the street front street light or interferes with visibility of any traffic-control device or sign. 18.57.080Dead or diseased tree removal on private property The Cityshall have the right to cause the removal of any dead or diseased trees on private property within the City, when such trees constitute a hazard to life and property, or harbor insects or disease which constitutes a potential threat to other trees within the City. 18.57.090Preservation of trees on private property, andwith new development This section shall apply to any new development or substantial addition to an existing development,and to unimproved lots within the City. A.No existing trees shall be removed until a final decision is made regarding the feasibility of preserving existing trees; and B.Land clearing shall be undertaken in such a manner as to preserve and enhance the City’s aesthetic character. The site shall be revegetated and landscaped as soon as practicable, in accordance with an approved revegetation plan. The revegetation plan shall include plantings along public streets and adjoining property boundaries, especially between areas of differing intensities of development. C.All site plans shall include the location of all trees to be retained and removed (species, diameter and condition) exceeding eight inches in diameter (measured at four and one-half feet from the base of the tree) that are affected by development. Those trees or groups of trees to be retained are to be drawn and identified with their protection zone on the site plan. 18.57.100Standards All land clearing not exempt underSection 18.57.120 YMCshall conform to the approved plan and the following standards and provisions unless alternate procedures that are equal to or superior in achieving the purposes of this chapter are authorized in writing by the Site Plan Review Committee: Design Standards  Page 30 A.Land clearing in designated greenbelt or buffer areas of approved and recorded subdivisions or approved projects which would substantially alter the character or purpose of such greenbelt or buffer areas is prohibited; Greenbelt and buffer areas include any areas of a project or development that are intended to remain in a natural condition and/or private permanent openspace, or to serve as a buffer between properties or developments. B.Land clearing shall be accomplished in a mannerthat will not create or contribute to landslides, accelerated soil creep, settlement and subsidence on the subject property and/or adjoining properties; C.The proposal shall contain provisions for the preservation of natural land and water features, vegetation, drainage, and other indigenous features of the site; D.Land clearing shall be accomplished in a manner that will not create or contribute to flooding, erosion or increased turbidity, siltation, or other form of pollution in a watercourse; E.Land clearing in wetlands, and fish and wildlife habitat areas shall be in accordance with the provisions ofChapter 18.21 YMC; F.Any trees to be retained shall be flagged or otherwise marked in some manner so as to make it clear the tree or groups of treesare to be retained; G.Any trees or groups of trees to be retained shall have temporary fencing installed around the drip line. The protective fencing is to be installed prior to any site work. Machinery shall be kept outside of the drip line of trees designated for retention. The Site Plan Review Committeemay require fencing beyond the drip line if, in the committee’sdetermination, such additional protection is needed to protect the tree from damage. Trees designated for retention shall not be damaged by scoring, ground surface level changes, compaction of soil, attaching objects to trees, altering drainage or any other activities that may cause damage of roots, trunks, or surrounding groundcover; and H.Any trees designated for retention shall be field verified by the Site Plan Review Committeebefore land clearing begins. 18.57.110Exemptions The following shall be exempt from the provisions of this chapter: A.Land clearing in emergency situations involving immediate danger to life or property; B.Clearing of dead, diseased or hazardous trees, after verification by the Site Plan Review Committee.A hazardous tree is any tree that due to its Design Standards  Page 31 health or location presents a risk to public safety. The Site Plan Review Committeemay require reasonable documentation of the physical condition of any tree prior to approving its removal; C.Clearing of trees that act as obstructions at intersections in accordance with this code; and D.Land clearing associated with tree farming operations specifically preempted by Chapter 76.09 RCW, Washingtonforest practices act; provided, that a harvesting and reforestation plan is submitted to the Site Plan Review Committeeprior to any land clearing. Design Standards  Page 32 C18.58–MH HAPTER ODEL OMES 18.58.010Model Homes Following preliminary approval of each full subdivision or binding site plan of five or more residential units, the Public Works Director is authorized to approve, and the Building Official may issue a permit for construction of one and only one residence to use as a model home. Prior to final plat or site plan approval, such unit may be occupied solely for purposes of promotion of the development and may not be occupied as a residence except by a real estate agent or other representative of the subdivider, and then only for the limited purpose of security. Such construction and subsequent occupancy shall only be authorized by the director upon written finding that the design and placement of the unit would conform with all standards of the City if for any reason the subdivision is not completed or is not granted final approval. Design Standards  Page 33 C18.59-SP HAPTER ITE LANNING 18.59.010Intent The purpose of this chapter is to establish minimum requirements and standards to create an active safe pedestrian environment, upgrade the downtown and visual identity, unify streetscapes and to improve pedestrian and auto circulation. 18.57.020Relate development to street fronts other than pedestrian oriented streets All development uste include the following site planningmeasures to create an attractive street edge: A.Define the street edge with building landscaping or other feature. B.Provide direct access to building fronts from sidewalk. C.Provide substantial landscaping if parking is located adjacent to street frontage. 18.59.030Multiple building and large lot development For developments with multiple buildings or large lots, mitigate impacts with the following: A.Provide for connecting streets and public transportation. B.Connect all on-site activities to adjacent pedestrian routes and street right-of-ways. C.Design buildings to complement adjacent activities and visual character. D.Incorporate open space and landscaping as a unifying element. E.Incorporate screening, environmental mitigation, utilities and drainage as positive design elements. 18.59.040Siting service areas A.Locate service areas, outdoor storage areas and other intrusive site features at the rear of the lot to reduce conflicts with adjacent uses. All Trash Enclosures shall incorporatethe architectural features of the primary structures and landscaping to minimize visual impacts of the Enclosure. B.Trash enclosures shall meet the height requirements listed in Table 18.1, and be constructed of CMU, wood or architectural steel. Gates shall be of similar durable materials and be capable of being secured when shut and at an angle of 135degrees when open. Enclosure wall shall sit on a minimum sixinch concrete slab. The slab shall be graded to prevent liquids from entering the CityS.T.E.P. sewer system or on site storm water. The slab shall extend four feet beyond the gate(s). Design Standards  Page 34 C.Landscaping shall consist of shrub trees of the thugoccidentalis pyramidal variety (or equal) standingthreetofivefeet tall with spacing at two and one half feet on center. Dense site barrier or perimeter landscaping ground cover as required on adjacent site boundaries shall continue around the enclosure. D.No trash enclosure shall be permitted between a street and the front of a building. E.Trash enclosures shall be designed to contain all refuse generated on-site and deposited between collections. Deposited refuse shall not be visible from outside the refuse enclosure. D.The location of this enclosure shall be submitted to the local service providerfor review and approval. Table 18.1 Trash enclosure UseMax for Square Minimum Additional Minimum residential foot/unitEnclosure EnclosuresEnclosure Per Cubic containerSizeHeight 6 feet or Yard Residential16 housesN/A Multi Family6 units6 houses8’x20’Each 36 7 feet over 24 unitsunits Retail230 sf.1,380 sf8’x20’Each 8,280 7 feet over 5,520 sfsf Grocery N/A1,380 sf8’x20’*Each 8,280 7 feet over 5,520 Storesfsf Multi Tenant N/A1,380 sf8’x20’Each 8,280 7 feet over 5,520 Retailsfsf Office972 sf5,833 sf8’x20’Each 35,000 7 feet over sf23,332 sf Hotel/MotelN/A10 rooms8’x20’Each 60 7 feet over 39 roomsrooms RestaurantN/A670 sf8’x20’Each 4,020 7 feet over 2,680 sfsf Restaurant N/AN/A8’x24’Each 4,020 7 feet over 2,680 with grease sfsf storage Repair Shop330 sf1,980sf8’x20’Each 11,880 7 feet over 7,920 sfsf EducationalN/A7,500 sf8’x20’*Each 45,000 7 feet over sf30,000 sf Industrial830 sf4,980 sf8’x20’*Each 29,880 7 feet over sf19,920 sf Industrial N/A5,000 sf8’x20’*Each 30,000 7 feet over Parksf20,000 sf WarehouseN/A7,500 sf8’x20’*Each 45,000 7 feet over sf30,000 sf *Without trash compactor Design Standards  Page 35 Example an office building with 25,000 gross square footage will have an 8x20 trash enclosure (column 3). Since it is over 23,332 sf, the wall height will be 7 feet to screen the 6 yard container (column 6). 18.59.050Illumination All development requiring review by the Site Plan Review Committeeshall provide site illumination in accordance with theWashingtonstate energy code (WEC) and the following standards: A.Walkways and paths shall be illuminated to a minimum of two foot candles, and entries to fourfoot candles. 1.All parking lots shall be illuminated to a minimum of .5foot candles. Parking garages illumination levelsshall notexceed 0.1 foot candle at fivefeet past the edge of the property line(s). 2.Fixtures shall be non glare and shielded. 3.Fixtures shall be mounted a maximum of 20feet above grade. 4.Fixtures in districts zoned C-2orC-3 may be mounted at 30feet above grade, if the total watt/square foot allowed under the WEC is reduced by 20percent.Industrial zones may have fixtures mounted at 40feet above grade, if the total watt/square foot allowed under the WEC is reduced by 20percent. 5.Light poles for illumination of athletic fields on new and existing public school (Institutional zones) or sites with special usepermit approvalmay exceed the maximum permitted height set forth in subsection above, up to a maximum height of 100feet, ensuring adequate illumination and minimized to the greatest extent practicable, and demonstrate that the additional height contributes to a reduction in impacts from light and glare. 6.A lighting plan shall be submitted as part of civil plan review. 