06-11-01 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, JULY 11, 2001 OPENING 1. Mayor Rivas called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Council present: Don Miller, John Thompson, Bob Isom, Glen Cunningham and JW Foster 2. Agenda Approval 01-78 MOTION BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM, SECONDED BY JW FOSTER APPROVING THE AGENDA WITH THE ADDITION OF ORDINANCE 741 AS AGENDA ITEM 9, B. CARRIED. 3. Public Comment JanMarie Bradbury provided handouts concerning Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) and requested information on procedures to submit a proposed change to the Wireless Communications Ordinance. Shelly Badger reviewed the process and Ms. Bradbury was requested to contact staff with her request. A copy of Yelm's Ordinance will be provided to Ms. Bradbury. CONSENT CALENDAR 4. Approval of Minutes: June 27,2001 5. Approval of Payments a. Claims: #15466-15543, Totaling $232,729.22 b. Manual Checks: #15431-15465, Totaling 47,332.43 Void Items: 15411, 15429, 15444, 15454, 15455 6. Approval of Payroll: Final June 2001, Checks 4731-4794, Totaling $132,224.75 01-79 MOTION BY JW FOSTER, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON APPROVING CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS 7. Rural Mobility Program - Shelly Badger reported that Cindy Cecil was not able to attend tonight's meeting. In providing background she stated that Council recently approved having the City act as lead jurisdiction for a grant to purchase two additional Yelm Community Service vans. The grant funding sought for the van purchase was not approved. However, funding was secured for the operation/maintenance of two additional vans. Approval is being requested for the City to again serve as lead agency for an application to a different (WSDOT) program to obtain the vans. Additionally, the Yelm City Council ab/city council/2001/minutes/07 -11-01 Page 1 of 4 granting agency requires a public hearing process to be conducted and it will be scheduled for the next (July 25) Council meeting. 01-80 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON AUTHORIZING CINDY CECIL, YELM COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR TO PROCEED WITH GRANT APPLICATION PREPARATION AND PUBLIC HEARING ARRANGEMENTS FOR A WSDOT GRANT. CARRIED. 8. Adoption of the Yelm Creek Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan (CFHMP). Cathie Carlson provided Council with copies of comments (dated July 8) submitted by Barb Wood after June 18 comment period closure. Carlson reported on the Chapter 7 review process including the listing and examining of advantages and disadvantages of alternative actions. Through that exercise the alternatives were narrowed down to the recommended action plan in Chapter 9. Action plan recommendations include capital improvement projects, regulatory measures, planning, and public education elements. The project with the most potential for controversy is the channel between 1 st Street and 1 03rd. That area has been dredged for many years causing creek realignment. Staff requested a general approval of the plan allowing it to go back to the consultants for incorporations of Department of Ecology comments. When the draft language has been inserted, the plan will come back before Council for another review and hopefully, adoption of the plan through a resolution. Additional discussion topics included: The differing focus and results sought by the plan vs. that of the submitted comments; flooding vs. fish. Establishing a precedent by accepting comments received after the comment deadline. The advantages and disadvantages of plan options concerning vegetation and a historic lack of a substantial number of trees along the creek to provide shade and discourage grass growth. The financial costs of restoring the creek to a state that never existed historically and the ongoing upkeep until the creek becomes self-sustaining vs. allowing the creek to retreat and go underground. Tree varieties and their characteristics, and Council's responsibility to take measures to correct the impacts caused by the community's encroachment into the creek's environment. The economic feasibility of the plan and the need for grant funding and volunteer programs to the project. 01-81 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY DON MILLER THAT LATE COMMENTS RECEIVED FROM BARB WOOD NOT BE ACCEPTED BUT THAT THE CITY ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF THE COMMENTS. CARRIED. 01-82 MOTION BY JW FOSTER, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM APPROVING THE COMPREHENSIVE FLOOD HAZARD MANAGEMENT PLAN WITH REVISIONS AS IDENTIFIED IN THE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY COMMENT LETTER, AND INSTRUCTING STAFF TO PREPARE A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE PLAN FOLLOWING COUNCIL REVIEW OF DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY COMMENT LETTER REVISIONS. CARRIED. OPPOSED: BOB ISOM AND DON MILLER. Yelm City Council ab/city council/2001/minutes/07-11-01 Page 2 of 4 9. a. Comprehensive Plan Amendment. Cathie Carlson provided an overview of the amendments that update the Transportation Plan to including the specific alignment of the Y2/Y3 corridor, incorporation of the Yelm/Roy Prairie railroad Line, and a House Bill 1487 Compliance section. 01-83 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY JW FOSTER APPROVING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. b. Ordinance No. 741, amending the Yelm Comprehensive Plan and Joint Plan with Thurston County. 01-84 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 741 AMENDING THE YELM COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND JOINT PLAN WITH THURSTON COUNTY. CARRIED. 10. Resolution No. 414, Employee Wellness Program. Shelly Badger reported that this policy provides approval of the Employee Wellness Program and supporting the use of financial resources for program incentives. There was some discussion concerning what is involved in becoming a "Well" city. 01-844, MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY BOB ISOM APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 414 ESTABLISHING AN EMPLOYEE WELLNESS PROGRAM. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS 11. Elected Officials Land Use Decision-Making Training. Agnes Bennick reported that the original training date selected was not available and requested selection of alternative dates. September meeting dates were selected as new training option dates. 12. Library Report - Kristin Blalack reported on increasing library usage, Wacky Wednesday activities and hopes for a new library. 13. Mayor Rivas reported on having lunch at Cochrane Park with 10-15 reporters from the Olympian. Reporters were getting a sense of where Yelm is, and what's happening here that we are growing so fast. He also attended the YPD Accreditation outbriefing and asked Brian Asmus to provide details. Brian Asmus reported that the department received accredited status five years ago and spent the past two days undergoing departmental review for reaccredidation. Inspectors reviewed files, evidence room, and records and contacted citizens concerning the police/citizen relationship. The official reaccredidation through the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs occurs on October 31 14. Councilmembers Meetings/Activities: Councilmember Isom attended a Transportation Policy Board meeting where the 2001 STP Project Proposals were reviewed. All of the projects were recommended for approval including the 103rd to Creek Street proposal. Discussion topics included the funding process. Yelm City Council ab/city council/2001/minutes/07-11-01 Page 3 of 4 Councilmember Cunningham attended a CAPCOM Budget meeting where the annual budget was set. Councilmember Foster indicated that there was nothing to report from the Senior Center and that the SWAC meeting is next week. 14. a. Olympian Editorial 7/7/01, copies of the editorial supporting Council action in adopting Adult Business Ordinances were included in packets. 15. Financial - Councilmember Miller reported that June end of month and end of quarter reports were included in packets, and that he had met with staff to review financials and found everything to be in order. 16. Park Use Requests 01-85 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY JW FOSTER APPROVING THE DREW HARVEY PARK USE REQUEST FOR SEPTEMBER 9, 2001. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence reviewed included Ballot Proposition Activity Guidelines and an Initiative 747 Fact Sheet. OTHER Council member Foster referred to the Olympian article concerning unfair labor practice complaints against Fire District #2. Councilmember Foster also requested that firefighters and their families, including those who recently lost their lives fighting fires in Washington, be remembered in our prayers. ADJOURN: 7:3~ p.rt I {......< cO",.,., :1 ., f' f /,. ..... ./ C~-~-'./ ( .. r'! Ada ATTEST: ('.If' /llt4 yJ>I1{:/)!1tLfl:. AgriJs P. Bennick, City Clerk Yelm City Council ab/city council/2001/minutes/07-11-01 Page 4 of 4