10-09-01 BWS Minutes Budget Work Session Yelm City Council Chambers October 9, 2001,4:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Rivas, Councilmembers; Don Miller, John Thompson, Bob Isom, Glen Cunningham and J.W. Foster. Staff; Shelly Badger, Brian Asmus, Cathie Carlson, Agnes Bennick and Janine Schnepf. Work session meeting to review 2002 Budget expenditure appropriation estimates for Current Fund with narrative and attachments. A. CURRENT FUND EXPENDITURE APPROPRIATIONS Municipal Court (512) estimates remain at 2001 estimates. However, court staff listed additional increases; Court Fee and Professional Services needs increase with jury trials. Machinery I Equipment I Software in relocation of court. Executive (513) salary and related costs have been increased to include City Administrator and Assistant. These changes do not reflect an increase but rather a move from one line item to another. Administrative Services (514) salary and related costs have been reduced by move to Executive. Bldg.lGrounds/Supplies increase. Currently over budget due to 2 new facilities. Custodial services increase reclaiming space in 2002, currently Library. Additional funding requests for software upgrades on Receipting, Payroll, Budgetary and Business Licensel Tax programs. Software upgrades on Utility Billing to be rolled into debt package (50% Water and 50% Sewer). Yelm Police Department (521). Brian Asmus reviewed current increases and decreases in 2002. Additional funding requests for added detective position, Air Taser and Stop Sticks for each patrol car. Also requesting exterior painting of PO building from General Fund, Public Safety Building Improvements. DARE. Brian Asmus addressed question about Yelm Community School's contribution. He was not aware of the amount that the school receives from the State but did indicate that some other schools do not contribute any dollars back to cities for operating the program. B. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT reviewed increases to reflect actual expenditures beyond prior year's allocation due to additional staff and relocation and set-up of department. Building (524) Engineering (532) Professional fees retainer and consulting on projects. Planning (558) Professional fees for increased number, size and complexity of projects. Additional funds requested to continue department goals including updates to the Comprehensive Plan and Shoreline Master Program as mandated GMA compliance. Will become a reoccurring line item in the future. Requesting additional funds be added to the amount rolled over from 2001 for computerized permit tracking system. Mayor Rivas indicated TRPC dues going up, however will see benefits in information coming from them that will not have to be researched here. Yelm Creek (334) New revenue and expenditure lines have been created for carryover funds from Yelm Creek Flood Hazard Management Plan and grant from US Fish and Wildlife for Yelm Creek restoration project as well as the same for GMA grant project. C. CUL 7j RAL RESOURCES Library (572) and Park (576) taken off agenda Attest: Jani e Schnepf, Deputy City Ada Mydoc/l 0-09-0 1 BWSminutes/ doc