18.59.060Street corners New development on corner lots at street intersections must enhance the property’s visual qualities at the corner by one or more of the following methods: A.Install substantial landscaping of at least 200square feet at or near the corner of the lot. B.Install a decorative screen wall at least threefoot high, a trellis or other continuous architectural element with a length of at least 20feet, along the front property line. D.Provide a pedestrian walkway from corner to building entry and/or a building entry at the corner of the building nearest the intersection. Design Standards  Page 36 E.Locate building within 15feet of either or both front property lines. 18.59.070Transit New residential and commercial development shall coordinate with Intercity Transit to incorporate transit stops. Intercity Transit shall determine the type and location of new or upgraded transit stops. 18.59.080Mailboxes New residentialand commercial developments shall coordinate with the U.S. Postal Service for the location of any mailbox(s). Mailboxes shall be cluster box units (CBU) spaced throughout the development on local access residential and private streets only. New or replacement mail boxes shall not be located on arterials or commercial and residential collector streets. Mail delivery centers on site shall be the preferred option. Off site mailboxes shall be the CBU type and located on streets intersecting the arterial or collector. During construction, existing mailboxes shall be accessible for the delivery of mail or, if necessary, moved to a temporary location. Temporary relocation shall be coordinated with the Cityof Yelmand the U.S.Postal Service. Contact the U.S.Postal Service before reinstalling the mailboxes at the original location or to a new location, if construction has made it impossible to use the original location. Existing uses or new construction on lots of record who chose to have site delivery shall install mailboxes at the mailbox center designated for said property. The placement of mailbox centers shall be determined by the City of Yelmand the U.S.Postal Service, mailbox centers and mailbox installation shall be in accordance with this chapter and WSDOT design manual, Section 700. Civil plan drawings submitted for a project will clearly show the location and type of mailbox, and any details provided by the U.S.Postal Service. Design Standards  Page 37 C18.60-PC HAPTER EDESTRIAN IRCULATION 18.60.010Intent It is the intent of this chapter to implement pedestrian circulation elements of the Yelmdesign guidelinesby providing continuous pedestrian access in the downtown area, as well as improve pedestrian routes between businesses, streets and transit stops. 18.60.020General guidelines All pedestrian paths must conform with federal, state and local codes for handicapped access, and the americans with disabilities act(ADA). 18.60.030On-site pedestrian circulation Development shall incorporate the following elements for pedestrian circulation: A.All pathways shall be paved a minimum of 60inches wide. B.Buildings shall have a paved pedestrian pathway from the street sidewalk to the main entry of the building. If access traverses a parking lot, it shall be of a material different than the parking lot material. C.Walkways shall be integrated with parking lot landscaping. D.Walkways shall tie into neighboring properties when feasible. E.Buildings with entries not facing the street shall have a clear and obvious street sidewalk to the entry. F.Provide pedestrian paths or walkways connecting all businesses and the entries of multiple buildings on the same development site. G.Provide pathways through parking lots. 18.60.040Pedestrian paths to adjacent uses and transit facilities To provide pedestrian circulation to adjacent uses and transit facilities, the following elements shall be included in site design: A.Provide pedestrian access from building entries of businesses and services within the development to building entries of nearby multifamily residential complexes with marked crosswalks. B.Integrate nearby transit stops into the planning of adjacent site improvements by providing extra space for waiting areas, incorporating bus pull outs or stops into the site’s circulation scheme and/or providing a walkway directly from the transit stop into the project’s entrance. C.Provide pedestrian paths from all transit stops through commercial areas to residential areas within 1,200feet. Easements for pedestrian access Design Standards  Page 38 should be provided to facilitate the future extension of these paths as adjoining properties are improved. 18.60.050Pedestrian areas at building entries Use architectural elements of a building and landscaping to highlight and define the entrance.The primary public entries of all businesses and multifamily residential buildings must be enhanced by two or more of the following means: A.Weather protection such as an awning, canopy, marquee or other building element to create a covered pedestrian open space of at least 100square feet. B.200square feet of landscaping at or near the entry. C.Pedestrian facilities, such as benches, kiosks, special paving, bicycle racks. D.A trellis, canopy, porch or other building element that incorporates landscaping. E.Pedestrian scaled lighting. F.Adjacent window displays. G.Building ornamentation such as mosaic tile, relief sculpture, ornamental wood or metal trim. H.Artwork or special pedestrian scaled signs. 18.60.060Pedestrian activity areas and plazas A pedestrian oriented space is the area between a building and a public street or pedestrianpath which promotes visual and pedestrian access into the site. Where the street-front building façade is not directly adjacent to the sidewalk, the space between the sidewalk and the front of the building shall be developed as pedestrian oriented space which includes: A.Visual and pedestrian access from the public right-of-way. B.Paved walking surfaces. C.On site lighting providing at least 4 foot candles on the ground. D.At least 2 lineal feet of seating per 60 square feet of plaza space. E.Location shall not be adjacent to unscreened parking, chain link fences, or blank walls. F.Asphalt or gravel pavement is prohibited. Design Standards  Page 39 C18.61-BD HAPTER UILDING ESIGN 18.61.010Intent It is the intent of this chapter to implement building design elements of the Yelmdesign guidelinesby providing human scale building design that is compatible with Yelm’s historic architectural size and character. 18.61.020Human scale Buildings over threestories or more than 100feet wide as measured along any façade facing a street shall include at least three of the following elements. A.One balcony or deck at least six feet deep and ten feet wide per upper floor on the facades facing streets. B.Bay windows. C.150square feet of pedestrian oriented space. D.Individual windows less than 32square feet per pane and separated from other windows by a six inch molding. E.Gable or hipped roof that covers at least one half of the building’s footprint and has a slope greater or equal to threefeet vertical to 12feet horizontal. F.A porch or covered entry. G.Spatially defining building elements that define an occupiable space such as a trellis, overhang, or canopy. H.A minimum sixfeet setback from the face of a building on an upper story. I.Smaller building elements near the entry of large buildings. 18.61.030Architectural scale Buildings over three stories or up to 5,000square feet in gross building footprint shall include at least one of the following elements, and buildings over 5,000square feet in gross building footprint shall include twoor more of the following elements along their facades: A.A minimum 10foot setback from the face of a building on an upper story. Building facades visible from a public right of way or park shallbe modulated horizontally every 100feet, with a minimum depth of sixfeet. Roof deck or balconies as part of the building modulation shall be a minimum of 60square feet. B.Roof lines visible from a public right-of-way or park shall be modulated vertically every 100feet. Gable, hipped or shed roofs shall have a slope of at least three feetvertical to 12feethorizontal. Arched, vaulted, Design Standards  Page 40 dormer or saw-toothed roof lines shall have a change in slope, within every 100foot width. C.Building facades shall include repeating elements such as distinctive window patterns, porch, patio, alternate dormers, gables, or other roof elements, changing materials, lighting fixtures, trellis, substantial landscaping and/or pedestrian oriented open spaces along the building façade. 18.61.040Building details Buildingsfacing a public street or park shall be enhanced with at least one of the following elements: A.Decorated rooflines, such as an ornamental molding, entablature, frieze or other roofline device visible from the ground level. B.Decorative window and door treatments such as a decorative molding or framing details around all ground floor windows and doors. C.Decorative railings, grill work or landscape guards. D.Landscape trellises. E.Decorative lightfixtures with a diffuse visible light source. F.Decorative building materials. G.Blank walls visible from the street, parking or adjacent lot shall be treated in one or more of the following ways: 1.Vertical trellis in front of the wall with climbing vines or plant materials. 2.Landscaped planting bed at least five feetwide or raised planter bed at least two feet high and three feetwide in front of the wall, and plant materials that obscure or screen at least 35percentof the wall’s surface within threeyears. 18.61.050Materials and color A.The following materials are allowed as described below: 1.Metal siding over 25percentof a building’s façade must have a matted finish in a neutral or earth tone color, and must include visible window and doortrim painted or finished in a complimentary color and corner and edge trim that cover exposed edges of the sheet metal panels. 2.Pre-finished metal roofing must have standing seams & muted colors. 3.Concrete block walls, or exposed concrete surfaces that are visible from a public street or park must be architecturally treated by split face or grooved surface, colored mortar, or other masonry types in Design Standards  Page 41 conjunction with concrete blocks. 4.Architecturally finished vinyl or fiberglass material used for wall surface must not possess sheen. 5.Stucco surfaces must be finished. 6.Terra cotta tile. 7.Clear or lightly tinted glass. 8.Natural copper or bronze. 9.Wood shingles/shakes. Wood siding and wood product panels shall be weather resistant, and all edges and seams covered or trimmed. 10.Architectural polymers and plastics are prohibited for exterior walls. 11.Back-lit vinyl or plastic awning illumination is limited to a single fluorescent tube the length of the awning or canopy. B.The followingmaterials are prohibited: 1.Mirrored glass, corrugated fiberglass, and chain link fencing, when visible from the street (except for temporary purposes such as a construction site). 2.Corrugated roofing or siding, and fiberglass. 3.Galvanized roofing. 4.T-111, fiberboard, and untreated plywood siding. 5.Applied aggregate finishes (“marblecrete”). 6.Mirrored or opaque glass. 