10-23-01 BWS Minutes Budget Work Session Yelm City Council Chambers October 23, 2001, 4:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Rivas, Councilmembers; Don Miller, Bob Isom, and Glen Cunningham Staff; Shelly Badger and Janine Schnepf. Excused: J.W. Foster. Absent: John Thompson Work session meeting to review 2002 Budget expenditure appropriation estimates for Current Fund with narrative and attachments. 1. Fire Current Fund (001 522) Preliminary estimates of $180,000. To be determined dependent on contract currently being negotiated. Discussion followed regarding need for development of standards for fire fighters. 2. Tourism Promotion (107) Name change from Hotel/Motel. 3. YPD Special Projects (110) Revenue from fines issued by Superior court to be used for substance abuse education. 4. Tree (116) Funded from General Fund. Added staff allows further development of projects including Arbor Day activity and Neighborhood Tree program in 2002. Don Miller requested list of trees in Neighborhood Tree program. 5. Park Fee In Lieu of (118) Developer pays in lieu of park development at site. Can be used for park development separate from other Park fund. 6. CDBG (197) Housing Rehabilitation fund revenue from rehab loan payoffs. Expenditure can be taken for any CDBG eligible purpose. 7. Municipal Building Fund (302) 8. Yelm Creek Project (312) includes grant from US Fish and Wildlife. Separated to easily identify. 9. Longmire Community Park (314) lAC grant approved by Army but waiting for East Coast approval. Not enough cash to complete project. 10. Shortline Railroad (430) No activity until firm grant. WDOT $500,000 to interconnect with Tacoma is frozen at this time. May be amended when grant available. Will bring back to council for review. Salary not ready for review. Reuse information handout distributed for review for next BWS 10-30-01. Attest: J Mydoc/ I 0-23-0 I BWSminutes/ doc