10-16-01 BWS Minutes Budget Work Session Yelm City Council Chambers October 16, 2001, 4:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Rivas, Councilmembers; Don Miller, John Thompson, Bob Isom, and J.W. Foster. Staff; Shelly Badger, Tim Peterson, Stephanie Conners, Agnes Bennick and Janine Schnepf. Excused: Glen Cunningham. Work session meeting to review 2002 Budget expenditure appropriation estimates for Current Fund with narrative and attachments. Updates and continuation from previous meeting. TAB SUBSECTION 4.C. CULTURAL RESOURCES Library (572) narrative taken at half the budget given that the library will be moving to a new space in April 2001. Park (576) Stephanie reviewed narrative for changes to budget to reflect costs. Additional funds requested to continue department goals including the addition of a temporary seasonal employee, repairs and improvements to City Park buildings and replacement of picnic tables. 3 A. REVENUE SOURCES- PROPERTY TAX REVENUE Agnes provided schedule showing the Personal Property tax revenue estimates calculated at one percent through six percent. Looking for direction because of Initiative 747 passage or not will happen so close to certification. Discussion followed and concluded staying with one percent for the estimates. 10. MISCELLANEOUS-INSURANCE COST ESTIMATES increase from 10% to 20% 9r$15,900. 1. ANIMAL CONTROL (001 539) Stephanie presented narrative of necessary changes to 2002 budget to include options and costs for facility, care and custody of impounded animals in place of Yelm Veterinary clinic. Ordinance to be revisited when option determined. 2. CITY STREETS (101) No new items requested, increase in line item amounts for added staff person from part time to full time position. 3. ARTERIAL STREETS (102) Revenue based on state shared gasoline tax per capita formula, estimated to be $23,220 for use on capital street projects. Proposing $16,500 to be used for match requirement for the Transportation Improvement Board Second and Third Street sidewalk improvement project. 4. Y2/Y3 PROJECT (114) No activity proposed this year. 5. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES CHARGE (120) Revenue from new development that City approves estimated at $120,000 from proposed projects. Match requirement for 103rd West Rd to Creek project may be moved from this fund. 6. YELM AVE EICLARK RD CONSTRUCTION STAGE 1(306) No activity in 2002 7. YELM AVE EIVANCIL RD CONSTRUCTION STA TE 2(308) Funding from grant dollars and local match which was transferred in 2000-2001. Do not have revised costs from D. O. T. 8. Added item YELM AVE WIIMPROVEMENT PROJECT (310) Grant moved to Yelm Ave E. No activity in 2002. Adjourn: 5: Mydoc/ 10-16-01 BWSminutes/ doc