04-26-00 Minutes 1. 2. 00-50 3. 4. 00-51 00-52 YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 2000 YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Call to Order. Mayor Wolf called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. All present joined in the flag salute. Members Present: Don Miller, John Thompson, Velma Curry, Glen Cunningham and Adam Rivas. Guests: Perry Shea, SCA Engineering. Staff: Shelly Badger, Tim Peterson, Glenn Dunnam and Agnes Bennick. Consent Agenda Items. a. Agenda b. Minutes: April 12, 2000 c. Vouchers: #12731-12806, Totaling $102,587.99 d. Payroll: Preliminary April 2000 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS. CARRIED. Public Comment/Questions. None a. New Business: Independent Living Week Proclamation. Council consensus favored signing The AARP sponsored proclamation. b. Animal Impound Fees - Mayor Wolf reported that a letter had been received from Yelm Veterinary Hospital concerning rate increase from $13.00 to $14.80 per day. Agnes Bennick reviewed the staff report. Discussion concerned fees, days covered/charged for, cost of providing animal control services. Tim Peterson provided some clarification concerning disposal services. Staff was requested to send a letter to the Yelm Veterinary Hospital accepting the new rates and to provide additional impound and disposal information at the next meeting. c. Yelm Ave. E. Update & Request for DOT Design Contract Amendment. Shelly Badger reviewed the staff report explaining that the project was for Yelm Ave. frontage and drainage improvements and a left turn lane from 4th St. to 5 Comers, and includes realignment of the Clark and Vancil Road intersections. A grant and public and private monies would cover costs. Discussion concerned the project status, timing project components to meet granting requirements, difficulty in isolating a portion of the project, selection of DOT for engineering services, the scope of contract changes, cost overrun authorization timing, right of way acquisition, 1-695 complications, and developer application. MOTION BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY AUTHORIZING MAYOR WOLF TO SIGN A SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT WITH DOT INCREASING THE CONTRACT AMOUNT BY NO MORE THAN $58,000. CARRIED. ABSTAINED: JOHN THOMPSON. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS AUTHORIZING Yelm City Council Minutes April 26, 2000 Page 1 of 4 00-53 00-54 STAFF TO NEGOTIATE (1) A DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT WITH YELM PRIAIRE DEVELOPMENT CO. TO DETERMINE THE PUBLIC/PRIVATE SHARE OF THE STAGE I PROJECT AND (2) A REIMBURSEMENT SCHEDULE FOR WHEN YELM IS ABLE TO DRAW TEA-21 GRANT FUNDS. CARRIED. d. Authorization for Mayor Wolf to Sign a $234,000 Grant Agreement with lAC for Canal Road Park. Shelly Badger reviewed the project agreement. As a condition of the grant agreement, Yelm must own the property. It is currently being purchased under contract with the state with an estimated payoff of $8,003. Badger believes that the property could be paid off without putting the Parks Dept. over budget for the year. MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM AUTHORIZING MAYOR WOLF TO SIGN A $234,000 GRANT AGREEMENT WITH lAC FOR CANAL ROAD PARK. CARRIED. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON APPROVING FULL PAYMENT OF THE CANAL ROAD PARK CONTRACT. CARRIED. c. Yelm Senior Center Acquisition of IT Surplus Van. Shelly Badger reported that the City had been contacted by the Yelm Senior Center (YSC) with a request to bid on a surplus van to be used by YSC for meals-on-wheels delivery, doctor appointments, grocery shopping, errands, etc. Estimated value of the vans is $4,000. The City cannot purchase and then sell the van without going through the public bidding process. Lacey recently bid and purchased a van and entered into an agreement with TOGETHER for use of the van. Lacey retained ownership and will either be paid back for the capital costs of the van over time along with insurance, maintenance, etc. costs for the van. Another possibility may be to purchase the van and donate it. Staff will check with MRSC on this option and also check out the condition of the vans. Discussion concerned responsibility, maintenance, driver training, insurance liability, city/YSC funds available, a contract use agreement, short time- line, and availability of vans at state auctions. Consensus was that Council members would be willing to bid and purchase if the van could be donated so the City would not bear liability for the van. 00-55 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM APPROVING A BID OF UP TO $4,000 FOR AN IT SURPLUS V AN IF OUR PUBLIC WORKS MECHANIC DEEMS IT ACCEPTABLE AND IF IT CAN BE DONATED TO THE YELM SENIOR CENTER PENDING MRSC RESEARCH AND APPROVAL. CARRIED. 5. 00-56 a. Old Business: Resolution 399 - Local Government Investment Pool. Agnes Bennick explained that this is the final requirement to participate in the state pool. MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMPSON APPROVING RESOLTUTION 399 FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT INVESTMENT POOL. CARRIED. b. Ordinance No. 699 - Budget Amendment/Community Development Department. Yelm City Council Minutes April 26, 2000 Page 2 of 4 00-57 00-58 6. 00-59 7. This ordinance was created to accomplish the revisions Council approved at the last meeting based on the 4/12/00 staff report. Discussion concerned hiring an engineer, job description development, hiring of administrative assistant/planning technician after the PW move, MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 699. CARRIED. c. Resolution No. 400 - STEP Tank Permit Fees. Shelly Badger explained that this eliminates an hourly fee that would be difficult to track. MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 400 REVISING STEP TANK PERMIT FEES. CARRIED. a. Reports: City Council Liaison Reports: 1) City Hall - Councilmember Curry, a written report was provided. a) The My Home Town Tape is available to checkout. 2) Court - Councilmember Curry, a written report was provided. 3) Public Works - Councilmember Miller asked Tim Peterson to report. Peterson reported that the PW Yard work is being finalized, including attorney review and engineer approval. They hope to have the new public works employee hired by the end of May and Gary Carlson passed his Plans Examiner test. 4) Park/Park Use Requests - Councilmember Thompson. MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM APPROVING TWO PARK USE REQUESTS FOR WEDDINGS AT COCHRANE MEMORIAL PARK. CARRIED. b. 5) Police Report - Councilmember Thompson, a written report was provided. Glenn Dunnam reported a bomb threat at Yelm Middle School and attending the Secretary's Day Luncheon. 6) Planning - Councilmember Cunningham reported that the meeting was cancelled. a) Thurston County Development Services - Harper Rezone request. Shelly Badger reported on the location and reasoning for the rezone from Light Industrial to Residential. 7) Financial - Councilmember Rivas reported that everything looks good. Watershed Planning Update - WRIA #11 - Shelly Badger reported on grant availability. Consensus supported applying for additional grants. Mayor's Report - Meetings/Events attended: Arbor Day Celebration, thanks to participating staff members; Lacey Arbor Day Celebration, Rite Aid opening, Ft. Lewis event, Administrative meeting, Youth Services Day, Law & Justice Committee, Secretary's Day luncheon, Tribal Gaming 2% Committee, and a meeting with a constituent. Discussion concerned abandoned vehicles, and meeting invitations. Council Report - Councilmember Curry attended the Law & Justice Committee Meeting. c. d. Executive Session - Mayor Wolf announced a ten minute executive session to discuss a real estate transaction and closed the meeting at 9:30 p.m. Mayor Wolf reopened the meeting at 9:35 p.m. Yelm City Council Minutes April 26, 2000 Page 3 of 4 8. Correspondence was reviewed. 9. Adjourn 9:37 p.m. t' /4'; . (;,~ I,~ " fJ ) Attest: ,/ \ } !) I '" , \j/. tI' t: / (; <l)t.) r \1 J --0). Jl I A es P. Bennick, City Clerk Yelm City Council Minutes April 26, 2000 Page 4 of 4