18.61.060Mechanical equipment and service areas Roof-mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened so as not to be visible fromthe street or from the ground-level of adjacent properties. Screening shall blend with the architecture of the building. Design Standards  Page 42 C18.62–S HAPTER IGNS 18.62.010Intent The intent of this chapter is to provide minimum standards for the number, size, design, quality construction, location, electrification and maintenance of all signs and sign structures, and to preserve and improve the appearance of the City. A sign is any communication device, structure, or fixture that is extended to aid an establishment in identification, and to advertise and/or promote a business, service, activity, or interest. 18.62.020Exemptions The following are exempt from the regulation of this chapter. A.The flag, emblem or insignia of a nation or other governmental unit or nonprofit organization, subject to the guidelines concerning its use set forth by the government or organization which it represents. B.Memorial signs or tablets, names of building, stained glass windows and dates of erection when cut into the surface or the facade of the building or when projecting not more than two inches. C.Traffic or other municipal signs, signs required by law or emergency, railroad crossing signs, legal notices, and any temporary or non- advertising signs as may be authorized by the CityCouncil. D.Signs of public utility companies indicating danger, serve as an aid to public safety, or show the location of underground facilities or other public utility. E.Flush-mounted wall signs, used to identify the name and address of the occupant for each dwelling, provided the sign does not exceed two square feet in sign area. For those buildings on the Yelmhistoric register, the historic name painted or affixed to the building shall not be included in the sign calculations. F.Signs located in the interior of any building or within an enclosed lobby or court of any building or group of buildings, which signs are designed and located to be viewed exclusively by patrons of such use or uses. G.One bulletin board not over 50square feet in sign areafor each public, charitable, or religious institution where the same are located on the premises of said institution. Additionally, an off-site sandwich board sign may be used as a directional sign during regular scheduled meetings or services. H.Decorations, clearly incidental and customary and commonly associated with any national, local or religious holiday. Design Standards  Page 43 I.Painting, repainting or cleaning of an advertising structure or the changing of the advertising copy or message thereon when no structural change is made. J.Sculptures, fountains, mosaics and design features which do not incorporate advertising or identification. K.“No trespassing,” “no dumping,” “no parking,” “private,” signs identifying essential public needs such as restrooms, entrance, exit, telephone and other informational warning signs which do not exceed two square feet in surface area. L.Citydirectional locator signs. M.Public service signs. Electronically or electrically controlled public service sign or portion of a larger sign which conveys only information such as time, date, temperature, atmospheric condition or general news information where different alternating copy changes are shown on the same lamp bank matrix. N.Franchised buses or taxis. 18.62.030Prohibited signs Prohibited signs are subject to removal by the Cityat the owner’s or user’s expense, with the exception of a legal nonconforming sign. The following signs or displays are prohibited: A.Roof signs erected upon, against, on top of, or directly above a roof, or above the parapet of a building; B.Animated signs which include action or motion, or the optical illusion of action or motion, or color changes of all or any part of the sign facing, requiring electrical energy, or set in motion by movement of the atmosphere, excluding digital changing message center signs; C.Flashing signs which contain an intermittent or flashing light source, or includes the illusion of intermittent or flashing light by means of animation or an externally mounted intermittent light source, excluding public service and changing message center signs. D.Digital changing message signs not conforming toSection 18.62.050 YMC,Illumination; E.Electronically or electrically controlled sign where different automatic changing messagesare shown on the same lamp bank. F.Portable signs, except as provided under temporary signs; G.Advertising vehicles, with the exception of the identification of a firm or its principal products on a vehicle operating during normal course of business. Design Standards  Page 44 H.Signs which purport to be, or are, an imitation of or resemble an official traffic sign or signal, or which bear the words “stop,” “caution,” “danger,” “warning,” or similar words; I.Signs which, by reason of their size, location, movement, content, coloring or manner of illumination, may be confused with or construed as a traffic control sign, signal or device, or the light of an emergency or radio equipment vehicle, or which obstruct the visibility of traffic or street sign or signal device; J.Signs which are located upon or projecting from a building or wall, over public streets, sidewalks, or rights-of-way, except as provided for awnings and marquees inSection 18.62.160 YMC; K.Signs attached to utility or telephone poles or other public utility facility; L.Off-premises signs; M.Strings of banners, pennants, and other graffiti-like material, except as provided under temporary signs. 18.62.040Temporary signs A temporary (nonpermanent) sign is intended to be displayed for a limited period of time only. Temporary signs include, but are not limited to signs, banners, pennants, valances, and flags (except as exempted), searchlights (provided the beam of light does not flash against any building or does not sweep an arc of more than 45degrees from vertical), balloons or other air- or gas-filled figures or advertising display, and sandwich board or sidewalk signs. A.Construction signs. Signs may be displayed only after a building permit is obtained and during the period of construction on the construction site. Only one such sign is permitted per construction project for each public street upon which the project fronts. The sign shall not exceed 32 square feet in sign area (printed copy on one side only) and maximum height is 10feet. In single-family residential zones, the sign shall be a minimum of 10feet from the property line. In all other zones, the sign shall be a minimum of 30feet from the property line of the abutting owner. B.Grand opening. Displays intended to announce the opening of anew enterprise, or enterprise under new management. Displays are allowed on premises only, for a period of 14days, and must be removed at the end of the 14day period. Sandwich board signs shall not exceed two and one-half feet by four feet. C.Specialevents. Events for businesses and organizations include sales or other business activities, circuses, carnivals, festivals and other similar events. Temporary signs are allowed on premises only, for a period of Design Standards  Page 45 14days at a time, limited to fourtimes per year, and must be removed at the end of the 14day period. Temporary signs shall not be larger than 20square feet. Sandwich board signs shall not exceed two and one-half feet by four feet. D.Real estate signs. All exterior real estate signs must beof wood or plastic or other durable material. The following signs shall be limited as follows: 1.Residential “for sale,” “open house” and “sold” signs are limited to one sign per street frontage not to exceed five square feet in sign area, placed wholly on the property for sale, and not to exceed a height of seven feet. 2.Residential directional “open house” signs advertising residential developments within the Cityof Yelmare allowed during daylight hours on weekends only, and must be placed out of theway of pedestrian traffic. 3.Undeveloped residential property “for sale” signs are limited to one on-premise sign per street frontage, not to exceed 32square feet in sign area, maximum 10feet to top of sign, and shall be located more than 30feet from the abutting owner’s property line. 4.Undeveloped commercial and industrial property “for sale” or “rent” signs are limited to one sign per street frontage , not to exceed 32 square feet in sign area and 10feet to top of sign. 5.Developed commercial andindustrial property “for sale” or “rent” signs are limited to one sign per street frontage while the building is actually for rent or sale. The sign shall not exceed 32square feet in sign area, maximum of 10feet to the top of the sign, and shall be located at least 15feet from the property line. If one face of the building is less than 10feet from the property line, the sign shall be placed on the building or in a window. E.Political signs. Signs advertising a candidate or candidates for public elective office, a political party, or signs urging a particular vote on a public issue shall not exceed 10square feet of sign area. Signs must be removed within sevendays after the election in which the candidate or issue advertised on a sign has been determined. The candidate or committee for whomthe sign is displayed shall be responsible for its removal and subject to the penalties as provided in this code. F.Garage, yard, moving, and patio sale. Signs are limited to one sign on the premises. The sign shall exceed four square feet in the sign area, may be displayed only during the sale and must be removed the day the sale ends. The person or persons for whom the sign is displayed shall be responsible for its removal and subject to the penalties as provided in Design Standards  Page 46 this code. No individual shall be permitted to have more than two garage sales per calendar year and shall not exceed six combined days. G.Sandwich board. Sandwich board or A-frame signs for businesses that cater to pedestrians such as restaurants, retail businesses that sell clothing, gifts, accessories, small markets, or other similar uses as determined by the Site Plan Review Committee, are subject to the following limitations: 1.Business shall be allowed a maximum of onesandwich board sign that is pedestrian-oriented in nature. 2.Proof of liability insurance shall be furnished with the sign permit in the minimum aggregate sum of $500,000 and that the Cityof Yelmis named as an additional insured on such policy. 3.The area of the sandwich board shall not exceed six square feet per side in size and shall not be wider than two feet. 4.Sandwich boards shall be constructed out of materials able to withstand typical Northwest weather such as metal, finished wood, chalkboard, whiteboard, or plastic. Sandwich boards shall be maintained in a legible and intact manner. 5.Sandwich boards may only be displayed during business hours. If business hours continue past daylight hours, precautions should be taken to place the sign in a location where itis readily visible after dark. Sandwich boards shall not be wired for lighting. 6.Sandwich boards advertising businesses with buildings directly adjacent to a public sidewalk may be located in front of the building in which the business is located. 7.Sandwich boards advertising businesses in multiple-occupancy buildings may be located no further than 12feet from the entrance of the business and must be located on a pedestrian pathway. 