Agenda 2005 ArchivePRELIMINARY AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 2005, 7:30 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda Approval 4. Special Presentations 5. Public Comment — Please complete a blue speaker's card and present it to the meeting recorder. Items should not appear elsewhere on the agenda and time (3 minutes) and number of speakers (five) is limited and may be adjusted to meet agenda requirements. ACTION 6. Consent Agenda ACTION a. Council Minutes — December 8, 2004 b. Payables: Checks 24102 -24305 totaling $316,181.95 1) Manual Checks — 24102 -24150 totaling $13,405.78 2) Claims Checks — 24151 -24305 totaling $302,77617 C. Payroll Final December 2004 Checks 8793 -8892 totaling $186,307.14 d. Park Use Requests: 1) YCP, 4/29/05, Tree Advisory Board Arbor Day, 10 -3, 50 +/- attending 2) YCP, 5/13- 14/05, Christian Crusaders Gospel Concert, 12 -3, 100 -300 3) 7/23/05, Pastors /Churches Family Fun Day, 9 -6, 200 -300 attending 7 Public Hearings 20 Min. Assessment Reimbursement Contract for Mountain View Road Sewer and Water Improvements Presenter: Tami Merriman (Attachments) a. Ordinance No. 824, Mountain View Rd. Water Assessment 5 Min. Reimbursement Contract. Presenter: Tami Merriman (Attachments) b. Ordinance No. 825, Mountain View Rd. Sewer Assessment 5 Min. Reimbursement Contract. Presenter: Tami Merriman (Attachments) 8 New Business a. Annexation Petition Request, Yelm Ave. /Morris Road 5 Min. Presenter: Tami Merriman (Attachments) ACTION ACTION ACTION b. Street Latecomers Agreement, Yelm Community Schools ACTION 10 Min. Presenter: Grant Beck (Attachments) 9 Old Business 10. Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board /Commission Business 11. Executive Session — None Scheduled 12. Correspondence (✓ Items are included, other items available upon request.) ✓ TRPC Pre - agenda for 1/14/2004 Thurston Co. Communications, Minutes: November and Dec, Technology Work Plan, Workload Indicators, 2005 Priorities AWC: Legislative Action Conference, 2/16 -2/17, Olympia (Electronic) ✓ 2005 Legislative Priorities Connection, December 2004 (Electronic) Comcast, Channel Lineup Changes & 1/9/05 Upgrade Information Wetlands Ventures Newsletter, Fall 2004 Have a Slice Letter `05 Diversity Calendar and Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. activities 13. Adjourn UPCOMING MEETINGS: City Council Retreat, Friday, January 21, 2005, 12 - 5, Yelm City Hall /City & Facilities Tour City Council Retreat, Saturday, January 22, 2005, 9 -1 2, Yelm City Hall Council Regular Meeting, Wednesday, January 26, 2005, 7:30 p.m., Yelm City Hall Council Study Session, Thursday, January 27, 2005, 5:00 p.m., Yelm City Hall Council Regular Meeting, Wednesday, February 9, 2005, 7:30 p.m., Yelm City Hall Council Regular Meeting, Wednesday, February 23, 2005, 7:30 p.m., Yelm City Hall Council Study Session, Thursday, February 24, 2005, 5:00 p.m., Yelm City Hall CITY OF YELM MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are audio recorded. For information about obtaining a copy of the proceedings, please call 360.458.8402. Public comments are welcome. However, in order to proceed with scheduled agenda items the allowable time per speaker is limited to 5 minutes. Comments during the public comment portion of the meeting should not be associated with measures or topics appearing elsewhere on the agenda and should not address topics for which public hearings have been conducted or are anticipated. Agenda attachments are available upon request. Please call 360.458.8402 It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360.458.8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. The Preliminary Agenda and Approved Council Minutes may be viewed at www.ci.yelm.wa.us FINAL AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26, 2006,7:30 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda Approval ACTION 4. Special Presentations — None scheduled 5. Public Comment — Please complete a blue speaker's card and present it to the meeting recorder. Topic should not appear elsewhere on the agenda. Time (3 minutes per speaker) and number of speakers (five) is limited and may be adjusted to meet agenda requirements. 6. Consent Agenda ACTION a. Council Minutes — January 12, 2005 Regular Meeting b. Payables: Checks 24151 - 24313 totaling $344,485.30 1) Manual Checks 24306 — 24313 totaling $360.00 2) Claims Checks 24151 — 24305 totaling $344,125.30 C. Payroll Preliminary January 2005 d. Park Use Requests: None e. Financial Reports: December 2004 End of Year and 4th Quarter 7 Public Hearings a. Annexation Petition — Phill, SR 507 and Bald Hills Road 15 Min. Staff: Tami Merriman (Attachments) b. Ordinance No. 827 — Phill Annexation, SR 507 and Bald Hills Rd. ACTION 5 Min. Staff: Tami Merriman (Attachments) 8 New Business a. Ordinance No. 826 Business and Occupation Tax Amendments ACTION 5 Min. Staff: Agnes Bennick (Attachments) b. Mill Pond Estates Final Plat Approval, SUB- 04- 0216YL ACTION 5 Min. Staff: Tami Merriman (Attachments) 9 Old Business a. Ordinance No. 824 and Contract Approval for Mountain View Road ACTION 15 Min. Water Assessment (Continued from 1112105) Staff: Tami Merriman (Attachments) b. Ordinance 825 and Contract Approval for Mountain View Road ACTION 15 Min. Sewer Assessment (Continued from 1112105) Staff: Tami Merriman (Attachments) 10. Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board /Commission Business 11. Executive Session — Approximately 20 minutes related to litigation. 20 Min. 12. Correspondence (✓ Items are included; other items are available upon request, m E -mail received.) IT AWC — 2005 State of the Cities T AWC — Small City Legislative Update link IT Thurston Co. Communications Operations /Administration Board Walmart — Jan Ferrari, Nancy Bridenthal, Amy Stark, ✓T TRPC Pre - Agenda, Friday, February 4, 2005 ✓ Thurston Co. Roads & Transp. Services, Bald Hills Rd. Update 13. Adjourn UPCOMING MEETINGS: Study Session, Thursday, January 27, 2005, 5 p.m., Yelm City Hall New Date: Council Retreat, Thursday, February 3, 2005, 8 -5, Yelm City Hall Regular Meeting, Wednesday, February 9, 2005, 7:30 p.m., Yelm City Hall Regular Meeting, Wednesday, February 23, 2005, 7:30 p.m., Yelm City Hall Study Session, Thursday, February 24, 2005, 5 p.m., Yelm City Hall CITY OF YELM MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are audio recorded. For information about obtaining a copy of the proceedings, please call 360.458.8402. Public comments are welcome. However, in order to proceed with scheduled agenda items the allowable time per speaker is limited to 5 minutes. Comments during the public comment portion of the meeting should not be associated with measures or topics appearing elsewhere on the agenda and should not address topics for which public hearings have been conducted or are anticipated. Agenda attachments are available upon request. Please call 360.458.8402 It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360.458.8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. The Preliminary Agenda and Approved Council Minutes are available at www.ci.velm.wa.us City of Yelm Elected Officials Retreat AGENDA Thursday, February 3, 2005 Yelm City Hall, 105 Yelm Ave. W. 8:00 —12:00 PM Bus tour of City — Departing from City Hall at 8:05 AM, tour map enclosed 12:00 —12:45 PM Lunch - City Hall Council Chambers 12:45 —1:45 PM 2003 city goals and their progress since adoption — Attachment enclosed for review by Council prior to retreat. This time period will be for questions and /or comments on status of goals. 1:45 — 2:30 PM Mayor /City Council Protocol Manual — This time will be used to discuss any requested changes to the manual (please bring with you). 2:30— 3:00 PM Study session ideas for 2005 Department reporting format at 2005 Study Sessions 3:00 — 5:00 PM Mayor & City Council Initiatives — Open Discussion *Times for each agenda item are approximate City of Yelm Meeting Information Agenda attachments are available upon request. Please call 360.458.8402. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360.458.8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. The Agenda is available at www.ci.yelm.wa.us AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION THURSDAY, JANUARY 27,2005,5:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda Approval ACTION 4. Presentations a. Department: Yelm Police Department 30 Min. Topic: WASPC (Washington Assoc. of Sheriffs and Police Chief) Accreditation (Attachment) b. 2005 Study Session Topic Ideas 30 Min. 5. Mayor /Council Initiatives 60 Min. 6. New Business a. 30 Min. 7. Old Business a. 30 Min. 8. Adjourn UPCOMING MEETINGS: Council Retreat, Thursday, February 3, 2005, 8 -5, Yelm City Hall Regular Meeting, Wednesday, February 9, 2005, 7:30 p.m., Yelm City Hall Regular Meeting, Wednesday, February 23, 2005, 7:30 p.m., Yelm City Hall Study Session, Thursday, February 24, 2005, 5: p.m., Yelm City Hall CITY OF YELM MEETING INFORMATION Agenda attachments are available upon request. Please call 360.458.8402. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick at 360.458.8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. PRELIMINARY AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9,2005,7:30 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda Approval 4. Special Presentations 5. Public Comment — Please complete a blue speaker's card and present it to the meeting recorder. Topic should not appear elsewhere on the agenda. Time (3 minutes per speaker) and number of speakers (five) is limited and may be adjusted to meet agenda requirements. ACTION 6. Consent Agenda ACTION a. Council Minutes — January 26, 2005 Regular Meeting 1) January 27, 2005 Study Session b. Payables: Checks 24382 - 24513 totaling $134,332.97 1) Manual Checks 24382 — 24431 totaling $8,006.50 2) Claims Checks 24432 — 24513 totaling $126,326.47 C. Payroll Final January 2005, Checks 8894 -8993 totaling $194,714.87 d. Park Use Requests: CP, M -F, 3/1 — 6/1/05, Nisqually Basin LL, 10 -35 7 Public Hearings — None Scheduled 8 New Business a. Ordinance No. 828, Budget Amendments. 