11-28-01 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28,2001 OPENING 1. Mayor Pro Tem Thompson called the meeting to order and explained that he was filling in for Mayor Rivas who had been excused from the meeting. Council present: Don Miller, Bob Isom, Glen Cunningham and Pat Fetterly. Mayor Pro Tem Thompson administered the (short term) Oath of Office to Bob Isom and Pat Fetterly. 2. Agenda Approval 01-1376 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 3. Public Comment - There was no response to the call for Public Comment. CONSENT CALENDAR 4. Minutes: November 14,2001 Regular Meeting and Budget Work Sessions for November 6 and 13, 2001. 5. Approval of Payments: Checks 15409-16453, Totaling $27,645.48 a. Manual Checks: 15409-15419, Totaling $576.00 b. Claims: 15420 - 15453, Totaling $27,069.48 6. Approval of Payroll: Preliminary November 2001 Payroll 01-138 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY BOB ISOM APPROVING CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS 7. Public Hearing - City of Yelm Final 2002 Budget. Mayor Pro Tem Thompson opened the Public Hearing at 7:34 p.m. announcing the date, time, place and purpose of the public hearing. No objections to participants were voiced. Shelly Badger provided an overview of the 2002 Final Budget Highlights noting that work sessions had been held each Tuesday in October and on November 6 and 13 to consider 2002 revenue projections and department budgets. The General Fund revenue and expenditure appropriation is $2,956,269 and includes the addition of one full-time police officer and a 6 month seasonal employee to work in the park/street departments. The General Fund appropriation provides funding for: a permit tracking system, a 2001c>> increase in medical insurance premiums, a 3.50/0 across-the- Yelm City Council Minutes Ab\City Council\2001 Minutes 11-28-01 Page 1 of 5 board salary increase for non-union employees, billing, accounting, tax and payroll program upgrades, and air taser units for each patrol officer. Also included in the General Fund appropriation is funding for park structure maintenance, animal impound shelter construction, debt service costs for the Public Works Facility and City Hall remodel, and contract costs for library services, fire suppression and Thurston County Communications (911). Special Project Funds included planned expenditures for a museum, Yelm Creek improvements, Longmire Park Phase I development, completion of Yelm Ave.Nancil Rd. improvements and support for Yelm Roy Prairie Line development. Water Department appropriations reflected a rate increase necessary to finance $2.5 million in improvements identified in the City's Water Comprehensive Plan. The water rate increase includes a restructuring of usage charges to encourage water conservation. Sewer Department appropriations project no rate changes other than hookup fee increases adopted in 1999. A $25,000 transfer from the General Fund provides start up funding for the Storm Water Program. Mayor Pro Tem Thompson called for comments/questions from the public. Being none, he called for Council comments/questions. Councilmember Isom requested that it be placed on record that the budget falls within the 1% guidelines of Initiative 747. Councilmember Fetterly requested a review of the proposed water rate increase. Discussion concerned reasons for the rate increase and the need for water conservation and its effects on water rights. There was additional discussion concerning the effects of the increase on high volume commercial users, that the rate increase and restructuring are applied equally to residential and commercial customers alike, and possible advantages of a rebate style incentive to conserve. Being no additional commenUquestions Mayor Pro Tem Thompson closed the public hearing at 7:56 p.m. 01-139 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY DON MILLER CONTINUING THE PUBLIC HEARING TO DECEMBER 12, 2001. CARRIED. 8. Yelm Community Services Van Funding Request - Withdrawn 9. Surplus Vehicles - Brian Asmus requested Council approval to declare a 1993 Ford Crown Victoria and 2 Harley motorcycles as surplus. There was discussion concerning meeting vehicle needs for the new hire appropriated in the budget. Discussion established that the Ford will not be needed for the new hire; the normal rotation schedule will accommodate this need. The Ford will be disposed of at the State Surplus Auction in Auburn; the motorcycles will probably be disposed of using a sealed bid process. Yelm City Council Minutes Ab\City Council\2001 Minutes 11-28-01 Page 2 of 5 01-140 MOTION BY BOB ISON, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING A REQUEST TO SURPLUS THREE VEHCILES AS RECOMMENDED BY CHIEF ASMUS BASED UPON THE FACT THAT HIRING A NEW OFFICER WILL NOT NECCESSITATE THE PURCHASE OF A NEW CAR. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS 10 Commute Trip Reduction Service Provider Recommendation - Cathie Carlson referred to the last CTR Program update to Council on October 10 resulting in Council consensus supporting hiring a part-time consultant to administer a scaled back CTR Program. Since that time the Committee (Thurston County, Lacey, Tumwater and Yelm) developed a scope of work and issued a Request for Proposals with responses from Intercity Transit, Thurston Regional Planning Council and Shea Group. The committee voted unanimously to recommend acceptance of the proposal from the Shea Group. Staff requested Council approval of the recommendation and authorization for Mayor Rivas to sign the final contract with the Shea Group. The $2,800 annual cost will be covered by CTR funding received from WSDOT for this purpose. 