8.Sandwich boards shall not be placed in a location which is within the vision triangle or any location which will impede vehicular traffic. Further, such signs shall not be placed in a manner which will block or otherwise obstruct the safe use of sidewalks, building entrances or stairs by pedestrians, including pedestrians who are visually impaired or otherwise handicapped. H.Temporary community event signs that promote a community event sanctioned by resolution of the City Council, and sponsored by a community-oriented nonprofit organization are subject to the following conditions: 1.Signs shall not exceed two square feet in area. Design Standards  Page 47 2.The name, telephone number, and point of contact of the sponsoring organization shall be displayed on the face of the sign in at least three-quarter inch letters. 3.Signs shall be located entirely on private property outside the public right-of-way. 4.Signs may be placed no earlier than two weeks (14calendar days) before the event. 5.Signs must be removed no later than two days after the event. 18.62.050Illumination Illumination from orupon any sign shall be shaded, shielded, directed or reduced so as to avoid brightness, glare or reflection of light on private or public property in the surrounding area. No electronic sign lamp may be illuminated to a degree of brightness that is greater than necessary for adequate visibility. In no case may the brightness exceed 8,000 nits or equivalent candelas during daylight hours, or 1,000 nits or equivalent candelas between dusk and dawn. 18.62.060Maintenance All signs, including signs heretoforeinstalled shall be constantly maintained in a state of security, safety, appearance and repair. If any sign is found not to be so maintained or is insecurely fastened or otherwise dangerous, it shall be the duty of the owner and/or occupant of the premises on which the sign is erected to repair or remove the sign within 15days after receiving notice from the building official. The premises surrounding a freestanding sign shall be free and clear of rubbish and the landscaping area maintained in a tidy manner. 18.62.070Landscaping for freestanding and monument signs All freestanding and monument signs shall include landscaping about their base to improve the overall appearance of the installation. Landscaping area shall 50percent of the sign area. Landscaping shall include 50percent shrubs (minimum 50percent flowering decorative shrubs), and 50percent groundcover, or cultivated flower beds (grass not allowed). 18.62.080District regulations A.Size and type. 1.Residential subdivisions are allowed twosigns identifying the subdivision at the entrance from an access street. Signs shall not exceed 18square feet in sign area, and five feet in height. Signs may be monument, freestanding or fence-mounted. 2.Multifamily complexes are allowed twosigns per entrance from an Design Standards  Page 48 access street identifying the complex. Signs shall not exceed 18 square feet in sign area, and five feet in height. 3.Commercial, industrial and public uses. a.Each single-occupancy building not in a multiple-building complex is permitted one monument or freestanding sign, and one of any of the following signs: awning, marquee or wall. b.Each multiple-occupancy building not in a multiple-building complex is permitted one monument or freestanding sign, plus one wall sign for primary exterior entrances. c.Each building within a multiple-building complex is permitted: i.one monument or freestanding sign per building, plusone wall sign for primary exterior entrances. ii.two monument or freestanding signsper entrance. iii.Directory-type signs not to exceed six square feet in height. B.Signs may not interfere with the clear sight triangle as described in the manual on uniform traffic control devices. C.Wall signs shall be attached to or painted directly on the wall, or erected against the wall of a building being parallel or approximately parallel to said wall; not exceeding a distance of 15inches. D.A corner parcel with two street frontages and entrances on both streets with a multi-building complex may place a two or three faced monument sign at the corner of the property, and a monument sign at each entrance. 18.62.090Signage on awnings and marquees Signage on awnings and marquees in commercial and industrial zones shall be limited to 30percent coverage of the face of the marquee, or one square foot for each lineal foot of the front of the marquee, whichever is less. The signage area shall be calculated on the basis of the smallest rectangle, circle orspherical figure that will enclose the entire copy area of the sign. Calculations shall include the areas between letters and lines as well as the areas of any devices which are intended to attract attention. Signage area shall be included in the overall calculation of total allowable for the building. 18.62.100Off-site banners Banners used to advertise community interest events are allowed at designated areas as approved by the City. The banner advertisement may not be an advertisement of the organization or its products, religious events, political events, or commercial product sales or events. Design Standards  Page 49 Banners are scheduled on a first come first served basis, based on a completed application date. Requests must be received a minimum of three weeks prior to the date the banners will be installed. Banners are limited to a maximum time of two weeks, beginning on a Monday. Applicants are allowed four events per year. Banners shall be no greater than 30feet in width and no greater than three and one-half feet in height. The approved message shall appear on both sides of the banner. No greater than 15percent of the sign area, per side, may include advertisement of the sign sponsor(s). Installation andremoval of the banners shall be the sole responsibility of the applicant and the installer approved by the City. Installation and removal of banners shall be coordinated with other applicants when feasible. The applicant shall repair or remove their banner when notified by the City that the banner may pose a danger to public safety due to banner deterioration. If the applicant fails to remove the banner within five days, staff shall remove the banner or cause it to be removed, and will bill the applicant for the cost of removal. 18.62.110Community sign A.Chamber of Commerce signs. Signsmay be installed by the Yelm Chamber of Commerce on property owned by a civic organization, the Cityof Yelm, or on property subject to an easement benefitting the chamber of commerce. B.Civic organizations. Signs located on the outfield fences of baseball fields owned and operated by civic organizations are allowed; provided, that such signs are primarily oriented towards the ball fieldand are not intended to advertise off-site. C.Citydirectional locator signs of a standard design and installed by the Cityshall be allowed in the public street rights-of-way. Directional locator signs may be installed to direct traffic to: 1.Municipal buildings and services. 2.Community buildings and services. 3.Master planned communities or major subdivisions. 18.62.120Farmers market Farmers markets approved underSection 18.41.030 YMCmay have the following signs: A.Up to two off-site sandwich board signs may be used as directional signs during the hours the farmers market is open to the public. All other signs shall be consistent with the provisions of this code. Design Standards  Page 50 B.The farmers market may have one sign for each street frontage of the market space. The sign(s) shall remain only during the hours the market is open to the public. The sign shall be limited to 12square feet if it is a freestanding sign less than eight feet in height, and 21square feet if it is a monument sign. Setback from property lines shall be 10feet. C.Each vendor may have one sign and one sandwich board sign. Sales and menu boards are exempt. Square footage of allowable sign area is 12 square feet. Sandwich board signs shall meet the following: 1.The area of the sandwich board shall not exceed six square feet per side in size and shall not be wider than two feet. 2.Sandwich boards shall be constructed out of materials able to withstand typical Northwest weather such as metal, finished wood, chalkboard, whiteboard, or plastic. Sandwich boards shall be maintained in a legible and intact manner. 3.Sandwich boards may only be displayed during the hours the farmers market is open to the public. If farmer’smarket hours continue past daylight hours, precautions should be taken to place the sign in a location where it is readily visible after dark. Sandwich boards shall not be wired for lighting. 4.Sandwich boards may be located no further than 12feet from the vendor’s booth. 18.62.130Legal nonconforming signs A.Legal nonconforming signs are those signs which were lawful prior to the date of adoption of the ordinance codified in this chapter, but which would be prohibited, regulated, or restricted under the terms of this chapter. 1.No such sign shall be changed in any manner that increases the noncompliance of such sign with the provisions of this chapter; 2.The burden of establishing a sign to be legally nonconforming under this section rests upon the person or persons, firm or corporation claiming nonconforming status for a sign; 3.When a business or activity containing a legal nonconforming sign is enlarged or remodeled to a value of 60percent or more of existing value of real property improvements, then such sign must be brought in conformity with all provisions of this chapter; 4.When a businessor activity with a legal nonconforming off-premises sign changes the sign face or name of the business, then such off- premises sign must be brought into conformance with all provisions of this chapter. Design Standards  Page 51 B.Any violation of this chapter shall terminate the right to maintain a legal nonconforming sign. C.No persons shall maintain or permit to be maintained on any premises owned or controlled by him/her any sign which has been abandoned. A sign is considered abandoned when located on property which becomes vacant and unoccupied for a period of six months or more, or any sign which relates to any occupant or business unrelated to the present occupant or their business, or any sign which pertains to a time, event or purpose which no longer applies. D.The rightto maintain any legal nonconforming sign shall terminate and shall cease to exist whenever the sign is: 1. Damaged or destroyed by neglect beyond 50percent. The determination whether a sign is damaged or destroyed beyond 50 percent shall rest with the building official and shall be based upon the actual cost of replacing said sign; and/or 2. Structurally substandard under any applicable ordinance of the Cityto the extent that the sign becomes a hazard or danger. 18.62.140Inspection authority The community development departmentis empowered to enter or inspect any building, structure or premises in the City, upon which or in connection with which a sign, as defined by this code, is located, for the purpose of inspection of the sign, its structural and electrical connections and to ensure compliance with the provisions of this code. Such inspections shall be carried out during business hours unless an emergency exists. 