10-17-00 BWS Minutes MINUTES CITY COUNCIL BUDGET WORK SESSION OCTOBER 17,2000,4:00 P.M., COUNCIL CHAMBERS, YELM CITY HALL Present: Kathy Wolf, Glen Cunningham, Adam Rivas, John Thompson, and Don Miller Staff: Shelly Badger, Stephanie Connors, Tim Peterson, Agnes Bennick and Janine Schnepf Staff reviewed estimated revenue sources and provided background information about the major revenue sources for each fund. The following department budgets were presented with new/increased/decreased expenditures noted in the department overview. DEPARTMENT BARS STAFF Municipal Building Fund 302 Shelly Yelm Creek Project 312 Shelly Canal Rd Park 314 Shelly Shortline Railroad 430 Shelly Begin Salary Review Mayor Storm Water Utility Fund 400 Stephanie Water Fund 401 Tim Garbage 403 Agnes Water Capital 404 Shelly Changes/notes/follow up requested: 1. Municipal Building Fund-Currently on budget. Purchase new tables and chairs for Chambers, used to PW Building. 2. Yelm Creek Project-Stephanie will update Council ongoing basis. 3. Canal Road Park- repeat 2000 budget. Job description being developed for landscape architect and volunteer coordinator. Adam Rivas concerned that $ 48,000 may not be enough. Shelly stated that is the correct projected cost. 4. Shortline Railroad- 99 Grant, construction anticipated next year. 5. Storm Water Utility- unable to begin 2000. Requires consideration Initiative 722. Program needs staff to monitor DOE guidelines, administrative coordination, computer changes, public education (handout). 6. Water Fund- Increase $2000 safety equipment to meet Sanitary Survey ( DOE). Vehicle, computer and software, and new staffing position for cross connection control program. Next City Council meeting will address Sanitary Sewer audit status of Well 3. 7. CDBG Grant anticipates payout- account closure, so fund will not be closed. 8. Additional; Sales Revenue slow down due to accounting error. Closing two funds with one fund transfer to Water Fund. Admissions tax could be future consideration. All items on agenda covered. Refreshments: Agreed that next year light refreshments are charged to Council budget. Adjourn: 6.00 p.m. K! ~M2z; tdf! ',' ,> .' > ;./ ,. Attest: ({ (>'. Ii U /-' L/- flUlt {' "- AgneS' P. Bennick, City Clerk Agncs/Council/Minutes/BWS I 0-3-00