04-29-15 Study SessionYELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 2015 5:00 P.M. Mayor Harding called the meeting to order at 5:03 p.m. Present: Councilmembers: Bob Isom, JW Foster, Jennifer Littlefield, Ken Garmann, and Russ Hendrickson. Staff: Shelly Badger, Tami Merriman, Grant Beck, Ryan Johnstone 4a. Presentation: Telecommunication Franchise application from Astound Broadband, LLC dba Wave Vic Peterson, Vice President Project Implementation, Astound Broadband was present to explain the proposed route and scope of their telecommunication project. Astound has a large project underway to install fiber optic strands on a route from Canada thru Oregon that will utilize Yelm rights-of-way on SR 507 from the south to the easterly city limits. They plan to utilize existing utility poles wherever possible and are currently working with PSE to obtain the agreements necessary. The telecommunications project requires a franchise agreement with the City of Yelm, which has been drafted and reviewed by legal counsel for both the City and Astound. Shelly Badger presented a summary of the franchise ordinance. The franchise ordinance will be the subject of a public hearing before the Yelm City Council on May 26h. 4b. Yelm East Gateway Planned Action Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Tami Merriman presented a power point presentation on the Yelm East Gateway Planned Action EIS, beginning with an explanation of the what an EIS is and the process. A planned action is proposed development in a specific area or subarea whose impacts are reviewed in an EIS and provides mitigation measures for those impacts. The Yelm Gateway Planned Action area includes 7 parcels of land on the north and south side of SR 507 between Grove Rd. and Walmart Blvd. The EIS provided in-depth study on transportation and groundwater, and provides mitigation for anticipated impacts. The main focus is transportation, with mitigation measures including a complete 4 -leg intersection at Walmart Blvd, including a portion of the Y2c road connection, a 4 -leg roundabout at Grove Rd. and requirements for internal connections between uses and developments. These improvements are based on build out over 10 —15 years, and takes into account future transportation projections. The EIS provides early environmental review, which speeds the permit process at time of development, and gives prospective purchasers/developers upfront knowledge of expected improvements required of the development. The Draft EIS was issued on January 5, 2015 and the Final EIS issued on April 7, 2015. The EIS was funded by private property owners. The next step is for Council to hold a public hearing to consider the adoption of an ordinance establishing the Yelm East Gateway Planned Action area, and adopting the mitigation measures as described in the Final EIS. The hearing is scheduled for the May 26, 2015 Council Meeting. Mayor's Report: No Mayor's Report Council Initiatives: No Council Initiatives Adjourn: 7:15 PM. Attest Ron Hardi ayor JaninPchnep_f,CitClerk 04/29/15 Study Session