10-03-00 BWS Minutes MINUTES CITY COUNCIL BUDGET WORK SESSION OCTOBER 3, 2000, 4:00 P.M., COUNCIL CHAMBERS, YELM CITY HALL Present: Kathy Wolf, Glen Cunningham, Adam Rivas, John Thompson, Bob lsom and Don Miller Staff: Shelly Badger, Cathie Carlson, Stephanie Connors, Brian Asmus, Tim Peterson and Agnes Bennick Staff reviewed revenue sources providing background information about the major revenue sources and some of the possible effects to be considered if November ballot initiatives pass. The following department budgets were presented with new/increased/decreased expenditures noted in the department overview. DEP AR TMENT BARS ST AFF Legislative 001 511 Agnes Court 00 I 512 Shelly Executive 00 1 5 13 Agnes Administrative 00 I 5 14 Agnes Legal 00 I 5 I 5 Agnes Po I ice 00 I 521 Brian Animal Control 001 539 Tim Community Development Building 001 524 Cathie Engineering 00 I 532 Cathie Planning 00 I 558 Cathie Library 00 I 572 Agnes Historic Preservation 001 573 Agnes Changes/notes/follow up requested: I. Court - Reduction of $1 ,000 to 512 50 64 00 - Machinery & Equipment 2. Accruals - Request for department printout for Vandiver 3. Admin - Reduction $5,650 - 514 50 41 00 - Custodial/Cleaning for PW Bldg. 4. Admin - Increase $3,500 - 51423 11 00 - Accruals 5. Planning - Cathie indicated that some changes in her proposed budget may be necessary as she would like to have all positions filled prior to making a software selection. Also the difficulty encountered in the search to fill positions, higher recruitment costs, and the remodeling required prior to the department move into new space may result in the need to carry over some items to 2001. Items to be carry over to 10/10/00 meeting agenda: 001 576 Park Department; 001 597 Operating Transfers; 104 Cumulative Reserve & Urban Development; 105 Park Reserve; 109 DARE Refreshments/Upcoming Work Sessions: 10/10/00 Glen Cunningham 10/31/00 John Thompson. 10/17/00 Shelly Badger 10/24/00 Kathy Wolf Adjourn: 6:20 p.m. 1):~ ) 7.77 KatHryn M. oW, Mayor / ' ()/~ Anest: (j(/,Jj// )ilvft;)//hlL{ Ag P. Bennick, City Clerk Agnes/Council/Minutes/BWS I 0-3-00