18.62.150Removal of unlawful signs A.Any unlawful sign which has not been removed within 30days after notice of violation may be removed by the Cityand the costs charged to the violator. If removal costs have not been paid and the sign reclaimed within 30days of its removal by the City, the Citymay sell or otherwise dispose of the sign and apply the proceeds toward costs of removal. Any proceeds in excess of costs of removal shall be paid to the owner of the sign. B.Unlawful signs on public streets, sidewalks, rights-of-way, power poles, telephone poles, street signs, or other public property or where located present an immediate and serious danger to the public because of their unsafe condition may be immediately removed by the community development departmentwithout prior notice. C.Any unlawful temporary or portable-type sign located on private property which has not been removed within 24hours after notice of violation may be removed by the City. The sign may be reclaimed by the owner Design Standards  Page 52 after a civil penalty of $100.00 has been paid.If the sign has not been reclaimed within 30days of its removal by the City, the Citymay sell or otherwise dispose of the sign and apply the proceeds toward costs of the removal. Any proceeds in excess of costs of the removal shall be paid to the owner of the sign. D.The Cityor any of its agents shall not be liable for any damage to a sign when removed under this section. 18.62.160Sign area –square footage maximums A.Monument and freestanding signs.The following table provides sign area allowancesbased on sign height and area. Sign height is the vertical distance from grade plane to the highest point of a sign or any vertical projection thereof, including its supporting columns. Sign area is the entire area of a sign on which copy is to be placed. Only one side of a double-faced sign shall be included. The area of painted signs, individual letter signs, and other indirectly illuminated signs shall be calculated on the basis of the smallest rectangle, circle or spherical figure that will enclose the entire copy area of the sign. Any such calculation shall include the areas between letters and lines, as well as the areas of any devices, illuminated or nonilluminated, which are intended to attract attention. SignAreaProperty Line Bldg./Gross Floor AreaSign Height(Per Side)Setback 5,000 sq. ft. or lessFS–8 ft.FS–21 sq. ft.5 ft. MS –5 ft.MS –42 sq. ft. 5,001 –10,000 sq. ft.FS–8 ft.FS–30 sq. ft.5 ft. MS –5 ft.MS –51 sq. ft. 10,001 –35,000 sq. ft.FS–10 ft.FS–36 sq. ft.10 ft. MS –6 ft.MS –51 sq. ft. 35,001 –60,000 sq. ft.FS–10 ft.FS–42 sq. ft.10 ft. MS –6 ft.MS –72 sq. ft. 60,001 –75,000 sq. ft.FS–15 ft.FS–75 sq. ft.10 ft. MS –6 ft.MS –90 sq. ft. 75,001 –100,000 sq. ft.FS–15 ft.FS–102 sq. ft.15 ft. MS –6 ft.MS –120 sq. ft. 100,000+ sq. ft.FS–20 ft.FS–150 sq. ft.15 ft. MS –6 ft.MS –120 sq. ft. FS–Freestanding sign MS –Monument sign Design Standards  Page 53 B.Flush-mounted wall signsare signs attached to the exterior boundaries of a building and which has a slope of 60degrees or greater with the horizontal plane. The following table provides sign area, based on wall area. A primary wall is the vertical surface meeting the definition of a wall selected by the owner or owner’s representative to receive the allowable allocated sign square footage. Wall signage shall not exceed one square foot for each lineal foot of wall selected. A secondary wall is the vertical surface meeting the definition of a wall selected by the owner or owner’s representative to receive up to 50 percent of the allowable allocated sign square footage of the wall, primary. Wall signage shall not exceed one square foot for each lineal foot of wall selected. A third orfourth wall is the vertical surface meeting the definition of a wall selected by the owner or owner’s representative to receive up to 25 percent of the allowable allocated sign square footage of the wall, primary. Wall signage shall not exceed one square foot for each lineal foot of wall selected. Design Standards  Page 54 Business Wall, Wall, Third Wall, Fourth Space Wall, Primary Sign Area Secondary Sign Area Sign Area Square Square Feet*Sign Area Square Square Feet¹Square Feet*Feet*Feet* 0 –50022 sq. ft.11 sq. ft.6 sq.ft.6 sq. ft. 500 –2,00022 sq. ft. + 2 sq. ft. for each 50% wall, 25% wall, 25% wall, additional 100 sq. ft. over 500primary allowedprimary primary allowedallowed 2,000 –52 sq. ft. + 1.2 sq. ft. for 50% wall, 25% wall, 25% wall, 5,000each additional 100 sq. ft. primary allowed primary primary over 2,000allowedallowed 5,000 –88 sq. ft. + 0.75 sq. ft. for 50% wall, 25% wall, 25% wall, 10,000each additional 100 sq. ft. primary allowedprimary primary over 5,000allowedallowed 10,000 –126 sq. ft. + 0.38 sq. ft. for 50% wall, 25% wall, 25% wall, 50,000each additional 100 sq. ft. primary allowedprimary primary over 10,000allowedallowed 50,000 –278 sq. ft. + 0.23 sq. ft. for 50% wall, 25% wall, 25% wall, 100,000each additional 100 sq. ft. primary allowedprimary primary over 50,000allowedallowed 100,000 –393 sq. ft. + 0.17 sq. ft. for 50% wall, 25% wall, 25% wall, 200,000each additional 100 sq. ft. primary allowedprimary primary over 100,000allowed allowed 200,001+²²²² *Sign area shall be the lesser of this column or one square foot for each lineal foot of wall. ¹Multi-storied building use first occupied floor. ²To be determined at permit application. C.Marquee sign. One square foot for each lineal foot of the front of the marquee or 30percent coverage of the face of the marquee, whichever is less. D.Awning. One square foot for each lineal foot of the front of the marquee or30percent coverage of the face of the marquee, whichever is less. E.Bonus signarea. Monument signs may be increased as follows: 1.Twenty percent when the sign for a multiple-occupancy building or multiple-building complex utilizes uniform coloring, material, and lettering for all establishments in the building or complex; 2.Ten percent when the sign is installed in a landscaped planter having an area four times the area of the sign. Design Standards  Page 55 18.62.170Grand opening/special event sign area. Bldg./Gross Floor AreaSign AreaProperty Line Setback 5,000 sq. ft. or less16 sq. ft.5 ft. 5,001 –10,000 sq. ft.20 sq. ft.5 ft. 10,001 –35,000 sq. ft.25 sq. ft.10 ft. 35,001 –60,000 sq. ft.30 sq. ft.10 ft. 60,001 –75,000 sq. ft.40 sq. ft.10 ft. 75,001 –100,000 sq. ft.50 sq. ft.15 ft. 100,000 + sq. ft.60 sq. ft.15 ft. Design Standards  Page 56 C18.63-HP HAPTER ISTORIC RESERVATION 18.63.010Intent The intent of this chapter is to provide for the identification, enhancement, perpetuation, and use of the historic resources within the City. 18.63.020Yelm register of historic places The Yelmregister of historic places is the local listing of properties where a significant event or pattern of events occurred. It may be the location of prehistoric or historic occupation or activities that may be marked by physical remains; or it may be the symbolic focus of a significant event or pattern of events that may not have been actively occupied. Listing on the Yelmregister of historic places is an honorary designation denoting significant association with the historic, archaeological, engineering orcultural heritage of the community. Properties are listed individually or as contributing properties to an historic district. 18.63.030Standards for listing on the register Prior to the commencement of any work on a register property, (excluding ordinaryrepair and maintenance and emergency measures) the owner must request and receive a certificate of appropriateness, or request removal from the register from the Yelm Historic Preservation Commissionpursuant to Sections 18.15.060 and 18.15.070 YMC. Design Standards  Page 57 C18.64-ZO HAPTER ONING VERLAYS 18.64.010Intent It is the intent of this chaptertoprovide opportunity for greater flexibility in zoningand designrequirements, encourage a variety of housing types, encourage infilling of skipped-over parcels in developedareas of the Cityand to provide for maximum efficiency in the layout of streets, utility networks and other public improvements. 18.64.020Planned residential development Aplanned residential developmentencouragesimaginative design and the creation ofpermanent open space bypreserving or creatingenvironmental amenities superior to those generally found in conventional developments, and by preservingto the greatest possible extent the natural characteristics of the land, including topography, naturalvegetation, waterways, and views. A.Subdivision requirements. A planned residential developmentshall be exempt from the specific design requirements of a standard subdivision, except that when any parcel of land in a planned residential development is intended for individual ownership, sale,or public dedication, procedural and applicable state laws pertaining to the subdivision and conveyanceof land and the preparation of maps shall be followed. B.Relationship of planned residential developmentsite to adjacent areas. The design of a planned residential developmentshall take into account the relationship of the site to the surrounding areas. The perimeter of the planned residential developmentshall be designed to minimize undesirable impact of the planned residential developmenton adjacent properties and, conversely, to minimize undesirable impact of adjacent land use and development characteristics on the planned residential development. C.Buildings may have common walls and, therefore, be built to the property line as in townhouse construction.Wherever buildings are separated, a minimum distance of 10feet shall be maintained between such buildings. D.Landscaping. Natural landscape features which are to be preserved, such as existing trees,drainage ways, rock outcroppings, etc., may be accepted as part of the landscaping plan when such natural features contribute to the attractiveness of the proposed development. 18.64.040Mixed use development Amixed use developmentencouragesimaginative design and the creation of open space in development by preservingor creatingenvironmental amenities superior to those generally found in conventional developments and preserve to the greatest possible extent the natural characteristics of Design Standards  Page 58 the land,encouragesdevelopment of a variety of housing types, and establish a method for utilizing potential zoned properties. A.Exemptions from certain provisions. 1.A mixed use development shall be exempt from the specific design requirements of a standard subdivision, except that when any parcel of land in a mixed use developmentis intended for individual ownership, sale, or public dedication, procedural and applicable state laws pertaining to the subdivision and conveyance of land and the preparation of maps shall be followed. B.Relationship to adjacent areas. 1.The design of the mixed use development shall take into account the relationship of the site to the surrounding areas. The perimeter of the mixed use development shall be so designed as to minimize undesirable impact of the mixed use development on adjacent properties and, conversely, to minimize undesirable impact of adjacent land use and development characteristics of the mixed use development. 