10 Min. Increases Fire Suppression (12/8/04 Minutes, Item 7) and Care and Custody of Prisoner 2005 Budget Appropriations Staff: Todd Stancil (Attachments) 9 Old Business a. Ordinance No. 824, Mountain View Rd. 5 Min. (Tabled from 1/26/05) Staff: Tami Merriman (Attachments) b. Ordinance No. 825, Mountain View Rd. 5 Min. (Tabled from 1/26) Staff Tami Merriman (Attachments) Water Latecomers Contract ACTION ACTION Sewer Latecomers Contract ACTION 10. Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board /Commission Business a. Council Reports: b. Mayor's Report: Yelm Historic Preservation Commission Appointment Confirmation ACTION 11. Executive Session 12. Correspondence (✓ Items are included, ED electronic distribution, other items available upon request.) Comcast — Cost change notification Thurston Council on Cultural Diversity, 2/14/05 Agenda and Annual Youth Diversity Awards Application /Nomination Form AWC Legislative Bulletin, January 28, 2005 Citizens Sample Ordinance: Gal breath/Hasch im/Wiltsie 13. Adjourn UPCOMING MEETINGS: Regular Meeting, Wednesday, February 23, 2005, 7:30 p.m., Yelm City Hall Study Session, Thursday, February 24, 2005, 5 p.m., Yelm City Hall Regular Meeting, Wednesday, March 9, 2005, 7:30 p.m., Yelm City Hall Regular Meeting, Wednesday, March 23, 2005, 7:30 p.m., Yelm City Hall Study Session, Thursday, March 24, 2005, 5 p.m., Yelm City Hall CITY OF YELM MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are audio recorded. A $5.00 per tape (prepaid) fee is required. For information about obtaining a copy of the proceedings, please call 360.458.8402. Public comments are welcome. However, in order to proceed with scheduled agenda items the allowable time per speaker is limited to 3 minutes and the number of speakers limited to five. Comments during the public comment portion of the meeting should not be associated with measures or topics appearing elsewhere on the agenda and should not address topics for which public hearings have been conducted or are anticipated. Agenda attachments are available upon request. Please call 360.458.8402 It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360.458.8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. The Preliminary Agenda and Approved Council Minutes are available at www.ci.yelm.wa.us AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION Note Date Change: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2005,4:30 P.M. YELM CITY HALL 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda Approval ACTION 4. Presentations — None Scheduled 5. Mayor /Council Initiatives 60 Min. 6. New Business a. Process: Elective City Officers, Size of Council 60 Min. (Attachments) b. Protocol Manual Review 60 Min. (Attachments) 7. Old Business 8. Adjourn UPCOMING MEETINGS: Regular Meeting, Wednesday, March 9, 2005, 7:30 p.m., Yelm City Hall Regular Meeting, Wednesday, March 23, 2005, 7:30 p.m., Yelm City Hall Study Session, Thursday, March 24, 2005, 5:00 p.m., Yelm City Hall Regular Meeting, Wednesday, April 13, 2005, 7:30 p.m., Yelm City Hall Regular Meeting, Wednesday, April 27, 2005, 7:30 p.m., Yelm City Hall Study Session, Thursday, April 28, 2005, 5:00 p.m., Yelm City Hall CITY OF YELM MEETING INFORMATION Agenda attachments are available upon request. Please call 360.458.8402. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bernick at 360.458.8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9,2005,7:30 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda Approval ACTION 4. Special Presentations — None Scheduled 5. Public Comment — Please complete a blue speaker's card and present it to the meeting recorder. Topic should not appear elsewhere on the agenda. Time (3 minutes per speaker) and number of speakers (five) is limited and may be adjusted to meet agenda requirements. 6. Consent Agenda ACTION a. Council Minutes - 1) February 23, 2005, Study Session Minutes 2) February 23, 2005, Regular Meeting Minutes b. Payables: Checks 24631 - 24710 totaling $264,329.23 1) Manual Checks:24587 — 24630 totaling $8,049.78 2) Claims Checks 24631 — 24710 totaling $256,279.45 C. Payroll Final Feb. 2005, Checks 8994 -9096 totaling $195,660.51 d. Park Use Requests: e. Financial Report: February End of Month 7 Public Hearings — None scheduled 8 New Business a. Well #1 Rehabilitation Project Bid Award ACTION 10 Min. Staff: Stephanie Ray (Attachments) b-. Resolution Ne. 451 Ye!Fn Comprehensive Plan�GFewth ACTION 39 Min - Staff: Grant BeGk (Attachme -ts) Item rescheduled no earlier than the May 11, 2005 Council meeting. 9 Old Business 10. Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board /Commission Business 11. Executive Session 12. Correspondence (✓ Items are included, afD electronic version provided, other items available upon request.) ✓i fJ AWC Training, Public Meetings, Public Disclosure & More, April 7 University Place ✓i'?? AWC Training, Community Survivors 2, Economic Development Workshop, March 21 -23, Vancouver Thurston Co. Communications Operations Board, 2/28/05 Packet ✓ Edward Wiltsie, 3/1/05, Correspondence Re NVN GMA Column Sara Foster, 03/04/05, Letter to State Senators and Representatives Re Traffic. 13. Adjourn UPCOMING CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS: REGULAR MEETING, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9,2005,7:30 P.M., YELM CITY HALL REGULAR MEETING, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 2005, 7:30 P.M., YELM CITY HALL STUDY SESSION, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 2005, 5:00 P.M., YELM CITY HALL REGULAR MEETING, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13,2005,7:30 P.M., YELM CITY HALL REGULAR MEETING, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 2005, 7:30 P.M., YELM CITY HALL STUDY SESSION, THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 2005, 5:00 P.M., YELM CITY HALL CITY OF YELM MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are audio recorded. A $5.00 per tape (prepaid) fee is required. For information about obtaining a copy of the proceedings, please call 360.458.8402. Public comments are welcome. However, in order to proceed with scheduled agenda items the allowable time per speaker is limited to 3 minutes and the number of speakers limited to five. Comments during the public comment portion of the meeting should not be associated with measures or topics appearing elsewhere on the agenda and should not address topics for which public hearings have been conducted or are anticipated. Agenda attachments are available upon request. Please call 360.458.8402 It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360.458.8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. The Preliminary Agenda and Approved Council Minutes are available at www.ci.yelm.wa.us PRELIMINARY AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, MARCH, 23,2005,7:30 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda Approval ACTION 4. Special Presentations 5. Public Comment — Please complete a blue speaker's card and present it to the meeting recorder. Topic should not appear elsewhere on the agenda. Time (3 minutes per speaker) and number of speakers (five) is limited and may be adjusted to meet agenda requirements. 6. Consent Agenda ACTION a. Council Minutes — Regular Meeting, March 9, 2004 b. Payables: Checks 24711- 24789 totaling $261,857.60 1) Manual Checks 24711- 24720 totaling $519.99 2) Claims Checks - totaling $261,337.03 C. Payroll — March 2005 Preliminary d. Park Use Requests: YCP, YHS Class of 1985 Reunion, 8/28/05, 10 a.m. to dark, 200+ YCP, Prairie Days Festival, Lions Club, 06/23- 06/27/05, Open to Public, day and evenings 7 Public Hearings 8. New Business a. Stevens Street Roadway Improvement Completion - Release 5 min. Retainage to Wood & Son Earthwork & Utility Contractors. Presenter; Stephanie Ray (attachment) b. 103`d Street Roadway Project Consultant Agreement with HDR 5 min. Engineering for Design Work and Construction Administration. Presenter; Stephanie Ray (attachments) 9 Old Business 10. Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board /Commission Business 11. Executive Session — Pending Litigation 20 Min. 12. Correspondence (✓ Items are included, a9 are electronic items, other items available upon request.) AWC Legislative Bulletin, Volume 28, No. 10 & 11 3/10 & 3/18/05 Thurston Council on Cultural Diversity and Human Rights, 3/14/05 Agenda Thurston Regional Planning Council 4/1/05 Pre - Agenda Er Tom Foley, 3/16/05 Letter Re: Yelm Loop and Wal -Mart CAPCOM Operations Board Meeting Packet AWC, Downtown Revitalization Training Institute, April 27 -29, Centralia 13. Adjourn UPCOMING MEETINGS: Study Session, Thursday, March 24, 2005, 5:00 p.m., Yelm City Hall Regular Meeting, Wednesday, April 11, 2005, 7:30 p.m., Yelm City Hall Regular Meeting, Wednesday, April 25, 2005, 7:30 p.m., Yelm City Hall Study Session, Thursday, April 26, 2005, 5:00 p.m., Yelm City Hall CITY OF YELM MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are audio recorded. A $5.00 per tape (prepaid) fee is required. For information about obtaining a copy of the proceedings, please call 360.458.8402. Public comments are welcome. However, in order to proceed with scheduled agenda items the allowable time per speaker is limited to 3 minutes and the number of speakers limited to five. Comments during the public comment portion of the meeting should not be associated with measures or topics appearing elsewhere on the agenda and should not address topics for which public hearings have been conducted or are anticipated. Agenda attachments are available upon request. Please call 360.458.8402 It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360.458.8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. The Preliminary Agenda and Approved Council Minutes are available at www.ci.yelm.wa.us PRELIMINARY AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13,2005,7:30 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda Approval ACTION 4. Special Presentations 5. Public Comment — Please complete a blue speaker's card and present it to the meeting recorder. Topic should not appear elsewhere on the agenda. Time (3 minutes per speaker) and number of speakers (five) is limited and may be adjusted to meet agenda requirements. 