02-09-00 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2000, 7:30 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Call to Order. Mayor Pro-Tempore Adam Rivas called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. All present joined in the flag salute. 2. c. d. 00- 2 1 3. 1. 5. 00- 22 Present: Don Miller, John Thompson, Velma Curry, Glen Cunninghanl and Adatn Rivas. Guests: Patty Kinney, Christian Fegel, Nisqually Valley News. Staff: Shelly Badger, Ken Gatmann and Agnes Bennick. a. Consent Agenda Items Agenda Shelly Badger requested the addition of a Park Report as 7.e. Minutes: January 26, 2000 Vouchers: Checks #12312 -12380, totaling $141,092.33 Payroll: Final Januat)' 2000, totaling $116,308.15 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS. CARRIED. b. Public Comment/Questions. There was no comment. Olympie Pipc1iflo Prosofltatiofl. a. New Business: Resolution No. 397 Authorizing Mayor Pro-Tern Rivas to enter into a professional service agreement with Public Finance Inc. for LID administration services. Shelly Badger repo11ed on the scope of services to be provided by Public Finance Inc. and the projected monthly fees of $185.00 per month. A ]/'2 of 1 % fee was included in LID Assessments to cover administration costs. Optional services that the City Inay decide to use at a later time were also discussed. Cost projections to perfOtm the services in-house were also presented. MOTION BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 397 AUTHORIZING MAYOR PRO- TEMPORE RIVAS TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT FOR SERVICES WITH PUBLIC FINANCE INC. CARRIED. 6. Old Business: a. We113A Update - Ken Gatmann rep0l1ed that the Department of Health has required testing on the \veIl since before it was brought on-line last sun1mer. At that time testing concluded that no particulate \-vere present in the water. Testing was also required to detelmine the level of influence from groundv/ater (GUl). Yelm City COID1Cil Minutes ab/ ccOO/mi nutes/2 -09-00 Page 1 of I Councilmember Thompson reported that he was out of town for the Solid Waste Management nleeting. Councilmember Cunningham reported on Chamber FOtum. The POt1 of Olympia was the addressed what they at-e doing. They are benefiting us by supporting the short line railroad. The Transportation Policy Board's is working to pull together and involve evel)' agency, rail/road/landscaping, when working on a transportation con-idol'. d. Financial- Januaty 2000 End of Month RepOtts - Mayor Pro-Tern Rivas reported that the end of month statements had been reviewed and everything in order. Discussion concerned the Gat-bage Fund. e. Park - Shelly Badger rep0l1ed on prope11y damage at City Hall during the windstolm. A check for approximately $34,000 should arrive sh011ly from the insurance company. Some shear strength and sUPPOt1 changes at'e planned for the replacement. Gat)' Carlson is working on a sketch to meet codes and make it more secure. Consensus was to move fOtward with the plans. Cunningham will be contacting Carlson. The City has rtx;eived requests to use Cochrane Park for weddings. Staff would work with applicants on parking, shelter set-up, etc. Staff will meet with the Parks Advisory Board on Monday to discuss the matter. Council consensus was that this is a wonderful use for the park and that staff should continue working in this direction. Shelly Badger repOtted on attending the Intelnational Water Reuse Conference in San Antonio, Texas with Tom Skillings, as a presenter. Badger and Rivas also attended an awat-ds presentation in Seattle where Tom Skillings received a merit award for Yelm's project. 8. Con-espondence was reviewed. 9. .__.....__.._--~, ~<~. ~ Agne /'P. Bennick, City Clerk Yelm City Council Minutes ab/ ccOO/minutes/2 -09-fX> Page 301'3