2.Setbacks from the property line of the mixed use developmentarea shall be comparable to or compatible with those of the existing development of adjacent properties or if adjacent properties are undeveloped, the type of development which may reasonably be expected on such properties given the existing zoning of such properties and the land use component of the Comprehensive Plan. 18.64.050Townhouse development It is the intent of this section toprovide for the development of townhouses within residential neighborhoods which may be conveyed as individually owned, separately platted lots. A townhouse is a one-family dwelling unit which is part of a group of two or more such units separated by common party walls having no doors, windows or other provisions for human passage or visibility through the common walls. Each one-dwelling unit in a townhouse is attached by not more than two party walls. A.Density standards and uses. 1.The basic density shall be the same as permitted by the underlying zone. 2.A townhouse lot shall contain a minimum area of 1,600square feet and a minimum lot and building width of 20feet. 3.No more than four abutting townhouses or townhouse clusters within the townhouse project site shall have a common front building setback. Variations in the setback of front building faces shall be at Design Standards  Page 59 least four feet. 4.No townhouse dwelling unit shall be located closer than 25feet to any public right-of-way nor within 15feet of a private drive, access road or common open parking area to the front or rear of such a dwelling unit. 5.Every lot containing a townhouse must provide a private yard of at least300square feet, oriented to either the building front, rear or side, enclosed visually by fences or walls at least five feet in height or plantings to screen first level views from adjacent units. 6.The minimum side yard requirement for end dwelling units in townhouse groups shall be the same as the underlying zone. For all dwelling units other than end dwelling units in subdivided townhouse developments, the common walls shall be designed with zero lot lines. 7.No portion of a townhouse, accessory structure or other building type in or related to one group or cluster of contiguous townhouses shall be nearer than 10feet to any portion of a townhouse or accessory structure of another townhouse building or cluster. 8.When the only driveway is from the street, each pair of units must share a common curb cut. 9.Conversion of existing structures to a townhouse project will be permitted provided all townhousedevelopment standardsas outlined in this section can be satisfied. 18.64.060Manufactured homes It is the intent of this sectiontopermit the location of manufactured homes as a permanent form of dwelling unit, to provide standards for the development and use of manufactured homes, and to make a distinction between manufactured home communities and manufactured home subdivisions and their characteristics. A.Manufactured housing units shall comply with the following requirements: 1.Homes shall be set below grade on ribbon-footings and a permanent foundation shall be constructed around the perimeter. No more than 12inches of the perimeter foundation shall be visible or above the finish grade of the lot. 2.Manufactured housing shall be compared to site-built housing in the neighborhood within the same zoning district. In general, manufactured homes shallbe comprised of at least two fully enclosed parallel sections with a total width of at least 24feet and a length of Design Standards  Page 60 at least 36feet. 3.The age of a manufactured home, as reflected on the title, shall not exceed a maximum of five years at the time of installation. B.Manufactured housing communities shall comply with the following requirements: 1.The minimum lot size for a manufactured housing community shall not be less than three acres, nor more than 15acres. 2.Yard setbacks along the perimeter of the property shall be 15feet from the required buffer. 3.The minimum lot size and width shall be 4,000squarefoot lot size average, a minimum 40feet wide and80feetdeep. 4.A10foot dense sight barrierlandscape buffer and six-foot solid wood fence shall be required around the perimeter of the site. The buffer shall be placed along the perimeter property line and the six-foot solid wood fence shall be placed 10feet inside the perimeter property line. 5.Each manufactured home site shall have access from an interior drive or roadway only. 6.Access to the manufactured housing community shall be limited to not more than one driveway from a public street or road for each 200 feet of frontage. 7.In addition to the parking requirements of Chapter 18.53 YMC,a minimum seven-foot parking on each side of the street or minimum seven-foot parking on one side of the street and a parking area for guests of at least one space for each five homes. Parking areas shall be located in a centralized location(s). 8.No manufactured housing community shall be constructed to block connecting streets shown or proposed as part of the Yelm Comprehensive Plan. 9.All interior private streets of the community shall have minimum eleven foot drivelanes. 10.Manufactured home communities shall connect with traffic and pedestrian ways on all abutting or connecting streets. 11.All streets, roads and driveways shall be paved to a standard of construction acceptable to the public works department. Interior pedestrian walkways, carports and parking areas shall be paved. 12.Aminimum four-foot internal walkway shall connect each space with common areas, internal roads, public streets and parking areas. All Design Standards  Page 61 walkways must be separated, raised, or protected from vehicular traffic and provide access for handicapped persons. 13.Accessory Buildings or structures accessory to the manufactured housing community as a whole, and intended for the use of all manufactured home occupants are permitted, provided the building area not exceed one-fourth of the common open space area. Design Standards  Page 62 C18.65–HO HAPTER OME CCUPATIONS 18.65.010Intent It is the intent of this section to permit residents of the community a broad choice in the use of their homes asa place of livelihood, and the production ofsupplementing ofpersonal/family income, while protecting residential areas from potential adverse impact of activities defined as home occupations.Home occupations are activities conducted for financial gainor profit in a dwelling unit, incidental or secondary to the residential use, and conducted only by the person(s) residing in the dwelling unit. 18.65.020General requirements A.Home occupations shall occupy not more than 25percent of the total floor area of the residence. In no event shall such occupancy exceed 400 square feet, nor shall an accessory building for such home occupation exceed 500square feet, nor shall the total floor area in the residence and/or an accessory building exceed 500square feet. B.Any occupation which may produce waste products of a quality or quantity not normally associated with residential use shall not qualify as a home occupation. C.Home occupations shall comply with all other local, state or federal regulations pertinent to the activity pursued, and the requirements or permission granted or implied by this chapter shall not be construed as an exemption from such regulations. 18.65.030Development and performance standards A.Exterior structural alterations or additions or the use of accessory buildings for home occupations shall be so designed and built as to maintain or preserve the residential character of the premises. In no event shall such structural alterations or additions exceed the Engineering Specifications andStandard Detailspermitted for structures in the zoning district in which the premises are situated; B.Traffic generated by home occupations shall not exceed three commercial vehicles per week. All parking of customers’ or clients’ vehicles shall be off street; C.Off-street parking spaces shall not be reduced in size or number below the minimum required in the district, nor used for any purpose other than parking; D.When merchandise, material or equipment is stored, altered, repaired or displayed, such storage, alterations, repairs or displays shall be entirely within the residential structure or in an accessory building which meets Design Standards  Page 63 the criteria of Section 18.64.030(A), except as provided in Section 18.51.050 YMC. E.Home occupation signs shall be wall-mounted and shall not exceed four square feet in area, and cannot be internally illuminated, but may be indirectly illuminated. Design Standards  Page 64 C18.66–AEB HAPTER DULT NTERTAINMENT USINESSES 18.66.010Intent It is the intent of this chapter to provide standards forthe location and operationof adult entertainment business. This includes all adult oriented businesses including adult arcades, adult bookstores, adult novelty stores, adult video stores, and similar adult uses, adult entertainment parlors and adult live entertainment centers. 18.66.020General standards for adult entertainment businesses Adult entertainment businessesshall conform to the minimum standards of the underlying zone, as well as the following general standards. A.A pre-submission conferenceshall be required. B.All on-site parking areas and premises entries of adult entertainment uses shall be illuminated from dusk until one hour past closing hours of operation with a lighting system which provides an average maintained horizontal illumination of one foot-candle of light on the parking strips and/or walkways. An on-premises exterior lighting plan shall be presented to and approved by the department of community development prior to the operation of any such use. C.All parking must be visible from the fronting street. Access to the exterior rear of the building shall be denied to any persons other than employees or public officials during the performance of their respective duties and tasks by means of fencing as approved by the Site Plan Review Committee. D.In addition totherequirements ofChapter 18.60 YMC,the following provisions shall be followed: 1.There shall be no electronic reader boards or changing message center signs; 2.All adult entertainment businesses shall have facades, exteriors, and exits which must be indistinguishable from surrounding buildings. Illustrations to include silhouettes, depicting partially or totally nude males and/or females shall not be posted or painted on any exterior wall of the building used for such businessesor on any door or apparatus attached to such building. E.No alteration of the configuration of the interior of the adult entertainment business or enlargement of the floor space occupied by the premises may be made after obtaining a license, without the prior approval of the community development department. F.Buffering requirements shall be measured by following a straight line without regard to intervening buildings from the nearest point of the Design Standards  Page 65 property parcel uponwhich the proposed use is to be located to the nearest point of the parcel of property or the zone classification boundary line from which the proposed land use is to be separated. 