6. Consent Agenda ACTION a. Council Minutes 1) March 21, 2005 Special Meeting 2) March 24, 2005, Study Session b. Payables: Checks 24790 -24929 totaling $386,456,90 1) Manual Checks 24790 -24819 totaling $6,993.03 2) Claims Checks 24820 -24929 totaling $379,463.87 C. Payroll Approval: Final March 05, Ck 9097 -9203 totaling $203,522.79 d. Park Use Requests: CMP, 5/4/05, YHPC /Reuse Sign Dedication, 1 -6, 35 +/- e. Financial Report: March End of Month and End of Quarter 7 Public Hearings — None Scheduled 8 New Business — None Scheduled 9 Old Business a. Annexation Petition Revision Request, Denny Balkascio, Grove ACTION Rd /Sunnyland Estates (Ref: 12/8/04, Motion 04 -107) Staff: Grant Beck (Attachments) 10. Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board /Commission Business a. Council Reports b. Mayor's Report Proclamation in Support of Fort Lewis and McChord AFB ACTION 11. Executive Session 12. Correspondence (✓ Items are included, other items available upon request.) Thurston Co. Dept. of Communications, Board Minutes 3/21/05 & Operations Board Packet IT AWC Annual Conference Registration, 6/21 -24, Tri- Cities IT AWC Connection, March 2005 (Ft AWC Walk Across Washington 4/10/05 Correspondence W. Hashim re building permits /EPA grant 13. Adjourn UPCOMING MEETINGS: Regular Meeting, Wednesday, April 27, 2005, 7:30 p.m., Yelm City Hall tudy Session. Thursday, April 28, 2005, 5 :00 Yelm Public Works Ant Rhoton Rd Regular Meeting, Wednesday, May 11, 2005, 7:30 p.m., Yelm City Hall Regular Meeting, Wednesday, May 25, 2005, 7:30 p.m., Yelm City Hall Study Session, Thursday, May 26, 2005, 5:00 p.m., Yelm City Hall CITY OF YELM MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are audio recorded. A $5.00 per tape (prepaid) fee is required. For information about obtaining a copy of the proceedings, please call 360.458.8402. Public comments are welcome. However, in order to proceed with scheduled agenda items the allowable time per speaker is limited to 3 minutes and the number of speakers limited to five. Comments during the public comment portion of the meeting should not be associated with measures or topics appearing elsewhere on the agenda and should not address topics for which public hearings have been conducted or are anticipated. Agenda attachments are available upon request. Please call 360.458.8402 It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360.458.8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. The Preliminary Agenda and Approved Council Minutes are available at www.ci.yelm.wa.us FINAL AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27,2005,7:30 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda Approval ACTION 4. Special Presentations 30 Min. State Route 704 Cross -Base Highway Project, Washington State Department of Transportation 5. Public Comment — Please complete a blue speaker's card and present it to the meeting recorder. Topic should not appear elsewhere on the agenda. Time (3 minutes per speaker) and number of speakers (five) is limited and may be adjusted to meet agenda requirements. 6. Consent Agenda ACTION a. Council Minutes 1) March 24, 2005 Study Session 2) April 13, 2005 Regular Meeting b. Payables: Checks 24930 -25003 totaling $47,295.31 1) Manual Checks 24930 -24950 totaling $1,338.77 2) Claims Checks 24951- 25003 totaling $45,956.54 C. Payroll Preliminary March 2005 d. Park Use Requests: 1) CMP, 7/6/05, Crawford Wedding, 9 -5, 45 +/- attending 2) YCM, 5/26/05, Hand -in -Hand Preschool Picnic, 11 — 1, 50 -60 3) YCP, 6/4/05, William's Birthday Party (Band), 11-2,50 +/- 7. Public Hearings — None scheduled 8. New Business a. Potable Water Tank Project Retainage Release ACTION 5 Min. Staff: Stephanie Ray (Attachments) b. DOE Grant/Nisqually Aquifer Study Project ACTION 15 Min. Staff: Shelly Badger (Attachments) 9. Old Business a. 1) Buckhorn Estates Final Plat 10 Min. Staff: Tami Merriman (Attachments) ACTION a. 2) Resolution 452, Buckhom Estates LID Segregation ACTION 10.MIn Staff: Tami Merriman (Attachments) b. Ordinance No. 829 Amending Title 2 of the Yelm Municipal Code ACTION 15 Min. Staff: Shelly Badger (Attachments) C. Resolution 453, Elected Official's Protocol Manual ACTION 15 Min. Staff: Shelly Badger (Attachments) 10. Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board /Commission Business a. Council Reports b. Mayor's Report 1) Arbor Day Proclamation 2) AWC Risk Management Service Agency Loss Control Report Card 11. Executive Session — None scheduled 12. Correspondence (✓ Items are included, other items available upon request.) ✓ AWC Registering Voting Delegates for the Annual Business Mtg. Wash. Wildlife Federation, Wetland Ventures Newsletter, Spring 2005 13. Adjourn UPCOMING MEETINGS: + Studv Session. Thursday. April 28. 2005. 5:00. Yelm Public Works_ 901 Rhoton Rd F Regular Meeting, Wednesday, May 11, 2005, 7:30 p.m., Yelm City Hall Regular Meeting, Wednesday, May 25, 2005, 7:30 p.m., Yelm City Hall Study Session, Thursday, May 26, 2005, 5:00 p.m., Yelm City Hall Regular Meeting, Wednesday, June 8, 2005, 7:30 p.m., Yelm City Hall CITY OF YELM MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are audio recorded. A $5.00 per tape (prepaid) fee is required. For information about obtaining a copy of the proceedings, please call 360.458.8402. Public comments are welcome. However, in order to proceed with scheduled agenda items the allowable time per speaker is limited to 3 minutes and the number of speakers limited to five. Comments during the public comment portion of the meeting should not be associated with measures or topics appearing elsewhere on the agenda and should not address topics for which public hearings have been conducted or are anticipated. Agenda attachments are available upon request. Please call 360.458.8402 It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360.458.8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. The Preliminary Agenda and Approved Council Minutes are available at www.ci.yelm.wa.us AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION THURSDAY, APRIL 28,2005,5:00 P.M. YELM PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY 901 NW RHOTON ROAD 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call Agenda Approval 4. Yelm City Council Nisqually Tribal Council Get Acquainted 60 Min. Dinner 5. Mayor /Council Initiatives 60 Min. 6. New Business a. 30 Min. 7. Old Business a. 30 Min. 8. Adjourn UPCOMING MEETINGS: -*Studv Session. Thursday. April 28. 2005. 5 :00. Yelm Public Works_ 901 Rhntnn Rd F Regular Meeting, Wednesday, May 11, 2005, 7:30 p.m., Yelm City Hall Regular Meeting, Wednesday, May 25, 2005, 7:30 p.m., Yelm City Hall Study Session, Thursday, May 26, 2005, 5:00 p.m., Yelm City Hall Regular Meeting, Wednesday, June 8, 2005, 7:30 p.m., Yelm City Hall CITY OF YELM MEETING INFORMATION Agenda attachments are available upon request. Please call 360.458.8402. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick at 360.458.8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 2005,7:30 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda Approval 4. Special Presentations a. Proclamation - Law Enforcement Week b. Proclamation - Public Works Week 5. Public Comment — Please complete a blue speaker's card and present it to the meeting recorder. Topic should not appear elsewhere on the agenda. Time (3 minutes per speaker) and number of speakers (five) is limited and may be adjusted to meet agenda requirements. 6. a, b. C. d. e 7 8 9 10. Consent Agenda Council Minutes 1) April 27, 2005 Regular Meeting 2) April 27, 2005 Study Session Payables: Checks: 25004 - 25101, totaling $179,175.66 1) Manual Checks: 25004 - 25029, totaling $6,588.13 2) Claims Checks: 25030 - 25101, totaling $172,587.53 Payroll Final April 2005, Checks 9240 — 9309 totaling $205,161.11 Park Use Requests: 1) YCP, 8/7/05, Prairie Street Rod Assoc. Car Show, All Day, Large 2) YCP, 6/5/05, DeAndrea Graduation Party, 5:30 p.m., #25 3) YCP, 6/9/05, Nisqually Basin Little League Picnic, 5:30 pm -8:00 pm, #60. Financial Report: April 2005 End of Month Public Hearings — None scheduled New Business — None scheduled Old Business — None scheduled Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board /Commission Business 11. Executive Session — Approximately 30 minutes to consider the 30 Min. acquisition of real property. ACTION ACT N 12. Correspondence (✓ Items are included, other items available upon request.) IT 4/29/05 Letter from Edward Wiltsie re Wal -Mart public comment limits Thurston Co. Dept. of Communications Operations Board Activity Update Comcast re: Time Warner cable systems exchange 6� 5/12/05 Roy City Hall Open House & Ribbon Cutting, 5 -7 p.m. IT 5/11/04 DOT restriping project requires Yelm Ave. tree pruning Letters received regarding WalMart application; McHattie, Saecker, Beverly, Shin, D.S., Fyrst, Jones, Easley, Powell, Chiechi, Yelm Commerce Group, Bellinger, Wade, Thompson, Browne, and 2 letters with names illegible. 