01-141 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM APPROVING THE COMMUTE TRIP REDUCTION PROGRAM CONTRACT WITH THE SHEA GROUP AND AUTHORIZING MAYOR RIVAS TO SIGN THE CONTRACT. CARRIED. REPORTS 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Thurston Council on Cultural Diversity and Human Rights - No Report Councilmember Miller - No Report Councilmember Thompson - (See Mayor's Report) Councilmember Isom reminded everyone of the transportation meeting tomorrow night at 6 pm, at the Lacey Community Center to discuss the past 10 years of transportation. Staff from each jurisdiction will update the most pressing issues facing their community in the next ten years. Anyone wanting to carpool should be in the parking lot at 5: 15. Councilmember Cunningham indicated that a written Community Development report had been provided. Cathie Carlson added an update on the work to be performed by the Army Corps of Engineers on Longmire Community Park and the first planting of 39 trees as part of the Community Tree Grant Program. Councilmember Fetterly - deferred questions until the police report was presented. Mayor's Report - Mayor Pro Tem Thompson reviewed the Police Department written report. Brian Asmus updated Council on recent events including: 1) firearms safety locks distributed under Project Home Safe in conjunction with the Lt. Governor's Office. 150 safety locks were distributed. 2) A weekend vandalism, vehicle prowl/theft, burglary spree occurring Yelm City Council Minutes Ab\City Council\2001 Minutes 11-28-01 Page 3 of 5 between 1-5 am., 5 individuals have been arrested, 3 of them 12 years old, 1 - 14 year old, and 1 - 16 year old. Councilmember Fetterly inquired as to the current number of officers, vehicles, and the shift coverage levels. Chief Asmus provided the requested information. Councilmember Isom requested clarification about the (neighbor) notification process when a methamphetamine lab is discovered. Chief Asmus responded that Dept. of Ecology and the Health Dept. performs an assessment and makes the notification determination. Discussion concerned the neighbors' right to know vs. individual civil rights, landlord responsibility and the possibility of applying penalties at the local level, and extending school "safety/drug free zones" to include the entire city/school district. There was additional discussion concerning the Thurston Co. satellite operation at the Public Safety Building, possibility of using video units at various sites as a deterrent to the high level of vandalism in the City, legal issues encountered in implementing curfews, and costs from various perspectives. Mayor Pro Tem Thompson suggested that the meeting move forward to other agenda topics. Shelly Badger added that the December 10 jail meeting has been moved to Thursday, December 20, and that on Monday, December 10 the City will host an open house for the top 2-3 police chief candidates. Discussion followed concerning the process of determining the top candidates. Mayor Pro Tem Thompson reviewed highlights of the Public Works Department written report noting that Water Conservation Kits had been distributed and that all the sequence batch reactors or SBR's have been taken apart, cleaned and new parts installed. Shelly Badger noted and Council concurred that the PW Department had done an outstanding job decorating City Hall. Councilmember Isom moved to adjourn. Mayor Pro Tem Thompson added that there was an additional item, a letter from Bill Steele addressed to each Councilmember, but that nothing would be done with the letter tonight. Councilmember Fetterly expressed concerns about the fire contract and letter and was encouraged to discuss her concerns with Mayor Rivas. However, as she has been excused from the next meeting where the contract may end up as an agenda item, she requested that the item be tabled to the January 9 meeting. Councilmember Isom also requested that the item be tabled to the January meeting as he will also miss the December 12 meeting. Discussion continued concerning content of a November 16 letter, delay in receiving a letter, other timeframes, complexity of the issues, and various lengths of time for contract extensions. Yelm City Council Minutes Ab\City Council\2001 Minutes 11-28-01 Page 4 of 5 (2/495) Staff requested and received clarification for the minutes that discussion focus and concern is that any decisions to be made at the next meeting be limited to the length of the contract extension. There was an affirmative response. Councilmember Fetterly added that she believes that a three month extension is not long enough. Shelly Badger added that the only decision to be made at the next (December) meeting would be the length of time to extend the contract; contract specifics would not be decided at that time. Staff asked if it would be acceptable to continue extending by three month intervals if necessary. Contract extensions have occurred in the past. Councilmembers Fetterly and Isom felt a three month period wouldn't allow enough time to address all the issues. Shelly Badger suggested that the extension be dealt with separately as it is the simplest of the issues to deal with. Any other issues could be dealt with later. Mayor Pro Tem Thompson encouraged Councilmembers Isom and Fetterly to put any concerns in writing to Mayor Rivas as they will both be absent from the next meeting. Staff reminded Council of a Work Session on optional budget formats has been scheduled for 5 p.m., December 12, immediately preceding the regular meeting. Information was provided concerning AWC's work sessions for newly elected officials. ~, Attest: /), /) )11 . (~;~/ / ~./f/Jtt-/~~--~. IJ Agnes P. Bennick, City Clerk Yelm City Council Minutes Ab\City Council\2001 Minutes 11-28-01 Page 5 of 5