1.No adult entertainment business shall be located closer than six 660 feet from another adult entertainment business,whether such other business is located within or outside the Citylimits; 2.No such adult entertainment business shall be located closer than 660feet from the following use or zone, whether suchuse orzoneis located within or outside the Citylimits: a.All public facilities, including public and private schools, parks, libraries, etc.; b.Property used for state-certified day care; c.Property used for community teen centers; d.Property used for churches, cemeteries or other religious facilities or institutions; e.Property used for residential and lodging uses and property zoned primarily for residential uses, including R-4, R-6 and R-14 zones; f.Property used for organizations, associations, facilitiesand businesses which provide, as a substantial portion of their activities, function or business, the provision of services to children and/or youth, so that the premises of the organization, facility or business would have children and youth in attendance or at the location during a predominant portion of the operational hours of an adult entertainment facility. 18.66.030Exemptions This chapter does not prohibitvideo stores that sell and/or rent only video tapes or other graphic reproductions when 20percent or less of its stock in trade or revenue comes from the rental or sale of video tapes or other photographic reproductions considered adult, plays, operas, musicals, or other dramatic works, classes, seminars and lectures which are held for seriousscientific or educational purposes, exhibitions, performances, expressions and or dances that are not obscene. Theseexemptions do not apply to sexual conduct described inSection 7.48A.010 RCW. Whether or not activity is obscene shall be judged by consideration of the standards set forth inSection 7.48A.010 RCW. 18.66.040Adult entertainment businesses effect on other laws Provisions of this chapter shall not have the effect of authorizing any activities prohibited by state law or other provisions of this code. Design Standards  Page 66 C18.67–D-CF HAPTER AYARE ACILITIES 18.67.010Family home child care providers A family home child care,in the homewhere the licensee resides and is the primary provider for 12or fewer children, shall be permitted in all zoning districts ofthe Citywhere residential structures are permitted, subject to the following conditions: A.Such homes shall comply with all building, fire safety and health codes and obtain a business license from the Cityfor such a business; B.Each family home childcare provider shall be limited to one flush-wall sign having a maximum area of two square feet; C.No structural or decorative alteration which will alter the single-family character of an existing or proposed residential structure or be incompatible withsurrounding residences will be allowed. 18.67.020Child day-care centers A child day-care centerproviding care for a group of 12or more children, licensed by the state of Washington as provided for herein, shall be permitted under the conditions set forth in this section after registration with the Cityas provided in this chapter, subject to the following conditions: A.All child day-care centers, whether required to have a special use permit or not, shall comply with all building, fire safety, traffic safety, health code, business licensing, setback, screening, landscaping, parking, signage, lot size, building size and lot coverage requirements of this code, including any requirements specific to the district in which said center is located. B.No child day-care center shall be located in a private family residence unless the portion of the residence to which the children have access is separate from the usual living quarters of the family or is used exclusively for the children during the hours the center is in operation. Design Standards  Page 67 18.68–MR CHAPTERARIJUANA ETAILERS 18.68.010Intent It is the intent of this chapter touphold the provisions of the Washington State requirements for the location of marijuana retailers. 18.68.020Design standards No retail outlet for the sale of marijuana concentrates, useable marijuana, and marijuana-infused products shall be located within 1,000 feet of the perimeter of thegrounds of any private or public school (including pre- schools, kindergartens, elementary schools, and secondary schools), playground, recreation center or facility, child care center, public park, public transit center, or library, or any game arcade admission to which is not restricted to persons aged 21 years or older. Design Standards  Page 68 C18.69–SCTF HAPTER ECURE OMMUNITY RANSITION ACILITIES 18.69.010Intent It is the intent of this chapter to provide for the location of secure community transition facilities, and/or less restrictive alternative housing pursuant to Chapter 71.09 RCW. 18.69.020General requirements A.The Citywill only accept a complete application for a secure community transition facility if the mandated three-bed facility has not yet been provided for anywhere within Thurstoncounty. B.No more than three people, other than staff, shall occupy a secure community transition facility. If the state requires the county to accommodate additional committed sex offenders thereafter, the Hearing Examinermay authorize increased occupancy, up to a maximum of six offenders. C.Sites proposed for a secure community transition facility shall not be located within 500feet of a residence or a residential lot. D.Secure community transition facilities shall not be located adjacent to, immediately across a street or parking lot from, or within the line of sight from the following risk potential activities or facilities: 1.Schools (public and private, kindergarten through college) or potential school sites ownedby the school district or private school; 2.Licensed pre-schools, child care homes and day-care centers; 3.Sports fields, playgrounds, parks and teen centers; 4.Places of worship; 5.School bus stops; 6.Property used for organizations, associations, facilities and businesses which provide, as a substantial portion of their activities, function or business, the provision of services to children and/or youth; 7.Public libraries; 8.Trails used by the general public to access schoolsandparks. E.Aneight-foot-high fence, in character with the surrounding area, between the facility and all property boundariesis requried. The Hearing Examinermay waive or lessen this requirement if he/she determines that, due to existing site features or the type or character of adjoining uses, the privacy and security of the occupants of adjoining properties can be maintained in the absence of a fence or with a lower fence. F.The facility shall have a backup power source. Design Standards  Page 69 C18.70–WCF HAPTER IRELESS OMMUNICATION ACILITIES 18.70.010Intent It is the intent of this chapter to A.Manage the location of wireless communication facility (WCF) towers and antennas in the Cityof Yelm.A WCF is a facility for the transmission and/or reception of radio or microwave signals used for commercial communications. A WCF can be either freestanding (equipment mounted on a freestanding support structure), or attached (equipment affixed to or erected upon existing buildings, utility poles, or other existing structures). B.Protect residential areas and other land uses from potential adverse impacts of WCFs; C.Minimize adverse visual impacts of WCFs through careful design, siting, landscape screening, and innovative camouflaging techniques; D.Accommodate an increased need for WCFs toserve the wireless communications needs of Cityresidents; E.Promote and encourage co-location on freestanding WCFs as an option rather than construction of additional single-use WCFs, and reduce the number of such structures needed in the future. Co-location means the use of a single support structure and/or site by more than one wireless communications provider. F.Consider the public health and safety of WCFs to the extent permitted by federal law; particularly the 1996 Federal Communications Act and regulations promulgated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC); and G.Avoid potential damage to adjacent properties through sound engineering practices and the proper siting of WCFs. 18.70.020Exemptions The following are exempt from the provisions of this chapter: A.Industrial processing equipment and scientific or medical equipment using frequencies regulated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC); B.Antennas and related equipment that are being stored, shipped, or displayed for sale; C.Radar systems for military and civilian communication and navigation; D.Wireless radio utilized for temporary emergency communications in the event of a disaster; Design Standards  Page 70 E.Licensed amateur (ham) radio stations; F.Residential antenna’s; G.Satellite dish antennas less than two meters in diameter, including direct to home or business satellite services, when used as an accessory use on a property; H.Routine maintenance or repair of a WCF and related equipment; I.Subject to compliance with all other applicable standards of this chapter, a building permit application need not be filed for emergency repair or maintenance of a WCF until 30days after the completion of such emergency activity; J.A “cell on wheels” (COW) or other temporary WCF for a maximum of 90 days during an emergency declared by the federal, state, or local government; K.AM/FM radio and television broadcast facilities or towers. 18.70.030Location A.Priority locations: 1.Place antennas and towers on public property if practicle 2.Place antennas on appropriate rights-of-way and existing structures, such as building, towers, water towers and smokestacks. 3.Place antennas and towers in the Industrial (I), Large Lot Commercial (C-3) and Heavy Commercial (C-2) zoning districts. B.Secondary locations: 1.Place antennas and towers in the Commercial (C-1), Central Business District (CBD), and residential districts. C.Prohibited locations: 1.WCFs are prohibited on day-care center properties, properties immediately adjacent to day-care centers, public or private schools, properties immediately adjacent to public or private schools. 2.Attached WCFs are prohibited on single-or two-family dwellings. 3.WCFs are prohibited on sites or structures which are on federal, state, or county recognized historic registers. 4.WCFs are prohibited within critical areas and critical area buffers. 18.70.040Third party technical review The Site Plan Review Committeemay require technical review by a third party aspart of the permit review process. The selection of the third party expert shall be by mutual agreement by the provider and the Site Plan Design Standards  Page 71 Review Committee. The costs of the technical review shall be borne by the applicant. Based on the results of the expert review, the Site Plan Review Committeemay require changes to the WCF applicant’s submittal. A third party technical review may include, but is not limited to, a review of: A.The technical accuracy and completeness of submissions; B.The technical applicability of analysis techniques and methodologies; C.The validity of conclusions reached by the applicant; and/or D.Other specific technical issues as identified by the Site Plan Review Committee. 