07-26-00 Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 2000, 7:30 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Call to Order. Mayor Pro- Tem Rivas called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. explaining that Mayor Wolf, Councilmember Thompson, and Shelly Badger were attending a Timberland Regional Library Board meeting and would be arriving late. Present: Don Miller, Velma Curry, Glen Cunningham and Adam Rivas. Mayor Wolf, Councilmember Thompson and Shelly Badger arrived at 7:40 p.m. 2. Consent Agenda Items. Mayor Pro-Tern Rivas noted that as Shelly Badger was scheduled to present several agenda items, the agenda would need to re-arranged, and that he would follow the agenda as printed but skip items requiring Badger's input until she returned from the Library meeting. a. Agenda b. Minutes: July 12, 2000 c. Vouchers: #13297 - #13348, Totaling $35,865.04 d. Payroll: July Preliminary Payroll Approval 00-96 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AND NOTING THAT AGENDA ITEMS WOULD BE TAKEN OUT OF ORDER. CARRIED. 3. Public Comment/Questions - None 4. Public Hearing - Community Development Block Grant Community Needs Assessment. Mayor Wolf opened the public hearing at 7 :40 p.m. and announced the time, date, place and purpose of the hearing. No objections/conflicts were stated. Shelly Badger explained that this public hearing is not to determine community needs for approving a project for the CDBG application process. The hearing is being conducted to meet granting agency requirements to conduct a public hearing allowing comment at project completion. Grant funds received were used for water system improvements including drilling Well 3A, waterline upgrades to improve fire flow, and a corrosion control and chlorine contact system. These improvements benefited all water system users. A letter from Dennis T. Su, dated July 26,2000 concerning the application process public hearing. Staff will respond to his letter. Being no other comment, Mayor Wolf closed the hearing at 7:47 p.m. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/City Counci1l2000/07 -26-00Minutes Page 1 of 4 5. New Business: a. Middle Road Preliminary Plat Approval, (SUB-00-8252- YL). Cathie Carlson presented an overview of her staff report dated July 18,2000, and the attached exhibits. As presented, the proposal subdivides 4.15 acres into 22 single- family residential lots. The Yelm Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposal and forwarded an approval recommendation with conditions listed in the staff report. 00-97 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING THE MIDDLE ROAD PRELIMINARY PLAT, SUB-00-8252-YL AS RECOMMENDED BY THE YELM PLANNING COMMISSION. CARRIED. 6. Old Business: a. Ordinance No. 710, Development Guidelines Amendment (Continued from 7/12/00). Cathie Carlson explained that the Yelm Planning Commission forwarded a consensus approval for the changes prior to Council conducting the public hearing at the July 12 meeting. Council delayed action on the matter, until the Planning Commission could forward a recommendation supported by a quorum. 99-98 MOTION BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 710 AMENDING THE YELM DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES. CARRIED. b. Developer Agreement, Stage 1 Y elm Ave. E. Project - Clark Rd Re- alignment, Frontage Improvements, and Signalization. Shelly Badger presented an overview of the staff report dated July 17, 2000, and reviewed project costs estimated at $418,500. City grant funding, when received, will contribute $185,000 towards the project. An additional $61,600 in costs will be charged against the Transportation Facilities Fund, leaving the remaining $171,900 as the developer's responsibility. As receipt of grant funding to the City is not expected until the fall and the delay would hold up the project, Yelm Prairie Development Co. is willing to front fund the grant costs, which will then be repaid to Yelm Prairie Development Co. by the City. 00-100 MOTION BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM, SECONDED BY DON MILLER AUTHORIZING MAYOR WOLF TO SIGN THE DEVELOPER AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND YELM PRAIRIE DEVELOPMENT CO. CARRIED. ABSTAINED: John Thompson (Yelm Prairie Development Co. Partner) Yelm City Council Minutes ab/City Counci1/2000/07 -26-00M inutes Page 2 of 4 c. Public Works Shop Facility Bid Award. Stephanie Connors reviewed the bid award situation and the protest filed following Council action at the July 12th meeting that awarded the bid to Kaufman Brothers Construction, and determined the two other bids to be non-responsive. After giving consideration to all issues, the staff recommendation, supported by legal counsel, was to deem the bid irregularities on the Kaufman bid as immaterial, and to re-accept the Kaufman Brothers bid, and proceed with signing the contract. 00- 99 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM DETERMINING BID IRREGULARITIES TO BE IMMATERIAL, RE- ACCEPTING THE KAUFMAN BROTHERS BID AND AUTHORIZING MAYOR WOLF TO EXECUTE THE CONTRACT. CARRIED. 7. Reports: a. City Council Liaison Reports 1) City Hall - Councilmember Curry pointed out the enclosed written report for review. 2) Court - Councilmember Curry pointed out the enclosed written report for review. 3) Public Works - Councilmember Miller questioned staff about the sidewalks at the library parking lot which had been rejected by the inspector and removed. Tim Peterson reported that an offer had been made to fill the Sewer Dept. vacancy but there had been no response yet. 4) Park/Park Use Requests - Councilmember Thompson 00-101 MOTION BY JOHN THOMPSON, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING ONE PARK USE REQUEST FOR AUGUST 11,2000. CARRIED. 5) Police - Councilmember Thompson. Ray Bourgeois sent word that he would not be able to attend tonight's meeting. Shelly Badger reported that she received an email from Briall Asmus. 6) Planning - Councilmember Cunningham, requirements prohibited his attendance at the last meeting. 7) Financial- Councilmember Rivas reported that onsite audit work had been completed and the exit conference scheduled for August 9. Yelm City Council Minutes ab/City Counci1/2000/07 -26-00Minutes Page 3 of 4 a) The proposed 2001 Budget Calendar, including Work Sessions scheduled for every Tuesday in October was provided. Meeting dates will have to be advertised to meet public meeting requirements. Council consensus was that work sessions should be planned and advertisedfor each Tuesday in October at 4:00 p.m. b. Mayor 1) Schedule Medic I Work Session. Mayor Wolf reported that the Fire Commissioners would like to meet with Council prior to signing a new service contract. The date proposed is Thursday, August 24, 7:00 p.m., at the Fire Hall on Mill Road. Consensus agreement. 2) Mayor Wolf reported on the Timberland Regional Library Board meeting where a proposal from Yelm Prairie Development Co. was introduced. The proposal would make 6,000 square feet of space available for library use. As proposed lease costs would be a percentage of regular retail charges and would be shared by TRL and the City. If TRL chooses to accept the proposal, it will mean changing their current policies. It was suggested that Councilmember Thompson could attend the next meeting and report back to Council. Meetings/Events attended: The weekly CAO meeting. WWTP Interviews, an offer has been extended to one of the candidates; Engineer interviews resulted in an offer being extended. However, the position was declined, when the current employer offered additional employment enhancements. Everyone was reminded of the Prairie Days Parade. c. Council - nothing to report. 8. Correspondence was reviewed. 9. Adjourn: 8:25 p.m. K~~lf, ?l/o/dJ! Attest: "') :" . YIi :/J,~ ~ /JJfJ Y /\~~ /JI'~// Ag P. Bennick, City Clerk Yelm City Council Minutes ab/City Council/2000/07-26-00Minutes Page 4 of 4