03-22-00 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22,2000 7:30 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Call to Order. Mayor Wolf called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. All present joined in the flag salute. Present: John Thompson, Velma Curry, Glen Cunningham and Adam Rivas. Excused: Don Miller. Guests: Chris Matthieson and Grandparents, Christian Fegal, NVN; John Anderson, YCOM; Janet Turpen and Hans Hechtman, ATT. 2. Consent Agenda Items. a. Agenda b. Minutes: March 8, 2000 c. Vouchers: #12524-12578, Totaling $85,170.39 d. Payroll: Preliminary March 2000 00-31 MOTION BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS WITH CORRECTIONS TO THE MINUTES AS REFLECTED. CARRIED. 3. Public Comment/Questions - Mayor Wolf introduced Chris Matthieson, Boy Scout Troop 268. Chris indicated that he is working on his Citizenship and Community Merit Badge. Mayor Wolf presented Chris with a keepsake of his visit. 4. Public Hearing - Cable TV Puget Sound Franchise Renewal Ordinance No. 695. Mayor Wolf closed the regular meeting at 7:34 p.m. and announced the date, place, time and purpose of the public hearing. No objections to participants were stated. Mayor Wolf explained that the Ordinance would not be adopted at tonight's meeting and introduced Hans Hechtman and Janet Turpen. Hechtman presented an overview of the TCI/ A TT merger, changes in technology from protocol to internet and the advantages to customers, planned upgrades that will tie the Yelm area to Thurston County, additional services that will be available in the future and the 36 month time limit for certain upgrades. Mayor Wolf closed the public hearing at 8:06 p.m. Action on Ordinance No. 695 was continued to the April 12, 2000 agenda. 5. New Business: a. Acceptance ofWe1l3A Pumphouse and chlorine contact/main extension work. A letter from Skillings-Connolly recommending approval was provided. There were no staff comments. Yelm City Council ab/ cc/minutes/03 -22-00 Page 1 of3 00-32 MOTION BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON ACCEPTING WELL 3A PUMPHOUSE IMPROVEMENTS AS COMPLETE. CARRIED. b. Proclamation - Foster Care Month May 2000. Mayor Wolf read the proclamation and requested Council approval or consensus. 00-33 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS APPROVING A MAY AS FOSTER CARE MONTH PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. c. Police Dept. Staffing Proposal - Councilmember Thompson reviewed committee (Thompson, Badger, Wolf, Asmus) recommendations including: (1) approval for Brian Asmus' early attendance at the FBI Academy from 6/26-9/8/2000; (2) a $100 p/month increase to Ray Bourgeois' salary for additional duties to be performed during that period; and (3) approval to hire an entry-level patrol officer position effective 6/1 /00. The new hire would not increase the current level of 8 officers. Funding for these items was not included in the current year budget and costs are estimated at $21,500. Also recommended was that the Current Fund Capital Reserve Account be used to provide the necessary $21,500 funding for these items. Councilmember Rivas expressed his appreciation to the committee for allowing time to consider the issue, and take action at the next meeting. However, he also felt that action did not need to be delayed. 00-34 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS AUTHORIZING $21,500 FROM CAPITAL RESERVES FOR A TEMPORARY $100 INCREASE TO OFFICER BOURGEOIS' MONTHLY SALARY, AND HIRING A PERMANENT FULL-TIME OFFICER AT STEP 1 LEVEL SALARY OF $2,310 PER MONTH. CARRIED. 6. Reports: a. City Council Liaison Reports 1) City Hall Report - Councilmember Curry. A written report for March was provided. 2) Court Report - Councilmember Curry. Written reports for January and February were provided. Councilmember Rivas reported that he had attended court and commended Judge Thomas Meyer. 3) Public Works - No report 4) Park/Park Use Requests - Councilmember Thompson (1) June 25, 2000, YCP, 1990 Reunion, Noon to 4pm, 35-50 (2) April 1, 2000, YCP, Kipp/Hicks Wedding, Noon - 6 p.m., 30-40 00-35 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS APPROVING TWO PARK USE REQUESTS. CARRIED. Yelm City Council ab/ cc/minutes/03 -22-00 Page 20f3 5) Police - Councilmember Thompson announced that in the future Police Reports would be mailed with the packet. The written report was reviewed. 6) Planning - Councilmember Cunningham reported that meeting was cancelled. b. Mayor - Meetings/activities attended included: Dollars for Scholars, Chamber, Home Town interview, Farewell dinner and reception for Ken Garmann, re FBI Academy, with Shelly Badger. c. Council - Councilmember Thompson reminded everyone of the upcoming Spring Cleanup and reported on a recent SW AC meeting. Canal Park Update looking for a project manager and looking for the title insurance. Shelly Badger reported that bids would be opened on Friday for the park replacement structure. The back wall will be the same style as the previous one. But that the replacement structure would be better anchored. 7. Correspondence was reviewed 8. Adjourn 8:35 p.m. ~~j Jr]. Kat ryn M. 01f, Mayor Id ...il /J Attest: lIJ-i1111 Y/L/>JI/J({{:!.. Ag s P. Benmck, CIty Clerk Yelm City Council ab/ cc/m inutes/03 - 22-00 Page 30f3