18.70.050Co-location To minimize adverse visual impacts associated with the proliferation of WCFs, co-location is encouraged. The Citymay deny an application to construct new facilities if the applicant has not made a diligent effort to mount the facilities on an existing freestanding WCF or other communication tower. At a minimum, this requires an assessment of any existing towers that have the location, as well as the existing or potential height, structural capability and equipment structure area, to serve the applicant’s needs, a written request to thosetower owners to co-locate on their facilities, and a good faith effort to work with those tower owners to co-locate. 18.70.060Design standards for freestanding WCFs. A.Maximum height. 1.150feet including antennas for WCFs located in a priority location or 60feet in a secondary location. 2.Modification to the maximum height may be granted by the approval authority if the applicant can show by clear and convincing evidence that the additional height is necessary to provide adequate service to the residents of the Cityand no other alternative with lesser impacts is available. B.Setbacks. The setback shall be measured from the base of the WCF tower to the property line of the parcel on whichit is located. 1.110percent of tower height, including antennas. 2.A maximum 50percent reduction to the setbacks may be granted by the approval authority, in a priority location only, if the WCF is built to a minimum wind stagnation pressure of 100miles per hour, and an exposure and gust coefficient factor of C as listed in Tables 16-F and 16-G of the 1997 uniform building code, as amended. 3.Further reduction to a minimum setback of 50 feet may be granted by the approval authority, in a priority location only, if the applicant Design Standards  Page 72 can demonstrate that without adding more than minimal screening the alternate location is substantially screened on all sides by existing vegetation, buildings or topography, or that such location better preserves view corridors for adjacent property owners and the public. C.Co-location. All freestanding WCFs shall be designed and constructed to fully accommodate at least two additional WCF providers, including an area for each co-locator’s equipment near the base of the tower,each comparable in size to the area required by the applicant, unless the applicant demonstrates why such design is not feasible for technical or physical reasons. D.Separation. 1.Freestanding WCFs shall be a minimum of 1,400feet from another freestanding WCF or other communication tower. 2.Separation distances shall be measured from tower to tower regardless of property lines and roadways. 3.The separation may be reduced by up to 50percent under the following circumstances: a.Where the proposed freestanding WCF and an existing freestanding WCF or other communication tower are within a priority location; b.Where the proposed freestanding WCF and an existing freestanding WCF or other communication tower are within substantially different view corridors as determined by the approval authority; or c.Where it is clearly demonstrated by the applicant that from a technical standpoint a reduced separation is necessary. 4.Freestanding WCFs may be clustered within all industrial districts so long as all WCFs within the cluster are more than 500feet from residential zoning districts and any property with an existing residence. E.Siting and screening. 1.Siting. Significant visual impacts of a WCF, from the front and rear of any residence on adjacent properties and for any residence across the roadway from the WCF, shall be minimized to the maximum extent feasible through careful siting. 2.Color. WCF towers and antennas shall have a nonglare finish in a gray, blue, green or other color to blend with the surroundings or horizon unless a different color is required by the FCC or FAA. The finish must be approved by the approval authority. 3.Screening.If the area within 50feet of the site perimeter is treed Design Standards  Page 73 such that substantial year-round screening of the WCF site is provided, as determined by the approval authority: prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall cause an easement signed by the property owner to be recorded with the county auditor establishing a tree retention buffer. A copy of the recorded easement shall be provided to the planning department. The buffer shall be a minimum of 50feet wide and shall extend around the perimeter outside of the fenced tower site, excluding the access point. This buffer must extend into the adjacent property if the tower setback has been reduced such that the buffer will not fit entirely on the subject property. The approval authority may require the buffer area to be enhanced to provide the desired level of screening for the ground level facilities. Any tree within the buffer that dies or is removed due to disease or wind throw shall be replaced during the next planting season with a minimum of two conifer treesa minimum of six feet in height at the time of planting. The buffer shall be maintained so long as the tower is located on the site. If site is not a treed area: a minimum 20 foot-wide buffer around the perimeter outside of the fenced site, excluding the access point, shall be planted with site-obscuring conifer trees. The trees shall be planted six feet on center in at least three offset rows. The trees shall be a minimum of six feet in height at the time of planting and shall be maintained in a green andgrowing state so long as the tower is on the site. Planting shall occur prior to the tower becoming operational. The approval authority may modify the screening requirements where existing structures on-site, existing vegetation along the parcel perimeter, or topography provide adequate screening. F.Security. 1.A minimum six-foot high chain link fence with privacy slats and topped with three strands of barbed wire shall be installed around the perimeter of the site for public safety and security purposes. Alternate methods of fencing may be approved if a level of public safety and security similar to that provided by the previously described fence can be clearly demonstrated. The fence and privacy slats shall be a deep green or other color which blends inwith the surrounding environment. The fence will require a building permit. Access to the tower shall be through a locked gate. 2.All freestanding WCFs shall be fitted with anti-climbing devices. G.Parking/access. At least one parking space, plus adequate turnaround area, shall be provided. The access road, parking and turnaround areas Design Standards  Page 74 shall have paved, gravel or other all-weather surface. The access road must be a minimum of 10feet wide. H.Signals, lights and signs. No signals, lights or signs shall be permitted on a WCF unless required by the FCC or FAA, except that all WCFs shall have a sign posted on the access gate with the WCF provider name, contact phone number and emergency phone number on it. I.Outdoor storage. Outdoor storage of motor vehicles or materials associated with the WCF is prohibited outside of the fenced area installed pursuant to subsection F of this section. J.Noise and interference. WCFs shall not exceed noise standards as defined in Chapter 173-60 WAC or cause interference with electrical, transmission or reception functions or cause similar disturbances. 18.70.070Design standards for attached WCF’s A.Maximum height. In a priority location, 28feet above the building roof or top of structure on which it is mounted. Ina secondary location, 10feet above the building roof or top of structure on which it is mounted. B.Wall-mounted. If the antenna is mounted on a wall, it shall be as flush to the wall as technically possible. C.Architectural compatibility, screening andcamouflaging. The antenna shall be architecturally compatible with the building and wall on which it is mounted, and shall be constructed, finished, or fully screened to match as closely as possible the color and texture of the building and wall. Such facilities will be considered architecturally and visually compatible if they are camouflaged to disguise the WCF or designed to blend with the building on which it is mounted. D.Equipment structures. Equipment structures mounted on a building roof shall either be hidden from view at ground level off-site or have a finish similar to the exterior building walls. Equipment for an attached antenna may also be located within the building on which the antenna is mounted. E.Signals, lights, and signs. No signals, lights or signs shall be permitted on an attached WCF unless required by the FCC or FAA. F.Outdoor storage. Outdoor storage of motor vehicles or materials associated with the WCF is prohibited. G.Noise and interference. WCFs shall not exceed noise standards as defined in Chapter 173-60 WAC or cause interference with electrical, transmission or reception functions or cause similar disturbances. Design Standards  Page 75 18.70.080Design standards for WCF ground-mounted equipment structures A.Maximum height. 10feet. B.Fenced enclosure. Equipment structures shall be within a fenced enclosure, unless associated with an attached WCF. Equipment structures associated with attached WCFs and located outside fencing must meet all building setbacks, screening and other standards of the underlying zoning district and must be designed to be architecturally compatible with the building near which it is placed. 18.70.090Maintenance of facilities All WCF facilities must be maintained in a good and safe condition, including fencing and landscaping buffers, and in a manner that complies with all applicable federal, state and local requirements. 18.70.100Abandonment A.No less than 30days prior to the date that a WCF provider plans to abandon or discontinue operation of a facility, the WCF provider must notify the Cityby certified U.S. mail of the proposed date of abandonment or discontinuation of operation. In the event that a WCF provider fails to give notice, the facility shall be considered abandoned upon the City’s discovery of discontinuation of operation. Upon such abandonment, the WCF provider or landowner shall remove the WCF and restore the site, or reactivate the WCF withinone year. B.Cityapproval for the WCF shall expire one year from abandonment or immediately upon removal, whichever occurs earlier. 18.70.110Radio frequency standards A.The applicant shall comply with federal standards for radio frequency emissions. Within six months after the issuance of its operational permit, the applicant shall submit a project implementation report which provides cumulative field measurements of radio frequency emissions of all antennas installed at the subject site and compare the results with established federal standards. Said report shall be subject to review and approval by the City Councilfor consistency with federal standards. If on review, the City Councilfinds that the WCF does not meet federal standards, the report shall include a recommendation as to whether or not the City Councilshould revoke or modify the site plan review or special use permit, subject to appeal as providedChapter 18.14 YMCas may be applicable. B.The applicant shall ensure that the WCF will not cause localized interference with the reception of area television or radio broadcasts. If on review the Cityfinds that the WCF interferes with such reception, and Design Standards  Page 76 if such interference is not cured within 60days, the Citymay revoke or modify the site plan review or special use permit. Design Standards  Page 77