13. Adjourn UPCOMING MEETINGS: Regular Meeting, Wednesday, May 25, 2005, 7:30 p.m., Yelm City Hall Study Session, Thursday, May 26, 2005, 5:00 p.m., Yelm City Hall Regular Meeting, Wednesday, June 8, 2005, 7:30 p.m., Yelm City Hall Regular Meeting, Wednesday, June 22, 2005, 7:30 p.m., Yelm City Hall Study Session, Thursday, June 23, 2005, 5:00 p.m., Yelm City Hall Regular Meeting, Wednesday, July 13, 2005, 7:30 p.m., Yelm City Hall Regular Meeting, Wednesday, July 27, 2005, 7:30 p.m., Yelm City Hall Study Session, Thursday, July 28, 2005, 5:00 p.m., Yelm City Hall CITY OF YELM MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are audio recorded. A $5.00 per tape (prepaid) fee is required. For information about obtaining a copy of the proceedings, please call 360.458.8402. Public comments are welcome. However, in order to proceed with scheduled agenda items the allowable time per speaker is limited to 3 minutes and the number of speakers limited to five. Comments during the public comment portion of the meeting should not be associated with measures or topics appearing elsewhere on the agenda and should not address topics for which public hearings have been conducted or are anticipated. Agenda attachments are available upon request. Please call 360.458.8402 It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360.458.8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. The Agenda and Approved Council Minutes are available at www.ci.yelm.wa.us AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION THURSDAY, MAY 26,2005,5:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda Approval 4. Presentations a. SR 510 Yelm Loop Project Update Presenters; Michele Britton, WSDOT Project Manager 30 Min. and Perry Shea, Parametrix (Attachments) b. Yelm Transportation Committee Update — Overview and 30 Min. Recommendation related to Traffic Modeling Project. Presenters; Grant Beck, Jim Gibson, and Perry Shea, Parametrix 5. Mayor /Council Initiatives 60 Min. 6. New Business 7. Old Business a. Ordinance 829 and Resolution 453 Yelm Municipal Code related 60 Min. to Administration and Personnel and Protocol. 8. Adjourn UPCOMING MEETINGS: Regular Meeting, Wednesday, June 8, 2005, 7:30 p.m., Yelm City Hall Regular Meeting, Wednesday, June 22, 2005, 7:30 p.m., Yelm City Hall Study Session, Thursday, June 23, 2005, 5:00 p.m., Yelm City Hall CITY OF YELM MEETING INFORMATION Agenda attachments are available upon request. Please call 360.458.8402. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick at 360.458.8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 2005, 7:30 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda Approval ACTION 4. Special Presentations 5. Public Comment — Please complete a blue speaker's card and present it to the meeting recorder. Topic should not appear elsewhere on the agenda. Time (3 minutes per speaker) and number of speakers (five) is limited and may be adjusted to meet agenda requirements. 6. Consent Agenda ACTION a. Council Minutes 1) May 11, 2005 Regular Meeting b. Payables: Checks; 25102- 25156, totaling $168,719.38 1) Manual Checks; 25102 — 25112 & 25156, totaling $23,188.97 2) Claims Checks; 25113 — 25155, totaling $145,530.41 C. Payroll Preliminary May 2005 7. Public Hearings — None scheduled 8. New Business a. Yelm Economic Development Committee Update. ACTION 20 Min. Contract for Services with Thurston County Economic Development Council. Staff: Shelly Badger (Attachments) 9. Old Business — None scheduled 10. Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board /Commission Business a. Council Reports b. Mayor's Report 11. Executive Session — None scheduled 12. Correspondence (✓ Items are included, other items available upon request.) TC Department of Communications, Admin Board Meeting Minutes, May 4, 2005 TC Board of County Commissioners Citizen Priorities Survey Forum, June 2,7 and 8, 2005 ✓ TRPC Pre - agenda, June 3, 2005 Comcast re; Channel Line -up Changes- Hispanic Channel Letters regarding Walmart application; Rutherford, Oliverio, Beckley, Leggett, Wade, GiaMarco, Cavanaugh, Oliver, Biernacka, Jacobson, Blaustein, Peterson City Attorney Letter of 5/18/05 recommending non acceptance of testimony re big box retail impacts IT Congressman Adam Smith's Military Issues Update ✓ AEC Annual Conference Registration Reminder 13. Adjourn UPCOMING MEETINGS: Study Session, Thursday, May 26, 2005, 5:00 p.m., Yelm City Hall Regular Meeting, Wednesday, June 8, 2005, 7:30 p.m., Yelm City Hall Regular Meeting, Wednesday, June 22, 2005, 7:30 p.m., Yelm City Hall CITY OF YELM MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are audio recorded. A $5.00 per tape (prepaid) fee is required. For information about obtaining a copy of the proceedings, please call 360.458.8402. Public comments are welcome. However, in order to proceed with scheduled agenda items the allowable time per speaker is limited to 3 minutes and the number of speakers limited to five. Comments during the public comment portion of the meeting should not be associated with measures or topics appearing elsewhere on the agenda and should not address topics for which public hearings have been conducted or are anticipated. Agenda attachments are available upon request. Please call 360.458.8402 It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360.458.8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. The Preliminary Agenda and Approved Council Minutes are available at www.ci.velm.wa.us FINAL AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8,2005,7:30 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS The June Study Session has been changed to: Wednesday, June 22, 4 :30 p.m., at Yelm City Hall Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda Approval ACTION 4. Special Presentations — Prairie Day's Proclamation 5. Public Comment — Please complete a blue speaker's card and present it to the meeting recorder. Topic should not appear elsewhere on the agenda. Time (3 minutes per speaker) and number of speakers (five) is limited and may be adjusted to meet agenda requirements. 6. Consent Agenda ACTION a. Council Minutes — May 25, 2005 Regular Meeting b. Payables: Checks 25156 -25310 totaling $255,433.62 1) Manual Checks 25156 -25228 totaling $26,491.13 2) Claims Checks 25229 -25310 totaling $228,942.49 C. Payroll Final June 2005 Checks 9310 -9488 totaling $201,935.36 d. Park Use Requests: 1) YCP, 7/9/05, Young Life Camp Send Off, 7 -10 a.m., 150 And return campers for pickup on 6/13 -15/05 2) CMP, 710/05, South Sound Seed Stewards Picnic, 4 -7 pm, 25 +/- 3) CMP, 7/16/05, Damkaer Wedding, 11 am 5 pm, 80 +/- e. Financial Report: May End of Month 7 Public Hearings — None scheduled 8 New Business — None Scheduled 9 Old Business a. Resolution No. 453, Tabled from 4/27/05, Mayor /Council Protocol ACTION 5 Min. Manual Changes Staff: Shelly Badger (Attachments) b. Ordinance No. 829, Tabled from 4/27/05, Amending Title 2 ACTION 5 Min. (Administration /Personnel) of the Yelm Municipal Code Staff: Shelly Badger (Attachments) 10. Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board /Commission Business a. Council Reports b. Mayor's Report 1) Thurston County Elections — Vote by Mail Concurrence ACTION 11. Executive Session — None scheduled 12. Correspondence (✓ Items are included, other items available upon request.) ✓ COMCAST Billing Rate Changes Effective July 2005 ✓ AWC/WFOA Budgeting /Fiscal Management Workshop, 8/18 -19/05 ✓ AWC Conference Registration Extension 13. Adjourn UPCOMING MEETINGS: STUDY SESSION, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 2005, 4 :30 P.M., YELM CITY HALLG REGULAR MEETING, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22,2005,7:30 P.M., YELM CITY HALL REGULAR MEETING, WEDNESDAY, JULY 13,2005,7:30 P.M., YELM CITY HALL REGULAR MEETING, WEDNESDAY, JULY 27,2005,7:30 P.M., YELM CITY HALL STUDY SESSION, THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2005, 5:00 P.M., YELM CITY HALL CITY OF YELM MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are audio recorded. A $5.00 per tape (prepaid) fee is required. For information about obtaining a copy of the proceedings, please call 360.458.8402. Public comments are welcome. However, in order to proceed with scheduled agenda items the allowable time per speaker is limited to 3 minutes and the number of speakers limited to five. Comments during the public comment portion of the meeting should not be associated with measures or topics appearing elsewhere on the agenda and should not address topics for which public hearings have been conducted or are anticipated. Agenda attachments are available upon request. Please call 360.458.8402 It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360.458.8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. The Preliminary Agenda and Approved Council Minutes are available at www.ci.yelm.wa.us FINAL AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22,2005,7:30 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda Approval 4. Special Presentations 5. Public Comment — Please complete a blue speaker's card and present it to the meeting recorder. Topic should not appear elsewhere on the agenda. Time (3 minutes per speaker) and number of speakers (five) is limited and may be adjusted to meet agenda requirements. 6. Consent Agenda a. Council Minutes 1) Regular Meeting: June 8, 2005 2) Study Session: May 26, 2005 b. Payables: Checks 25311 - 25427 totaling $220,725.23 1) Manual Checks 25311 —25352 totaling $7,732.01 2) Claims Checks 25353 — 25427 totaling $212,993.22 C. June 2005 Preliminary Payroll d. Park Use Requests: 1) YCP, 8/20/05, Roger Maib Teen Concert/Festival, 2 -9 pm, 50 -300 2) YCP, 9/3/05, May Birthday Party, 2 -4 pm, 15 -20 +/- 3) YCP, 9/19/05, Yelm Rebekah Lodge Picnic, 12 -3 pm, 30 +/- 4) YCP, 7/16/05 Baldwin YHS Class Reunion, ? - ?, 50 -100 5) YCP, 8/13/05, Nisqually Meadows Community Picnic, 1-4 pm, 50- 75 6) CMP, 8/20/05 Skewis Wedding, 3:30 -4:30 pm, 80 +/- 7 Public Hearings — None scheduled ACTION ACTION 8 New Business a. Ordinance 830, Budget Amendment Fund 102, Traffic Model ACTION 20 Updates and Software Purchase Min. Presenter: Yelm Transportation Committee (Attachments) 9 Old Business — None scheduled 10. Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board /Commission Business 11. Executive Session — None scheduled 12. Correspondence (✓ Items are included, other items available upon request.) National League of Cities Regional Seminar- Building Your City's Future and Producing Results: What are the Trends and Changes Affecting Your City? 9/16 -17, Bellevue AWC, Bring the Walk to Your City, 10/9 -15/05 13. Adjourn UPCOMING MEETINGS: REGULAR MEETING, WEDNESDAY, JULY 13,2005,7:30 P.M., YELM CITY HALL REGULAR MEETING, WEDNESDAY, JULY 27,2005,7:30 P.M., YELM CITY HALL STUDY SESSION, THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2005, 5:00 P.M., YELM CITY HALL REGULAR MEETING, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 2005, 7:30 P.M., YELM CITY HALL CITY OF YELM MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are audio recorded. A $5.00 per tape (prepaid) fee is required. For information about obtaining a copy of the proceedings, please call 360.458.8402. Public comments are welcome. However, in order to proceed with scheduled agenda items the allowable time per speaker is limited to 3 minutes and the number of speakers limited to five. Comments during the public comment portion of the meeting should not be associated with measures or topics appearing elsewhere on the agenda and should not address topics for which public hearings have been conducted or are anticipated. Agenda attachments are available upon request. Please call 360.458.8402 It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360.458.8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. The Preliminary Agenda and Approved Council Minutes are available at www.ci.yelm.wa.us AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION THURSDAY, JUNE 22,2005,4:30 P.M. YELM CITY HALL 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda Approval 4. New Business a. Yelm Industrial Area Update 75 Min. Staff. Shelly Badger Guests: Port of Olympia, Thurston Co. Economic Development Council 5. Presentations a. Department: Community Development 45 Min. Topic: Critical Areas Ordinance Staff. Grant Beck 6. Mayor /Council Initiatives 60 Min. Adjourn UPCOMING MEETINGS: ACTION REGULAR MEETING, WEDNESDAY, JULY 13,2005,7:30 P.M., YELM CITY HALL REGULAR MEETING, WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 2005, 7:30 P.M., YELM CITY HALL STUDY SESSION, THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2005, 5:00 P.M., YELM CITY HALL REGULAR MEETING, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 2005,7:30 P.M., YELM CITY HALL CITY OF YELM MEETING INFORMATION Agenda attachments are available upon request. Please call 360.458.8402. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick at 360.458.8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. FINAL AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, JULY 13,2005,7:30 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda Approval ACTION 4. Special Presentations — Drew Harvey Theater Staff 10 Min. 5. Public Comment — Please complete a blue speaker's card and present it to the meeting recorder. Topic should not appear elsewhere on the agenda. Time (3 minutes per speaker) and number of speakers (five) is limited and may be adjusted to meet agenda requirements. 6. Consent Agenda ACTION a. Council Minutes - 1) Regular Council Meeting, June 22, 2005 2) Study Session, June 22, 2005 b. Payables: Checks 25428 - 25601, totaling 134,140.39 1) Manual Checks: 25428 - 25513, totaling $3,750.76 2) Claims Checks 25514 - 25601, totaling $130,389.63 C. Payroll Final June 2005, Checks: 9452 - 9520 totaling $203,265.74 d. Park Use Requests: YCP, 7/30/05, Davis Teen Summer Party, 6 -10 pm, 100 +/- e. Financial Reports: June 2005 End of Month and End of Quarter 7 Public Hearings a. Grove Road Annexation, ANX -05- 0198 -YL 5 Min. Staff: Grant Beck (Attachments) b. Annexation Ordinance No. 831, ANX -05- 0198 -YL (Grove Road) ACTION 5 Min. Staff: Grant Beck (Attachments) 8 New Business a. Reclaimed Waterline Project — Completion and Retainage Release ACTION 10 Min. Staff: Stephanie Ray (Attachments) 9 Old Business a. Autumn Hill Phase II Final Platt ACTION 10 Min. Staff: Tami Merriman (Attachments) 10. Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board /Commission Business 11. Executive Session — None scheduled 12. Correspondence (✓ Items are included, other items available upon request.) Er TRPC Pre - agenda for Friday, July 8, 2005 Thurston Council on Cultural Diversity & Human Rights, 7/11H05 Agenda 13. Adjourn UPCOMING CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS: Regular Meeting, Wednesday, July 27, 2005, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall Study Session, Thursday, July 28, 2005, 5:00 pm, Yelm City Hall Regular Meeting, Wednesday, August 10, 2005, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall Regular Meeting, Wednesday, August 24, 2005, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall Study Session, Thursday, August 25, 2005, 5:00 pm, Yelm City Hall CITY OF YELM MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are audio recorded. A $5.00 per tape (prepaid) fee is required. For information about obtaining a copy of the proceedings, please call 360.458.8402. Public comments are welcome. However, in order to proceed with scheduled agenda items the allowable time per speaker is limited to 3 minutes and the number of speakers limited to five. Comments during the public comment portion of the meeting should not be associated with measures or topics appearing elsewhere on the agenda and should not address topics for which public hearings have been conducted or are anticipated. Agenda attachments are available upon request. Please call 360.458.8402 It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360.458.8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. The Preliminary Agenda and Approved Council Minutes are available at www.ci.yelm.wa.us AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 2005, 7:30 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda Approval ACTION 4. Special Presentations — None Scheduled 5. Public Comment — Please complete a blue speaker's card and present it to the meeting recorder. Topic should not appear elsewhere on the agenda. Time (3 minutes per speaker) and number of speakers (five) is limited and may be adjusted to meet agenda requirements. 6. Consent Agenda ACTION a. Council Minutes - 1) July 13, 2005 Regular Meeting Minutes b. Payables: Checks25602- 25654, totaling $75,343.48 1) Manual Checks: 25602- 25606, totaling $325.20 2) Claims Checks: 25607-25654, totaling $75,018.28 C. Preliminary Payroll July 2005, Checks totaling $ d. Park Use Requests: e. Financial Report: 7 Public Hearings — None scheduled 8 New Business a. Retainage to T. Bailey, Inc for $ 32,347.22, Reclaimed Water Tank ACTION 10 Min. Equalization Basin Project. Staff: Stephanie Ray (Attachments) b. Resolution 455, Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2006 -11 ACTION 20 Min. Staff: Grant Beck (Attachments) C. Ordinance No. 832 Repealing and Replacing Portions of the Water ACTION 10 Min. Code When Using Master Meters. Staff: Agnes Bennick (Attachments) 9. Old Business 10. Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board /Commission Business 11. Executive Session 12. Correspondence (✓ Items are included, m electronic version provided, other items available upon request.) Office of Minority and Women's Business Enterprises — Annual Formula Review TRPC Pre - Agenda, 8/5/2005 Rosemont Freedom Fest Open House, 7/28/05, 6 -8 pm UPCOMING CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS: STUDY SESSION, THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2005, 5:00 P.M., YELM CITY HALL REGULAR MEETING, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 2005, 7:30 P.M., YELM CITY HALL REGULAR MEETING, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24,2005,7:30 P.M., YELM CITY HALL STUDY SESSION, THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 2005, 5:00 P.M., YELM CITY HALL CITY OF YELM MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are audio recorded. A $5.00 per tape (prepaid) fee is required. For information about obtaining a copy of the proceedings, please call 360.458.8402. Public comments are welcome. However, in order to proceed with scheduled agenda items the allowable time per speaker is limited to 3 minutes and the number of speakers limited to five. Comments during the public comment portion of the meeting should not be associated with measures or topics appearing elsewhere on the agenda and should not address topics for which public hearings have been conducted or are anticipated. Agenda attachments are available upon request. Please call 360.458.8402 It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360.458.8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. The Preliminary Agenda and Approved Council Minutes are available at www.ci.velm.wa.us AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION THURSDAY, JULY 28,2005,5:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL Call to Order 2. Roll Call Agenda Approval 4. Old Business Reclaimed Water — Longmire Park Staff: Stephanie Ray (Handout at meeting) Presentations a. Yelm Fire District Update 60 Min. Funding Opportunities Staff. Shelly Badger Guests: Chief Rita Hutcheson and Chief Mark King 6. New Business 7. Mayor /Council Initiatives 60 Min. 8. Adjourn UPCOMING MEETINGS: ACTION REGULAR MEETING, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 2005,7:30 P.M., YELM CITY HALL REGULAR MEETING, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2005, 7:30 P.M., YELM CITY HALL STUDY SESSION, THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 2005, 5:00 P.M., YELM CITY HALL REGULAR MEETING, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14,2005,7:30 P.M., YELM CITY HALL CITY OF YELM MEETING INFORMATION Agenda attachments are available upon request. Please call 360.458.8402. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bernick at 360.458.8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. FINAL AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 2005,7:30 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda Approval 4. Special Presentations — Carol Morris, AWC 'Land Use Hotline' 45 Min. Attorney, Appearance of Fairness Doctrine 5. Public Comment — Please complete a blue speaker's card and present it to the meeting recorder. Topic should not appear elsewhere on the agenda. Time (3 minutes per speaker) and number of speakers (five) is limited and may be adjusted to meet agenda requirements. ACTION 6. Consent Agenda ACTION a. Council Minutes: 1) Regular Meeting, July 27, 2005 2) Study Session, July 28, 2005 b. Payables: Checks 25655 - 25791 totaling $66,302.04 1) Manual Checks 25655 — 25723 totaling $7,760.06 2) Claims Checks 25624 — 25791 totaling $58,541.98 C. Payroll Final July 2005, Checks 9521- 9624 totaling $202,991.24 d. Park Use Requests e. July 2005 End of Month Financial Report 7. Public Hearings a. Tahoma Terra Master Plan Development, MPD -05- 0067 -YL, 880- 40 Min. 1,200 Housing Units on 220 Acres Located South of Berry Valley Road and East of Longmire Street. Staff: Grant Beck (Attachments) TTACHMENTS ARE AVAILABLE AT WWW.CLYELM.WA.US 1) Action accepting /rejecting /amending the Conceptual Master Site ACTION Plan for the Tacoma Terra Master Plan Development, MPD -05- 0067-YL b. Critical Areas Code, Yelm Municipal Code Chapter 14.08 40 Min. Staff: Grant Beck (Attachments) TTACHMENTS ARE AVAILABLE AT WWW.CI.YELM.WA.US 1) Ordinance No. 833 Adopting the Critical Areas Code, YMC Chapter ACTION 14.08 C. Rescheduled to 8/24105. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT REIMBURSEMENT CONTRACT, NP AND WILKENSEN ROADS. 8. New Business — None scheduled 9 Old Business — None scheduled 10. Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board /Commission Business 11. Executive Session — None scheduled 12. Correspondence (✓ Items are included, other items available upon request.) nfD Congressman Adam Smith - $2 million for Yelm 510/507 in SAFETEA -LU Programs Utilities Underground Location Center, Operating Committee Nomination Form Thurston Council on Cultural Diversity & Human Rights, Agenda, 8/8/05 ✓ AWC District 6 Board Position Vacancy, Application Deadline 8/31/05 13. Adjourn UPCOMING MEETINGS: Regular Meeting, Wednesday, August 24, 2005, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall Study Session, Thursday, August 25, 2005, 5:00 pm, Yelm City Hall Regular Meeting, Wednesday, September 14, 2005, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall Study Session, Thursday, September 22, 2005, 5:00 pm, Yelm City Hall Regular Meeting, Wednesday, September 28, 2005, Yelm City Hall Budget Work Session, Tuesday, October 4, 2005, 4:00 pm, Yelm City Hall Budget Work Session, Tuesday, October 11, 2005, 4:00 pm, Yelm City Hall Regular Meeting, Wednesday, October 12, 2005, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall CITY OF YELM MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are audio recorded. A $5.00 per tape (prepaid) fee is required. For information about obtaining a copy of the proceedings, please call 360.458.8402. Public comments are welcome. However, in order to proceed with scheduled agenda items the allowable time per speaker is limited to 3 minutes and the number of speakers limited to five. Comments during the public comment portion of the meeting should not be associated with measures or topics appearing elsewhere on the agenda and should not address topics for which public hearings have been conducted or are anticipated. Agenda attachments for this meeting are available at the City of Yelm Website www.ci.yelm.wa.us or by calling 360.458.8402 It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360.458.8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. The Preliminary Agenda and Approved Council Minutes are available at www.ci.yelm.wa.us AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24,2005,7:30 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda Approval 4. Special Presentations a. Randy Lumsden, Program Coordinator /Claims Manager, AWC /Risk 20 Min. Management Service Agency re: Equity Distribution b. 9 -1 -1 (Emergency Telephone System) Day Proclamation 5 Min. 5. Public Comment — Please complete a blue speaker's card and present it to the meeting recorder. Topic should not appear elsewhere on the agenda. Time (3 minutes per speaker) and number of speakers (five) is limited and may be adjusted to meet agenda requirements. 6. a. b. 1) 2) C. d. 7. a. 1) A a W111I. Consent Agenda Council Minutes — August 10, 2005 Regular Meeting Payables: Checks 25792 -25909 - totaling $103,339.58 Manual Checks: 25792 - 25864, totaling $3,969.59 Claims Checks 25865- 25909, totaling $99,369.99 Payroll Preliminary August 2005 Park Use Requests: YCP, Reeves BBQ, 09- 11- 05,11a.m.- 2:00p.m. #30 Public Hearings Assessment Reimbursement (Latecomers) Contract, NP/Wilkensen Staff: Tami Merriman (Attachments) Ordinance 834 Approving NP/Wilkensen Rd. Assessment Reimbursement Contract Latecomers Agreement, Mountain Sunrise Staff: Tami Merriman (Attachments) New Business Resolution No. 454, Personnel Policy Revisions 2005.03 Staff: Agnes Bennick (Attachments) ACTION ACTION ACTION ACTION AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION THURSDAY, AUGUST 25,2005,5:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda Approval 4. Old Business a. Information Technology Committee Telephone and Data Network 30 Min. Upgrade Staff. Grant Beck, Agnes Bennick and Stephanie Ray b. Critical Areas Ordinance Discussion 30 Min. Staff. Grant Beck C. Community Development Update 30 Min. Staff: Grant Beck d. Yelm CAPCOM Representative Follow -up July Study Session 30 Min. Staff: Shelly Badger 5. Presentations 6. New Business 7. Mayor /Council Initiatives 60 Min. 8. Adjourn ACTION UPCOMING MEETINGS: REGULAR MEETING, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14,2005,7:30 P.M., YELM CITY HALL REGULAR MEETING, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28,2005,7:30 P.M., YELM CITY HALL STUDY SESSION, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2005, 5:00 P.M., YELM CITY HALL BUDGET WORK SESSIONS, TUESDAYS, OCTOBER 2005,4:00 P.M., YELM CITY HALL CITY OF YELM MEETING INFORMATION Agenda attachments are available upon request. Please call 360.458.8402. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick at 360.458.8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. PRELIMINARY AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14,2005,7:30 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Call to Order 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. a. b. 1 2 C. d. 7 8 9 a. 5 Min. b. 30 Mir i[7 11 12 (Attachments) Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board /Commission Business Executive Session — None scheduled Correspondence (✓ Items are included, other items available upon request.) Comcast channel lineup changes 1 N N [:l 13. Adjourn UPCOMING MEETINGS: Study Session, Thursday, September 22, 2005, 5:00 pm, Yelm City Hall Regular Meeting, Wednesday, September 28, 2005, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall Budget Work Session, Tuesday, October 4, 2005, 4:00 pm, Yelm City Hall Budget Work Session, Tuesday, October 11, 2005, 4:00 pm, Yelm City Hall Regular Meeting, Wednesday, October 12, 2005, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall Budget Work Session, Tuesday, October 18, 2005, 4:00 pm, Yelm City Hall Budget Work Session, Tuesday, October 25, 2005, 4:00 pm, Y9J K ,Mall Regular Meeting, Wednesday, October 26, 2005, 7:30 pm, Y City Hai Study Session, Thursday, October 27, 2005, 5:00 pm, Yelr, CifiNAll CITY OF YELMr� MEETING INFORMATI All regular Yelm City Council meetings are audio recorded. A $5.00 p&*e (pr id) fee is required. For information about obtaining a copy of the proceedings,, °se call 360.4%". Public comments are welcome. However, in ordptto�proceed ' h schec ed agenda items the allowable time per speaker is limited to 3 minutes and and tumber Hof spews lied to five. Comments during the public comment portion of the meeting should nee a iated w'*'6asures or topics appearing elsewhere on the agenda and should n4 -aa"ss �s for which public hearings have been conducted or are anticipated. Agenda attachments are It is the City of Yelm's policy to person with a disability ap.0" m government processes or ar+ days prior to the scheduled eve uest. Please cal 360.458.8402 able a 9commodations for people with disabilities. If you are a i commodations to conduct business or participate in contact Agnes Bennick, at 360.458.8404 at least four (4) working and Approved Council Minutes are available at www.ci.velm.wa.us AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22,2005,5:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda Approval ACTION 4. Presentations: a. Topic: Emergency Operations Board Appointment 15 Min. Staff. Todd Stancil (Attachments) b• Topic: Revenue Update 15 Min. Staff: Shelly Badger (Attachment) C Topic: 2006 Budget Preview and 2006 -2010 90 Min. Revenue /Expenditures Snapshot Staff. Budget Committee (Presentation) d. Topic: Fire Impact Fees 15 Min. Staff. Grant Beck e. Topic: Initiative 912 30 Min. Staff. Shelly Badger (Attachments) 5. Mayor /Council Initiatives 15 Min. 6. New Business — none scheduled 7. Old Business — none scheduled 8. Adjourn UPCOMING MEETINGS: Regular City Council Meeting, Wednesday, September 28, 2005, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall Budget Work Session, Tuesday, October 4, 2005, 4:00 pm, Yelm City Hall Budget Work Session, Tuesday, October 11, 2005, 4:00 pm, Yelm City Hall CITY OF YELM MEETING INFORMATION Agenda attachments are available upon request. Please call 360.458.8402. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick at 360.458.8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12,2005,7:30 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda Approval ACTION 4. Special Presentations — Rescheduled to 10126105 5. Public Comment — Please complete a blue speaker's card and present it to the meeting recorder. Topic should not appear elsewhere on the agenda. Time (3 minutes per speaker) and number of speakers (five) is limited and may be adjusted to meet agenda requirements. 6. Consent Agenda ACTION a. Council Minutes: 1) September 28, 2005 Regular Meeting 2) September 22, 2005 Study Session 3) October 4, 2005 Budget Work Session b. Payables: Checks 26122 -26245 - totaling $261,477.36 1) Manual Checks: 26122 -26168 - totaling $8,513.82 2) Claims Checks 26169 -26245 totaling $252,963.54 C. Payroll: Final September 2005, Checks: 9835 -9903 totaling $203,815.84 d. Financial Reports: September End of Month & V Quarter 2005 7 Public Hearings a. 1) Proposed Fire Impact Fees Public Hearing 30 Min. Presenter: Grant Beck (Attachments) 2) Ordinance No. 838 Updating the Yelm Concurrency Code by ACTION adding fire protection services impact fees. 3) Resolution No. 457 Endorsing the 2006 =2010 Capital Facilities ACTION Plan adopted by the Yelm Fire District b. 1) Initiative 912 Public Hearing 30 Min. Presenter: Shelly Badger (Attachments) 2) Resolution No. 458 Opposing Initiative 912. ACTION 8. New Business a. Reclaimed Water User Agreement with Yelm City Hall ACTION 10 Min. Presenter: Stephanie Ray (Attachment) 9. Old Business — None scheduled 10. Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board /Commission Business 11. Executive Session — Collective Bargaining Strategy and 45 Min. Discussion. 12. Correspondence (✓ Items are included, other items available upon request.) 1) Wetland Ventures, Summer 05, Washington Wildlife Federation 2) AWC Land Use Planning for Pipeline, various locations during Nov. 3) AWC RMSA Annual Meeting, 10/12/05, 1:30 — 4:00, Seattle 4) AWC Focus Groups, We need you. Oct 20 Prosser, Oct 24 Longview, Oct 27 Woodinville, 9:00 a.m. -11:00 a.m. 5) Thurston Council Cultural Diversity and Human Rights Agenda 10/10/05. 6) TRPC New Location Notice, 2424 Heritage Ct SW, Suite A, Olympia 98502, 360 - 956 -7575, October 11, 2005. 13. Adjourn UPCOMING MEETINGS: Budget Work Session, Tuesday, October 11, 2005, 4 -7 pm, Yelm City Hall Regular Meeting, Wednesday, October 12, 2005, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall Budget Work Session, Tuesday, October 18, 2005, 4 -7 pm, Yelm City Hall Budget Work Session, Tuesday, October 25, 2005, 4 -7 pm, Yelm City Hall Regular Meeting, Wednesday, October 26, 2005, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall Study Session, Thursday, October 27, 2005, 5:00 pm, Yelm City Hall CITY OF YELM MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are audio recorded. A $5.00 per tape (prepaid) fee is required. For information about obtaining a copy of the proceedings, please call 360.458.8402. Public comments are welcome. However, in order to proceed with scheduled agenda items the allowable time per speaker is limited to 3 minutes and the number of speakers limited to five. Comments during the public comment portion of the meeting should not be associated with measures or topics appearing elsewhere on the agenda and should not address topics for which public hearings have been conducted or are anticipated. Agenda attachments are available upon request. Please call 360.458.8402 It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360.458.8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. The Preliminary Agenda and Approved Council Minutes are available at www.ci.yelm.wa.us JANINE SCHNEPF PRELIMINARY AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEE'i WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2005, 7:30 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda Approval ACTION 4. Special Presentations — None scheduled 5. Public Comment — Please complete a blue speaker's card and present it to the meeting recorder. Topic should not appear elsewhere on the agenda. Time (3 minutes per speaker) and number of speakers (five) is limited and may be adjusted to meet agenda requirements. 6. Consent Agenda ACTION a. Council Minutes — 1) October 12, 2005 Regular Meeting 2) October 11, 2005 Budget Work Session 3) October 18, 2005 Budget Work Session b. Payables: Checks, totaling $ 1) Manual Checks totaling $ 2) Claims Checks, totaling $ C. Payroll, 1) Preliminary Payroll October 2005 d. Park Use Requests: YCP, Christmas in the Park, December 2 +3, Community Event, Yelm Park Advisory Committee, open to public 7. Public Hearings — None scheduled 8. New Business a. Reclaimed Water Comprehensive Plan Rescheduled from 09128105 ACTION 15 Min Staff: Stephanie Ray (Attachments) b. Mountain Sunrise Final Plat, SUB -02 - 8329 -YL ACTION 10 Min Staff. Tami Merriman (Attachments) C. Resolution 459 Segregation of LID Assessment, Mountain Sunrise. ACTION 5 Min Staff: Tami Merriman (Attachments) 9. Old Business — None scheduled 10. Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board /Commission Business a. Planning Commission' Appointment Confirmation AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL "STUDY SESSION THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27,2005,5:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda Approval 4. Presentations: a. Topic: Yelm Retail & Commercial Development Opportunities 60 Min. Presenter: Eric Hovee, E.D. Hovee & Company LLC (Presentation) b. Topic: City of Yelm Groundwater Monitoring Project 60 Min. presenter: Tom & Patrick Skillings, Skillings - Connelly, Inc. (Presentation) C. Topic: Latecomer's Agreement Policy Discussion 30 Min. Staff: Grant Beck 5. Mayor /Council Initiatives 15 Min. 6. New Business — None scheduled 7. Old Business — None scheduled 8. Adjourn UPCOMING MEETINGS: Regular City Council Meeting, Wednesday, November 9, 2005, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall Regular City Council Meeting, Tuesday, November 22, 2005 CITY OF YELM MEETING INFORMATION Agenda attachments are available upon request. Please call 360.458.8402. ACTION It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick at 360.458.8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. PRELIMINARY AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9,2005,7:30 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda Approval 4. Special Presentations 5. Public Comment - Please complete a blue speaker's card and present it to the meeting recorder. Topic should not appear elsewhere on the agenda. Time (3 minutes per speaker) and number of speakers (five) is limited and may be adjusted to meet agenda requirements. 6. Consent Agenda a. Council Minutes 1) 10/25/2005 Budget Work Session 2) 10/26/2005 Regular Meeting 3) 10/27/2005 Study Session b. Payables: Checks 26339 -26464 (Void: 26380, 26447, 26454, 26454) totaling $574,445.23 1) Manual Checks 26339- 26377 totaling $30,194.31 2) Claims Checks 26378 - 25464 totaling $544,250.92 C. Payroll: Final October 2005, Checks 9923 -10007 totaling $203,800.03 d. Financial Report: October 2005 End of Month 7 Public Hearings a. Revenue Sources Public Hearing Concerning the 2006 Property 20 Min. Tax (Ad Valorem) Collection Presenter: Agnes Bennick (Attachment) ACTION ACTION b. Ordinance No. 839 Setting the Amount Fixed as Ad Valorem for the ACTION 5 Min. Regular Levy of Property Tax for 2006. Presenter: Agnes Bennick (Attachment) 8 New Business 9 Old Business 10. Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board /Commission Business 11. Executive Session 12. Correspondence (✓ Items are included, other items available upon request.) 13. Adjourn UPCOMING MEETINGS: City Council Regular Meeting, Tuesday, November 22, 2005, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall City Council Regular Meeting, Wednesday, December 14, 2005, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall City Council Regular Meeting, Wednesday, December 28, 2005, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall City Council Regular Meeting, Wednesday, January 11, 2005, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall City Council Regular Meeting, Wednesday, January 25, 2006, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall City Council Study Session, Thursday, January 26, 2006, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall CITY OF YELM MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are audio recorded. A $5.00 per tape (prepaid) fee is required. For information about obtaining a copy of the proceedings, please call 360.458.8402. Public comments are welcome. However, in order to proceed with scheduled agenda items the allowable time per speaker is limited to 3 minutes and the number of speakers limited to five. Comments during the public comment portion of the meeting should not be associated with measures or topics appearing elsewhere on the agenda and should not address topics for which public hearings have been conducted or are anticipated. Agenda attachments are available upon request. Please call 360.458.8402 It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360.458.8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. The Preliminary Agenda and Approved Council Minutes are available at www.ci.yelm.wa.us AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22 2005,7:30 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda Approval 4. Special Presentations None Scheduled 5. Public Comment — Please complete a blue speaker's card and present it to the meeting recorder. Topic should not appear elsewhere on the agenda. Time (3 minutes per speaker) and number of speakers (five) is limited and may be adjusted to meet agenda requirements. ACTION 6. Consent Agenda ACTION a. Council Minutes — November 9, 2005 Regular Meeting b. Payables: Checks 26465 -26566 totaling $301,507.20 1) Manual Checks: 26465- 26495, totaling $1,435.00 2) Claims Checks 26596-26566, totaling $300,072.20 C. Payroll Preliminary November 2005 d. Park Use Requests: CMP, Payne Wedding, June 25, 2006, 9am- 5pm, 75 #. 7. Public Hearings a. City of Yelm Final 2006 Budget 30 Min Presenter: Shelly Badger (Attachment) 1) Ordinance No. 840 City of Yelm Final 2006 Budget ACTION 8. New Business a. Ordinance No. 841 Amending the 2005 City of Yelm Budget ACTION transferring $25,000 from Current Fund (001) to City Street Fund 5 Min (101) Presenter: Tim Peterson (Attachment) b. City Hall Remodel Project Complete — Release Retainage of ACTION $12,163.33 to A.M. James Company Inc. 5 min. Presenter: Shelley Badger (Attachment) 9. Old Business 9. a. Fire and Emergency Medical Protection Agreement January 1- ACTION December 31, 2006 20 Min Presenter: Shelley Badger (Attachments) b. City of Yelm, Police Department and General Teamsters Local No. ACTION 20 Min 252 Agreement January 1, 2006 — December 31, 2008. Presenter: Shelly Badger (Attachments) 10. Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board /Commission Business 11. Executive Session a. Litigation /Property Acquisition 20 Min b. Collective Bargaining Strategy and Discussion 30 Min 12. Correspondence (✓ Items are included, other items available upon request.) AWC Training, Small City Roundup - What's on Your Mind, Schedule AWC Training, Newly Elected Officials Workshop, Schedule Thurston Council on Cultural Diversity and Human Rights, November 14, 2005 ✓ Thurston Regional Planning Council, Pre - Agenda, December 2, 2005 13. Adjourn UPCOMING MEETINGS: Regular Meeting, Wednesday, December 14, 2005, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall Study Session, Thumday, NevembeF 24, 6:00 pm, Cancelled Study Sessien, ThuFsday, Derembei: 22, 2006, 5:00 pm, Yelm Gity Cancelled Regular Meeting, Wednesday, December 28, 2005, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall Regular Meeting, Wednesday, January 11, 2006, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall Regular Meeting, Wednesday, January 25, 2006, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall CITY OF YELM MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are audio recorded. A $5.00 per tape (prepaid) fee is required. For information about obtaining a copy of the proceedings, please call 360.458.8402. Public comments are welcome. However, in order to proceed with scheduled agenda items the allowable time per speaker is limited to 3 minutes and the number of speakers limited to five. Comments during the public comment portion of the meeting should not be associated with measures or topics appearing elsewhere on the agenda and should not address topics for which public hearings have been conducted or are anticipated. Agenda attachments are available upon request. Please call 360.458.8402 It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360.458.8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. The Preliminary Agenda and Approved Council Minutes are available at www.ci.yelm.wa.us PRELIMINARY AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14,2005,7:30 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS + Packet Update or Insert 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda Approval ACTION 4. Special Presentations — None scheduled 5. Public Comment — Please complete a blue speaker's card and present it to the meeting recorder. Topic should not appear elsewhere on the agenda. Time (3 minutes per speaker) and number of speakers (five) is limited and may be adjusted to meet agenda requirements. 6. Consent Agenda: ACTION a. Council Minutes — November 22, 2005 b.-* Payables: Checks 26567 - 26777 totaling $853,958.38 1) Manual Checks 26567 — 26632 totaling $9,671.17 2) Claims Checks 26634 - 26777 totaling $844,287.21 C. November Final Payroll: Checks 10008- 10112 totaling $220,971.89 d. Park Use Requests: 1) YCP, 7/15/06, 1s' Baptist Church Family Fun Day, 8 am -Dusk, 200- 400 attending 2) CMP, 8/5/06, Gutierrez Wedding, 12 — 6 pm, 75 attending /40 vehicles e. Financial Report: November 2005 End of Month 7. Public Hearings: a. Yelm Senior Multipurpose Center 20 Min. Presenter: Fran Sherrill Attachments /Exhibits /Comments 4 Patricia Stigen, Sidewalk Design Comments & City Response b. 2006 City of Yelm Budget, Continued from November 22, 2005 20 Min. Staff: Shelly Badger Attachments /Exhibits /Comments: Steve Klein, 2006 Budget Questions b. 1) Ordinance No. 840 Adopting the 2006 City of Yelm Budget ACTION 8. New Business a.4 Ordinance No. 842 Amending the 2005 City of Yelm Budget ACTION 5 Min. Staff: Agnes Bennick Attachments b. Resolution No. 461 Requesting a Speed Limit Reduction on SR507 ACTION 5 Min. Within Yelm City Limits Staff: Jim Gibson Attachment C. City of Yelm -Yelm Public Works/Teamsters Local 252 Agreement ACTION 15 Min. Staff: Shelly Badger Attachment d. Nisqually Jail Contract Addendum Authorization, (Increase to 4 ACTION 5 Min. beds) Staff: Todd Stancil Attachment 9. Old Business a. Yelm to Roy Railroad Corridor, Administrative Settlement ACTION 15 Min. Authorization Staff: Shelly Badger Attachment b. City Administrator /Department Head's Employment Agreement ACTION 15 Min. Renewal 4 Staff: Shelly Badger Attachments C. Nisqually River Education Project Intergovernmental Services ACTION 5 Min. Contract Staff: Shelly Badger Attachment d. City of Yelm/Yelm Area Chamber of Commerce Services ACTION 5 Min. Agreement Staff: Shelly Badger Attachment 10. Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board /Commission Business 11. Executive Session — None scheduled 12. Correspondence (✓ Items are included, other items available upon request.) AWC Newly Elected Official's Workshop, 1/7/06, Lacey AWC City Legislative Action Conference, 1/25- 26/06, Olympia AWC Small City Roundup, January 2006, Various dates /locations Comcast Rate Increase, Effective January 2006 AWC Small City Update, December 2006 Thurston Council on Cultural Diversity /Human Rights, 12/12/ Agenda, Girl Scout Cookie Sale, March 3 -19, 2006 13. Adjourn UPCOMING MEETINGS: Regular Council Meeting, Wednesday, December 28, 2005, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall Regular Council Meeting, Wednesday, January 11, 2006, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall Regular Council Meeting, Wednesday, January 25, 2006, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall Council Study Session, Thursday, January 26, 2006, 5:00 pm, Yelm City Hall Regular Council Meeting, Wednesday, February 8, 2006, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall Regular Council Meeting, Wednesday, February 22, 2006, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall Council Study Session, Thursday, February 23, 2006, 5:00 pm, Yelm City Hall CITY OF YELM MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are audio recorded. A $5.00 per tape (prepaid) fee is required. For information about obtaining a copy of the proceedings, please call 360.458.8402. Public comments are welcome. However, in order to proceed with scheduled agenda items the allowable time per speaker is limited to 3 minutes and the number of speakers limited to five. Comments during the public comment portion of the meeting should not be associated with measures or topics appearing elsewhere on the agenda and should not address topics for which public hearings have been conducted or are anticipated. Agenda attachments are available upon request. Please call 360.458.8402 It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360.458.8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. The Preliminary Agenda and Approved Council Minutes are available at www.ci.yelm.wa.us FINAL AGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28,2006,7:30 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 4 Packet Update or Insert Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda Approval ACTION 4. Special Presentations — None scheduled 5. Public Comment — Please complete a blue speaker's card and present it to the meeting recorder. Topic should not appear elsewhere on the agenda. Time (3 minutes per speaker) and number of speakers (five) is limited and may be adjusted to meet agenda requirements. 6. Consent Agenda ACTION a. Council Minutes — Regular Meeting, December 14, 2005 b.4 Payables: Checks 26778 - 26858 totaling $99,937.39 1) Manual Checks 26778 — 26801 totaling $1,290.00 2) Claims Checks 26802 — 26858 totaling $98,647.39 C. Payroll Preliminary December 2005 d. Park Use Requests: YCP, 8/19/06, Keystone Masonry Picnic, 9 -Dusk, 100 attending 7 Public Hearings a. Closed Record Public Hearing: Yelm Commerce Group's (Valentine 60 Min. Fryst, Bill Nicholls and James Zukowski) Appeal of Hearing Examiner's Approval of Wal -Mart Supercenter Site Plan Review. (Documents available at www. ci.yelm. wa. us) a. 1) Resolution No. 460 — Upholding the Hearing Examiner's Issuance ACTION 10 Min. of a Site Plan Review Approval for the Construction of a Wal -Mart Supercenter (SPR -05- 0091 -YL). Staff: Grant Beck Attachment 8 New Business a. Stevens Street NW Consultant Selection ACTION 10 Min. Staff: Stephanie Ray Attachment b. + Ordinance No. 843 — Amending the 2005 Budget ACTION 5 Min. Staff: Agnes Bennick Attachment 9 Old Business a. 2006 Economic Development Council Contract for Services ACTION 10 Min. Shelly Badger Attachment 10. Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board /Commission Business 11. Executive Session — 30 Minutes To Discuss Litigation 30 Min. 12. Correspondence (✓ Items are included, other items available upon request.) AWC Board At -Large Position (Western We. <5,000) — Application Deadline: 1/6/06 AWC Small City Advisory Committee — Application Deadline: 1/16/06 NLC '06 Congressional City Conference, March 12 -15, Washington DC Wa. Wildlife Federation, Wetland Ventures, Fall 2005 +✓ Swearing In Ceremony, Thurston Co. Elected Officials, 1/3/06,2 pm, Thurston Co. Courthouse, Bldg. 2, Room 129 13. Adjourn UPCOMING MEETINGS: Regular Council Meeting, Wednesday, January 11, 2006, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall Regular Council Meeting, Wednesday, January 25, 2006, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall Council Study Session, Thursday, January 26, 2006, 5:00 pm, Yelm City Hall Regular Council Meeting, Wednesday, February 8, 2006, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall Regular Council Meeting, Wednesday, February 22, 2006, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall Council Study Session, Thursday, February 23, 2006, 5:00 pm, Yelm City Hall Regular Council Meeting, Wednesday, March 8, 2006, 7:30 pm, Yelm City Hall CITY OF YELM MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are audio recorded. A $5.00 per tape (prepaid) fee is required. For information about obtaining a copy of the proceedings, please call 360.458.8402. Public comments are welcome. However, in order to proceed with scheduled agenda items the allowable time per speaker is limited to 3 minutes and the number of speakers limited to five. Comments during the public comment portion of the meeting should not be associated with measures or topics appearing elsewhere on the agenda and should not address topics for which public hearings have been conducted or are anticipated. Agenda attachments are available upon request. Please call 360.458.8402 It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360.458.8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. The Preliminary Agenda and Approved Council Minutes are available at www.ci.yelm.wa.us